Voting Based On Race...

Obama... - Obama...
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
October 16, 2008 3:19pm CST
Ok, Hubby brought a video to my attention and I just have to point this out. Howard Stern (whom I don't much care for) decided to try something and see how it would work. He had an associate go out and interview three African American voters in Harlem. He wanted to see if they were voting for Obama and their reasons for doing so. The other part was he used McCain's stand on issues but said they were Obama's. So the first interview was with a guy who said he was voting for Obama. When asked if it was b/c he was pro-life or b/c he was for staying in Iraq and finishing the war...he answered b/c he was for staying in Iraq and finishing the war! He then asked him if he supported him in pro-life and the guy agreed. As a final question he asked if he thought Palin would make a good VP if Obama gets in...the guy said yes!! The second and third person had basically the same answers to the same questions. Here's the link: Now the reason for this is b/c Howard Stern wanted to show that there are ppl voting for Obama simply b/c of his race...not all but some. I know it's easy to be confused over issues and who stands for what but to not even know who the candidates VP's are??? Especially when this has been front page news for months now. BTW, there is also a video that another person did at the outrage that anyone, regardless of color, could be so out of touch just 2 weeks before election day. I think he has alot of very good points. So do you think that there are ppl that will vote for Obama simply b/c of race...without knowing anything about him? Do you think it was fair of Howard Stern to do this? What do you think about ppl that are voting based on race? [b]~~IN SEARCH OF PEACE WITHIN~~ **AGAINST THE STORMS, I WILL STAND STRONG** [/b]
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34 responses
• United States
18 Oct 08
Here's my take on the situation. Stern wants people to think that African Americans are going to vote for Obama based on the race issue. So to prove his point, he gets his people to go out and find a bunch of dummies on the street. And, these three people are supposed to represent all African Americans? I don't think so! Howard is just manipulating the results. Chances are, they talked to fifty other people and found many that had their heads on straight and plan to vote for Obama based on issues and not race. But, those interviews are NOT going to be showcased. The dumb opinions of three people, do not account for the vast majority of African Americans voting for Obama. It's a real shame Stern would stoop to such trickery. I wonder how much the Republicans paid him to do this totally bogus survey. Stern is a jokester and you can take anything he says or does seriously. Especially not when it comes to politics.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Oct 08
You are SO right! It's said that he who phrases the questions determines the results. I'm quite sure that Stern picked and chose his results, just like the pollsters who tell us Obama is ahead or McCain is ahead. Sure, there are some people that are voting for Obama because he's black. There are also people that are voting for him because they're sick and tired of old rich white guys running the country--that's my gripe, I'm sick of them. But when Obama said he wanted to spread the wealth around to Joe "the plumber", he lost my vote. I will make my own wealth and keep it because I earned it. I will not vote for anyone who wants to take my hard-earned money and give it to someone who hasn't earned it but thinks they deserve it.
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Yes I am sure there are some who are voting for Obama because of his race just like people are voting for McCain because of his race. This can go either way with the race thing. I agree about the VP thing since it is in the news so much right now but then again you can ask some people who the VP is right now and they can't tell you and he has been in office for 8 years. hahaha I am not a big Howard Stern fan at all but I think it is neat what he did.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
16 Oct 08
My husband played that sound clip for me. Its astounding that they were voting without knowing wwhat he stands for. They didnt know who the running mates were. They didnt know which canidate was standing for what. It was surprising because theres so much on tv. How could you miss all of it?
