So do you believe in God?
By psspurgeon1
@psspurgeon1 (1109)
United States
14 responses
@TravisE (440)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I do believe in God. But, that may not be God as you see her. That word, "God" allows for a great deal of interpretation, and it is from undeclared differences in the interpretation being used that have lead to so much religious strife and persecution in this world.
So, yes, I do. Do you, and if so, what does the word "God" mean to you?
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@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I agree with that as well. While I think it's good to share the good word, I think it is a terrible thing to be put into a position of someone elses thoughts and feelings imposed upon you. It is uncomfortable and infuriating.
@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I do believe in God. I believe in the christian version of God. I don't have the answers to the religion questions, I don't argue, I just try to have a very blind faith. To me, it can't hurt me to have blind faith in God but if I didn't and it were all true, it would hurt me not to have the faith. Does that make any sence?

@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
5 Oct 08
When I look around me I think that there must be someone who has created the trees, the sea, the animals and us human beings. Yes I do believe in God.
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@justinus (1104)
• Karawaci, Indonesia
5 Oct 08
Yes of course. But which God did you mean ? Christian refer God to Jesus but as far as I know Moslem refer God to Alloh, some of them do not accept that Alloh is the same with Allah, God, Jesus etc. I trust to God who created this world and planets spiritually. I make a little poll at my site, only 3 peoples 100% trust in God, one=0% and one=25% trust in God.
@Kmarie923 (875)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I do! I feel really bad for the people that don't, because God is really good to have in your life. When I feel bad, I can just pray about my problems and it will always make me feel just a little bit better.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
6 Oct 08
Yes, I do believe in God. As a matter of fact, it's hard for me to understand how anyone could not. I know there are a lot of people who put their faith in science and think Christians particularly are anti-science, but that's not so. I think science confirms God in that it has proven the complexity of all creation, that we cannot duplicate those complexities and that only a superior intelligence could have created the universe.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I believe in God and I believe that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God and my Lord and Savior.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Do I beleive in the Christian God? No absolutely NOT..but I do believe in a Higher Power (Bondye) but he's nothing like the God the masses generally are refering to...
what are my religious beliefs? Well I'm not "Religious" at fact I dont care for religion in the slightest since it causes more issues than does good really..I am however a very spiritual person and my personal spiritual path is a blend of various ones, mainly Paganism and Buddhism but there are other parts to it such as Vodou, native American spirituality and such..
@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
4 Oct 08
Of course I believe in God.
I'm a Deist.
Deists are people that have concluded that there is a God, through their own reasoning, experiences and studies.Deists have come to believe that none of the revealed religions are or can be correct.That God communicates to us through nature and not though men’s words. Deists believe that through careful reasoning that humans can develop better lives and higher morality than they could by trying to follow what any ancient book may teach.
Most Deists believe we are living a moral life simply by helping others when we can, therefore Deists don't need holy books or "authorities" telling us how to live a moral life. Deists believe that by leaving superstition behind and using valid reasoning, we can have a better world.
Which is what most of us want, regardless of our “religion.”
Most of the holy books would have us accept that God loves some humans and not others. Deists do not accept that.Most Deists believe that we are equal as far as God is concerned. No special groups or people or special prophets, just one human race.
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
5 Oct 08
I have to reiterate the question. When you say God, which one do you mean. I believe in many of the Gods and honor them. I don't necessarily believe in them all though. If, as I suspect, you are referring to the Christian God, then no, not particularly.
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
4 Oct 08
I'm an agnostic atheist.
My interest in religion is mostly based in the psychology of faith in the supernatural--why people have such faith, where that impulse came from, etc.
@santuccie (3384)
• United States
4 Oct 08
I believe in God in "Creator" context, but not in a "supernatural" God. I believe events may have come into play that science in its current state does not explain, but not magic. Unless you are referring specifically to the belief in a doctrinal God(s), I would have to say your use of "supernatural" is nothing more than a clever sleight of hand in attempt to portray theism as unrealistic.
As far as why people believe in a higher power, Otto described it as "mysterium tremendum et fascinans":
Hope this helps!
@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
4 Oct 08
I simply don't. I don't think you have to have religion to be a good person. If you have the best interests of everyone in mind and you stay out of murders and live life as the person you want to be, you can't go wrong. People have so many different views on what is godly and what's not, I think it's best to live by your own code.
@vmksvmks (413)
• Canada
5 Oct 08
Responding to this type of a discussion is that it is very fragile I think i have answered twice over the past month that I am devout precticing Catholic and yes i have the Faith and Believe in God But is usually brings a vamp by some and i was told I was crazy,there is no God and I will go to Hell How about that for a site that promotes respect and acceptance Good Luck
@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I am not catholic but christian, I am not here to call anyone crazy or argue with their beliefs. I would never tell you you are crazy for your beliefs and hope that nobody else in any of my discussions would either. I just wanted to get it going and see how many different religious/non religious types were out there. Always inquisitive. Thank you for responding...
@Loves_Storm (36)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I belive in God but I'm not a self proclaimed Christian....I believe in ALOT of things but the ONE thing I DO belive is that God does exsit and that his son did die for me and rose again and will come bk for us SOME day....but everyone has different beliefs and it is NOT up to us(the rest of the world) to change ANYones belief..everyone will believe what they want to believe regardless....