why is an atheist usually smart., or a smart person usually ends up an atheist?
@sutanhartanto (4122)
September 16, 2008 1:59pm CST
first thing first, please don't get offended 
i am neither an atheist nor a believer. i was born in a christian family and as a christian also. yet, as my understanding about god, life, jesus, 'heaven', and 'hell' is significantly different with most christians, i consider myself a spiritualist rather then a religious person. i 'believe' in god in my own way.
noticing discussions on mylot, especially under religion interest, i end up concluding that, well, atheists are smarter than believers. yeah, of course that's a hasty conclusion. i don't even think that it's an accurate conclusion. i just notice that in the discussions about religion here, usually atheists are more argumentative and the reasons they propose generally make sense. while believers are more defensive in delivering their argument, and most of time just quote the bible (or other scriptures) with emphasizing that they quote 'the words of god', which imply that the argument they are delivering is 'not to debate'.
moreover, the believers are usually more judge like, judging who inquires something in the bible as a sinner and "originate from the evil one".
again, i realize it's a hasty conclusion. so any other views are opinions are very much welcome here.

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25 responses
@SaviourV (260)
• Malaysia
17 Sep 08
Saviour-V teleports in...
Whenever I read a topic on religion, typed by those who don't believe in them, I just shake my head and go, "Here we go again!"
The thing is, belief in God is belief in the unseen. And while I am a Muslim, I can be quite a skeptic to a certain degree, especially where ghosts are concerned, for instance.
Still, just because one can't see something, it doesn't mean it isn't there. Gravity and magnetism are two things you can't actually see. Belief makes it possible to see something, whether it is either the truth, or an outright lie.
But some of us will never know until this Earth finally meets its end.
And speaking of being skeptical (to a certain degree), I often thought that ghosts were nothing more than imaginary figments. That is, until I witnessed an unnerving sight in the office a year ago - and I wasn't the only person who saw it.
I still find that sensationalized ghosts sightings in tabloids are absolute garbage, but that one personal ghost sighting has had a profound effect on me.
So, it really boils down to what you believe, and what you're willing to believe in. Atheists and believers aren't the same, but they're also part of the same coin of life.
I think that the best thing to do is just smile, say, "God be with you." and just move on. There's really no need to argue. Although, frankly speaking, some of us are quick to anger these days, aren't we? ^_^
Saviour-V bows to sutanhartanto, before he teleports out again...
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 08
i like this 'teleporting' things
"I think that the best thing to do is just smile, say, "God be with you." and just move on. There's really no need to argue."
that's totally right. if everybody have the attitude like you, the (physical and mental) peace throughout the world will be a certainty. but we cannot override the fact that some people (either from the believers or the atheists, even mostly comes from the believers) are judgemental. even amongst the believers with different religions, they tend to judge another religion as wrong and only their own religion is right. and this judgemental attitude implies that the people are, well..., not so smart
. at least, it implies that they are a little bit narrow minded.
i understand if, as you said, some people prefer to argue endlessly and needlessly without paying attention to the outcome. but i personally expect this discussion can encourage people, the believers, to be more open minded and less judgemental, as the attitude, more or less plays important roles to turn a smart believers into an atheist. just in my opinion.

