I just ate my first home-grown tomato and, boy, was it delicious!
By mentalward
@mentalward (14690)
United States
August 10, 2008 9:27am CST
My garden got off to a late start this year because Spring was so long in coming, so when I saw that fully-ripe tomato hanging from one of my vines, I couldn't wait to pick it and get it on the inside of me as soon as possible!
As I sliced the tomato for my sandwich (tomato, lettuce and mayo... nothing else), the aroma of home-grown tomato hit my nostrils and my salivary glands started working overtime! Oh! It was SOOOOOO GOOD!!!
Have you experienced this euphoria of your first home-grown tomato? How do you react to it? I don't want to think that I'm really weird about this. I do hope there are others out there who react the same or, at the very least, similarly to eating their first delicious, vine-ripened tomato.
Please help me to know that I'm not crazy! LOL

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25 responses
@selece (2357)
• Philippines
10 Aug 08
How cute! Hehe! I love tomatoes too. I love fresh tomato slices on my sandwiches or burgers. I haven't really grown tomatoes but so I have nothing to share about it. You're not crazy or anything, it's just excitement and happiness over a home-grown tomato! Which I find cute. Hehe. I get too happy on some things too. Hehe. You know, the simple things make people really happy.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I think tomatoes must be the most versatile vegetable/fruit in the world. I love them sliced on sandwiches and burgers, too. When I was young, my mother would slice up some that she had picked from our garden and we'd eat them, just sliced with salt or mayo, along with our lunch or dinner.
"The simple things make people really happy" couldn't be more true! I think the only truly happy people in the world are those who can enjoy the simple things in life.
One day you really MUST eat a fully ripe, freshly picked tomato. Nothing in the world compares to the taste and aroma!
I grow a lot of different vegetables, but it's only the vine-ripened tomato that gives me such a rush.
@kareng (70441)
• United States
10 Aug 08
There is nothing like a homegrown tomato having the best fresh taste!! We have been enjoying them too from our garden and my husband's uncle sends some our way too, which are very welcome since I only have a couple of plants. I love them on bacon sandwiches and also in a salad. Of course, they are great sliced or paired up with fresh cucumbers too!
Your not crazy!! Enjoy your produce!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Ah, bacon sandwiches! BLT's! Yummmmmmm! My hubby doesn't like to eat tomatoes by themselves because of the acid content, but he's happy to munch down on them when they're in a BLT or salad, or any other way.
Sometimes two plants is more than enough. Not initially, of course, when one or two tomatoes ripen at the same time, but later in the season when they ALL ripen at once! That's when I make salsa or stewed tomatoes.
I've never had them with fresh cucumbers but it sure sounds delicious! I'm definitely going to try that today! Thanks!!!
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@NewHeart (528)
• Canada
11 Aug 08
can always pick them when they are green too as you get to keep them longer in the window, and if you get along with your neighbor's do what we use to do traded off with them one had sweet corn, potatoes, squash, even cucumber. everyone has just a small garden with one or 2 things growing and you could all trade amongst each other. happy gardening. we use to but have had to give it up for health got too old...
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Fried green tomatoes are so good. I had them for the first time this year! I slice my tomato then salt it and let it sit for about 30 minutes then drain them. Sprinkle with pepper dredge in flour then fry them up. They are soooooo good.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I've tried that, picking them when they're green once frost has been predicted and letting them sit in the windowsill. But they don't have that fully-ripened flavor. They taste like the ones you buy in a grocery store.
I'm going to try fried green tomatoes this year. I've heard a lot of people say they love them and there's nothing like eating fried green tomatoes. So, I guess I'll give it a try this year. (I've only been growing tomatoes for about four decades now and have NEVER had fried green tomatoes!)
I would love to trade with my neighbors, but the only people I can trade with would be my neighbors across the road... they "grow" steer, chickens and goats. LOL We live in the mountains and apparently are the only people around who grow vegetables. We just moved here last year, so I still have neighbors to meet, but the ones I have met don't grow their own vegetables.
We have the only house around with enough open land to grow veggies. The others live in the woods.
I am planning on giving my "overstock" to any of my neighbors who want them. Maybe I could trade with them anyway! I'll give them apples and they can make apple pies and give me one.
Of course, maybe I could trade with my farmer neighbor... fruit and vegetables for some beef or chicken? Okay, a LOT of fruit and vegetables for some beef or chicken. I still have to meet those neighbors, though.
I don't know if I'm too old to keep this up, but I do have health issues that limit my energy significantly (fibromyalgia, lupus and osteoarthritis). I will get a small patch of land ready one day, then plant some seeds the next day, and continue this until I have a lot of different vegetables growing. Doing a little bit each day, or even every other day, eventually produces a really nice garden!
Maybe you could plant one or two tomato plants? It's very good for the spirit! There are a lot of vegetables that grow in containers very nicely.
I wish you the best!

