When people say merry x-mas
@mamalovestoread (692)
November 28, 2008 1:01pm CST
I feel that when people say merry x-mas they are taking Christ out of Christmas! people dont realize that the true meaning of Christmas is Christs birth! How many times do we see people writing x-mas? I even see it in stores flyers! I would never buy something that says on the box x-mas angel ornaments! What is up with that? Lets keep Christ in Christmas! whats your opinion!
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24 responses
@Undertheoath (365)
• United States
28 Nov 08
Christ was determined to be born around Easter time, not Christmas. However you should read into why it is called X-mas. In ancient times the Greek word for Christ is 'chi' which is represented by an 'x' like character in the modern Roman alphabet. It was not created to demean Christ.
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@AmandaBarnhart (671)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
Oh wow.. something new I learn every day :) that's an interesting fact. Thanks :)
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@Undertheoath (365)
• United States
28 Nov 08
There have been several studies that have disproved the December 25th birthday by the alignment of the stars as they were portrayed. Sorry be more open minded to science. I got my information from tv documentaries.
@Undertheoath (365)
• United States
28 Nov 08
Also I forgot to mention when I meant around Easter, I truly meant closer to easter. It is believed he was born anywhere from Late January to Mid February.
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@AmandaBarnhart (671)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
But what about those individuals who don't believe in Christ? Some who don't still call it christmas and others who call it x-mas I don't think are really trying to be hurtful or demean the name. It's just a shortcut of many that our society has come to use. It's not with me but perhaps people don't like using the term christmas because they don't believe in god or christ. I'm not saying this is me but it could be true with some individuals. Which at that point their entitled to do as that would be their own beliefs.
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@Galena (9110)
29 Nov 08
all the main religions have a celebration around the time of the winter Solstice, usually to celebrate the birth of a dying and resurrecting Solar God.
so the meaning behind Christmas is that the wheel is turning to longer days and a return away from the cold, bleak, barren winter. the return of light to the world.
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@mamalovestoread (692)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
Understandable. But on teh other hand if people dont believe in Christ then why would they celebrate Christmas? The whole meaning to Christmas is Christ's birth!
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@AmandaBarnhart (671)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
Because to most people christmas has become a hallmark among many things. Christmas is a federal holiday and is stated as such. Just because many don't believe in Christ doesn't mean they can't celebrate the holiday of joy and happiness to be around family. Other's have different meaning for the holiday but one thing is certain it is a day of celebration for many which is why nothing is open on that day. So in order to make the celebration official Christmas is attached to it for those who believe and even those who don't. I believe in god and the devil etc but I do not attend church or practice religion. I merely believe, but my beliefs conflict as I also believe in evolution.
Just as you are entitled to you beliefs we are all entitled to our own. With that being said that even means stores etc not benefiting from purchases because some people are offended by the word x-mas which is rightfully their own accord.
Any ways happy holidays :)
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
28 Nov 08
The celebration of Christmas started in the 4th century be pope Julius I. The Romans celebrated the Sun's birth during the winter solstice with dancing in the streets carrying gifts and having greenery on their head. The celebration was called Saturnalia. During the middle ages the Church believed that incorporating the pagan celebrations into the church would bring more people in to the church. Jesus was born either in the fall or in the spring.
The new testament was originally written in Greek so using the Greek letters for Christ is from that. I don't have a problem with people using X-mas or happy Holidays because there are several Holidays celebrated at this time of year. Hanuka, kwanzaa are also celebrated during this month.
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@Galena (9110)
29 Nov 08
doesn't bother me.
and I can't see why it would bother a Christian either, as the origins of the X are to do with the depiction of the name of Jesus.
I forget the exact details, but it has already been covered.
if you're offended by the X you should be offended by the fish people have on cars. the origin is much the same.
I'm even quite happy to be wished, as I have, albeit in a very playful manner, a Happy non denominational festivus.
after all, most religions celebrate around the time of the Winter Solstice, usually celebrating the birth of a Solar God.
so if anything, Christmas is ultimately about the return of light to the world. no matter how you choose to anthropomorphise that light.
happy festivus all. dark days are almost behind us, the Sun will return, the crops will grow, and we shall have life again.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
29 Nov 08
The fish was used to help Christians know each other, during times of intense persecution. One person would draw the semi circle, and if the other was a Christian they'd draw the other half, making a fish. Are you saying the X is similar to that? Because I always thought that it was the same way X is used to replace many names, so they don't have to be written out: transmitter = tx, receiver = rx, my mind is suddenly blank, but there are other instances where we put an X in place of part of a word.