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@SaviourV (260)
• Malaysia
17 Sep 08
Saviour-V teleports back in momentarily...
Too true, IsisGreen. Nice colour you chose as part of your nick, by the way; it's my favourite.
Anyway, some threads on why a certain religion is wrong seem to be along the lines of abuse, or more to prove that something is right.
But then again, is being right the real sign of the truth? I mean, when people argue endlessly and needlessly about something, whether it's right or wrong, they tend to alienate other people.
So, regardless of whichever side that wins, not many people are really paying attention to the outcome. Perspectives differ from person to person.
Instead, we really should acknowledge our similarities a whole lot more, and focus on our differences a whole lot less.
Just my two cents on this. Truth and falsehood can be points of view at certain points in time. It's only when you have conviction that your belief is strengthened.
Saviour-V salutes IsisGreen, and teleports out afterward...
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@IsisGreen (554)
17 Sep 08
I see no harm in threads like this that are actually about provoking debate and getting people to challenge what they believe (either way). Unsubstantiated, ignorant belief or non-belief is the only stupid position to hold.
Considered and sincere commitment to a God, many Gods, or none I have great respect for.
Threads that are just about flinging abuse are a wholly different matter.
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@Saiyan25 (86)
• Canada
17 Sep 08
That's definitely a hasty conclusion you got there. Just because you're atheist doesn't mean you're smarter. I've seen people who are atheist and they're so dumb, it's not even funny. And I've seen believers that are super smart.
I think that's like saying black people are smarter than white people or vice versa. Everyone is different and some people are smart, some are not. :D
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 08
well, sorry for this recurrent comment, but i have to say again that i am talking it in general. there are always exceptions. there are always 'not so smart' atheists and smart believers. i just guess that an atheist is usually think more than a believer. because, 'by default', most people are believers. so, suppose someone don't think at all (just an extreme example), what do you think he will be? i guess he will remain a believer rather than an atheist 

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@IsisGreen (554)
17 Sep 08
@ Saiyan25.
Take average test scores in your country, the US, and most of Europe for blacks and whites as sets of data. Whites do score higher. That's a statistical fact.
Given that you share my view that there is nothing about the colour of one's skin that inherently affects how smart they are, the question is 'why the discrepancy?'.
I suggest it basically boils down to levels of poverty and corresponding quality of education. Blacks, taken as a group, are less well off than whites, taken as a group.
What Sutanhartanto is saying is that he sees a statistical trend: atheists outperform theists in intelligence tests. He's asking why this is.
In this case it does seem as though there is something causal at work, viz. people who are smart tend to go into fields where they spend a lot of time around science and scientific method or theories that demand rigorous proof and precision. When they apply these approaches to the question of the existence of God they don't get a clearcut answer. They have trouble basing a belief on something for which they have no hard evidence. Given that having faith is more of a leap than not, the default option for the people described to not believe.
However, as Latrivia points out about and elsewhere, the more natural response for someone inclined to apply scientific method to the question is 'weak atheism' or agnosticism. To assert the positive non-existence of God is to very much shoot themselves in the foot.
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@IsisGreen (554)
17 Sep 08
*eratum: in last paragraph should read "... Latrivia points out ABOVE..."
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@Meljep (1666)
• United States
17 Sep 08
Athiests generally are people who have been hurt by religion. A lot of times they are angry and argumentative. Athiests as a general rule believe in themselves and are very proud people, not necessarily more intelligent or smarter. It doesn't do any good to quote the Bible (a book they don't believe in) to them. It would be like quoting the book of Morman to a Christian. The best plan of action is to show an athiest kindness and tolerance. They are more likely to watch what you do then listen to what you say.
@lloydbelleza (1227)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
they become smarter that us believers because they always find reasons. But is that what smart really means? Having to deny the existence of someone greater? I don't think so. Are they really smart? Maybe they are full of logic and reasons. We may call them radical being. But, the fact that deny the God who creates us all, they are no smart people. They just think they are smart. I am not against them but I hope they would realize that a God exist. 

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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 08
yes, great point, lloydbelleza! i agree that deny the fact that there is something greater or higher is not a smart act. maybe they 'believe' or rather realize, reckon, (whatever) that there is a greater consciousness, a supreme consciousness which we call god. they just don't 'believe' in the way the believers do. just in my opinion.
maybe what i mean with smart here is the willing to think, to ask. the believers is usually just believe (and rarely or even never ask) as they are usually told.
anyway, we have the same expectation regarding the god's existence. take care....
@shyama86 (73)
17 Sep 08
Dear brother, from your notes I understand that you believe in your own self. If you are able to understand your self that will do. It is equalant to one who sees the God, the supreme consciousness. If you act according to your consciousness that is enough because preaching a religion or religious principles is very easy but when it comes to practice many wont do justice to themselves.
So whatever be your belief /relgion, always do good ,be kind hearted towards the poor and needy, have a helping mind and be considerate towards your brotheren.
Please be sure that you are not this body but the soul within which is pure and iternal. So no one is a sinner. People do sins when they go after their selfishness, lust and anger and become the slaves of their mind.
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 08
hi shyama, thanks for your kind words and your advices
yes the important think is not just to believe but to practice. it's even said that we are not to believe; instead, we are to become. we originate from the one supreme consciousness and will finally merge with him. yes i agree with you. this is not our soul which "commit sins". our soul will remain pure and unaffected; but if we do the bad things, the evil, our mind will be crude and it's more difficult to 'approach' and realize our pure soul soul.

