food stamps are supposed to be recognized everywhe
unfair practices in accepting food stamps
This Is Wrong....Isn't It??
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
November 18, 2008 4:45am CST
I live in an area where in most grocery stores or supermarkets food stamps are accepted. I say this as I do receive SSI benefits and I do get food stamps..thank goodness otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat..literally. Well, I thought food was supposed to be FOOD..if it's food then my food stamps benefits should be honored anywhere...right?? WRONG!
In my neighborhood there used to be two major food chains (Key Food and Dan's Supreme) unfortunately both went under selling out to oriental based markets...the one market has no problem at all in accepting my food stamp program....the other...??????
The other has a CASH ONLY stipulation for all the fruit they sell in their outside market area. So yesterday, I saw some really nice fruits, picked them out, and went to the outside window that said CASH only, and asked can I pay for this with my food stamps...they said no...so being stubborn like I am, I proceeded to go inside the market to pay for the fruit I had picked out with my food stamps and was stopped by a security guard..He said I had to pay for that fruit at the designated outside window..I asked again..can I pay this fruit with my food stamps, and he said no...I practically threw the fruit in his face and left the store as I just didn't have enough cash money to pay for the fruit, but did have my food stamps.
THIS IS SO WRONG!!! I'm sorry but this is so frickin wrong. If a person is under the food stamp program, due to limited financial resources then in our country (USA) food stamps are supposed to be recognized ANYWHERE if buying FOOD. Isn't this some kind of discrimination?
You better believe I'm going to report this supermarket...since they are denying people who receive food stamps benefits in getting food. FOOD IS FOOD. I'm also wondering about food in general. I haven't eaten in a restaurant...any kind in years..why? Cause food stamps aren't recognized..is this right either? Doesn't this figgin government think that gee, maybe once in awhile food stamp recipients would like to have a dinner out once in awhile? Is this fair? No wonder I cook home all the time. I don't even go to a friggin MacDonalds
Has anyone else out there have a problem like this??? Am I right to be annoyed?

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70 responses
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
18 Nov 08
In a word, YES! I'm on FS, too, & I NEVER have ANY problem with Walmart or HEB taking MY card! I think you need to talk to Legal Aid about this. _I_ sure as heck would!
Not sure about restaurants. Too many problems, it seems to me, with using precious tax funds to buy such expensive food. But for SURE a STORE has no right to refuse them!
Sic 'em, Pye!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
huswyf...in our country we have a program called WIC....and it's geared for Women with Infants and Children. With it one can get milk, cheeses, cereals, juices. Thing is there is unfortunately a lot of abuse with the program...many women will actually keep getting pregnant just to get the benefits...they they wonder why they have about ten kids...sheesh
Don't worry I'm going to do a little writing campaign...and mention about this unfair practice of this store. This is a LARGE major store in the area..a whole block long so we're not talking about a little mom and pop store
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
21 Nov 08
How's that again?? Your BIG "supermarkets" are the COSTLIER, & your mom & pop shops are CHEAPER!? That's the exact opposite of here in the US!
BTW, I put "quotes" around "supermarkets" because when I was in London, the ones _I_ saw which called themselves such were more along the lines of our quickie marts, which are just glorified gas stations. In the US, a SUPERmarket =dwarfs= those little shops. There's ONE H.E.B. SM here in Austin Texas which could hold at least =40= of your supermarkets. It's several blocks (streets, to you...lol!) square! /o)
That said, I liked the little shops best, because (unlike in supermarkets -- yours OR ours), I didn't have to buy prepackaged, HUGE amounts if all I wanted was a =couple= of eggs & two rashers of bacon. I used to go down to the high street & grab breakfast, then come back in the eve to grab supper! SOOO convenient, plus the owners were very nice. Anyway, I DID manage to spend LESS in the little shops BECAUSE they didn't make me buy larger amounts, BUT, here at least, even the large packages are, overall, cheaper by the UNIT than the small stores' prices.