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
28 Nov 08
X mas to me, or saying it, does not mean that the meaning behind the holiday is an less. When I think X-mas, I think Cross... when I think Cross, I also think Chris, or Christ... ChriStmas or ChrisTmas, it doesn't matter.
I am sure that some people don't think about it, but I still see what the holiday is truly about and not what commercialism and materialism has done to it.
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@AmandaBarnhart (671)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
What a great way to think of it :) I like the cross idea :)
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@sennawork (88)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I am not a christian but I would like to add my input on this topic because you bring up a very good point. These days it seems like everyone has forgotten what their holiday (Christmas) is all about. I am not even christian and I know more about the true meaning of christmas than most of my christian peer, classmates and colleagues. Everyone spends thousands of dollars on gifts and clothes and christmas trees and parties and food, and I feel like the real essence of your holiday had been lost.
Its kind of sad
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 Nov 08
Well, I have always wondered as well why so many people want to take CHRIST out of Christmas. We would not be here, and have nothing to Celebrate if it had not be for Jesus's birth, and dying on the Cross for us. I often Pray that somehow the eyes of the people can be opened to where there is more of a wanting to acknowledge Christ for Christmas and know without him we have no hope, and in today's economy we need large doses of hope for sure.
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@thepromptwriter (474)
• United States
28 Nov 08
I completely agree. I feel the same way about people saying Happy Holidays too. It's Merry Christmas!!! It's a Christian holiday, not a department store holiday. If someone doesn't want to celebrate the occasion for it's true meaning, fine. But I shouldn't have to change my way of thinking to make that other person feel better.
If it wasn't for the birth of Christ, there would be no Christmas. Merry X-mas looks like someone skipped part of their childhood educational process, and happy holidays sounds like something the stores made up to sell more junk.
So I have to agree, and say YES! Let's keep the Christ in Christmas.

@thepromptwriter (474)
• United States
28 Nov 08
Well tell me this. Which is more ignorant. People who try to stand up for their own beliefs, or those who go around trying to make people feel bad because of their beliefs?
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@AmandaBarnhart (671)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
isn't that kind of being ignorant to those who don't believe in Christ? If they choose to say happy holidays I don't see why that is wrong. So if you say Merry Christmas to someone and they don't believe in either should they not respond to you and then seem stuck up? Whether we like to admit it or not Christmas has become a Hallmark and a means for many people to make money off of. Please don't get mad at me for saying it .. all you have to do is take a good look around you to realize this is so. Take that poor walmart person who got killed because of people trying to rush for sales. As much as we hate to admit it the reason and season for the holidays have changed. I say happy holidays there is nothing wrong with it at all and you shouldn't chastise someone for saying it at least they're being cheerful and responding back. It is a holiday otherwise if it was strictly Christan stores would be open on the holidays. Most businesses are closed not only on Christmas day but also days before and after. It is the holidays so why not say it. It's mean to think otherwise or that everyone should say merry Christmas if they dont' believe. They are allowed to say happy holidays.
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@AmandaBarnhart (671)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
People who go around making people feel bad for their beliefs. Which is what you are kind of doing if you think about it. You are chastising people and judging people off of how they greet you on christmas. Now tell me this... isn't that hypocritical?
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
28 Nov 08
I couldn't agree more, both with your original post and your comments. I too am a firm believer that Christ should stay in Christmas and it torques me when I see Xmas. Everyone tries so hard to be politically correct with Xmas and Happy Holidays instead of using the word Christmas because it might offends someone. Christ is the reason for the season. It's not about the gifts or the decorations; it is about the birth of Christ our Savior. We can't change what others do, but we can be responsible ourselves to inform others and to keep Christ in our Christmas celebration(s).
