childbirth - natural vs epideral & drugs
By Dragonofgold
@Dragonofgold (509)
October 28, 2008 8:33am CST
I chose natural childbirth. I didn't want some Gomer poking a needle into my spine so close to my spinal cord. I was scared of slippage or something going wrong somehow. I also wanted to make sure I would be able to control the muscles properly when they told me to push. Natural birth, you can breathe through the labour pains - like with Lamaz - but the part that was the worst for me each time (4 times for me) was when the head crowned. I was grateful when the OB got out the scissors for the episiotomy. Imagine being grateful that someone cut your (ahem) stuff with a pair of scissors with not local anesthetic or anything.
My mother once told me that nothing worth have comes too easy, you have to work for it to be worth something. I guess that sure applies to children, eh, since they are the most precious thing in the world.
so natural vs chemically assisted: what say you?
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19 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I had my first 3 babies natural. The first was 20 yrs ago and they didn't offer an epideral. It was a spinal tap and I didn't want to take the chance of getting paralized by them sticking this needle in me. The next one I had after 10 minutes in the hospital, so no time to even think about it.
The next one I was determined to have an epideral. I had so many friends that had one and they raved about it. Well my luck had it that I went to the hospital too late for one, so had him natural too.
Well, then came my 4th. I decided to go to the hospital extra early for an epidural and made it just in time. I would recommend to everyone to have an epidural. You don't feel the pain, you aren't as emotional and screaming at your husband~ it was a great experience. I never thought about the needle until they actually came in to do it, but it didn't hurt as much as the contractions did. My husband loved it. He would say, you are having a contraction now and we would just sit and talk threw it.
@Dragonofgold (509)
• Canada
28 Oct 08
that's cool that you had a good experience with it. I can't say that I prefer one over the other because I never had one for any of the births. I guess I am a bit of a traditionalist for my choices for myself. Good for you though.
@mingersgirl69 (12)
• United States
28 Oct 08
hi im currently 5 months pregnant with my 17.due in march.i was wondering how to decide to use pain killers or just do natural birth? are there pros and cons?
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Well without any kind of pain killers, it is going to be the most painful experience you ever have. I wouldn't want to be cut or torn down there and be able to feel it.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I had an epideral and was very happy with it both times. The first time my mom kept saying hold off on it for as long as you can b/c it stops you from dilating but the nurse and dr told me that wasn't true. It actually helps you dilate b/c you are more relaxed. I didn't get an epideral until I started having bad back labor b/c she was facing the wrong way. I ended up having to have a c-section b/c after 2 hours of pushing she didn't move at all. They told me she was too big of a baby and she was stuck so I had to have a c-section. I was hurting pretty bad after that c-section b/c of having to push for 2 hours my stomach was sore from that and being cut. The next time around I had to have a c-section since I already had one and the recovery was so much better since I didn't have to push for 2 hours.
@Annmac (949)
29 Oct 08
I wasn't lucky enough to choose.
I had three C-sections under full anaesthesia and to be honest I still don't feel like I've had a baby. I feel I missed out on a beautiful experience. I wasn't even supposed to go into labour, though I did with the first one! However if I hadn't had the surgery I wouldn't be here!
I don't think I'd have chosen the epidural though. I've had injections into my spine for other reasons and I'm always scared something will go wrong.
@Danesmommy (123)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I got an epidural when I had my son and I'm glad I did. I would never do it natural...they have epidurals for a reason! Take advantage of it!
@cvelito (8)
• Mexico
30 Oct 08
I say: Natural. I have gone that way twice and yes; it is a lot of work and painful but.... nothing can replace that amazing feeling of realizing that as painful as it was it all seemed to simply be erased the second my new-born babies were placed in my arms. At that very moment I realized this was the way motherhood was going to be : hard and sometimes painful experience that becomes the most joyful aspect of life whenever your child looks and shares a smile with you.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I had two c-sections. My first c-section was an emergancy one because my daughters heart rated dropped & then I went into shock & they had no choice. I really wanted natural, but the table turned on me.
I had to have a second c-section because I had deep scar tissue damage from my first c-section due to a infection & had to heal from the inside out & it just never healed the way we had hoped for.
So... if I was to have another baby, I probably would have another c-section because they feel with the damage I have from first c-section it be best for me.
As for you & having to have you (ahem) cut.... my sister had to have that done as well. They do numb you though & it takes a small brick. I know my other sister had the same thing & they didn't even tell her they cut her until after & she had no clue herself. They always numb before though.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Well I think it really depends on the circumstances and the woman. I have had 6 pregnancies, 7 kids. Yes there is a set of twins in there.
Our oldest was born natural, along with our son and next daughter. Well then I wanted another one and SURPRISE
It was twin girls.
With them the doctor said I would go early and they would be little compared to the others. Well I went 2 weeks late, and they were both breech and so big that no matter what they tried neither would turn. He decided to take them C-Section when he felt 4 feet. I of course was knocked out as it was an emergency C-section. They were 6 lbs 7 oz and 6lbs 9 oz. I however took nothing for pai after as I hate shots! It is so much harder after a C-section I think. Then again I didnt laze around, took no pain meds and went home in 3 days.
We then had 2 more and I had them natural too. Our last one I had him a half hour after getting to the hospital and we went home exactly 24 hours later.
I can say being cut is 100% easier and better then ripping. I ripped with our first son and man I cant even tell you!

@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I don't have a choice. I was told early on that I have the pelvic ridge of a 12-14 year old. Nothing shall pass. My daughter was born via emergency c-section, after getting horribly stuck! And come Dec 10 my son will have to be born through a scheduled one. Either way is difficult. With c-section delivery you retain MUCH more water. The 1st time I swelled up like a balloon. Believe me walking around looking like the Say Puft marshmallow girl is effort.
