I hate dog fighting, fox hunting and bull fighting
By ronaldinu
@ronaldinu (12422)
October 12, 2008 11:32am CST
I don't consider dog fighting, fox hunting and bull fighting as sports. I do condem bird shooting too. I don't like animal unecessary suffering. I don't think it is sport to inflict pain on someone who cannot react back. Do you consider hunting, dog fighting, fox hunting and bull fighting as sports?
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22 responses
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
28 Feb 09
No I don't consider them sports. It is mean to do that to a animal. My brother in law fights chickens for sports I hate it. I think it is demeaning to them even though I hate the chickens they don't deserve to have to fight for their lives in a fighting match and if they don't win they are either killed or damaged.
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
15 Oct 08
I certainly don't consider them to be a sport and I think the people who indulge in these types of activities are repulsive. I don't even like to think of cattle or pigs being slaughtered or fish being caught with a fish hook stook in their mouths. Then there are the hens and chickens who have their necks stretched and broken. It is all so terrible but what are we to do!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Oct 08
Any hunting of animals should be classed as illegal, and they certainly shouldn't be classed as sports, how would humans like it, if animals started shooting us for sport and for the fun of it? We'd soon complain then, but animals can't complain and humans see them as inferior. Fox hunting is actually banned now in the UK but it doesn't stop it from going on as with the other illegal activities involving cruelty to animals.
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@littleowl (7157)
12 Oct 08
Hello ronald...I think that it the most cruelest thing in the world that a human being to do to any animal...especially when they are teaching them to kill each other..man is the cruelest animal on the planet or those who teach these animals animals to be killers...
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
14 Oct 08
i hate anyone that thinks cruelty to animals is enjoyable!! i cant hunt i just get so upset seeing any animal die
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 08
Hunting for food or for population control or pest control is okay by me but hunting for the fun of it is a big NO for me. We should just leave the animal alone as there are many other problems or things that we can work on.
As for bull fighting, I am totally against it. Some people claimed that it is a tradition in Spain so therefore, it is allowed. What about the c-o-c-k fighting that is a tradition in Asia? Why do they (the westerners) speak against it? Talk about hypocrisy!
As human who claimed to be more intelligent then anything else in this world, we should be able to think wisely and not do things that hurt other beings...
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
11 Dec 10
I hate anything that kills or hurts an animal for sport. Hunting is one thing, if the animals are killed humanely, and then eaten, or buying meat in a store is another, but killing or hurting an animal for sport just isn't right. You would get along well with my sister. She is an activist, and has done a lot of work here in Canada, to fight for animal rights. She's also a vegetarian.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
13 Oct 08
I'm with you and think these activities are repulsive. However there are many who like to watch blood sports as long as they are not involved. I saw a bullfight in Madrid and was sickened by the experience, but many Spaniads attend these on a weekly basis. The world is sick.
@sergius666 (1)
27 May 10
Hi Mipen2006,I agree with you that bullfighting is horrible,and it should be banned-and I am a `Spaniard´ I just have to tell you,and make clear at once,that most Spanish people also hates bullfighting,and only a little minority backs that `game´which is kept alive for no reason but supposed,tradition.
But let´s hope it will end soon,someday.
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
24 Feb 11
I too hate all these things. I hate any hunting or fighting that is considered a sport. To me cruel things like that are not sports. Bull fighting and things like that are disgusting and should be banned. The only reason people should be killing animals is if they intend to eat them. Then they should be killed as humanely as possible. I dont eat meat at all but I understand why others do. For that reason alone as long as they eat the food and dont just kill the animal for sport to me thats ok although I would prefer if the animals werent killed at all of course.