I will say ONE thing bad, though--I had some canned soup while there, & it was HORRIBLE. Oh, nominally edible, but that's ALL.
When I asked my friend (with whom I stayed that month) about it, she just laughed & said, "Well, here we tend to EXPECT fast food to be bad!" LOL! Not in the STATES! We often have to LIVE on the stuff, & therefore we DEMAND it be as good as it can be!
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@reshadar (112)
• United States
22 Nov 08
You think women keep getting pregnant to get WIC??? I doubt it. Truthfully, I hate when people say things like that because it isn't the majority of people that receive benefits that abuse it. All anybody ever seems to concentrate on are the people that abuse it, but there are so many people that use it because they really need it, and then they are able to help themselves get beyond the help. But since people always seem to concentrate on those that abuse it, it's getting harder and harder for those that really need it. And there is such a stigma attached to it - it's horrible. Sometimes people just need help for a time - there shouldn't be anything wrong with that. The truth is, the kind of help that people can get from welfare nowadays is nowhere near what it used to be - it's certainly not enough to live on for any length of time - you'd be pretty moronic to keep getting pregnant just to get the tiny amount of help that welfare offers.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Morning {{Pye}}, I too receive food stamps a whopping $10.00 per month, oh what
shall I buy first??? My state that I live in Irks me!!! $10.00 WTF will that
get me?? NOTHING!!
Yeah I'd be complaining for sure, not really sure what type of place you were
at and FRUIT is definitely part of what the food stamp program does pay on, of
that much I do know; So I would say YES it is that particular store you were
at, MANAGEMENT is doing something to prevent that...
Even Dollar General accepts Food stamps, and Aldi's thank God, if not I wouldn't
be able to afford a lot of stuff I buy anymore; Most of my life I was a die hard
BRAND NAME LABEL ONLY kind of shopper, well since being on Disability since 1999,
those old ways have since ceased; I get what I can afford and most generic label
brands are just fine, like Aldi's sugar, flour and so on, it all bakes up just
as good as the old C&H HIGH DOLLAR CRAP DOES!!
but yeah if I were you , I'd sure raise some hell honey, "sic'em PYe"! LOL!

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Oh gee, you mean you can't get your caviar and Dom Perignon champagne? LOL
I have no problem with generic brands either...they really are every bit as good as the name brands.
You better believe I'm going to complain...--going to do a regular writing campaign about this issue

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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
19 Nov 08
{{Tyc}} yeah I outgrew that silliness as far as baking goes, however there
are a few things I still prefer over some generic brands Like my Hershey's cocoa
I just will not bake with out it...the one at Aldi's is not right for my cakes
and stuff ( big difference in taste on that one) but if I have the generic I mix
is half of it with half of Hershey's...LOVE HERSHEY'S COCOA..
Yeah Right Pye...even if I had $$money$$ I'd not be wasting it on that crap! bleh!!
I don't see me ever eating caviar aka ( fish eggs) and never had any champagne
much less that high dollar stuff, ain't that sad??
GOOD LUCK PYE! I'm so tired I can't think any more tonight..
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Nov 08
we dont have such a truc system here, it was made illegal over a century ago, instead we give money and i think it makes a lot more sense to me it stops shops doing the things you speak of
Who are they to limit what you can buy with your stamps? it is just wrong
blessed be
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Maggiepie, I think it's strange that L I Q U O R is not allwed here... strange, eh?
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Nov 08
i just have one tiny problem with this kind of thinking, if all security fraud stopped today, would taxes stop?
no, thought not
blessed be
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I have no idea why this store limits what one can buy with food stamps, especially any kind of food...the irony is that one can get anything inside the store on food stamps, but not the fruit on the stands outside. They do have SOME fresh fruits inside as well...those you can get with the food stamps..go figure
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Nov 08
you cant buy ready cooked food with food stamps not even in a store that takes them like already cooked Chicken .
