Running Loose All Through The House...

Ball Python... - Ball Python...
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
September 28, 2008 9:05am CST
The other day I was at my Moms and ran into my younger brother. We were talking about his new bird called a Quaker Parrot (looks kind of like a parrot) that he bought ($175!!) and he was telling me about his other pets. He also bought a Tarantula (ewwwww) and a Ball Python. Now he bought a tarantula before and although they gross me out and I’d never have one…he does stuff like that. The python is what freaked me out. He said when he bought it, it was about 1 ½ “ around and about 2’ long. He said he and his g/f liked to play with it. Well it turns out that the g/f didn’t put it away right and, you see what happened, it got loose!! It happened over a month ago and hasn’t been caught yet!! I was amazed, he was so calm and collected like it was no big deal to have a python loose in your home. I’ve read up on these things and they can get up to 6’ long…that’s way too much snake to have wandering around the house. I told him if it were my house I’d be packed and moved so fast my head would spin. There’s no way I’d live in a house with something like that loose. I remember seeing one of those animal shows where a older couple lived in a house and their small dog disappeared…they called the animal control and they went under the house. Turns out there was a snake under their house. I don’t remember what kind but it had been living under there for several years and was about 10’ long. They pulled it out and this thing was HUGE!! They had no idea that it was even under there. Would you live in a house if a python were loose in it? Would you even have one as a pet? Have you ever found anything like this in your home? [b]**AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~[/b]
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29 responses
• Puerto Rico
15 Oct 08
hi i now that eeerie son loves animals especially christmas a friend of ours brought him one.we were packing cause we were moving to anotherapt.everthing was fine.we finally move.about a week later the snake happen to get out of the was pure caos in the apt.unpacking was so frightig for all of us(6.)well when it was time to go to bed,we all had to sleep in the same bedroom.(cause everyone was so afraid)well once everyone one was in the bedroom.i had to put towels under the door.anyway when we were all settle.i had a chiguagua dog,he started barking and barking,i tryed to comfort him.i figure new apartment he was nervous more than i leaned on my headboard(which was made out of metal)and i grab the dog and he got fiassty i couldn't understand what was wrong with him when i realized oh my god the snake was wrapped around my headboard.can you imagine 5people screaming of couse my son thought that was kind of funny (well because the snake was trying to cool off on the metal)since it was christmas vacation the kids were home and the heater was on high, so the snake was trying to cool off(oh her name was asia).after that night we made sure that something heavy was "always" put on top of the tank so she wouldn't be able to escape again.from then on all measurement were taken. oh a now i moved to a tropical far so well and thanks.
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• United States
12 Dec 08
Heh. that's funny. He was in your bed all along.
@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Pythons don't bother me or scare me. I am not bothered by snakes. I don't like the biting poisonnous kind but I don't fear them. I am however terrified of spiders and my dad and brothers use to "collect" live tarrantulas and I am terrified of them. But no a snake loose in the house wouldn't freak me out. We had a king snake that lived in our house curled around the hot water tank when I was a kid. We kept taking him back to the barn and he would just keep coming back.
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@AmbiePam (96484)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I saw a rerun of The Brady Bunch once, when Peter was in Hawaii and a tarantula was crawling on his chest. After that spiders became my enemy.
• United States
12 Dec 08
I used to have a snake.. a boa. He got loose and I couldnt find him for a few weeks. I tried putting a mouse in a cage and thought he would get hungry enough and try to get to it and i'd find him there when i got home. I ended up finding the snake in my heater, all curled up in a ball. Aparently they dont go far, they usually find a place and because of a lack of food energy they go into a hybernation state and usually die there.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
28 Sep 08
Tatty, I had my sons python, Miss Lucie. She was about the size of your pinkie and a bit longer than a pencil when he got her. He took care of her for a year and he lived in Mississippi with her. I saw her several times before they moved to Tennessee. I helped take care of Miss Lucie once I got use to her. Now mind you I was deathly afraid of snakes before she came into my home. My son gradually got her out for me from time to time and I touched her a little then then a little more, then graduated to holding her. People say snakes don't have ears, but I believe Miss Lucie did. I'd say something to her and she nknew my voice and would come out from under her rock and watch me when I would talk to her. I bought her all kinds of things for her home. I even built her a much bigger enclosure and was able to buy more things for her. She was something to watch as she chcked out her new things. When Laura or someone would get her out and not put the top back on right or lock it down she would get out. Her favorite place to get was way up inside the sofa. But you never really knew where she was. When we knew she was out we would search for her. SHe never bit anyone and she was a good girl. Always fed when she was suppose to be and alsways had a clean enclosure or habitat. I have heard these horror stories about snakes that get out and eat small animals and such. People should never get reptiles if they don't know how to care for them. We had Miss Lucie until she passed away last Christmas. She was 6 years old. When she left us she was about 4 1/2 feet long and 5 inches in diameter.
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@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I would not live with a snake loose in my house,he would have to go.Yes,I have found a snake in my house and he had to go.We got rid of him.He got in when we were mow- ing the yard,my husband had to get him out.I believe he killed him.It was a brown colored snake,not very large, but my husband said he was poison.He had come up from the creek below our house.I had a fit,I looked for snakes a long time after that.
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
12 Dec 08
No way!I Am really scared of snake.I love animals but not this kind.We have a pet dog and thats enough for me.I know some that had also a pet snake at home but he decided to take it to a far away place where there were alot of weeds and left it there because he said he felt something different.It used to crawl over his body and hugged him but he noticed that it hugged him so tightly that he couldn't move anymore.So he felt like it doesn't deserve to be in his care anymore.He was scared that one day it would eat him.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Sep 08
NO! I wouldnt have one but have had friends that did but they were real careful not to let it get loose. No never had antything like that under any house we lived in Lucky again on this one!
