Car Seats and Booster Seats
By Bytemi
@Bytemi (1553)
United States
August 25, 2008 9:47am CST
What are you state laws. Viriginia just enacted a law that kids had to stay in a booster seat regardless of size until the age of 8. That seems a little excessive to me considering our neighboring state Maryland and West Virginia who have the 8 year rule, but puts a height and weight limit on it).
I wonder sometimes how I was able to become an adult. I never had a car seat and I was forced to wear a seat belt until I was 4 and then nothing. It seems so stupid to require a 8 year old to sit in booster seat.
What are you thoughts, what does your state do?
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12 responses
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I live in the state of Illinois. The law here states that a child must be in a booster seat till they are eight years of age. I am not sure if there is a height or weight requirment however. My two sons are fully grown but my wife has three children who are seven, eight, and nine years of age. Since all three children weigh less then sixty pounds my wife makes all three remain in a booster seat because she doesn't feel that the seatbelt properly fits the children.
Personally, I agree with the other member who said that it is a sad state when parents have to rely on the government to keep children safe. It makes me mad when I see a child in a car that isn't properly restrained yet the adults have their seatbelts on.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I agree and I think that your wife is doing the right thing by keeping her kids in a booster seat because they are small, it is the larger childern that I have a problem with the law covering. At some point the state has to let a parent be a parent and decide if they really need a booster seat or not.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
25 Aug 08
All childern are not created equally, some are short some are tall, some are skinny some are fat, blanket laws don't work for everyone and I can tell my daughter to lie about her age but that is not a lesson I want to teach her. I would appreciate the name if you find it.
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
25 Aug 08
When states make these laws however they are trying to cover as many children as possible. No one really stops to think about that larger child that don't fit in to a booster seat. When lawmakers are making these laws they all just assume that all children are the same size. Its as if they came off of an assembly line.
There is a comapny that does make a larger size booster for a child. I can't remember what the brand name is but I will check with my wife because she had to buy one for one of the children she babysat for.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
25 Aug 08
Here in KY they have to sit in a booster until age 7. There are some height and weight requirements that if the child reaches those they can get out of the seat, too. In the EU they just put an age of 12 on it, or certain height and weight. My nephew had to go back into a seat after four years of not having one. But the fines are hefty, if they are not in the proper seats.
It's so much safer for a child to be in a car seat or booster seat. Even if you just have to suddenly break, what just shakes adults up a bit, can propell a child forward and cause them to smash into the front seat or worse. Regular seat belts aren't designed to hold the little ones back but could possibly cut their throat as they most likely would run by their neck. Imagine what a real accident could cause. Regular seat belt laws are there just to protect you in the case of an accident. Seatbelts safe lives. So do car seats and booster seats.
Yes, when we were little the laws weren't there. There were no requirements to keep us buckled. But people didn't know any better. I rather keep my kids safe than be sorry later. My seven 1/2 year old is properly restrained in a booster. She is of average height and weight. A regular seat belt without the booster would not properly restrain her. She is just barely too short. Eight seems to be an appropriate age for a switch IMO. And it's sad that states have to pass laws so parents will keep their children safe.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I am not saying that seat belts don't save lives, but my 7 year old daughter is over 5 feet tall and weighs over 85 pounds. I feel that it is stupid to put her in booster seat when she is taller than her grandmother that is not required to be in a booster.
I am not saying don't keep your kids safe but a blanket law like the one in Viriginia does not fit every child.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
25 Aug 08
In a way, yes, in a way, no. How comfortable does grandma sit? I'm 5'5" and have the seatbelt cut me on the neck in some vehicles, especially in the backseat. Although seatbelts are supposed to keep you safe, if they are situated like that, they can be lethal in an accident. And it's uncomfortable so the temptation is great to have the seatbelt sit wrong. We'll eventually get laws that even older people will need an adjustment of some sort if they are not a certain height;) My mom is short way under 5'. She often sits on a pillow.
Not saying that blanketing it like that is a good way to go, just that even a certain height may not be sufficient.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
25 Aug 08
That is my problem, the blanket statement. Apparently my girls are going to be tall, I have a 4 year old who is already 4 1/2 feet tall, she only weights 45 pounds, so she belongs in a booster seat and I have no problem with that and honestly even if the law was not in place I would keep her in one, but when it gets to the point that your butt barely fits into the booster seat, I would think it would be more dangerous if she had to get out of the car and the seat gets stuck to her like it does now.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I am not sure about our law. I think that there is a weight, height and age limit for NY state too. My daughter hasn't been in a booster since she turned 6 ~ yep, I am a bad mommy! She is 8 now so probably safe. I think that the height is something taller than my mother in should I go and buy her a car seat?!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I will tell you. When we drive to Florida from NY, we let the kids unbuckle at times so they can sleep. I remember when I was younger my sister and I would sit on the floor of the backseat and play with our barbies on long trips. This made the driving part of the trips go by so much faster.
I agree that parents should be able to make the decisions on boosters. Car seats are a different story, but once they hit 4 or 5, they should be able to be buckled witout a booster....definitely by age 6 and 7!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I live in CA, here is what the DMV here requires:
[b]Child Restraint Systems and Safety Seats
Unless your child is age 6 or weighs 60 pounds or more, he or she must ride in a federally approved child safety seat. Use a seat approved for the child's age, weight, and height.
Children under age 12 should always ride in the back due to the danger of airbags hitting them too low.[/b]
I think this is reasonable. Now if your 8 year old does not weigh 60 lbs or is so short that the seatbelt could injure them in a crash because it doesn't fit them correctly without the booster, then keep using it. The guidelines are there for minimum safety, it doesn't mean that the laws are necessarily what will protect YOUR child the most. I think until the newer law was enacted, it was only 4 years for a booster. My daughter is 4 but she's still in a regular carseat. I also had her rearfacing for a long time, she was over 2 by the time I turned the seat, but she's small, not really short but even now she is only about 31 lbs. She'll likely be 6 and less than 45 lbs at this rate.