But yes I think I would report this store for no taking food stamp for food.
they must not be really legal! have you thought of that!.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
There definitely does seem to be something illegal going on at that store and do plan to report them everywhere I can...uh, you know how persistent I can be...LOL
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@serialmommy (639)
• United States
18 Nov 08
The thing about a free economy is this, they can accept or deny any type of payment they choose for any reason. If they want to say you can't use food stamps here, then so be it, they can not be forced to accept them. Also, food stamps are for uncooked, not ready to eat items like ones you would get at a restaurant. Those are the rules. No, I don't think you are right in being annoyed. It is the company policy to not accept food stamps. Just because you have them doesn't give you the right to spend them where ever you choose.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
sorry but I DO think I have the right to be annoyed...and here's why.
The thing is that this store DOES accept food stamps for the food they sell inside the store and that includes the fresh vegetables and some of the fruit they sell inside...so I'm sorry but I actually think they are doing something illegal here and plan to contact authorities about this. Just down a block away is another large market..same set up..they have fruit outside and they DO accept food stamps for them..something isn't right here.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
18 Nov 08
I would love to be able to get food stamps. I'm on SSDI, rather than SSI and so I'm not eligible for food stamps. Right now I've done without my medications for over a week (ones I really need too) because I don't have enough money to pay for them AND buy food as well. So, we opted for food instead. I'm hoping I can afford to get my medications by the end of the week.
Unfortunately the food stamp issue is an ongoing problem everywhere. They are often sold to people who don't earn them, or some stores don't process them correctly and allow people to get whatever they wish with them. I can understand not allowing them at restaurants though. It costs alot more to eat at a restaurant than it would to eat at home. Like you, I'd love to eat out more often, but I can't. What I have resorted to doing is ordering off the dollar menu at McDonalds. For 4 bucks we can get two burgers and two fries. Not bad.
I guess what I would have done in your situation is to talk to a store manager rather than tossing the fruit at the guard who was just doing his job. LOL Maybe the manager hadn't thought of this situation and would appreciate the heads up so he can correct it, allowing people on food stamps to get the fresh produce they want.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Mmm..the problem is, is that this is a predominantly oriental run store... I think I would have to speak in Chinese to the manager...LOL I do plan to do a writing campaign to just about anyone and everyone about this, since I really do think it's wrong that they aren't accepting food stamps for the food outdoors while they do indoors.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
18 Nov 08
It certainly IS wrong and I'd call it blatant discrimination. Buying things like fresh fruit and vegetables with food stamps should be encouraged not disallowed! I'd definitely pursue it further, Pye, because it's plain wrong. I'm not sure if the food stamp program varies from state to state but I know around here they're even accepted at farmer's markets and produce stands in the summer.
I just now got approved for food stamps while I wait to be approved for either SSI or Social Security Disability and on my online application it asked if I was interested in being able to use them in restaurants. I think it read something like "For those who are disabled or living alone". I checked "YES" because I'm now here by myself since my mother passed away and there's a Burger King right up the street I can walk to for a burger if I'm in a pinch since I have no car at the moment. I could see people being upset if someone were to use their food stamps to go to fancy restaurants for lobster tail or filet mignon, but that would really be their lost because they wouldn't have enough to last them the rest of the month if they did that, right?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Mine is a card that I use like a credit/debit card. When I did the online application it asked if I wanted that option but when I got the card they didn't tell me anything about if I can use it at a restaurant or not. Needless to say, I haven't tried it since I'm not sure if it will work. I have to have an interview with my caseworker on Tuesday to see what other help I'm eligible for so I'll ask him.
As I said, I'm still living in my mom's house while we figure out what we're going to do and I have no vehicle currently so if I could use it at BK it would be great, for instance if we have a bad snowstorm and I'm unable to get a ride to the store. I know you know how hard it can be to cook for one. Maybe "hard" isn't the right word, just a pain in the butt...lol!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Wow I didn't know food stamps actually did have that option for those disabled or living alone to use the stamps for restaurants...and yes, I agree, I'm not talking about a fancy smanchy dinner at the Four Seasons, but something like a fast food restaurant...are your food stamps, stamps, that is paper stamps or is it a card like I have, similar to a credit card thing?