@umart13 (841)
• Ireland
11 Aug 08
Hello mentalward, Yes Indeed I have also had this wonderful experience. Even when I lived in a flat I used to delight in growing my own garlic and chives in window boxes and putting my harvested crop on my sandwiches. However, the best thing about vegetables from your own garden is that they are so fresh. The radishes from the garden can burn the mouth off you, but from the supermarket they are tasteless. The same goes for your tomatoes, onions, garlic and other plants. My favorites though are harvesting my own potatoes. That's a wonderful feeling, because you get loads of them.
All the best.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Nothing beats the flavor of home-grown! I agree totally. I've had the same experience as you with radishes. I love them, but the ones from the grocery store are pretty worthless as far as flavor goes. My husband loves my home-grown ones because he loves really hot foods.
I'm growing one habanero pepper plant just for him. I wouldn't touch one of them!!! They claim to be the world's hottest pepper. Not for me! Nope! Nuh uh! No Way! But he'll love them!
I'm growing potatoes for the first time in my life this year. I'm so excited about it! I can't wait for harvest time. I may just go out there soon and dig some up because I've very excited about them. They may be small right now, but I bet they taste great! If I do well with them this year, next year I'm going to grow some of those blue ones. I'm dying to make blue potato chips, blue french fries and blue potato salad, just to see the looks on everyones faces.
Happy gardening!

@umart13 (841)
• Ireland
12 Aug 08
Hi, your reply to my response was even better. I am sure you are in for a big surprise with the potatoes and they have the added advantage that they are a natural cultivator of the soil, so that patch of ground will even be better next year.
All the best.
@Erssyl (617)
• Philippines
11 Aug 08
We share the same feeling.Being happy to see our home grown plants means we are not hard to please.I don't have a big space to plant but I have a few variety of plant box veggies.Whenever I see fruits of it I always make it sure to include it in my menu.I was most happy picking my ripe tomato that grow accidentally in my plant box.I'm sure many of us share this wonderful feeling.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Yes, I am noticing that; many people love growing their own vegetables and fruit!
You are right in not being hard to please. I have learned to take great pleasure in the simple things that life has to offer. I LOVED your comment about your "accidental" tomato plant! Those are the best kind, in my opinion.
@Erssyl (617)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
I used to live in the same environment like you have now.It was in 1983 when we built our first house and we planted all seeds that i got from a shop.Planted different trees as well.My 3 kids then was young and they enjoyed the fruits like mango,guava ,sour sop,papaya,santol,coconut tree and different kinds of vegetables too.Well that was just good memories of the past.All we have now is plant boxes.Since my kids have the life of their own.My husband and I have to be contented to plant in the rooftop on old pails and drums.I imagine myself now in your garden is like in paradise which I only read in books.I can imagine me and my hubby sitting together watching your fruit bearing trees.Happy to see them in my dreams.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
11 Aug 08
OMG...there is NOTHING better than the first tomato sandwich of the season. I usually leave off the lettuce & use tomato & mayo only. Makes a delicious lunch!!!
In my huimble opinion, you are NOT crazy!!! 