@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
17 Sep 08
John Stuart Mill once said (I paraphrase), "One doesn't have to be stupid to be a conservative, but most conservatives are stupid". I would suggest the reverse is also true, one doesn't have to be smart to be an atheist, but most atheists are smart.
I should add, I'm not an atheist, although I was at one stage in my long life; I would now call myself an agnostic when it comes to religion (I don't know if "God/Goddess" exists, and can't until I die) and a humanist in my approach to life, the universe, and everything.
As for what you say about the different arguments, you must keep in mind that atheists seek proof (which doesn't logically exist) and religionists seek faith, which makes proof unnecessary. Never the twain shall meet.
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 08
nice quote, and the reverse also :)
that's great to be a humanist. many believers live in the future; they are too engaged to pursue the 'heaven' which is located neither here nor 'now', so that they forget to live and enjoy their life. it's sad and ironic because the only real life they posses is their present life, their 'now'. and they deny their only possession to pursue something uncertain, located in the unknown place and unknown time. that's so sad 

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@keep_onwatch (2680)
• India
20 Sep 08
HMM.. SMART? INTELLIGENT CAN BE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS....and of course i do not agree with you on this one though.But i have nothing to comment either...just wanted to say how r you doing?
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@keep_onwatch (2680)
• India
28 Sep 08
yeah, thanx 4 ur concern, i m finding it a bit difficult and also fun...yeah i just hope i get adjusted...you take care, and keep in touch....
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
28 Sep 08
hi keep,
that's ok not to agree with that. even i myself is not sure about that
i am fine here. hope you like your new job. have fun and take care...

@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
I don't think that atheist are smart people they just say sharp words to fully defend what they believe in.
It is more on like, I don't like ice cream, with that I will give you million of reasons about ice cream, how it is done, how it will affect my health, how unhealthy it is as a food and so many other information about it and mostly negative ones. With that I tend to be so well learned about ice cream, for the reason that if people ask me why, I can answer them or if people find me weird I can also say they are more weirder.
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
28 Sep 08

@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
28 Sep 08
I don't refer myself as a non believer or a believer. I believe in God and in Jesus Christ but it does not make me a believer. I think that if they don't believe in what I believe, I cannot define them as non believer, for the reason that they believe in something, I think everybody is a believer we just don't have the same beliefs.
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
28 Sep 08
exactly. in this regard, i agree that we all are actually believers, even the atheists. atheists believe that god doesn't exist (because the cannot disprove his existence, and believers believe that god exists (because the cannot prove its existence). so far we don't exactly know who are right, and it doesn't really matter. the matter is that we should respect and tolerate others' belief. take care...

