Can a person get brain damage by simply drinking too much water?

@zandi458 (28102)
October 4, 2008 10:15am CST
Someone here says that drinking water is good for health but doesn't that burden the kidneys? The kidneys can cope with only so much of water. If you continually drink so much water so that your kidneys can't deal with the flood, your various body tissues, including brain tissues can swell from the overflow, a condition called edema. You could eventually die if you continue to flood your body with water. You would be leterally drinking yourself to death! My mom who is having heart problem is only allowed to drink 1000ml of water a day. Does it have any side effects if we drink too much water considering we are normal and healthy?
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24 responses
5 Oct 08
I do not think you get a brain damage by drinking too much water, but you will get water poisoning if thats what you call it. I am not sure why its called water poisoning but its simply meaning overdose of water. You take more than what you need. If you heard of the myth 8 cups a day. It's fake. In the news, a lady exactly did that and got water poisoned.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Some of the respondents here gave a very detailed information that links to brain damage when we drink too much of water.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
4 Oct 08
I'm not really sure. I know my doctor has told my my body has to much water weight. I hope I'm not drinking to much water myself. This is really interesting. He told me my body was holding to much water so he put me on water pills to try to reduce the water in my body.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
5 Oct 08
Yeah that is what he put me on is a matter of fact latic a couple of times as a matter of fact.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
5 Oct 08
I spelled it wrong but that is what he told me he was putting me on
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Those who are on the bigger size like me are bound to have this problem of water retention. Water is vital for humans but over consumption is dangerous. It burden our internal organs. That is why doctors normally prescribe lasix to patient who is holding so much of water.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
16 Nov 08
Maybe. You can kill yourself by drinking too much carrot juice. I read somewhere that a man killed himself by drinking gallons of carrot juice. I think too much of anything is bad for you. We should do everything in moderation. If you live your life in moderation, not overdoing anything then you can partake of anything and still be ok. Mind you that is for healthy people. The rules for sick people who cannot exercise etc are different as you can barely afford to eat at all if you are sedentary if you need to lose weight. *sigh* That is my problem. I am overweight and ill. I cannot exercise so now I have to find a way to reduce my caloric intake without starving myself. It is hard work.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Nov 08
you really don't look overweight in your pic. I have been battling with my weight problem for ages and it doesn't seems to come off.I give up and let nature takes it course. As long as I have no serious health complain I stay the way I am after all we are not going any younger and that is why we face this problem. Some people shrink as they grow older but for me it is going sideways and forward. People say water with its zero calorie is good for weight watchers but have not really tried going on water diet alone. It may not be advisable for us as we need all the nutrients to keep us going.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
17 Nov 08
Thank you for the compliment but I am overweight according to the bmi rules and so need to lose some for my health.
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@chingbeem (910)
• Philippines
5 Oct 08
It will if the water you drink is from a tank high up and the tank falls on your head.HeHeHe.Just joking. 8-10 glasses is the required water we must take. I dont know how it is converted to milliliters. For a business,we sell purified water. The water goes through 21 purifying stages. We must take only clean water. Our body can only take so much liquid - in fact saints were tortured by letting them drink gallons and gallons of water until the body culd not take anymore. just stay within the allowed intake of fluids.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
I think we should drink the required amount our body could take. Drink only when thirsty is the safest way.
5 Oct 08
My Dr advised during a time where I was dehydrated that Tea, Coffee etc were fine to help if I didnt like water. Would you then also the consider other drinks you have consumed also during the day within the equation? Tea is a directic but as previous respondent advised it does little to help deal with over consumption.
• Morocco
4 Oct 08
Each thing,if you use it more much then what it should,you'll get heart. Water is good for health but drinking it so mutch causes ills in the estomac and break down bit of operations that the body does,like using the enought eating vitamines and protines . Generally , the average quantity that we shall drink each day, is between 1 litre to 1.25 or 1.5 litre.
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• United States
4 Oct 08
Oh wow I never knew that drinking too much water was bad. My parents always told me to drink alot of water because it's good for you
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Too much of a anything is not good and water is no exception.
@nadooa247 (1096)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Im not sure about brain damage but here is an article for you to read... in short it's about a woman that drank too much water there are many conditions with drinking too much water and NOT going to the bathroom as well.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Nov 08
Thank you for that link, I've noted it and would check on it for better information.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I have always heard that we should drink plenty of water daily. I have never heard that too much of it, is bad for us. I think we should drink alot of it to help keep our bodies flushed out.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
6 Oct 08
It might be fatal if drinking gallons of water at one time but drinking over a period of time might be safe. I am not very clear on the exact amount a person should drink in a day but I was made to believe that water does make people sick if taken in too much. It burden the internal organs.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
9 Oct 08
[i]Hello zandi, I guess from the common saying " too much is dangerous" will also apply to drinking water! from the article I have read and I quote! There are many disadvantages of consuming more water. It leads to recurrent attacks of cold and cough. It also increases the chances of arthritic pain, tend to increase body weight and loss of appetite. The body cells or tissues absorb more water and tend to swell as much as 6 times of its own size. [/i]
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
9 Oct 08
Thanks for the extract. It confirms that water is no miracle to human cures as most believed it to be. It can do more harm than good if consumed in excess. I always thought that water has the natural healing power in minor illness and I was made to believe that it can slim down for those who wants to reduce body weight. They are far from truth and lucky enough I open this discussion as the feedback was very encouraging and informative.