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
20 Nov 08
I don't know pye. I agree that food is food and food stamps should be honored at any grocery store, but if the store doesn't honor them, how can they accept them as payment? Don't they have to be part of the program so that they can be paid accordingly?
I'm not too sure about the restaurant thing either. Eating out at a restaurant (even a fast food one such as McDonald's) is considered a luxury, whereas food bought from a grocery store is not. Even though it may not seem fair to you (or others that are on food stamps), it makes sense that there is this 'rule' so that people do not abuse food stamps in manor.
I'm sorry you're having a rough time. In these hard times it seems a lot of people are barely getting by. I know my husband and I are feeling it and worry about if his job will hold up. With him being in construction and with no one being able to afford to buy a new house, it is amazing he is still working at all.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Nov 08
The thing of it is, this store does accept food stamps for all it's food they have inside including the fresh produce they sell indoors..the only reason they have those stands outdoors is due to lack of room..so can't figure it out.
My prayers are with your husband and his construction work...this really is a bad time for anyone in that line of work, isn't it
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Actually, stores have to apply to accept Food Stamps - it isn't automatic and they don't have to if they don't want to. I used to be on them myself. That's how I fed myself and my two kids while driving from Arizona to New Jersey back in 1996 (and it was much harder then to find foods that didn't need refrigeration or a can opener!) Around here, Family Dollar only recently began accepting them. It's not mandatory, unfortunately. The stores have to be approved by the state to accept them. Something to do with setting up and account and all that.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
But this store DOES accept food stamps for all it's food inside the store including some of the fruit they do sell inside...so what's the deal about not accepting food stamps outside? Food is food and if they accept food stamps at all, then this store should accept them for all the food they sell. The store a block away has the same set-up...fruit stalls outside...there one CAN buy their fruit with food stamps
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@Paula1966 (1102)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Food Stamps aren't really tender, and retailers do need to be set up to accept them as jerzgirl stated. Does this store accept Food Stamps at all? If they are not set up to accept Food Stamps, then there may not be any recourse.
More info is available at www.fns.usda.gov/FSP/.... By the way,it seems that the new name for Food Stamps is now SNAP - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Hope you can find information on that website that helps.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Then you should go to the TANF office and find out from them if they can refuse food stamps outside for food they accept them for inside. That does appear odd, but I don't know if it's discriminatory. It just might simply be wrong on their part to do. It all depends on why they're doing it. But, it still might not be right. I had assumed that the entire store didn't accept them and I knew they didn't have to. But, I just don't know if they can in one part of the store and not in another. It's a very good question to ask.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
20 Nov 08
Its been a very long time since i had to use food stamps.I always thought as long as it wasnt ready to eat food it was ok. Fruit should hav been ok. Cold deli is ok but not hot deli. Deli that was cooked but now cold was ok. McDonalds isnt even food anymore from what i understand. Really. Why doent this grocery store accept food stamps?

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I wouldn't really classify McDonald's as real food either...the very last time I ate it, years and years ago it tasted like shat...LOL
This grocery does accept food stamps..but only for the food they sell inside. Another store just down the ways is set up the same way and one can pick the food from the outdoor stands take it inside and pay via credit/debit, cash or food stamps
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
21 Nov 08
"Macdonald's isn't FOOD any more"???
What IS it then! ROTFL! Good grief! I've NEVER been a fan of their food, though technically it DOES classify as edible...but "NOT FOOD ANY MORE?"
Please enlighten me! LOL!
Maggiepie (staring suspiciously at some McD's fries....8^{...)
