Grocery Shopping: What Are the Cashier's Duties??

@kareng (69728)
United States
October 16, 2008 9:44am CST
I stopping in at our local Walmart yesterday on my way home from work. I had a basket full of items, including about half of them being groceries. The cashier rang up my items and put them in bags around the carousel thing and also a couple on top. He was still ringing up items when he stopped and said to me, "Are you going to put your stuff in your basket?" I said, "No, I am not. He then asked me why not? I told him it was not my job. I didn't work at Walmart and Walmart doesn't pay me. I then told him it was his job to load the groceries. He said well they didn't tell me that. I said no problem, lets call your manager. He just stared at me like I was crazy. The lady in line behind me was getting annoyed because she only had a couple of items and started complaining that she was going to be late for Church. (Why didn't she get in the express lane????) Back to the cashier. He continued to bag my groceries and piled things up to the point where things were falling out of the bags. I then asked him to please rebag a few things. He did, but with an attitude. I just remarked that if they were all falling out of the bags now, how was I going to get them in my car?? So he finishes ringing everything up and tells me to slide my card. I hesitated and asked again if he was going to put my groceries in my bag. I didn't want my card charged for him to just stand there. He said yes and sighed. I told him again to call the manager if he had a problem. He loaded my buggy by just throwing the bags in not paying attention to how he was loading it by putting heavy stuff on top of things that would be ruined. I made a mental note to call the manager today. That is on my list of things to do at lunch today. So my question to you is this. Do you consider it the cashier's job to load your purchase in your buggy? Or do you do it yourself? I have to admit that I have loaded mine sometimes when in a hurry or there are long lines. I don't mind most of the time but I don't like the attitudes of some of these people who refuse to do things that should be their job in the first place. How do you feel? What would you have done? I was very close to just walking out and leaving it all there for them to restock. You don't know how close I came to it.
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54 responses
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I feel you on this one!! I am a victim of this right here!! Yes it is there job to load the grocery in a buggy for you.. But, for some strange reason Wal-Mart does not have baggers.. You will have to put your own grocery in the buggy. They will load them all up into bags and you will have to be quick about grabbing the bags once they are full and put them into your buggy. I have had to do this many times.. I hated it!! Sometimes, I would be daydreaming and the cashier would have to tell me to get my bags and put it into the buggy. I usually will just go to Piggly Wiggly. They have guys that will take your bags to your car, in a buggy they use.. They will unload everything in your car, and they will make sure that nothing fragile gets crushed. I have even had an male bagger give me my bread, just to hold onto, so that it won't get crushed. The cashier had no right to catch an attitude.. I would have called the manager on them too. Oh, how I just love to make complaints about employees.. I enjoy doing this.. It makes me feel respected.. I know how you must really feel. I have been the victim, too many times of this issue.. I will just lad my groceries in my buggy and be on my merry way. But, if the cashier catches an attitude, I will report them to their manager, with no problem..
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@kareng (69728)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Our Walmart has always put the groceries in the buggy for you since they opened. This hasn't been a problem until just recently with some new hires. The attitude needs to go though regardless!
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
17 Oct 08
It makes you feel respected to get a high school kid or working mom (generally that's who's running a register at a Wal-Mart or grocery store) talked to by their manager? Really? Being a good person, treating others as you wish to be treated, that doesn't leave you with a good feeling about yourself? Places that bring your items to your car for you charge more for their items. Which is fine, but it doesn't at all make it standard service. Wal-Mart which is shooting for lowest prices on all items does not standardly provide service to the car. They don't have baggers either. The cashier puts your items into a bag and you put the bag into your cart.
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@kareng (69728)
• United States
2 Feb 09
Well this store does put your groceries in your basket and they have since they first opened. If rules have changed, they need to let their customers know about it. I wasn't rude, but the cashier was rude to me. And no, I don't need someone's service to make me feel respected. I was taught to respect others and that is how I have raised my children. When I get a rude treatment from someone less than half my age it is double disrespect because in this situation it should have been courtesy to the customer and the elder.
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I am one of these people that prefer to put my own bags in the buggy due to the fact that I know they are in a hurry and I don't want my bread and eggs underneath a case of pop. (OK I exaggerated a little. My son works at Wal-Mart as a buggy pusher/cashier so I asked him. He says that cashiers are not required to put your bags in your buggy. That is why they have the is designed for you to put your own bags in your buggy, thus resulting in faster check out time. But he also said that they are told to do it if the customer requests it for the purpose of keeping the customer happy. He said that at the Wal-mart he works at the cashier probably would have got the manager to explain that it is not a requirement of the cashiers job but a courtesy to you as the customer. He says the problem would have resulted from the cashier having a bad attitude not the fact that he didn't want to put your groceries in your buggy. Hope your next trip goes better!