@munna091 (82)
5 Oct 08
ha ha... Its true in the case of patients but not in the case of healthy people.. someone said me ill healthy who are taking glucose if had more n more water the effect of glucose wont work correctly...
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Please read some of the responses here. They are very informative. Not only patients that need to limit water intake. It concerns everybody.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
9 Oct 08
What is the wisdom of drinking more than you need? Eat food that has water already in it, such as fruits and vegetables. Drink when you are thirsty, when you exercise, when it's hot, but don't overdo it.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
26 Oct 08
You're right, it is only logic to drink water when thirsty. Don't over consume more than the requirement. It would be fatal.
• India
5 Oct 08
I don't think drinking water can kill a person. One willnot be able to drink more than one's capacity as the body will reject it. You canonly drink as muchas your stomach can take after taht you will throw up. That is what you do in yoga. It is called "Chang Prakchalan" or teh cleansing of the stomach. yousit on your haunches and drink 8-10 glasses of luke warm water wiha pich of salt. Youcontinue drinking till you start throwing up and get loose motions. After a while the loose motions stop. Then you drink some more and then clear water starts passign in the stool. Then you stop hjavingwater and do not have anythingtoeat for a while. you start eating with boiled rice mixed with a spoon full of animal fat. You start eating solids after one day only. It is very good for reducing weight and should be done once a month but only under medical care. Those who cleanthe stomach in this manner remain fit.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Great this is a good detoxification for everybody. I should try this out as I am on the big size.
@zenki08 (700)
• Philippines
6 Oct 08
Basically too much of everything is bad for anyone. In rare cases such as your moms 1000 ml of water is what her body can take, it is her limit. go over that and that will have a bad effect.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
6 Oct 08
You're right. We should take moderately of everything. 1000ml is inclusive of soup that my mom takes. Infact, it is too little liquid for a person but due to her heart problem she needs to limit her liquid intake.
@Metalchick (1391)
5 Oct 08
Never really given this much thought before but now you mention it it does require a bit of thought. I've always heard drinking water is good for you and you should drink about eight pints a day. I personally couldn't see a problem with drinking a lot of water well apart from the fact you would be forever in the toilet. However after reading your point of view on second thoughts perhaps it would strin the kidneys and may in time cause other medical problems.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
We only have to drink when we are thirsty.
@clear786 (38)
5 Oct 08
too much of anything is bad and i think it can make your body tissues soft and that can lead to some health issues.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
I support your stand
@shana123 (2095)
• India
5 Oct 08
What you mom is allowed to drink 1000 ml , how can she be active , if she drinks less water , i mean i feel 1000 ml is very less , here in my place doctors are asking us to drink 3.5 litres due to global warming , i dont know about your place but atleast a person should drink some 1.5 litres per day dont they? What you said was right regarding the water concept , i read it in a news papers and even in internet that , a women who participated in water drinking competion , she won actually and was killed due to the toxicity of the water , it happened because of the thing which you have explained here.. Truly when we drink more water it is toxic to us..
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
My mom has this heart problem which will worsen if she drink too much liquid. She is no longer active as before and operation on her heart is too risky. she is already 75 years old. It all depends on our need, as drinking too much can be fatal like the case of that woman who participated in the contest.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
5 Oct 08
as with anything.. too much isnt a good thing and can be damaging. and yes, you can get water poisoned. i have a dog who went through it because he is addicted to water.. and he was on the verge of kidney failure when the vet finally caught what the problem was. hes now on a strict intake schedule for water.. and the same would hold true for a person as well.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Well even animal can be toxicated by water. It is a warning that we should not drink too much of water.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Oct 08
lol dear Zandi.... you have used " too much water " remember one golden rule that is too much of everything is killing may it be Water or anything else ..... But yes definition of too much varies from person to person . So always remember that excess of everything is bad...... Thanks For raising such a good discussion.....! Happy Mylotting ! Take Care ! Ganesh !
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Yes, it does not take much ingenuity to reason out that excess of anything is fatal. We have to take in whatever it is moderately.
@celticeagle (172386)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Oct 08
I have been drinking alot of water for years and have no kidney problems. This may be a rare situation and one that happens to those with certain weaknesses or illnesses. It pays to get the input of a good doctor if there are weaknesses or sentivities. But, I really think this is a rarity and nothing to worry about.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Mybe it is an isolated case but we do not want to take the risk as most agreed that taking in too much water is not good and the recommended amount is 8 - 10 glasses a day.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
5 Oct 08
i heard you can drink too much water, that you can drown yourself, it happen to some lady here.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Thats true
@dieorfly (763)
• Slovak Republic
5 Oct 08
I have never heard about that. Clean water is healthy for organism because it is natural. I drink daily about 2-3 liters of water and have not noticed any bad impact on my body yet:)
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
Oh definitaly clean water is healthy but just be careful not to drink too much. You should refer to respondent no. 20. It is as good as a doctor's consultancy.