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
27 Nov 08
Ok, i used to ask why is it junk food if its served at mc doandalds and not if ya cook it at home? They had a thing on our local news here explaining the answer. Most the food there has been cooked, frozen, shipped to the different places. Recooker then held under a heat lamp so long. Through all this cooking, recooking and heat lamp it looses ALL nutrent values. The beef patties come to the differnt places raw and frozen. They get cooked and saved in a pan on the stove sometimes for a considerable length of time till the meat is not even brown anymore but looks more gray. This causes loss in nuetrents as well. I have not eaten at these places for many years. But anytime i ate at these places i will end up with heart burn. I also hear they only change the greese like once a wk. Imagine how much that is used in that time. It is a treat to eat out from time to time. But i try to be more selective of where i go.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Nov 08
I think you have every right to be annoyed! I'm not receiving food stamps nor any kind of government program right now but, believe me, I've been trying!!! I've fought with Socual Security for 5 years to get disability!
But, even if I do get it, I know that it would not be enough to "live" on... it's only enough to "survive" on. My sister received SSI benefits and, if it weren't for my mother and stepfather, she wouldn't have made it! Of course, she didn't have the internet as a way to earn a few extra dollars, either.
I've protested, written letters, done everything I could think of to force the government to see people like my sister and you as human beings instead of just a case number. The government wastes so much money on stupid things instead of seeing to it that every American in need is cared for in a humanitarian way. Unfortunately, I haven't had any luck in changing anything.
I think you should report that market! They have no right to refuse your purchase with food stamps! They are EXACTLY the same as money! Report them and I bet you see a change in their policies! Of course, I, personally, would not want to shop there again but if you have no choice, then you must.
Much luck and success to you with this!

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Thanks, jan! I'm working on it!
I did have a so-called disability lawyer... Binder & Binder. They are HORRIBLE! They didn't do a thing until I threatened them with a lawsuit against them! They took 30 months to get me an appeal hearing after hiring them!
They said it would take between 6 and 18 months to get a hearing. I waited, patiently, until 18 months had passed. After 19 months, I called them and they just said they hadn't heard anything from Social Security. I called Social Security and found out that Binder & Binder were not even in my file as being my attorney of record!!!
Binder & Binder had not ONCE contacted Social Security to see what was going on! It was 11 months after that before I got a hearing! They never once defended my case. They were AWFUL!!!
I'm going with a local lawyer this time. I'm filing a new application and have found what I believe is a very good disability lawyer.
My doctors are excellent, however. I have my Internist, my Rheumatologist and my Orthopedist. I've just recently been diagnosed with Lupus now so I guess I have a better chance of success than when I only had fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, IBS, brain fog and arthritis. (Yeah... ONLY!!!)
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
19 Nov 08
GEEZZ I thought Binder and Binder were supposed to be "it" too! Just goes to
show you , that you just never know do you?? I think getting the local disability
lawyer this time around would be best or do what {{Pye }} said go higher up ..LOL!
ahhhh ain't life grand at times?? The trials and tribulations what would we
do if not for our continuous grind of idiot paperwork and putting up with morons!!!
Sorry to be answering so late ladies, its been a rough day for me, trying to
clean up here at home getting ready for the Holiday coming up and with all
ths sh!t I put up with daily ( pain wise) it just took a toll on me today
the old body threw major chunks and shut down on me; (sigh)!
I've so much to do yet and there never seems to be time for anything is there?
Good Luck {{mental}} keep after them and you've got more than enough wrong
with you to qualify...maybe they will back pay you huh?? That would be great!
hang in there! and Best of luck to you! Keep us posted ok??
3 people like this
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Good Heavens {{mentalward}} FIVE YEARS??? I don't know if you have Disability
type Lawyer where you live or not but I'd sure get one, and if you have a good
Doctor one who is and will back you up healthwise, I don't understand why its taking
so long; if all else change doctors and get a better Disability Lawyer; They
do and will help you out a lot better;
I had one and it was about a year and a half maybe for mine?? Can't remember it was
LONG ENOUGH I know that my state is REALLY REALLY SLOW in this sort of thing
and they are just friggin idiots ...Paperwork is NON STOP even after you are approved there is always YEARLY bullcrap paperwork, for this and that , and
your continued little bit of food stamps and on and on and on...it sucks!!!!