• Canada
29 Sep 08
I would be gone so fast I wouldn't even wait to pack and I believe my husband would be ahead of me because he is even more nervous of snakes then I am . The oly snakes we have ever seen were little garden snakes and they are bad enough looking and would never hurt anyone . I don't believe we have any snakes that would hurt anyone around here but I have seen enough pictures and seen enough on tv to scare the crap out of me lol . I would never allow my son to have anything like this in the house . He had a bug collection when he was younger but it had to stay outside because there was no way I was going to take a chance that any of them would get loose in the house on me and then I would have to move lol . I am not fond of anything like this and the fact that they are dangerous is even more nerve wracking . We had three cats and I would agree to a guniea pig , hampster , dog , rabbit or anything that was cute but could never handle anything like this , not in the same house as me :)
@msmell (1378)
• Australia
29 Sep 08
My son is nearly 18 and he is always trying to talk me into letting him have something like a snake or a spider and then he comes home from school one day and tells me that one of his teachers at school had to call some reptile place to come out to her house coz her pet snake that she has had for years was starting to stretch itself out next to her in the bed or something like that and they told her what ever she does don't go back to the house coz the snake was sizing her up to eat her and so I just said arh sorry but no way are you going to have one of them things in my house! When you move out and get your own home you can have as many as you like and they can eat you in your own home not mine ...
• United States
29 Sep 08
No way would live in a home where there is a loose snake. I am paranoid of snakes so I would not be able to sleep.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I'm soooooo with you on this issue!! No way in hell would I live in a house that had a snake especially one on the loose!! Snakes are so unpredictable and can turn on the owner in a split second!! I don't like any type of reptile except for the frog and that's it. Your brother has to be insane to even think of living in that house with his snake running loose!! Or he doesn't have a grain of sense!!
• United States
19 Oct 08
I don't have a ball python snake but I have a friend who has a baby ball python snake at his house. I was so freaked out by it but my friend took it out of the cage and sat down near me with it my hair stood on end. It was looking right at me ewww. I than was playing on the computer right by where he was sitting with the snake and next thing I know I feel this thing lightly touching the side of my hair. I look and he was right at my face I jumped back all scared. It took like an hour befor my friend got me to even touch it then hold it telling me the snake wouldn't hurt me. It was ok but still kind of scared of it. I hope that they find that snake that is loose in the house. They need to check all warm places that's where the snakes like to hide. Wasn't aware they get so big omg.
29 Sep 08
Hi twoey68, I wouldn't even go anywhere near where there is a snake, let alone a python. I have a friend who loves snakes and once she had a boa contrictor called Ruby, I saw in her glass cage and won't go near it, then it got too big so she had to retuned it to the pet shop. Then she bought another snake can't tell what kind it was but I manage to stroke it and was so surprised it felt like silk, it was beautiful, she called her Cinders, that snake was a sickley snake and she had take round to the man that she bought it of from, sort of snake hospital. That a few years ago now she is getting anoher snake and guess who is not going to visit her again. I just don't like snakes. Tamara
• Australia
28 Sep 08
Whoa what a story do any of us know whats living under us or even in the roof no if I thought there was a python around I would move out until it had been caught. There was a story I heard about this women who went to the toilet and as she lifted the lid the python rose up and gave her a fright ,lucky for her she hadn't sat down to bussines hey. they got someone in to pull it out and it was very very verylong. Why do people get these for pets and for some strange reason flush them down the toilet when they decide they don't want them anymore do they think they will drown . My dad had a black snake in bed with him one time I had already left home and mum and dad slept in seperate beds ,when he relized it was a snake and not his blood flow making him itch he lay still and called mum she got a shovel and somehow managed to kill it without hitting dad scary stuff,Ibet they both checked the beds before getting in to this day I cannot understand why it didn't bite him as he kept moving and rubbing his leg.cheers
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
28 Sep 08
My son would have liked one, but he never had the money for one. It would not bother me, as long as it stayed in its cage. In your brother's case I would be looking for it really hard. I bet he has no mice or rats, though. From time to time I hear that law enforcement has found an unclaimed tropical snake here in Kansas.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Sep 08
no I definitely would not live in a house with a snake, big or small, I just do not like them one bit. I have cats and I love dogs even though I cannot have any here, but that is it for animals for me.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I am a cat & dog person and have one of each...I HATE SNAKES & SPIDERS,and NO way would one of these eeerie things even be in my house,much less running loose...I always though a person that wanted a snake for a pet was a little strange anyway...My daughter was once hooked up with a guy that loved snakes but he was a weido so i guess that gave me the thought of anyone that likes snakes are weird...
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I think a python should be living in his natural habitat ,and is not appropriate to have such a pet. It can get loose and be a threat to other pets in the neighborhood. To me is very irresponsible to have any type of wildlife in your home unless you have a shelter ,and you are providing assistance to wildlife animals.
• United States
28 Sep 08
Towey , Not me I'd be headed for the hills as fast as my fat body could go; the python is bad enough ..OMG! But the Tarantula ...NO WAY! I don't like any spider much less those great big hairy ones...makes me ((shudder)) just thinking about that thing, now its funny in the movies but in real life; NOOOOoooo thanks...LOL! Not me!
@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
28 Sep 08
My uncle had a python as a pet. It got loose when it was 3 feet long and was never seen again. They may look in the toilet, or in the refregerator coils on the back and underneath. They like warm places and aparently wet places. On the terantula, my dad got one one time and that thing was SCARY. Everytime someone would walk up to the cage, it would jump at them and attack the screen on top of the cage. I'm pretty sure it would have tried to eaten me if I had even considered petting it. Why on earth would you want to pet a spider anyway???