What's the first thing you remember about your child after they were born?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
October 14, 2008 1:28am CST
When my daughter was born, it was by cesarean section.
So, of course, I was on a spinal tap.
That way I didn't feel anything below
the neck during the surgery.
When she came out, they rushed her over
to the little table and she wasn't making any noises.
I think she was asleep because of the fever.
They cleaned her off, wrapped her up
and brought her over to me.
I know everyone says this, but I'd never
seen a more beautiful baby in my life.
I had the feeling as if my heart would explode
of out my chest and run away.
They had to hold her up close to my face, cause my arms
were strapped down (or at least I think they were,
cause I couldn't feel them).
I kissed her face and started crying like a baby.
She just stared at me with one eye open and one
eye closed.
I kept crying and kissing her face.
I have never been happier in my life.
What's the first thing you remember about each of your children?
Are there any special memories from the time when your child
or children were born?
Memories that come back to you as if they just happened?
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35 responses
@DaddyOfTheRose (2934)
• United States
14 Oct 08
When my daughter was delivered by Cesarean section, she was also taken to a table at the side of the room for resuscitation. I am told that children delivered by Cesarean section often need resuscitation, having something to do with not being squeezed through the pelvis and fluid remaining in the lungs. After a brief moment, she was brought over to me. She was all wet but looked at me with her beautiful deep, dark eyes. Her expression seemed to say, "Dad, I paid the rent, put me back."
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Awww! That's sweet.
Thanks for the beautiful story.
And thanks for explaining that part about
resuscitation. They didn't want to tell
me anything in the hospital or explain anything.
I was the last one to know anything and kept
intentionally out of the loop.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Mostly it was the usual elation that the pregnancy is over, the baby is here, etc etc. I couldn't take my eyes off any of them.
The most memorable is of course the twins. I delivered in the operating room just in case. My son was born first, but they didn't let me hold him right away. They didn't even let hubby cut the ambilical cord. They just swept him off to his little warmer to make sure he was ok, which he was, 6 lbs 12 oz... no problems at all.
Now you hear about twins normally being born a couple hours apart, and after my son was born I was having no contractions, so I was settling in for a nice break, and of course the last thing you want to do after you deliver a baby is to do it again... like ever!!! But the moment my son was out the doctor said he was pushing my daughter into position and I was to start pushing. WHAT??? He maneuvered her from the outside which I guess was rather painful although I don't remember, my husband tells me I screamed. Then the doctor is telling me to push. Um... no way, I want a break. The doc says I don't get a break, start pushing. I kept fighting.. no, I want a break, leave me alone, go away. Eventually both the doctor and my husband are screaming at me to shut up and push. Geeez, okay!!! She was born exactly 10 minutes after her brother. She came out purple, silent, and still. OMG!!
Turns out her heart rate dropped very dangerously, but they wouldn't tell me because they didn't want me to panic and stress her out even more. So hubby and I sat there while they worked on her, both of us holding our breath. By then my son had stopped crying and it was all silent in the room. When we finally heard her cry we both let out our breath and at the same time said "Thank God".
She hasn't stopped crying since 

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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
14 Oct 08
You almost made me cry!
I was holding my breath all the
way through your story hoping
everything turned out OK.
You tell a really moving story!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Oct 08
"What the heck do I do now?!" My wife had a C section and was out cold. The midwife brought my daughter to me, pausing to pump out her lungs first, and gave her to me in a blanket. I sat there for three hours looking at her and marveling. But I had absolutely no idea what to do with her. Thankfully a nurse came by and took her off for a feed until my wife came round and was able to do so herself.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Child birth, from a guys point of view!
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@ronacruz2007 (650)
• Philippines
14 Oct 08
Well as a mother we always has this fond memories of our children when they were born. I remember
when my child was born i am very anxious to see him to know what does he looks like or how is he? When i saw him the most i remember is his eyelashes . Even at the very early stage he has this eyelashes that is so visible and so good to see. Up to now whenever he is sleeping i still watch him sleep and oh his eyelashes are so good on him

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@anandkumar35 (33)
14 Oct 08
Its a very happy moment when a child is born of your own.that time you will be very happy and start thinking about his carrer and how to grow him and in what situation.giving him all the happineness which you may not have got as in your childhood...