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
23 Oct 08
Are they voting for Obama just because he is black or because he is democrat? He did not ask the people are you voting because he is black. I have known people who vote for parties and do not know who the candidate is until they get their ballot paper. In fact we now have papers that allow the person to choose by candidate, by party or by party ticket which means they just tick the party box and all the preferences are selected based on what the party has stated for that state. Yes they appear to be ignorant of politics but a lot of voters are. He appears to be saying that just because they are ignorant and black they are voting by race.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 Oct 08
You know, I have a problem with people who 'party vote' too. Unless ALL of the candidates of a particular party agree with your standpoint on everything, there is no reason to ever vote for all of one JUST because they are republican or JUST because they are democrat. This is one reason I cannot stand having two parties.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I heard that recently on the radio. It just brings forth the point that people don't really look at the candidates, they vote on personality and promises. Since politicians rarely make good on promises, I don't know why in the world people don't pay more attention to what the politicians are REALLY saying. People see a candidate and listen to the rhetoric, the campaign speeches and all the promises and they vote for the one that says what they want to hear. They don't really research the candidates, they just listen to the soundbites and watch the rallies. We are a nation of non-thinking idiots.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Yes, I would vote for someone like that! The honesty would be refreshing and he or she would probably accomplish much more than people who run on lies. Why doesn't someone take that approach? I bet McCain or Obama would win this race if they said that. Another thing--why spend millions on a campaign to win a job that pays $200,000 per year? Must be the power and the influence. Anyone who wants to be president that badly must be mentally ill. John Adams, I think, was the one that said his presidency was the most miserable four years of his life. That was before all this corruption and deal-making when being president was a real job and not a stepping stone to wealth and influence.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Oct 08
I believe it. I also believe that there are people who will vote against him because of his race. And that there are many people who will vote against him because of all of the negative, but untrue nonsense that's being spread about him. Or about McCain. Not enough voting based on the issues, that is for certain!
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Yes of course there are a lot of people voting for Obama because he is black..That is a horrible reason to vote but there are many who will regardless of it being right or wrong...I for one am not voting for Obama but i can truthfully say that his race has nothing to do with it..I also think a lot of white people are voting against him too,simply because he is black and they are prejudgist,and they too are wrong...I think we should go by what that person believes in and they need to come up to our beliefs and we should do what we feel is for the good of the people..I am not really happy with any of our canidates,and i am just voting for the one that comes closer to what i feel is right...I am not a Howard Stren Person either but he does have a point on this issue...
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
17 Oct 08
There are always going to be people who will vote for no other reason than party, religion, support of an issue, or now race. Race has never been an issue of this magnitude before. In the past the questions have been as far as race goes, which one will vote for what party. I find it disheartening that so many people are so uninformed about the party or the persons who will be the head of our country for four to eight years. So many don't even know the truth, they believe in false statements and rumors because they see so much on the internet and think it is true.I don't care much for Howard Stern. I will say that his "test" of voters tells me that people don't do their research.
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@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
16 Oct 08
I think people vote like they do for many different reasons. Race is not a good one, though I can understand why. I am absolutely sure there are people who will vote McCain because of race too. Sometimes there is just a vague feeling that tilts us in one direction. It may be a minor subject, or it may be something a candidate said that we really liked or disliked. Also some people will loose themself in front of a camera. i know what Obama thing about the war in Irak, and that Palin is not his Vice precident candidate. nevertheless I think I might have got it all jumbled up infront of Howard sterns camera. Then there is the possibility that these people vote Obama just because of the color of his skin. more likely than not they do have something else in common with him that make him their candidate as well - no matter how little they know about some important political questions. I know I have far more in common with my white Norwegian female politician from the capital than with a male Lapp from the north. I know Americans are not stupid - still someone managed to make this:
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@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
16 Oct 08
Or in front of a microphone... Microphones may be just as scary as cameras.
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@creematee (2810)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Twoey... It's a 2 way street. I know people who are voting for McCain simply because he is NOT black! My neighbors for example have their windows all soaped up with McCain 2008 on their house. BUT for one... in that window it says "Keep it WHITE." UGH. I'm sure they don't have a clue to what the issues are, nor do they care. It makes me sad to know that there are so many ignorant people out there running both sides of the street.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
Hi twoey, I am a Canadian who has been following your election campaign with great interest. As your neighbour to the north, I believe we share more than a common border. We have just been through an election here but our campaign lasted just five weeks, probably a little too short for people to really be able to make an informed decision. I would have lived to see it go at least eight weeks. As for your discussion, I sincerely hope that very few will vote on race alone. I'm sure that there will be some of that, but I think it will work for both candidates. The majority of Americans will, I'm sure vote on the issues. I don't know anything about Howard Stern but maybe he should do another to see how many are voting for McCain for the same reason. There will always be a few. Blessings.