@kareng (69728)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I think if this is the new rule at our store, they need to put up signs to let the public know. Since they started doing this in the beginning several years ago, people are accustomed to it. All of the original employees still put the bags in the buggies. It is just the new ones hired that do not.
• Canada
17 Oct 08
Thanks for clarifying the Wal-Mart policy here, fasttalker. You've made a good point about the cashier in question, by saying that he likely had a bad overall attitude. This attitude of this one particular employee, likely extends way beyond being asked to place groceries in a buggy. Who knows though, maybe he was just having a really bad day. It happens to the best of us.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
17 Oct 08
i never expect the cashier to put my grocery in my trolley... i always do it myself... i don't think it is part of their job's descriptions... bagging the groceries yes... but putting the customer's shopping in their trolley i think it is a bit too much to expect from the cashier... we here always do it ourselves... take care and have a nice day...
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
The only place I know of that will put the items in my cart for me is Albertsons. Even Natural Grocers won't put my stuff in my cart.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
16 Oct 08
This is so funny! What a riot. I would have loved to be in line behind you and see this whole thing play out. I do believe that since they put in those bagging stations, the purpose was so the customer could put the bags in their cart as the cashier rang them out and filled the bags. I don't like doing this because I like to watch and make sure that they aren't double charging me or that something doesn't ring up wrong. Also, lots of times by the time I have emptied my cart, the bag carousel is full and I think that the cashier should be the one to put the groceries in the cart. I think that alot of the cashiers are just useless anyways. Lots of time I will just go to the self checkout and be done with it. You know, they should give a discount to those who self checkout because we are doing the cashiers job. I can't wait to hear what the manager says about all this. Please make sure to let me know.
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• United States
16 Oct 08
You're right about the turntable bagging station being designed for the customer to put their bags in their cart and thus speed up the checkout process. Although they do assist customers as a courtesy tothem if requested. I too use the self-checkout sytem a lot of times but I do not feel that the cashiers are "useless". My son works at Wal-Mart as a buggy pusher/cashier and he works very hard at his job. The hardest part of his job is putting up with the customers according to him. As we all know Wal-Mart is known for not being the best compnay to work for as they treat their employees very disrespectfully. It's bad enough that your own managers have no respect for you let alone the customer too.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Sorry if I hit a nerve. AT my walmart, I would say that 90% of the cashier are either extremely slow or they will stand there and talk to other employees while they are suppose to be cashing someone out, so they take twice as long. I take a good look to see whose line I am getting in if not using the self checkout because I know which ones are useless and which ones actually cashout in a timely manner.
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• United States
16 Oct 08
No offense taken. I just know that they are not the best employers I've ever seen. And you are right there are always those few that make it hard on the rest of them. I could not handle dealing with the public so I gaurantee I wouldn't last long,not by their doing, but by my own! LOL Have a great day!
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@ruby222 (4847)
16 Oct 08
For the most part we have to pack our own shopping here in the UK ,although there are some supermarkets where the cashier will ask you if you need any help with your packing.In general I find that I can manage well.the only time that I do struggle is if I have lots of shopping,say a bulk shop and then the packing becomes harder,its the speed which cannot be reached to keep up with the cashier.The cashier is way ahead of me lol and the faster I will try to pack the more mistakes I make,and then when it comes to pay for the shopping I have to find my purse ,which is usually upside down in my handbag!Sometimes the Boy scouts or the Girl guides will be at the supermarkets and they will be at the checkouts,they ask if you need any help packing,and they will help you in return for a small donation to their funds,a good money raising idea.
@kareng (69728)
• United States
17 Oct 08
That's awesome that the scouts help out! Great idea!
3 people like this
16 Oct 08
Good grief! You are so spoilt in the US. In the UK you get to pack your own groceries (although many companies do ask if you need help, now). Frankly I think if you're too lazy to pack your own, then I'm suprised you can actually manage to put the items in the trolley in the first place!
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
Walmart is a discount store @MsTickle
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Unfortunately Walmart has become one of those stores where customers are expected to put their groceries into their own carts. I don't think it's actually required of the employees to do anything more beyond bagging up the items. There are several stores around here that are just like that, and there are some where the customer has to do their own bagging. It's annoying to me as well, but I think it's quickly becoming one of those "facts of life."
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@kareng (69728)
• United States
2 Feb 09
You may be right, it is a way for them to cut the corners. Sad to see, but that is the way the world is turning.