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
15 Oct 08
When my second daughter was born my husband shouted "It's a boy!" because he saw the umbilical cord. LOL!
When my first baby was born, I thought I would cry. I heard babies being born on the other side of the wall while I was in labour and I cried. But I didn't cry when my own baby was born. They cleaned her up and weighed her right there in the delivery room. She was 7 pounds 11 ounces and at the time I was working for head office of 7-Eleven stores. Another employee had come into the office bragging about his baby being 7-11 when she was born. That was sometime before my baby was born. So I hooted when they told me that.
I also remember wanting food since I had been there since 4:30 Thursday afternoon and gave birth at 1:50pm on Friday. They didn't feed me because they weren't sure if I might need a C-section. So the first thing I asked for when put in the wheelchair was water, and then food. They brought me 2 freakin' digestive cookies. I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours!!!! DH carried the baby to the room.
I didn't cry after my second either. They took the baby away to weigh her and DH went with her (this is to avoid any baby mix-ups). The doctor was cleaning up and he was counting swabs. I joked to him, "Are you trying to figure out how much to charge me?" We don't get charged for medical care. He was making sure he didn't leave a swab inside me.
Apart from the pictures I have, I don't remember much about holding my baby for the first time, especially the second one. I do remember my nights in the hospital getting very little sleep.
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@Annmac (949)
15 Oct 08
I had all three of mine by fully aneathetised C-sections and by the time I saw them they were all cleaned up and dressed. My husband saw them before I did!
All of them were beautiful as most C-section babies are (they don't get squashed on the way out), but my daughter was like a baby doll. She was only 4lbs 4ozs (2 kg) and about 18ins long. 30 years ago you couldn't buy prem weight clothes so everything was too big for her! Luckily my friends and family got the knitting needles out and made her the most beautiful little jackets and cardigans. She was still only 5 and 1/2lb when she came home a month later.
I think that first sight of your baby is the most wonderful experience in the world.
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@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
15 Oct 08
The first thing I remember with my first is asking if it was a boy or girl (I had a very long and bad labour & ended up having an emergency c-section)...then asking if he was ok as he wasn't crying, they whisked him over to the table to check him out, worked on him a little while as he was flacid then wrapped him up and bought over near my face...the feeling of love was overwhelming and I was crying my eyes out...they wouldn't let me hold him as he had to go be measured and weighed & then they discovered he was way too cold & had to be put in a humidicrib until I got to recovery & they put him on my chest as they said it would warm him up faster - I didn't put him down all day and all night (apart from when my husband held him).
With my second the c-section was planned as I cannot give birth naturally. I remember him being pulled out and hearing him cry - the most wonderful sound I had ever heard after the ordeal with our first - my eyes welled up with tears...they took him to the table, checked him out & wrapped him up and then layed him on my chest & that's where he stayed until the took him to be weighed and measured while the doctors finished stitching me up...again the overwhelming love was amazing!
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I remember seeing this little person come into the world and screaming their head off. I though I would break him so the video shows me just rubbing his head where his little cap was. I didn't want to touch him and hurt him since he was so little. My daughter came into the world yelping too, I was a little more apt to hold her since I had three years to get used to the boy. I was preparing a video for my wife the other day and it had their births on it. I just sat and cried, what an experience!
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
22 Oct 08
They first thing i remember in each of my childrens birth is the drunken feeling you get when the doctor tells you if its a boy or girl. The last one i knew before her birth but still there is the possibility of them being wrong. At least back then in 1982 there was. I remember when my son was born the nurses would come into your room before you go home and show the new mother how to bathe the baby. My son peed in the nurses face. I will never forget that. i never knew such a little baby could pee so much. Lol!
@jmtdgtsam55 (61)
15 Oct 08
My daughter was born by assisted forceps following induction. She was 10 days overdue so I was beginning to wonder when I would see her, I just couldn't wait.
I was in labour for 5 hours 20 minutes before I finally gave birth - I was only on gas & air until the doctor said she needed a helping hand - she wasn't in danger she had just stopped for a rest on her journey. I then had a spinal block so it was only the bottom half of my body I couldn't feel,withing minutes she was born, they took her away to clean her up and then I had the cry - it was amazing, so surreal.