So I have to say chemical. Or I wouldn't have and be having my children.

@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I think all births are natural unless you have a c-section. Epidural isn't the only medicine out there to block the pain. I got the epidural because it works really well and there is no reason for me to go through that pain. There is a reason we have these medicines so why not use them. If you had to have any kind of surgery would you tell them "no, I want to feel it"? I pushed my son out (with an epidural).
@anne12d (676)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
I've witnessed and assisted in different methods of giving birth such as natural or normal delivery, normal delivery under painless/IV sedation, normal delivery under epidural sedation and Cesarian section.
NORMAL DELIVERY has something to do with experiencing labor pains and no Anesthethic chemical given to a delivering woman. But some OB-GYNE are giving local anesthesia especially on epitiotomy sight.
PAINLESS/IV SEDATION NORMAL DELIVERY method is somewhat still experiencing labor pains but in less intensity but the patient is still awake upon delivering the baby and upon giving birth and in epitiorrhaphy the patient is asleep so that she won't feel the pain upon suturing.
EPIDURAL SEDATION is giving of anesthetic via spinal when the patient is in 8-9 cms dialated cervix and the patient wont feel anything even labor pains from upper abdomen down to the feet. Still in Normal delivery method.
CESARIAN SECTION is cutting through the median of lower abdomen to deliver the baby and the patient is under spinal anesthesia. Undergoing CS should have indicator not just by request of the patient. Having CS is the last option if Normal delivery is not possible.
Every method is all depending on the patient but in CS the OB-GYNE will tell the patient and her relatives that CS should be done stat so that the baby and the mother would have prevention to any medical problems.
But if I will be delivering my baby, I will undergo painless normal delivery. Seeing patient suffering from labor pains really made me pity on them and I have nothing to do to ease the pain because its normal to have that labor pain before giving birth.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
28 Oct 08
The first two babies I had, I had to have labor induced. With both, at some point, I received about 1/4 of a dose of Demerol. The first one, the medication wore off long before he was born, and the second time, it didn't even have time to kick in before he was born. With my third child, I was too far in labor before I went to the hosipital to even think about it, so, that one was natural. The last one, I had an entrofecal shot to numb my lower body and make me relax, without it, I was so tense, it was actually prolonging the birth. Each experience was a little different for me, and I wouldn't change any of the births I experienced.
@suegt31 (165)
• Australia
29 Oct 08
I myself gave birth to four healthy babies. They are all grown now though. My first three were born naturally and the fourth a baby girl was born through c section. i didnt have a choice in it. She had the cord wrapped around her neck. i was put under completely. After having three naturals and then having a c section, it was the worst thing. When i was woken up (and i didn't want to wake up) the nurse was standing there with a baby in her arms. It was so different to having a natural and being awake for the birth. I was in so much pain. I would never ever of had another baby for fear of having another c section. I only had gas with my other three children and once the birth is over, it's over, so is much of the pain. After the c section it took weeks to recover.
@dev21lucky (341)
• India
28 Oct 08
obviously,its safe to deliver naturally,the way god has made it,than to undergo doctor's knife.also true is that its better to hav a planned episiotomy than an unplanned unpredictable tear at that place.episiotomy is done most of the times under local anaesthesia,why didnt u go for anaesthesia??
@sunsham68 (1376)
• India
28 Oct 08
I dont think you can always control your life. Many of us want the natural way, but its ultimately God that gives us whatever He chooses. I always wanted to go natural, but after going a week over my date with no signs of movement, I had to go the C section way. Luckily I did nto have much time to think over it, it was all a rapid decision and within a matter of minutes, I was through. Each method has its pluses and minuses, I wont say any one is definitely better than the other. I dont yet see any major disadvantages of having had a C section, yet there are people that swear that natural far outreaches C section with the benefits..Whatever works for one, which does not psych them out of the beauty of making a child. Guess that's my philosophy then..
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Well...I was going to have a natural childbirth, but when my son started tiring from the hours and hours of labor pains (16 to be exact), they decided to try the epidural. Unfortunately, for me, that merely changed the pains in my mid-section to pains in my chest. It felt like I was having a heart attack. (Obviously the procedure was not done correctly!) That caused even more trauma to my son and I ended up in an emergency c-section. For that, they asked me if I wanted to be awake and aware, and I said, "Heck no!" and I was out for hours.
@rainmark (4302)
28 Oct 08
Hello there, if i only did natural birth that would be great but when i gave birth, i had a ceasrian section. I tried to do it normal but the baby stuck inside coz he is so big and can't cable to come out even they induce me for 24 hours. Then to avoid fetal destress. I undergo to cesarian section. They do the operation while i am awake lolz, that makes me nervous and begging for my oxygen lolz. But everythings ok. So now, i can able to have 3 babies and no more lolz. Happy posting.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I had epidurals for both of my kids. The first one I couldn't feel much so I had to ask them to turn it off. I still had some effects from it though. My second, It wore off before I had to push. OUCH!!! I had to be assisted by the vaccuum for both of my kids. I also had to be cut for both. I'm a big baby and can't handle pain at all. I admire women that can go all natural. I BOW TO YOU!!!
@becca2829 (11)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Obviously to each their own but I personally believe that as close to natural as possible is best for mom AND baby! With my first child I was very uneducated and was induced and got an epidural and as soon as they started the pitocin he went into fetal distress and I had an emergency c-section. I feel that a combination of trying to have him when he wasn't ready to come out and all of the stuff they put in my body (epidural, pitocin, etc..) is to blame for that outcome. I am expecting again and I plan to use Hypnobabies to try to stay as natural as possible!