Corporal punishment in schools
By ronaldinu
@ronaldinu (12422)
December 3, 2008 11:02am CST
We were discussing the lack of discipline in schools and one teacher said that he is in favour of corporal punishment in schools. He said that students behaved a lot better out of fear of corporal punishment in old ages. He said that the majority of UK teachers are in favour of it. Are you in favour of corporal punishment in schools?© ronaldinu 2008
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35 responses
@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
4 Dec 08
If the punishment is within a reason, then its ok with me, for I feel that when there is a law th at states that you cant discipline a child, the child will take advantage of it and misbehave, knowing it will only be a verbal admonishment. Who cares, but if the punishment is not sringent so as to harm the child badly, then its ok, for do we not spank our children when they misbehave or do th ings they should not do. Many a kids are spoiled by this attitude of non punishment. Everything within reason is ok by me.
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@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
5 Dec 08
Ooooo, you are going to have your hands full with a little terror who has always had her own way. How will you discipline the child. You will have to be a real wiz to get her to behave. All the best.
@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Interesting observation!
Oddly enough, no, not all parents spank their children.
One of my daughter's friends never gets spanked and she is a little 2-year-old terror! I mean, it's REALLY bad! I think her mother is going to have me start babysitting her next year so we'll see how that goes.
I wonder what she'll be like when she gets older.
Happy MyLotting!

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
3 Dec 08
This is a controversal subject. Many parents would say, one has the right to spank my child but me. In my grandchildrens school, they will call the parents to come and spank the child or disapline a child when they need this type of punishment. It is inconvenient for the adult, but if theis is what they wish instead of the school doing it then so be it.
I myself don't want the school spanking my child. I will diapline them the way I see fit, now mind you I do spank my children. I believe that epople that get into trouble for spanking their child in public or otherwise is hogwash. How do people expect a child to learn what is right and wrong and there are times when a spanking is needed. Many children will only respond well to spankings and nothing else works on them.
That's what is wrong with the world today. People stopped spanking their children for fear of being put in jail for doing so.
I don't condone beatings as I was a child of abuse and beatings. But there is nothing wrong with a spanking.
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@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I've been babysitting my friend's 2-year-old daughter for a couple of months now. When she first dropped her off, she told me that I was free to spank her child....which turned-out to be a good thing.
My daughter, who is 6 months older than this girl, has been spanked a couple of times and knows the routine but her little friend would not listen and after I spanked her the first time, misbehaved to see if I was going to do it again!
The trick with spanking is, you should only have to do it once or twice and after that, the memory of a spanking should be enough. My friend's daughter now behaves very well and has made me a firm-believer in corporal punishment at school.
I think I'm going to bring-up my daughter the old-fashioned way: If she gets in trouble at school, she gets in trouble at home. If they aren't allowed to spank her at school, she'll get a spanking at home. If they ARE allowed to spank her at school, she still gets a spanking when she gets home.
Happy MyLotting!

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
4 Dec 08
You express the way I feel also. If you are caring for a child then you should be able to spank them. I also punish just as the school at the same time. If we don't back up the school then the children think it's okay to do wrong at school because they get no punishment. This does not work. The home and family need to continue the punishment at home as well as at school.
There is nothing wrong with spanking a child, as yes it only needs to happen once or twice for most to "get it" that they will be in trouble if they do wrong so they tend to stay out of trouble because they don't want a spanking. It hurts their feelings and their pride more than it hurts them. This is an effect they don't wish to experience again.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
3 Dec 08
I think the students behaved because they knew as soon as they got home, dad was going to give them a wallop as well. Now I am not in favor of corporal punishment for minor offenses. Maybe a detention would work better. For very serious infractions where a student harms another like beating up on him, yes. So only in rare cases. Most making them work hard would be better.
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@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I got that on purpose a couple of times so I would have something to do afterschool.
Detention is a joke.
I don't know, detention may actually be "serious" where you come from so it might work.
Happy MyLotting!