They put a little hat on her and passed her to me, I was just amazed at this perfect tiny human being we had created.We cried with joy and I didn't ever want to let her go.
I would go through it all again tomorrow, but unfortunately I have a heart condition (since birth) and it would be too risky to put my body through this again. I am extremely grateful for my daughter as I know a lot of people can't even have that, this makes me cherish her even more. At least I had my dream come true the day she was born. I am still in awe of the whole miracle. She is now two years old and I couldn't imagine life without her as no parent can!
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
14 Oct 08
I have to kids now and both are different experience for me which i could never ever forget..
When my first daughter was born, I did not have a hard time though it was painful, i gave birth in a private hospital and the treatment was really great and my ob-gyne was caring and tender so i did not have a hard time and when i first saw her my first instinct was to cry! it was really unforgetable, the way she sleeps and the way she smells...! it was so angelic!
My second baby, it was also unforgettable because it was like hell! i gave birth in a semi-private hospital and the service sucks.. i thought i could just give birth there because it is in my budget, i admit it is pretty cheap..but i did not realize the service would be that bad. When i arrive there at 6 in the morning they did not even attend to me right away, andi have to be interviewed and even right myself the information sheet! ish..it was so painful alreayd and the attendant forgot to write that it was already my second baby so they did not know it would come that fast! they did not even put the IV and dextrose right aways coz they didnt know it would open fast, 30 minutes after the head was already coming out and they are not even ready, i was already crying because the baby is coming already! and the ob-gyne is not even prepared, she did not have her gloves on..and i was not even on anesthesia! it really sucks and painful, afterwards i could even feel the needle when they were sewing me...ughh.. and the nurses are strict! and my baby did not breath right away probably because i was holding him back..because i have to wait for the nurses and doctor to get ready..i thought he will die but luckily he breath and was on oxygen for 24 hours... :(( i was so sad i had to put him through there..so much for budgeting but all is well now and he is healthy and a happy baby boy!
This two experiences made me tough, made me who i am now...:D tough and strong...
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@bostonterrio (70)
• United States
14 Oct 08
I have five children so the experience was a bit different with each one. I do remember an overwhelming feeling of awe that such a miracle was mine. I had three children through natural childbirth and was allowed to hold them for over an hour immediately after birth. What an incredible feeling of accomplishment and joy. My youngest two were cesareans so the experience was different. I could not hold them immediately after but did insist on touching and kissing them. Back in my room I could barely contain myself with the desire to be with my babies. I know I made a pest of myself until the nurses gave in and brought them to me.
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@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
15 Oct 08
When both my daughters were born both by csection I asked the dr to lift them over the blue cloth they are not twins lol. I wanted the same picture of them. With all the blood and white stuff all over them. Before that I heard them cry and it sounded like a little kitten so cute. They are both beautiful babies and growing us a beautiful children. My 1st born has blond hair with little curls at the end which everyone would die for hair and the bluest eyes. My 2nd doesn't have much hair yet but its coming in a light brown and a very pretty green eyes and they are both smart as can be.
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@gtdonna (1738)
15 Oct 08
They say memories don't ever leave. We didn't want to know the gender of the baby, so I had a naturla birth and when she was delivered, the nurse held her up and said, what were you hoping for a boy or a girl, and I said it don't matter. The nurse said, it's a girl and the same time she said girl, my daughter let loose a stream of water on her and we both laughed. Still today my daughter likes to hear how she wet the nurse minutes after she was born.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
15 Oct 08
My first born, my son, I remember when he came out and they held him upside down by his feet, I thought that he was so beautiful! He looked like a girl.
My daughter, was Cesarean section and I did not see her right away. When I first was given her to hold I said, "She looks like a mole! And she did!! She turned to a beauty in a few days, though. LOL
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@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
15 Oct 08
The first thing I remember is....
The second thing....
"What, just the one?"
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@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
15 Oct 08
My first born ~ was born with a cleft lip, thankfully it didn't affect her palette and she was born approximately 2 weeks late ~ my daughter.
My second born ~ cried a lot and wouldn't rest that much during the night and was born right on time ironically ~ my son.
My third born ~ was a mis-carry, so he or she was not born at all.
My fourth born ~ was born early and had to stay in the hospital for two weeks, with tubes all attached to her ~ my daughter.
There won't be any others unless we adopt or foster.
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