@RazPenny (26)
• United States
17 Sep 08
I don't think that atheists are in general smarter.
For one, this assessment is made off of western standards. Western thinking may have become predominant, but that doesn't mean it is the only way of thinking. There are many truths and understandings which have come out of the eastern mindset. Many today shuck them, but that doesn't make them any less insightful. In fact, the way we judge intelligence is by western standards as well. IQ tests, academic degrees, SAT scores, etc...these are all western standards for judging intelligence and so in America if one does not do well by these standards we consider them as not intelligent. What we consider intelligent comes from a biased standpoint.
Also, atheists might be intelligent in some areas but I have noticed can be very ignorant in other areas, this is of course in general and not all atheists. For instance, how many atheists have you seen who have made claims similar to, this is one I encountered recently, the one where the bible is ignorant on science because the bible claims that grasshoppers have 4 legs, Lev 11:22? Does it seem reasonable that someone who was eating an insect would not know the difference between 4 and 6 legs? These are people who are cooking and eating them, so reason would suggest something else is meant here. Of course that does not stop them from making silly comments like this. Their intelligence cannot be counted for much in this area when claims like this are made; and even Richard Dawkins made similar comments before so it is not confined to the internet gurus.
This is also only counting particular types of intelligence. People forget the many areas of intelligence when discussing over it. There is musical intelligence, mechanical intelligence etc. I knew a guy who most regarded as stupid, high school dropout and working as a machinist. Though, and he has no formal training mind you, let him at your car and he intuitively could understand exactly how it was running after only listening to it and driving it for five minutes. He tore down and rebuilt engines in his sleep. Though, ask him about the Pythagorean Theorem(sp?) and he would get a blank stare in his eyes. Counting science, grammar, and mathematics as the main points of intelligence is to ignore the countless other areas.
Of course, you sound like you based this assertion after your experiences online. That will limit your perspective. Plenty of believers of various religions flock to these sites and often times come horribly prepared. Atheists who flock to those same discussion have had a lot of preparation to deal with surface arguments, sometimes even deeper, since they are constantly being assailed from the evangelistic theists out there.
Honestly, I wouldn't ever link intelligence to religious belief.
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 08
great points raz
you cover much more about intelligence than i expect, which is wonderful. i get much from your post, apart from the purpose of the discussion.
well, as i mentioned in the description, it's just a 'hasty' conclusion after assessing the discussions about religion around here. so, it is about how we deliver our arguments to support our opinion about religion-related topic. i just notice that the discussions imply that atheists usually think more than believers, which usually support their opinions with available quotes from the bible, claiming that they quote 'the word of god' which is non-debatable.

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@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
16 Sep 08
Are you going to tell me that I am not smart because I am not an atheist LOL. Yeah, I have never state myself as an atheist nor believer, but I don't have any religion, that's for the first introduction so that there would be no more question about that.
I saw what you have seen, and I understand why are you thinking like that. I have never involved in any religious-atheist debate because they would never meet in one conclusion in the end because they are debating about two different thing. For you it might look the same but for me it just totally different.
While an atheist argues about things that they can think about, and be logical about that, the believer argues with the dogmatic statement.
Why the atheist looks smart is that because they argue with their logic, and believer argue with their dogma. Since dogma cannot be logically explained, we cannot force the logic to enter the dogmatic arguments. That is why I said, involving myself in such discussion would only wasting my time LOL
But logically, I can explain the answer of your question in the title:
the atheist is trained to use their logic and ask about many things that is why they learned to know the truth and to get the answers of their questions. They used their gray cell in the brain to solve many problems because they don't believe any higher entities would help them to solve the problem. That is why they have more ability in answering problems
The believer is trained to believe and not asking. They are taught not to question things because the answer is there in the holy book, so they are not finding the answer themselves. They are also trained to give up and let go because their God would help them solve the problems by praying. That is why they have more ability in complaining and whining (no offense, this is only an answer LOL)
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 08
wow klaudine, excellent points you present here! i can't agree with you more
i worry you are the only smart person which is a theist
just kidding.
yes, i agree that a religious-atheist debate is a debate about different things: religious matter vs scientific matter. i prefer to call it scientific-religious debate. the atheist occupy scientific evidences to support their argument, while the believer occupy religious "evidence" for the same purpose (please don't be offended with the parentheses LOL).
while being too argumentative and skeptic mostly will brings us nowhere (like what happen to some atheists), being too dogmatic can even be worse. i think dogma is the biggest defect of religions.
in spiritualism, there are three important and questions which will result our spiritual progress: what to do, how to do, and why to do. those are the only questions we are to ask. the other question will just be a waste time. religions have only two allowed question: what to do and how to do. we are not to ask why we have to do those things and must not do other things. if those are asked, the only answer is: you commit sins if you do what god forbids. so, the absence of the third question makes teachings in religion dogmas.
it is the absence of the 'why' question which makes the believers "not so smart", and they tend to be defensive when people ask them about what they practice, even the most neutral question can sound offensive for them. and, you know, in debates, if we are "not so smart", we tend to easily flame out. this is what i notice with some believer.