I am curious as to why they say regardless of size. If a child is tall enough for the seatbelt to fit them correctly, they don't need a booster. Maybe they are using census information and the majority of kids 8 or under fall into the category of height and weight appropriate for a booster, I don't know.
Since we are flying to WA next week and will be renting a car, I figured I'd check out their DMV information:
[b]Child Safety Seats
Kids one year and under, or who weigh 20 pounds or less, must ride in a rear-facing child safety seat.
Kids between the ages of one and four, or who weigh from 20 to 40 pounds must ride in forward-facing child safety seat.
Kids between the ages of four and six, or who weigh between 40 and 60 pounds must be secured in a booster seat.
Kids six or older and who weigh over 60 pounds must wear a seat belt or ride in a booster seat.[/b]
The laws there seem pretty reasonable to me as well. It stands to reason that if you as a parent are not comfortable with the minimums, you can keep your child in a booster but social things play into it if they happen to be much older than their friends. Just something to take into account. It would be better I think to have ONE minimum, so say for the point of argument, the 6 or 60 rule. I prefer things are less restrictive if you're talking minimums.
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@Essie119 (673)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
Here is Nova Scotia (and maybe in all of Canada) children are required to be in a booster seat until age eight UNLESS they hit the height and/or weight requirements earlier. All children are different and if they are too tall, it isn't safe for their necks for them to be in a booster seat. That is why they have the caveat to the law instead of making it eight years old across the board. I'm all for it as there are parents out there that don't use common sense when it comes to the safety of their children. Most of us do our bests to keep our children safe, but some people need to be told what to do. Anything designed to keep children alive is good in my books.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I agree but even with the laws they way they are in Virginia, I still see kids jumping around in the backseat unbuckled and unsafe. Regardless of a law if a parent is going to ignore their childerns safety, they are going to ignore, the law doesn't make those parents do the right thing.
@Essie119 (673)
• Canada
26 Aug 08
That's too bad. I think that the fines here are so prohibitive that they make even the "bad" parents buckle their kids up. There's also the fact that seatbelts have been the law here for so long that all of us who now have children grew up wearing seatbelts. It just seems natural to put them on.
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Here in Texas, I think the height requirement is a child has to be at least 4'8" or 9". We would tell our daughter, who was a Sophomore in high school, and driving her own car, that she should probably get a car seat, just to be on the safe side. She hit 5 foot even her Junior year.
I think a seat belt is quite sufficient for a an eight year old.
I am kind of like you, I wonder how I made it to adult hood without the government telling my mama how to do things*L*
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Yeah, I get the feeling, sometimes that the government thinks the general population is just too stupid to know what is best for them. It really is ridiculous, at times.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
25 Aug 08
For the most part, it is a good idea for the law. So many kids meet weight and not height or vice versa and riding with a should strap seat belt just isn't safe. Heck for a lot of short adults riding with a shoulder strap seat belt isn't safe.
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@shana123 (2095)
• India
26 Aug 08
We have no such rules followed in our place and its really new to me.. not everyone in our pace has car with them.. and our government havent concentrated anything regarding that so far.. and i think that rule is really good instead bluntly saying the age which is limited as 8 years they must have kept like even if the 8 year old is of certain and certain weight then they can go off without that...
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@loneleaf (165)
• China
26 Aug 08
It sounds too strangerly. Some children are too high and when you put them in the little seat, do you consider their feeling? though it is a better design for the sake of safe, but the theoretic design without actual situation looks a bit too humoristic.
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@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
26 Aug 08
In Pennsylvania the booster seat laws are that the child has to either be 5ft 9 in, weigh 45/65lbs ( sorry can't remember exactly which one), or be 8 years old. My younger sisters hate being in boosters, but we always tell them it is for their safety. I think having some restrictions is good, because all kids weigh differntly at different ages. I think our law is pretty good, because the limit isn't exactly eight there are other options.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
26 Aug 08
If it saves lives, it's a great idea. I think lots of states are toying with the idea of booster seats until a child is over 60 pounds or 8 years old. They've shown how kids slip out of the seatbelt in accidents. I'm all for saving more lives.
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
26 Aug 08
I understand that but at some point the booster seat because more dangerous than having them seat with a seat belt. I am not saying don't make sure the child is safe and secure, but an 85 pound child should be forced to seat in a booster seat that sticks to their butt when they try and get out of the car.
@MizzWilliams33 (74)
• United States
25 Aug 08
My thought is that its fine if your child can still fit COMFORTABLY in the booster seat. As you know from first-hand experience, my daughter is and has always been wayyyy bigger and taller than most kids her age. When she was 4 years old, she became too tall and too heavy for the seat we had, based on the 40lbs/4 years law we had at the time, so we just ditched it, since the seat manufacturers also had a maximum weight capacity of 40lbs. I too always say its a wonder we ever grew up at all. We didn't have seatbelt laws back in the early-mid 70's, didn't require car seats and the speed limits were anything-goes. My parents used to barrel down the road with me laying in the floorboard of the car doing 80mph!
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
25 Aug 08
I understand the need to keep kids safe, but I guess I am wondering when the states decided that their opinions on what is safe and unsafe started over ruling the efforts of the parents.
As a parent we don't want our kids hurt or any kids for that matter. As a parent my first goal is to have have the kids home safely every night. Why is it that the state has decided that they can over rules the parents and say do this or else.