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Aw, thank you! It looks like, if I'm crazy, then there are an awful lot of other crazies out there, too! LOL
I've eaten tomato sandwiches that way many, many times! Sometimes I just can't wait to get the lettuce out. Sometimes I just want a tomato and mayo sandwich.
My husband looks at me like I'm nuts. He just doesn't understand, poor thing. He says that tomatoes, eaten alone, give him acid indigestion. I can understand that, since tomatoes are packed with acid. But, to me, it's worth a whole bottle of Rolaids to eat those freshly picked tomatoes!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I agree. All home-grown vegetables taste so much better than store-bought. Also, you can know for sure that no chemicals were used on them.
I LOVE home-grown spinach, too! Yummmy!
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
10 Aug 08
None of our tomatoes are ripe yet. We have about 75 of them growing on our 6 bushes, but they are still green. My daughter took it upon herself to pick a few green tomatoes the other day when we were out in the garden, so we ended up having fried green tomatoes for dinner that night.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 08
It's funny, but I've never had fried green tomatoes! I had a neighbor once who begged me each year to give her my green tomatoes once frost was predicted because she loved them so much. She always told me that I should try them.
I have a lot of tomatoes growing in all stages of ripeness. Tons of them are still green. I just may give them a try! Do you have any suggestions on how to prepare them? I've never done it and would love my first experience to be a memorable one!
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I think the firm green ones are best for fried green tomatoes. I just wash them and slice them about 1/4 inch thick. I mix up some flour, salt, pepper, and paprika in a bowl and put some milk in another bowl. I dunk the tomatoes in the milk and then coat them in the flour and put them in a pan with about a 1/4 inch of oil. Fry them up until they start to brown and drain on a paper towel. I sometimes add a little extra salt when I am eating them.
@littleowl (7157)
11 Aug 08
I love homegrown vegetables..I don't actually grow them but a friend of mine does and gives me a lot of their tomatoes beans spinach etc it is beautiful mmm the taste is so different to what you get in the supermarkets
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
That's so true! You just can't beat the flavor of home-grown! I love gardening, but I sure wouldn't mind it if someone gave me some fruits/vegetables that they grew! Unfortunately, I seem to be the only person I know (at least around where I live) who grows more than just tomatoes.
But, that's okay. I love gardening! I call it my 'therapy'. LOL It's great to work out frustrations, calm down when angry, perk up when depressed and get tired enough to get a great night's sleep.
@vanila (491)
• Israel
11 Aug 08
I want to have a garden but I have never grown anything so I can just guess your feeling. it's the feeling you are part of the creation and you did something right. Without tomato my dinner is not completed. are you growing other vegetables or fruits too ?
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Oh, my, yes! I'm growing many different fruits and vegetables! I have all kinds of fruit and nut trees. Most are not mature enough to produce fruit this year, but I just recently "found" a mature peach tree and pecan tree on our property! I was so excited when I saw them! There are dozens of peaches on the tree and hundreds of pecans. I can't wait until they are ready to eat!
I also have strawberries, kiwi, raspberries, blueberries, dewberries and blackberries growing. My vegetables include tomatoes, potatoes, corn, carrots, radishes, onions, celery, peppers, asparagus, cucumbers, beans, squash and pumpkins.
Next year, I hope my garden will be twice as big.
But there is just something about that first home-grown tomato that makes all the work for a garden worth the trouble.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
11 Aug 08
Hello mentalward,
I am growing my own tomatos as well and I have got 13 tomatos on the vine but the biggest is not quite rip yet and I'm longing for it, thers is something about your own home grown veg yhat is so special so I know you are not crazy, can't wait till I taste my one.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Please let me know when you get your first ripe one! I know that feeling of anticipation. I had it, too!
Nothing beats home-grown! I think it's partly because they taste better, are healthier for you, fresher, and you know if chemicals have been put on them or not. But it's also partly the pride you feel when you've grown your own food.
I hope you don't have to wait too long for that first tomato! 

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
12 Aug 08
I agree! Freshly picked tomatoes with only salt and pepper! Yummy!!!
I hope you get some nice, ripe ones soon! I can already see your face as you bite into that first one.
I've already picked about 4 dozen of the little ones. I'm growing these weird looking yellow "cherry" tomatoes that look kinda like a light bulb. My husband says they look like tiny little gourds. I don't care what they look like, they taste great! I've had about a gazillion salads now with lots of those little tomatoes in them.

@IInsanity (290)
• Malaysia
11 Aug 08
haha. lucky you! i've tried growing things on my mum's garden but they either wilt or don't produce anything. my mum's cucumber is delicious though!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Aww, I'm so sorry for you! I've noticed that some people have green thumbs and others couldn't get green if they dyed them!
My husband is like that... he couldn't grow a weed!
Home-grown cucumbers... ah, you've made me want one right now! 