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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 08
....there are three important and questions which will....
i mean there are three important and useful questions which will...
there is something missing: because the believers are not told why to do those things, they won't be able to answer if people ask them the question. not being able to answer it while they have to makes them defensive and easily angry.
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@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 08
LOL.. thank you for the compliment, Sutan. And I think you have made an amazing topic to be discussed here too.
As a theist but not a non-believer I can completely understand why people get easily angry when someone ask the 'why' question. It is not they cannot answer the 'why' questions. They can do that because the answer of 'why' is already written on the book, and should not be questioned any further. My mother was so worried that I could be an atheist when I was in the junior high because I asked her that question. My aunt even told me to take a biblical school because I have so many questions that she cannot answer. They tried to satisfy me to answer those questions but they're not able to do that because they don't have it. That makes the believers angry because they believe on something, but they cannot answer 'why' they believe in the 'why'.
I don't blame them, it's how they were taught, and it's how they taught me. It is not they are 'not so smart' so that they become so emotional when believers debating about this. But it is simply because they are talking with emotion not with logic, so that is why they became so much vulnerable with the questions.
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@danielle101282 (437)
• United States
17 Sep 08
Ahh, okay now. Believers believe of course, without having to see. As a atheist usually doesn't believe because they can't see. Being smart has nothing to do with it. I do agree however Christians are very judgmental. Just because you believe faithfully without question does not mean you are not smart. So I also agree with you that this is a hasty conclusion and maybe you should think a little more about it.
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 08
yeah, i think so.
it's ok if you believe faithfully without question. but human beings are 'asking question' beings hahaha....( i don't know what it the latin term for it). so, if you ask why you have to believe or do or not to do things, that doesn't mean that you are committing sins. instead, the religion should provide the satisfying explanation about that. if you she instruct you not to eat ice cream and you ask 'why', she will explain it, right? she will tell that you may get cold, it ruin your teeth, whatever. but she explain it instead of judging you as a sinner.
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@danielle101282 (437)
• United States
17 Sep 08
I think this is a different question then. Many people are judgmental and I have come across this many times. I am Jewish and my cousin converted some years ago to Christianity and not only converted but also works for the church. She is constantly on my case. Have you ever watched those programs that scientifically prove bible stories? Anyways I love those and always watch them. I am naturally inquisitive and am always curious. That's what I love about being Jewish, the good old Rabi has no problem arguing with me all day. It explains things for me. However my cousin is constantly telling me how I am a sinner and will go to hell, even though I don't believe in it. She will not debate with me or even explain her side, so I let it go and just don't talk to her anymore.
@abdulhaseeb86 (145)
• Pakistan
17 Sep 08
Yes, I do agree with the fact that the atheists are smart people.
Now consider this, who are the people who end up being atheists????
Think on it for a while and you'll notice that the people who are taught wrong beliefs about God and the religion of their parents isn't the correct one, its not logical and not appealing to a thinking person who wants everything to be logical. So, when this person doesn't find his God, as he is taught about Him, as logical, he'll usually end up being an atheist. But the smarter yet are the people who will study other religions and find out the truth.
I invite all atheists to study all religions with an open mind and surely they'll come to the true religion.
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@IsisGreen (554)
17 Sep 08
You're just a little too subtle for me. I think I might need a hint which one that is. ;-)
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 08
hey abdul, i agree with you that illogical teaching won't appeal smart people. that's why the smart religious people several times end up being atheists because they are not satisfied with the explanation they receive about why they have to believe and follow all the teaching, rules, etc - if the explanation is there
because they just teach dogmas. dogmas which you are not to ask, instead, you are to do. unfortunately most well known religions like islam, christian (rome chatolic and protestant), hindu, etc involve dogmas in their teaching. it's sad, because a dogma is a brittle and vulnerable foundation for a religion.

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@viduviduvidu (293)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I'm reminded of a saying 'empty vessels make the most noise'.
Argumentative people need not necessarily be smart. To tell you the truth I have never come across an exceptionally smart atheist. They are just normal people who have a faith different from ours.
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
16 Sep 08
i get your point. i know the old saying. but the vessels making no noise are not always full vessels. the ones who are not argumentative are not always smart. sometimes they are just lazy to think, and just take whatever available to support their opinions, sometimes in the ridiculous way. thanks for responding
take care....