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• United States
17 Oct 08
ive had the cashier at the walmart do both. totally ignore putting the bags in the cart, and also be right on the button to put them in. course with the way the lane and cashier/bagging station is set up at our walmart, its obvious that they expect the customer to do it. something about passing on the savings of paying for a bagger to you thru lower prices on groceries. yeah ok i get that and it sounds great, im all for lower prices lol! though if i was in you place, just his attitude alone would have pissed me off. and then seeing him put heavy stuff on top of soft stuff would have made me irate and i would have gone straight to a manager and complained. even IF the manager says it is not one of his duties..A PLEASANT ATTITUDE IS! i usually try to put the bags in the cart myself...since getting squished bread happens very often if i dont lol!
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
I usually shop at Albertsons or Costco, at albertsons they have bagboys who'll put things in my cart and at Costco they just put things in my cart without bagging it. I rarely bother going to Walmart.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I got a bit irate just reading this. I am a cashier. I work alone and I know at walmart there are no bagboys. It is not the cashier's job to stop and load your grocieries. You are just standing there as he rings up your stuff and bags it. It should be no problem to pull it from the carosel and put it in your cart rather than have him stop ringing and pull them out and lean over the counter...time consuming for both of you and let's not forget the people behind you. Not to be rude but I can only imagine from reading this that you aroused his bad attitude. I am a very laid back person and in 16 years of customer service only had a few people that treat me as you did him....and me quite fired up on the inside. As a cashier, we try to move as fast as possible to be considerate of the people behind you. We also have other duties in between customers. If there is no "bag person" then it is up to the cashier to bag your products but not necessarily grab them off the carosel and put them into your cart!! I'm sorry, maam but your attitude is a cashier's worst nightmare. If you were handicapped, I would not only lean over and place your bags in your cart but I would hold up the line and go from behind the counter and open the door for you or even help you to your car. You are just being one of "those people" !
@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
I see your point. Few people ever see what a cashier has to go through daily.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
16 Oct 08
At most grocery stores, yes. At Walmart, no. That is the whole reason they put the spinning things in. So that the cashier can bag while the customer take them off and puts them in the cart. I do have some cashiers that finish grabbing them for me when I am swiping my card, but as far as I have been led to understand they are not required to.
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
Now we have self service lines where we unload, scan, bag and put everything back into the cart. I like these better.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
17 Oct 08
And another reason why that I DON"T SHOP AT I go to places that let me bag or that does everything but for some reason this person feels that all they have to do is punch numbers on a machine or scan..boy would they never make it years ago when cashiers were cashiers..they'd even take it out to the car for you... So why did you wait to call..I would have demanded to speak right there on the spot and let the woman behind me wait to go to church..a customer has the right to be treated like somebody..
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
18 Oct 08
I refuse to shop Walmart and have for 3 years..I much rather go places that help the customer and i never get it there. I don't care if Walmart is cheaper its also not very good with training the help.. I was raised to be kind and helpful to people and have been a cashier and other jobs for many years and this person that works there wasn't caring at they do a little extra for what!
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
17 Oct 08
That's not the "way this person feels" It is the job description of a check out employee at Walmart. This particular person is only doing what they are told in their job description to do. This is the system that Walmart has chosen.
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
I've never known a cashier to take an order to a customers car but I recall in the early 60s when all stores had bag boys that would do that
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
17 Oct 08
This is Walmart's policy. Have you ever been to Aldi's or Save a lot? The lack of baggers is supposed to save us money. At the above mentioned stores. You have to purchase your bags and bag your own groceries. Have you noticed that there are no "bag boys" at Walmart? Have you notice that their prices are ridiculously cheap? This is why. You may not like it, but this is there policy. Why don't McDonald's employees wait on you at your table too?
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
17 Oct 08
And if you don't want your stuff squished you had better load your cart yourself since they are probably not training them at Walmart how to do that correctly.
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
That's a good point now that you mention it.
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
17 Oct 08
If you have a physical impairment preventing you from being able to pick your bag up and put it into your cart, you should have explained this to the cashier. Otherwise you should have put them in yourself without your rudeness to this cashier. The bagging carousels at Walmart spin as the bags are filled, making it a very simle process for you to pick your bag up and deposit into your cart - unless you have a handicap or injury preventing you. I have seen similar set ups in other stores besides Walmart, and it always made a lot of sense to me, for two reasons. It is a convenience to the customer, because the bag is easy to reach, and should be no more than 6" away from the shopping cart. It is also a safety issue for the cashier. How wide is the checkout counter at your Walmart? Assume they are about 2 feet wide. You are expecting the cashier to reach across that span, plus however far way from the counter your cart is. Try this in your spare time: take a plastic shopping bag, put a few items in it (approx 3# worth). Reach across the span like you are expecting the cashier to do. Now repeat it for 8 hours. How does your back feel? I applaud Walmart and other stores with this type of set up, for thinking of the health and safety of their employees. To answer your original question about the duties of a cashier. They are to: accurately check out your purchases, bag your items, take payment and count back any change, all in a courteous manner. If you have physical limitations, it's your job to ask for special assistance, above and beyond what is given to the general public. In summary, I don't believe you have any handicap as you did not mention any in your post. I think you were rude and belittling to this cashier. I doubt if you know how hard their job really is. Please remember that kindness and courtesy is a two way street.