@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
11 Aug 08
I can relate to you! I don't have a garden but there is a spot of land outside the house we're renting and one time I throw an overripe tomato there. I was amazed to see that the tomato actually grew and I took care of it. About two months after the fruit was ripe. I just can;t explain how proud I am. And it was heaven when I first tasted it. I actually thought that it was more tasty than the tomatoes in the market.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
That is the best kind of growing, when it happens all by itself! That is wonderful to hear, pehpot! You have every right to be proud of yourself, too!
Growing your own vegetables is so rewarding. They taste better mostly because they are allowed to ripen on the vine. The ones you buy in the market are picked when they are not quite ripe and haven't developed their full flavor yet.
But I think that part of what makes them taste so good when you grow them yourself is the fact that YOU grew them; YOU made something grow from a seed to a full-grown vegetable. That experience can't be beaten! It is so rewarding!
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
10 Aug 08
you aren't crazy. if so, i will be considered crazy as well.
when i was still living in the philippines, we have a huge garden full of fuits and vegetables. it is actually my mom who loves to plant and takes care of them. i admit that the produce from our garden are a lot better than the ones we get from the market. home grown stuffs are a lot fresher.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Yes, fresher! I'd forgotten about that. They are fresher and healthier than store-bought because their vitamin content continues to increase the longer they grow. Quality, taste, aroma, all of these things are better from your own garden!
@emskoneko (805)
• United States
11 Aug 08
My dad started growing his own vegetables and they really are that good! There's a particular sweetness and juicyness that made the tomatoes simply perfect. I helped my dad water and pick weeds so working for it also made it worth it.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Yep, there's something about working for it. It makes it so rewarding! I sometimes just sit on my deck and look at my veggie garden with a smile on my face. It wears me out, working in the garden, but the rewards are well worth it!
One of these days maybe you'll be the gardener and your son or daughter will be helping you water and weed! Once you've tasted "home-grown" it's hard to go back to store-bought! Watch out, though; gardening can be addictive! 

@bdugas (3578)
• United States
10 Aug 08
i have only 3 vines but they are loaded with tomatoes, but they aren't getting ripe, guess maybe it is because I am picking them an frying them now. I love home grown tomatoes, and it was well worth the effort just to have a real tomato to eat, I call the ones in the store generic, they can't be real tomatoes, most feel like wax and taste about the same. I will try and let the rest get ripe, but it hard to do.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Hahaha! Fried green tomatoes MUST be good! I just responded to the response above yours about just that!
I totally agree with you about the tomatoes in the stores. They shouldn't even be called tomatoes because their taste nowhere near compares to what you grow in your garden!
I'm going to try frying some of those green ones I have... maybe even tonight. They sound like they would go great with porkchops, which is what I'm planning for tonight.
Try real hard to let at least two of those tomatoes ripen. One will only make you want more, so it's always good to have at least two. LOL
@twallace (2675)
• United States
10 Aug 08
One thing that I can say I do like about gardens is fresh tomatoes. For some reason they seem to taste way better than the ones from out of the store. They taste a little sweeter than the store brought ones. I know that the veggies in the store have nothing on the ones that you grow your self. Have a good one.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Aug 08
The home-grown tomatoes taste so much better because the ones in the stores are picked green so they don't spoil when they're being shipped. The flavor stops developing as soon as they are picked. They may keep ripening after they're picked, but they never get the flavor of vine-ripened tomatoes.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Yes they are. My hubbys aunt gave us a bag full. I am looking forward to having tomato mozzarella sald. It will be delicious. We don't have a garden. So the opportunity for home grown can be rare. No I don't think it is weird.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Thank you for reassuring me that I'm not crazy!
I just got a recipe for baked mozzarella tomatoes. It sounds so yummy I think I'm going to have to try it very soon! Well, that is assuming I don't eat my ripe tomatoes before I have a chance to bake them!
I'm glad that you have someone who gives you home-grown tomatoes. They are soooo much better than what you buy in the stores! Enjoy!

@shamzy18 (2316)
10 Aug 08
hey i agree things grown at home taste a lot better !! my mum is always growing and she brings things from the garden saying have a taste of this and this smells so fresh and stuff .. i think stuff like tomato for 1 and strawberries another doesnt taste good from supermarkets infatc i have read about this strawberries have lost its taste !! i cant remember the last time it ever tastin good lol
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Ah, I had forgotten about strawberries! I've been so wrapped up in my first tomato! LOL
You are so very right about strawberries. They, also, MUST be picked from the plant fully ripened in order to get their true flavor and aroma! Sometimes, they look so good and inviting in the grocery store that I have to buy some. Usually, though, they taste a bit bitter or sour. I have an ever-expanding strawberry patch and can sit out there and get stuffed just picking them and popping them into my mouth right there.
Now you've made me want strawberries! I guess I'll have to go outside to see if any are ripe yet.