@donna22 (1116)
13 Oct 08
I hate any kind of animal cruelty and agree with you about these not being sports. Hunting to control population I can kind of see the reasoning to but I do not agree with people who just want to shoot something for the "glory of the kill." That is sick. Dog fighting is something I am extremeley against. I just do not see the appeal in watching two dogs fight and hurt themselves. This goes for any kind of blood sport really. I was very pleased when fox hunting was banned in this country and when people who do it were on TV complaining I thought "can you not find anything else to occupy your time?" It is all very well saying its tradition, has been done for centuries etc but so what? People have been killing each other for centuries. Does that make it ok? In fact any crimes have been commited for centuries. Are they ok? It looks like such a poor excuse to me.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I think the people who practice those things and the people who watch them are sick beyond measure. They should be put away somewhere away from the rest of society.
Hunting, I agree with in limited capacity. If you're hunting for food and can't get food any other way, that's fine because you're feeding your family. My dad hunted when I was small because we couldn't afford food. We grew our own vegetables and mom canned a lot. But when we could afford food, he didn't hunt. Hunting for "sport" is barbaric and sick.
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• United States
12 Oct 08
no, i don't. every year we are covered up in nasty old blackbirds in our town. they make suach a mess, i hate them. i would be glad for someone to shot every one of them.
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
13 Oct 08
How can you call them nasty. I think we human beings are much more nastier. They are just living their life, whereas human beings kill to eat, kill for enjoyment, or kill for encroachment. What do you say to that? It would be nice if you learnt to enjoy those blackbirds instead of hating them.
• United States
13 Oct 08
every year we our bombarded w/nasty old blackbirds by the hundreds probably thousands. they poop all over your house , cars , yards & outbuildings. my neighbor couldn't even walk in her back yard last year for the poop. u send me your addresss, i'll send them to your house & see how u like having the nasty things invade your neighborhood.they are really a problem last year at christmas when all my company left they had to go wash their cars,i'd kill everyone of theem if i could. they are nasty & fiftjy & probably carry all kind of disease. u are more than welcme to them. missy.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
13 Oct 08
Nope I don't like any of those. I consider that cruelty to animals. I hate to watch those animals in bloody fighting. I think they should be treated kindly. They deserve kind treatment like human beings because they too have lives to live and preserve.
@mands61123 (2098)
12 Oct 08
nope i agree with you i can barely watch animal widelife programmes where something gets killed and thats nature strongest survives so doing it for enjoyment as a "sport" i just can't see the joy maybe they should hunt each other see if they like it!
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
13 Oct 08
I have always hated such things. That is why I turned into a vegetarian. People make fun of me, but I've seen the other side. I just don't understand how people can stand and watch such sport. I really don't call it a sport though. It is cruel and should be banned.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Oct 08
Hi ronald, None of these that you mention are sports. It is nothing but cruelty to animals, and should not be allowed. The only hunting that I would condone would be hunting for food and only then when it is done in a humane way. Inflicting pain on any living creature is wrong. If an animal has to be killed it must be done in the most humane way possible. Such things as dog fighting, fox hunting and bull fighting is a disgrace to the human race and I believe that all nations should make it a crime for anyone to indulge in these actions. Blessings.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I consider them torture for animals. Let a human, who wishes to be chased, shot at, stabbed, etc., take the place of the animals. Animals do not hurt or kill for fun.
It's not sport. Anyone who supports them is a jerk!
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
13 Oct 08
I'm right with you there, ronaldinu! All the things you mention are cruel and despicable - and should be banned! I'm always glad when the bulls manage to gouge someone when they are running in Pamplona - I'm on the bull's side every time! We have no right to taunt any living creature, and if they turn on us, we deserve all we get!
@tamarafireheart (15384)
13 Oct 08
Hi ronaldinu,
Those things are not a sports, they are cruelty to animals and I wish that it can be sotp world wide, I hate anyone who is being cruel poor animals, I cannot undertand why people do this, they have no feelings, what if someone done that to their children, sorry I had to say that, it makes me so angry, because I love all animals.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hey ronaldinu, I detest any form of animal fighting for sport
or any other reason! It is not a form of entertainment if
an animal is caused to suffer in any way! I am very much
against animal fighting or hunting for any reason! I wish
that the people that do these things would be hunted down
or thrown in the rings and attacked or hunted down just
like they do to the animals so that they could see how it