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
Too often we forget to be kind or courteous
• Australia
17 Oct 08
I can't believe a worker could be so immature about his own job. Yes definetly call the manager, and yes I do agree ut's the worker's job to load the bags.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I agree it is not their job at walmart ..They only scan & bag..Its because they are a discount store....They have stores that have baggers & will bag your groceries and put them in your basket & even take them out for you..maybe you would like those stores better...
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
17 Oct 08
It is not their job at Walmart.
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
16 Oct 08
It is their job to see that the bags get put into the cart. BUT most people do it themselves to be sure the soft smushable items do not go on the bottom. Or the eggs get broken. Most of the time there is another employee that will come help anyone who looks like they may need help. I have had the manager help me on several occasions. If my son is with me he does the cart work because it saves us a little time and he always checks the bags for breakables or soft foods. It may be part of their job but some have gotten so used to the customer taking them off the carousal they expect all to do so. I like the self-serve line myself when I don't have a lot to check out.
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
Interesting, according to several people on this discussion it is not a cashiers job to put bagged items into the cart.
• United States
16 Oct 08
I have NEVER been in a Walmart where they have loaded items into my cart for me unless it's been large items. Otherwise, I pick up all the items myself. I kind of consider it lazy if you can't take two seconds yourself to move groceries out of the way. Sure they work there, sure it may be part of their job, but really, how hard is it to move your little arms and hands and put stuff in your cart. I mean, didn't you pick all those items up yourself and put them there in the first place? Call me crazy but I just don't see why you can't put them back in after they're bagged.
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
Good points.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
17 Oct 08
No, unless, I have a physical reason that I can't load the cart, I do it. It just saves time for everyone. I expect the cashier to expediently ring up my order and do the items that are on their side of the checkout counter.
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
Yeah, same here.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
16 Oct 08
No big deal to me. Regardless of whether it's their job or not, I do it anyway. I prefer to do it myself and pack it the way I want it, making sure groceries are not squashed and stuff. I really can't see the big deal with packing it yourself. Even so, the cashier should not have given you any lip nor attitude when you requested them to do it.
@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
I would agree with you.
• United States
16 Oct 08
A cashier is a cashier. A lot of stores have baggers that will bag up groceries and put them in the cart but the cashiers do not do it. Sometimes they do but I feel that is just because they want to help. I don't feel it is their job to put my bags in my cart. Besides that if a cashier had to stop because I didn't want to put my bags in the cart, it only slows down their job because they have to stop ringing things up. I do not have a problem putting my own bags in my cart. It doesn't take much to do and that way the cashier doesn't have to stop. But no, I don't feel it's the cashier's job to put the bags in my cart. I also know someone that works at Walmart and it's not part of her job. I don't mind and besides that, things go in my cart the way that I want them.
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@rebelann (113395)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Apr 20
Getting things in your cart your way can be very important.
@jordan04n (463)
• United States
16 Oct 08
All those people(I do hate calling them those people but I don't know what to call them) who work as cashiers don't really know what they do either. These days they do less and less and stand there and stare in amazement when services are expected. They want to do as little as possible and get paid. I have found this with many jobs in the work place. Remember when water was always served with any drinks ordered and now water is not automatic. Many services have been cut to the nub. I fear things will only get worse.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Oct 08
excuse me Jordan....I work as a cashier and I work very hard. I work alone on 9 to 12 hour shifts in a very busy convenience store. While some cashiers may be like you describe ...most are not. On a fri. or sat. nite, I mite work hours before getting even a moment to use the bathroom, grab a bite or go have a cig. There are no designated breaks. Beyond running the register, there are cigs to stock, the cooler to stock, Coffee to be made & general cleaning up for the next shift. Please don't lump all cashiers into one category. Walmart has their reasons for expecting people to put their own groc. in the cart. Read thru some of the responses here. This woman expected special treatment and got upset when the cashier didn't even realize she expected it. The kid was definitly wrong to let his attitude show but I could certainly understand how he felt. And let's not forget the poor lady behind her with just one item whom she expected should have gone to the express lane. She probably thought there was just one person in should be quick. I'll bet she won't make that mistake again.