Good luck and don't stop trying hang in there!
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
18 Nov 08
It is very wrong. Did you report them to the organization? I would. Not only that, I would have all my friends and family write the store a letter stating that until they accept food stamps for the entire store, that they will no longer be shopping there. If my local store did that, I would do that and I would be writing letters to the editor of all of the local papers and calling the news stations about it. I thought that was illegal.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Don't worry I'm going to do a regular letter campaign...LOL. I'll write to anyone and everyone, including some local politicians about this issue since I really do feel it's not right
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Good for you!! I do not think it should be used for restaurants, as I understand the reasons, but it should be accepted at all food stores for all food items.
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@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Maybe the people running the fruit stand aren't really part of the store? I don't think small business's are expected to accept food stamps such as someone selling fruit out of the back of their truck.
The reasons restaurants aren't covered is because food stamps are supposed to help you buy food and the most food for your amount of money. If someone goes out to eat, lets say a family of 4, you are going to spend at least $20 and thats getting cheap stuff. (I am sure there are ways to spend less but just bare with me.) $20 could buy you more the just one meal if you actually go to the grocery store.
I am also a believer in "beggars can't be choosers," not saying you are necessarily a beggar but you are lucky tax payers are paying for your food, not everyone has that opportunity.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Ok prinzess, I'll give you that one. It is true that people
who do that sort of thing give people that don't abuse the
system bad names too. Is is very upsetting for me to have to
depend on the system as it is. I have always been very
independent. So you will have to excuse me for being so
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
18 Nov 08
You know prinzess, every comment you make shows how you lack
intelligence. I have worked for over 35 years and I am now
disabled! I have paid taxes longer then I'm sure you have.
So don't make your cynical remarks about people who you know
nothing about! Your "purse" remark was uncalled for too as
are most of your remarks in most discussions!
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@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
19 Nov 08
The "purse" remark was just explaining why they didn't give cash. I am in the Houston area and when Katrina hit and a huge amount of people came from New Orleans here. They were all given debit cards to buy items they needed (which was great since they lost every little thing they owned.) On the news they had several people buying designer purses, some people were even getting tattoos and they were talking about it on the news. I don't think the average person would spend their food money on those sorts of items but I do think those people who did ruined it for the rest of the people. I see no problem with people being on food stamps or getting any kind of help they need.
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@dustinnikki (301)
• United States
18 Nov 08
When we were kids, my mom got food stamps. Back then, they were the paper stamps and I don't remember any stores not accepting them. I think the problem is, is that now food stamps are on a card (at least the state I live in in USA).
My husband and I have 2 kids and we used to be on food stamps. When we were on them, we have never had any problems using them at any stores we went to. They used to have separate machines for the card and some stores didn't have them. Now they make the cards to work on the same machines that you swipe a regular credit card on so there are no more special machines for them.
Since there are no more special machines, I don't see how they couldn't honor yours. I think they changed it to get rid of the special machines so that stores didn't have a choice because they didn't need to provide the separate machine anymore (that's just my thoughts on it). I think it's rediculous that a store didn't accept them. I think all stores should be required to and I think it's wrong if they don't. That fruit was still food. Were you allowed to buy food inside the store with food stamps? Because if so, I would have been even more angrier that I couldn't buy the fruit outside only because it had to be paid for outside. It's outrageous and I am sorry you had to go through that!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Yes I have the food stamp card (like a credit card) and that's just it...any food one wants to get indoors can be paid by food stamps including the fresh veggies and the fruit they sell indoors..so why can't someone simply pick out the fruit they want and bring it inside to pay with food stamps...the other big market a block away has the same setup...fruits outside but one can pick them out and go indoors to pay for them any which way one wants to.