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@Lee_Rites (845)
• United States
17 Sep 08
I believe many athiests are not just intelligent but they are elitists. They like to believe that they are smarter than others. Believers are easy targets. There are many logical arguments that support beliefs other than christianity. This may make an elitist feel they have the upper hand in any argument about religion.
Believers on the other hand, are usually satisfied just believing. I don't feel the need to argue that there is a God. To believe in God is to believe in something that you can not see and to have faith in something you can not explain.
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 08
yes i agree with you. i personally think so that there is no need to argue about that the god exist.
that's ok if believers are satisfied just believing and let others follow their belief. the facts is, some believers try to impose other people with other preference to think in their way - believing without asking. they judge others who have different opinions and even condemn other to hell for not 'following the words of god'. that's definitely not a smart attitude implies that they are 'not so smart'. thanks lee_rites for your opinion and view.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Not all believers are as you have ascertained.
Most believers use the scriptures as "EVIDENCE" because they are "BELIEVERS". They believe that the scriptures are the "WORD OF GOD" and as such it is "TRUTH" so they study and use what they believe as "TRUTH". In comparison the non believers must look into all sorts of places to find their truth where a believer must only look at the scriptures. So sure it would appear that a believer is less informed than a non believer as a non believer must look at a million facts/evidence, thus expanded knowledge, where a believer must only look in one place.
I hope this helps a little! Have a great day!!
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 08
Not all believers are as you have ascertained
of course. there are always exceptions in both parties. not all atheist are that smart either. i am talking in general case....(i don't even think it's a general case 
i agree with your points, those are absolutely true. the believers are usually less informed and vulnerable as they take the bible (or other scriptures) as evidence, despite the fact that the bible itself need evidence to proof its validity and accuracy. it's like an unknown man telling you there is a monster mars and then you tell people around you about the monster. when the people ask you the evidence, you use the facts that 'the unknown people told you about the monster' as the evidence. it will not work, right?
thanks meeandnotyou, you points definitely help here :)

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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
Psalm 14:1 declares : The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." An atheist therefore is a fool and no less than the word of God declares so. It's not my word.
If you think they are smart then this I would tell you.. The intelligence of man will not surpass the wisdom of God. If believers are using the word of God to defend his stand that means he does not rely on his own wisdom but on God's and therefore a believer is wiser than an atheist. It is bettter to be wise than to be smart. According to the word of God. Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom.. I will therefore seek for wisdom and be wise rather than be smart and be a fool. Ha!ha!ha! It is very dangerous to speak on the basis of your own belief. A person who does not understand the truth will will somehow think the atheist can reason out much better because he is talking a lot using his own intellect. But we must understand that his intelligence will not surpass the wisdom that the word of God could impart. All what he is saying has no basis while that of a beliver has a very reliable basis... the word of God. Can anyone be wiser than God?
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@RazPenny (26)
• United States
17 Sep 08
Why do people misuse scriptures?
It doesn't say, the atheist is a fool, or the who says there is no god in his heart is a fool. This is what the fool is doing, not the atheist. The last half of the verse quoted goes on to acting immorally and ends with saying they have done no good. Atheism did not exist back in ancient Hebrew society, so it would be odd to find a verse over atheism. One who did immoral acts where the only person who could see them was God was acting in a manner to where there was not a god at all. This is speaking over immoral behavior to the highest degree...not whether one beliefs in a god.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
Why do people misuse scriptures?
It doesn't say, the atheist is a fool, or the who says there is no god in his heart is a fool. This is what the fool is doing, not the atheist. The last half of the verse quoted goes on to acting immorally and ends with saying they have done no good. Atheism did not exist back in ancient Hebrew society, so it would be odd to find a verse over atheism. One who did immoral acts where the only person who could see them was God was acting in a manner to where there was not a god at all. This is speaking over immoral behavior to the highest degree...not whether one beliefs in a god.
Mr. RazPenny I am really very very sorry to say this but yours is a very shallow reasoning. Excuse me for the word, indeed I am sorry but your kind of reasons sounds so stupid! There is no misuse of scriptures in my post my dear. You don't need to see the word Atheist in the Bible because that word has not been coined yet when the Bible was written. But not because the word Atheist was not found in the Bible does it mean there is no Atheist back then. Oh my goodness, how could you give such a foolish conclusion. Atheism is a view that God does not exist. Atheism is not a new development. As written in Psalm 14:1, written by David in around 1000 B.C. “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”. Are you trying to put in your mind that it is not the Atheist that the Bible was talking about in that particular verse because you don't want to be hurt? You are trying to save an Atheist from being called a fool and trying to reason out that it is the Fool who says there is no God? What does the Atheist say about God that I would ask you Mr. RazPenny? Did the Atheist say there is God? No! An Atheist would say one and the same thing: There is no God and therefore he is that fool that the Bible is talking about. It is plain and simple, don't make it so complicated just to save your face. There are modern words today that could not be found in the Bible and yet this does not mean they did not exist during the early times.
@shamikabsb (602)
• Sri Lanka
17 Sep 08
What you say is controversial and the acuracy of your analysis is very important.
Like you do, I also neither hardcore atheist nor believer.
Many believers are unable to provide convincing justifications for their beliefs. As you said they just quote from their text and just believe. But it's their religion and it's their belief which we must respect.
On the other hand atheist are of the nature of exploring things in a religion or philosophy. They do not just take things and tend to question things on their religion or faith.
The person who has an analysitcal mind is always becomes smarter than the person who does not explore. I think that is the reason behind your conclusion.
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
19 Sep 08