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@snowy22315 (186971)
• United States
17 Oct 08
That's interesting. ig uess it goes to show you there a lot of people out there not familiar with the issues that will say anything. I hope that the guy at least knew some of Obama's stances. Certainly most people are not voting based on race or you would see alot more Americans voting for McCain.
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• United States
16 Oct 08
i think howard stern is an idiot & just trying to stir up trouble as usual. i think who people vote for is their buisness.
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• United States
16 Oct 08
I havent been on hee in a long while. LOL, the truth is is got borig & foregot I was on here. Obama wi;ll be our new president. I am orry but I dont lie liars & despiteful people. Thats exactly how McCain came across when I watched him. VOTE for OBAMA!!!
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@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
17 Oct 08
I think voting a candidate because of race is not right. We are supposed to vote for a leader base on there performance and credibility. If they will become a good leader and will they help the current economic situation. It has nothing to do with the color of the skin. At this point where we need to vote wisely and choose a candidate that will make a change for the country we should not be a biased voter and just vote for someone base on race.
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I have known this for some time and people are plain NOT listening to the issues the real problems. They are caught up in "It's about time a black man" Got elected or in the case of McCain some believe he will die in office due to his age and or health or both and some who were going to vote for Obama switched when they heard McCain chose a female running mate. Because they would rather see the good chance of a woman VP stepping in as president in the event something happens to McCain and he is elected than another man in office albeit he is a black man. So it is in many people's mind come down to race vs gender. We are in a sad state of affairs. I keep saying to people why vote for either of them. Vote for anyone but one of those turkeys. Read the voter pamphlets and be informed and then vote. Don't vote due to race, gender but for someone who might lead this country out of the hole both the democrats and the republicans got us into over the last 20 years and that goes for your congressmen/woman and US. Senators to vote anything but dem or rep. Send a message to the media, Washington DC. and politicians. We are tired of the two party rule and abuse of powers in congress, the house , the senate and the presidency. Vote the same for your state oust the Republicans and Democrats don't vote for either. If you do and they all win then none of you have a whine coming when things go belly up totally and it will. I don't care WHO gets in if they are Dem or Rep.
@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I think alot of people will vote against him because of race. I think it is a shame that anyone who dosent know at least the basics are even allowed to vote.
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• United States
17 Oct 08
Good morning twoey68! Yes, unfortunately you will have people and lots of them voting simply because of race. You will have a lot of African American people voting for Obama simply because he is the first one to run for presidency. He has made history and African Americans would love to see him become president. Then you have Caucasions who would hate to see a black man as president and therefore would vote for McCain. It would be the right thing to do for people to vote based on the knowledge and beliefs of each candidate rather than the color of their skin but then we wouldn't be in reality. For in reality some people are simply not going to do the right thing. Take care and God Bless twoey68
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Hi twoey, I rarely respond to political issues because they can be so explosive, but for you I will. I absolutely feel that people will vote for Obama because of race. Just as people will not vote for him because of race. This politcal battle has really made me stand up and listen. I cannot believe how many people will vote for Obama without knowing who he is and really what he stands for. At least with McCain you know what he stands for, where he's been and as much about him as possible. He does not try to hide and he is more than willing to answer all questions, not just the easy ones. I have read and listened to all aspects of this campaign and I still don't know who Obama truly is. Obama has spent this whole campaign avoiding and evading the questions. He lies about his involvement with certain people, and I could never vote for someone that I believe can lie just to get what they want. What I think is most appalling is that as you say, will vote for Obama without really knowing who or what he really is or thinks. So much for avoiding political discussions. leenie
17 Oct 08
Hi twoey68, I wouldn't be too surprised that they are voteing for Obama for his race as there has never been a black man going for the House, maybe he will do a better job then McCain, who knows and not it was not fair to interview these people like that. Tamara
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• Australia
17 Oct 08
I'm astonished that anyone would be astonished by this. Elections are almost invariably decided by a small proportion of voters called, in Australia and probably in the US, swinging voters, those who actually look at the issues and decide on that basis. The remainder vote along party lines, or as their daddies and mummies did, or by race, or gender, or whatever prejudice happens to float their boat. It should also be quite clear by now that the vast majority of any electorate has not got a clue. Lash
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