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@dustinnikki (301)
• United States
19 Nov 08
That's just really wrong. If you can use them inside the store then they shouldn't have had a problem with you taking it inside to pay for them. I would definately tell the manager. It makes me sick that they would do that. We have been there with having next to nothing and that just makes things even harder for someone to do that. Good luck with everything! :)
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Hey Pye,
I could see if they can't accept the food stamp card outside, because they just have a temp cash register set up there, but then they should allow you to go inside to pay in that case.
OH, I just had a thought: could it be that what is sold outside is not really a part of the store? Maybe they are leasing the space in front to a separate person to sell fruit? If that is the case, then that might be why they won't let you go in to pay and won't let you pay outside either -- they have to have approval from the Food Stamp Program to accept food stamps.
But they should still be willing to explain that instead of just saying no.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Nov 08
Nope the fruit stalls belong to the store itself. I just bet if it were reverse and say they sold the fresh vegetables outside they would insist on cash only for that
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
18 Nov 08
I am not sure just what the rules are and whether vendors can make such stipulations.
If you would be interested in stretching your grocery dollar, I have a lot of information on my blog (link in my profile) as well as links to other areas that address frugal cooking and household practices.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I rely on my food stamps for all my food needs...thank goodness it is only me living alone as I do so it's not like I need a ton of food for a family..I'll look at your blog though
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
19 Nov 08
There's just my husband and I now, but I still am pretty frugal with my grocery dollars - I like to see just how little I can spend - it's a challenge!
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@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
20 Nov 08
The only reason I can think of is that the outdoor paying area was only set up to take cash and they were not equipped to handle anything else out there. But they should have allowed you to take it inside and pay. I have never worked in a food store so I don't know if cashiers need to enter something specific in the cash register when they get food stamps or not. But I don't understand why they wouldn't let you pay for them in the store.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Yes, since they do accept food stamps indoors for all food they sell indoors, why not the food outside..all one has to do is take the food they sell outdoors inside and pay there..something is wrong here I think
@savypat (20216)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I 'm so sorry you are upset, i don't know enough about Food Stamps to know how and where you can use them. Do you get any information when you sign up for them? I have seen notices on the Supermarket doors that Food stamps are accepted here. So
that means to me they are not accepted in some places. If it like most government programs it costs the provider a fee to belong. I can feel you frustration and I wish I knew more and could be of help. Blessings
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Nov 08
The thing is, this store DOES accept food stamps for the food they sell inside and the only reason for the fruit stands outdoors is due to the store not having enough room...so what they are doing by not accepting the food stamps for the fruit is illegal I think..don't you?
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@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
19 Nov 08
You may be right that the store OWNS the outside markets. They probably in fact do. But why would a store sell fruit in two different sections. It is possible that it is a farmers market with the farmer renting the outside space from the store and there fore they have a different pay site and different rules. The store would not have any control over the outside that they own if a farmer was renting it and selling their personal fruit out there...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Nov 08
No it's not a farmer's market type thing...they sell fresh produce in the store as well..the only reason for their set up, that is having the fruit stands outside is there wouldn't be any room inside the store for them
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@ckral00 (23)
• United States
19 Nov 08
It does state in your food stamp info that the food stamps can not be used for any food that has already been cooked. That doesn't bother me. I mean it's cheaper to buy the stuff and make it yourself. I use to work in a supermarket and I have recieve food stamps myself. I had people come in and spend $30 for a cake. or $50 for King Crab Legs. I also had customer's coming through my line and misusing the food stamps. They would buy other people food. These cases I would report. I talked to my case worker and asked her about it. It's wrong to sell your food stamps. They are ment for your family. Not half the city who doesn't need the food stamps or the other half that are to lazy to go get their own. The store that you went to WAS wrong. We are suppose to be eating healthy so the fact that they are denying you fruit is morally and ethically wrong.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Nov 08
Yikes I would never think of getting a $30 cake or $50 in crab legs...LOL..I just get good old basics and nothing fancy. But yes, their denying me to buy fresh fruits was really so wrong
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