How do you feel about using tanning beds ?
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
19 responses
@Humbug25 (12540)
26 Sep 08
Hi there samtaylorskykierajen
Well I used to use them when they first came out and they used to last 30mins, I must have been about 8 at the time. My parents owned a travel agency and converted a room upstairs into a tanning salon so that people could get a bit of a tan before going on their holiday. I could never stand being under it for that amount of time and usually only stayed under for about 10 mins but still I don't think it was a good idea and people weren't aware of the dangers of sunbeds as they are now. I know my parents didn't have a clue at the time. Anyway, you couldn't pay me to have one now, I don't like them at all!
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
You are the second person I believed that talked about the risks , where I live there is not talk of risk or danger to one using these . I have always felt that there would be a risk because basically you are like a chicken being cooked on slow heat . I find it intersting that a couple of you have spoke of dangers and this is not something that is ever talked about where I live as everyone talks about how safe they are and that there is no proof of any harm being done from usage . One of my daughters really wanted to use one a couple of years ago and I said I was against it and she took home a pamphlet that stated how safe these were so I do find this interesting :)
Thank you for your response .
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@Galena (9110)
26 Sep 08
I would never use one.
for a start, they are KNOWN to be harmful. there is no two ways about it. a tan is sun damage, so by tanning you are damaging your skin.
there are undeniable links between sun damage and skin cancer, and even without that risk, tanning ages your skin prematurely.
and quite apart from anything else, I don't like the appearence of a tan. I prefer skin to be pale and smooth and even. the more porcelain like the better.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
I have to say that I love this because those I hang out with have ALWAYS said there was no risk of cancer involved in tanning beds and I have always felt there was . We must live in the stone ages or something where I live because the people in the communtiy have always considered this very safe and I am one of the few that have never tried and never would :)
Thank you for your response .
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@sassygirlanne007 (4517)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I considered using them at one time but then talked myself out of it because the whole thing about being somewhat closed in made me rethink.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
Ya the idea of being in a closed off area would make me reconsider the whole idea as well if I ever considered using one :)
Thank you for your response .
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@ellie333 (21016)
26 Sep 08
Hi Samtaylorskykierajen, I have never personally used a sunbed or any fake tanning products, I live near the sea and keep myself very protected from the sun and my colour ends to come from being out in the open near the sea. One of my daughters did go for sessions before her holiday last year in a saloon and I must admit she did look pretty good before she went. There are dangers with anything these days so if someone wants too as long as it is in moderation and not all the time I don't see a problem with it. Ellie :D
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
I have never used one either because we live close to the sea as well but many around will still go to the tanning beds rather then just go outside :)
Thank you for your response .
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@graceandowen (1637)
26 Sep 08
i have used these in the past but now i refrain from being in any UV light whether it be sun or synthetic tanning equipment, the facts speak for themselves really when it comes to skin cancer and tanning beds and i stay away. if i fancy a tan i get the bottle of fake tan out and do it that way
much more safe in my opinion x
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
I agree the fake tan looks just as nice and would be much safer :)
Thank you for your response .
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
I have heard that many that use them to find them relaxing but know that I would never feel this way as I am claustrophobic :)
Thank you for your response .
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I have used a tanning bed in the past and did not like it. I burned after only a few minutes! I also hate to be bored so laying or standing in a tanning bed for even 10 minutes is torture for me. I also know that they are not healthy and can be expensive so I am glad they do not appeal to me.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
I have never used a tanning bed and feel that there might be health risk involoved in them but many who use them will often say they love them so was curious to see how others felt :)
Thank you for your response .
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
27 Sep 08
No I have never used one, I prefer to be tanned in the natural way. Our island provides enough sun to be tanned by not going to a tanning bed. I don't trust such method.
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@TakeThisName (769)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
I love tanning beds and think they are safer then going in the sun cause you can control how long you are in them for and do not have to worry about the uv rays that you get from the sun and you don't stay in them as long as you woudl in the sun. I go to them all the time and never had a problem. I use the lotion you are supposed to use and don't stay in them long enough to burn. If you stayed in them all day every day it could be dangerous but not when you go for 20 minutes every couple of days.
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@mattcassethan (226)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
never used one, but if i had the time to go to one i know i would!!
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
27 Sep 08
A certain amount of sun is necessary for good health. It reacts with vitamin D in your body to help your body absorb calcium efficiently. Normal every day activity is plenty of sun for that purpose. But purposeful tanning is extremely damaging to the skin. This is true for sunlight or tanning beds. The melanin (color) in skin is your body's defense mechanism so when you see "tan" you know your skin has been damaged and your body is reacting to the damage.
Personally I would never get into a tanning bed or lay out in the sun. I do like a little extra color on my face since when I'm on stage with my band the bright lights can make me look like a ghost. So I go with the "tan in a bottle" approach.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
27 Sep 08
I did that one summer and now I have permanent red marks that look like small blood blisters all over my body.
I read up on it and regular suntanning with the sun, is not bad, only if you burn, because your body has time to recover from the mild damage. But the tanning beds are 10x stronger than what you get from the sun and your body can't recover as readily.
I will never do it again. I tan every year, naturally, and have never had problems, only from the tanning bed.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
27 Sep 08
OMG that is horrible !! I have never went in them before but am going to do some research just to share with family and friends as you have all pretty much said the same thing , and that is that they are dangerous . Where I live it is considered so safe to use .
Thank you for your response :)
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@Saxheel (43)
• Australia
30 Oct 08
I have never used one, but I am hoping to have a few sessions so I can build a nice tan for my school formal, since I look horrible with the spray tans.
I am a bit nervous about skin damage, but I figure, I'm only having these sessions so I can look good for the formal, it's not like I'm going to start using the tanning bed regularly.
I would never, EVER let myself get addicted to tanning beds though =|
I don't want to look like a purse.
@shana123 (2095)
• India
28 Sep 08
I have never heard of tanning bed , what is that actually?? is it any instrument or bed when we sit on that we get tanned? moreover i dont want to get tanned i just want to improve my colour.. and if you want to get tanned use lower spf and walk in sun you will in no time get tanned and by using low spf your skin wont get any harm..
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
29 Sep 08
No,no,no! I would not use one. I have seen too many people who do too much tanning and their skin just does not look right. Plus most doctors are not in favor of people using tanning beds because it is too intense and may lead to cancer later.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
29 Sep 08
i've never used a tanning bed before. neither do i see that i will in the near future. here where i am the sun shines bright on most days. i get enough sunlight all the time. i'm not particular about whether i look tanned or not. it doesn't really matter to me one way or another. even if i care, i don't think i will use a tanning bed to get a tan. i'd much rather go to a place where i can get lots of sun to tan. it helps that i get tanned very easily. just an hour or two under the sun will give me a tan that last at least the rest of the year. cheers ;p
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Hi sam..
I've never used a tanning bed....I don't like to be hot so laying in there would be an uncomfortable experience...I don't know if they are safe...
@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I feel that tanning beds are horrible for your skin. If you need vitamin D you can get that from a few minutes a day just being outside.
You do not need to change your skin color to be healthy. What it does is completely the opposite. Drys out the skin, causes premature aging and has been known to lead to certain types of skin cancers.
I do not see any benefits here at all.