@ml4box (336)
• China
17 Sep 08
smart has nothing to do with an atheist. people insist something just because they want to. btw, i am an atheist up to now, but i still think most God believers are the most smart person in world, like Newton. they are actually quite distinct.
have a nice day.
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@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 08
that's great you admit the fact. it definitely proves that you are a smart person
thanks for sharing it here.

@IsisGreen (554)
17 Sep 08
You make a valid point Sutanhartanto. And I think it is the case that, in America at least, the correlations you identify hold.
I suggest it is to do with degrees of commitment to scientific method. People who are used to academic debate and stringent testing typically place higher emphasis on precision and the soundness of arguments.
Faith is something that should be challenged and not blindly accepted. Perhaps it is easier to just accept it blindly, nail your courage to a sticking, and shout down all those who ask you to justify what you believe. It doesn't mean it's the best or right thing to do.
You are a brave man by the way. This is going to provoke some outcry!
I offer however just one counter example: Archbishop Dr. Rowan Williams.
I'm fast developing an obsession with him it would seem. I've posted one of his lectures on other threads.
Anyway, the point is that he one of the most intelligent people I can think of, and is obviously a committed theist. (And one who very much challenges his own beliefs).
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 08
thanks isisgreen
good points you are delivering here. i am with you in saying that faith is that should be challenged and not blindly accepted. i think in this regard most religions fail. dogmas, the main teaching of most (well known) religions are usually propose 'things to do (and not to do)', not 'things to ask'. there is no space for questions. i think these 'just do these' things play important roles in turning some smart religious people into atheists. what i mean with smart here is not an inherent capacity or talent we possess, but our willing to learn, to think, to ask. so, it's an actively and consciously pursued capacity rather than what we already have.
i think we need more people like like dr. rowan williams 

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@Glugster (30)
• South Africa
17 Sep 08
I'll start by stating that I'm an atheist. There. Got that out of the way.
Despite the fact that I'm very intelligent (LOL), I don't think intelligence has got anuthing to do with religious belief. Yes, most atheists have given it careful consideration of why they do not believe in God, but, at the end of the day, even for an atheist it comes down to belief. Either you belief there is a God or you don't.
Maybe it's "intelligence" is not the word you were looking for but rather "common sense". (Yes, I know this statement is going to get me into hot water, but then again, as an atheist, I have enough common sense not to be bothered.)
PS. If people reading this cannot realise that a lot of what I'm saying is tongue-in-cheek, then they really are stupid.
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