@mamalovestoread (692)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
I completly agree with you! Christmas should be celebrated with Christ's birth. So many people out there only think that we should be showerd with gifts and give gifts and decorate our houses and have partys. I know when we were younger there wasnt alot of moeny in our family so we had small christmas with little gifts and a family get together. Now when we go to my nans for christmas dinner there is no talk of what we go or what we gave its only of what we can do to celebrate Christs birth. Sometimes we sing this year im playing the autoharp. We dont discuss trivial things only talk about Christ and his birth. And about family!
@ThePaintGuru (541)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I always thought that the use of x mas was a retail thing that people don't really say. I don't know, but off the top of my head I'd say it came around half way between the time when everyone just said "merry Christmas" and today when stores use "happy Holidays". I always though it was odd and a bit tacky to abbreviate it, not because I'm a Christian but because it looks like just a way to save a few cents on a sign or something :).
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@UnityOfGoals (22)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Be courageous to minister to those whom know God not, that is a very worthy Christmas goal! Be not afraid to go to other should a church reject you and leave, shaking the bitterness (dusts) from off of yourself.
Be courageous to bring meals to the poor, wary and speak to them, ministering in loving care. Do not worry about the beginnings of Christmas, know whom you are! You will never live in darkness when the canfdle and fire, flame of God within you grows that is can only shine to others!
Give not to be recognized, but known and seen by God. Pray in secret, and God will certainly know you. Give all your possessions to others, and sell them to give to the poor they're needs. Do something larger than life, or commit, even if it seems to fail time and again and you know it is pleasing and right to God. I gaurantee you that the very angels will take all of your hard earned efforts into account. Sometimes a result is in you as in patience when no result is seen and is forthcoming.
@halynn (1809)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I don't always think that is peoples intentions when they write xmas. I live far away from my family so we use the net to stay in touch a lot via emails & im's. So sometimes we shorten it if it's just a short email or a quick chat to save key strokes.
I do not leave christ out of my Christmas @ all.
Happy Holidays.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
29 Nov 08
Unfortunately, for some people it doesn't matter if you use the word Christmas or x-mas or just happy holidays, Christ has never been in their Christmas. I personally don't care for the term "x-mas," but I don't get bent out of shape when someone uses it. My parents brought me up in the Christian faith, for which I'm very thankful. However, I know I can't force my views on others.
@NikkiLuvsAlex (319)
• United States
1 Dec 08
I think that they are just being lazy by shortening the word. Whoever originally changed the word probably really didn't mean anything by it.
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
29 Nov 08
Athought that came to my mind many times. You put the same to discussion. I totally agree with you. Today Christmas is more of a celeberation time losing the whole meaning behind it. People even do not go to church that day but celeberate at home. I would pray that such people may begin to realise soon that what they were doing is wrong.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I know what you are saying but the fact is that not everyone who celebrates the holiday is Christian. The holiday itself has gone way beyond a religious celebration. In Fact , Dec. 25 is not even the real birthdate of Christ. Even those that do not partake in this holiday often find themselves having the day off due to it. The only people that can put Christ back into Christmas are those that celebrate it for the birth of Christ. Even then, they can only do it for themselves by not buying into all the hype. For far too many it is a holday for exchanging gifts & nothing more. You are not going to change that and thus the "happy holidays" & "merry xmas". Christmas is no longer and has not been for years a religious holiday unless you personally make it one.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I agree 100%!!!
I don't like putting an X where Christ's name should be.
People don't realize that the holiday is actually very special and very devout for true Christians, and it is very painful for us to see our precious Lord's name either X'd out of where it belongs, or taken in vain as a curse word!!
No one would think of using their neighbor's wife's name as a curse word, but my Lord is more to me than a spouse, and they think nothing of using His name as a curse word, even right in front of me sometimes.

@momtrying2makeit (3270)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I agree but as long as someones spirt is it I do not think it matters what they say. But I understand what you mean. Good post.
@Chocobear (86)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I think you are going a bit too far with the Xmas thing... Undertheoath, offers an excellent as to why Xmas is used. Hope this helps.
@bellamommy (192)
• United States
29 Nov 08
I am an atheist, so I don't believe in any of it. However, I celebrate Christmas as a family holiday, and I do enjoy the commercialism, as do many. I don't think people mean to offend when they say "Merry X-mass". I write it in cards because it's faster and I have a busy life.