@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
4 Dec 08
I'm afraid I am. When I was at school, it was rarely necessary - but we all knew the consequence of our actions. There were a couple of 'bad lads' who pushed the teachers to the limit - and they were given six of the best. These days, there is no real deterrent to bad behaviour, and children who once would have been worried about discipline now know they can do exactly as they please. Being given a demerit is a joke, and teachers have no authority to do anything much - even hugging a hurt child is against the rules now.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I know its not right to hit a child because it teaches them to hit, but I think so many kids misbehave and mouth off and don't respect adults these days. I think it should be allowed in school. Thats not saying a stranger is going to beat your child. Because if the kids know what they will get if they misbehave then maybe they won't misbehave.
I don't think fear is the way to really go, but lets all be honest with each other what else has worked...NOTHING! I have six kids and they don't get their butt swat nothing. They sit in time out when they do something bad and it has not worked at all. I have even tried taking away something they really like, that don't work either. I believe most of the things they do they have picked up in school, but if they didn't allow that in school then my kids would have never learned it.
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@roselynm1023 (950)
• Philippines
4 Dec 08
i dont believe in corporal punishment! i believe that everything or any arguement has to be solved on proper use of words. same with children, they should be disciplined in proper use of words not with rod.
school is where the child develops his personality and character. now if he will be awaken in the idea of violence through corporal punishment.
only parents can discipline his children!
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@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
3 Dec 08
I believe corporal punishment creates mental problems that will mark the child for the rest of his/her life. I've been beaten a few times too, and I was the best of my class, and there are still some mental scars I have from the "terror" I had to endure. Seeing my other colleagues getting beaten even more didn't do me any good either.
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@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
3 Dec 08
I;m afrraid I sit on the fence on this one. On one hand I firmly believe a lack of hurtful punishment makes students more difficult to control. However, on the other hand some punishers go way beyond what should be a fitting punishment, As in many things in life, a small minority spoil things for the majority. Where I teach we're not allowed to touch the students, well I will put my hand on an adult's shoulder whom I know won't mind, but I won't even go too close to the teen or younger students. Most teachers are the same, but there is a small minority who show no discression.
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@littleowl (7157)
3 Dec 08
Hi ronald actually I am in favour of corporal punishment in schools, it never did us any wrong when we were younger, and would probably bring a bit more respect for teachers..children and teenagers get away with blue 'murder' literally nowadays...littleowl
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I'm not sure about that. When I was little, it was a deterrent but it didn't affect my personality or temperament. I was hell bent on rebelling but I learned to do it in a safe way, bending the rules instead of breaking them. That made me very creative and has served me well in my adult life. If I'd been whipped or spanked I would have been angry and sought to upset the "aristocracy".
I don't think corporate punishment is effective in all cases. Some, maybe. I think students should be made to serve. If they wreck the cafeteria or have a food fight, clean the place with toothbrushes. If they put a cherry bomb in the toilet, clean all the toilets for a months. Make the punishment fit the crime. Teach, don't punish. (Although sometimes punishment is truly needed, it's rather rare)
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
4 Dec 08
Yes I am in favor for as long as it is done in a proper way. It must be based on the degree of the violations done by children. There must be guidelines which the children should be well oriented so they would know which actions are not permitted and what are the consequences. I believe parents should also be called for a meeting together with the children and this kind of punishment will have to be explained and talked with them with their approval. Those parents who will not approve can have the option to pull out their children from the school. Of course the school has to be tough. They will be losing some earnings from parents who will not conform with this policy.
The corporal punishment should be done using a rod. The child must not be beaten in any part of the body except his behind or thigh whichever is applicable.
@liuenze (54)
• China
4 Dec 08
hi ronaldinu:
When I was a child. There is corporal punishment in my school. Then we are fear of our teacher,but when I get into middle school, there is not corporal punishment there. I think corporal punishment can supervise the child who is not finish his homework or didn't have the class. But when we grow up, it is not adapt to us.
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@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
4 Dec 08
You don't have to use any kind of punishment if you change the education method.
These methods are so old, they don't work anymore.
The kids have so many tools to understand and know more from the games they're playing and from the TV programs.
The schools should just adapt and change their methods according to the new era we're living in.
If a kid is interested in what he's learning, he won't be bored, he'll participate, be active and willing to learn.
Anyhow, that's my opinion.
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@Undertheoath (365)
• United States
4 Dec 08
As a student myself, I would not ever allow a teacher to strike me with anything. It would be considered an assault on me and I would literally find myself in a fist fight with my teacher, man or woman. I respect my teachers but do not think that this is needed. I do not know how UK schools are, but the one I go to in America is one of the top schools in the country and have very little problems.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
3 Dec 08
No I don't think that there should be corporal punishment in schools. As soon as it is allowed some teacher or other person in authority will go over board. I do how ever think that there should be better discipline put in place for the students. Some times I think that the discipline should also include the parents (both parents). The behavior of students is the result of the teaching of the parents. When parents don't back up the teachers and the school then the students will be disrespectful.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
3 Dec 08
I think that it might be a good thing if properly monitored. I would rather the bad kids get punished and there be more order in schools then to keep hearing about bullies and beatings(kids beating other kids) and kids bringing weapons to school. If they were getting more discipline at home then corporal punishment in school wouldn't be as needed. If my kid does something bad I would expect her to be punished in a way appropriate for what she has done. I can remember in school one child getting spanked for not doing his homework after the 3rd or 4th time.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
3 Dec 08
I went to a school where we were caned for major indiscretions. It taught me nothing except bravado. The best punishments were much more educational. For example, if you littered, you were allocated a piece of the school to keep clean for half a term. Usually there were a number of you coordinating on this punishment. Woe betide any other boy that so much has left a piece of dirt on your patch. Another master had us devise our own punishments. Invariably they were much more onerous than anything that he gave us.
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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
3 Dec 08
I am, if my child behaves in a way that merits him to be punished then I think he should be punished be it at home or school. I know when I was younger, our teachers and principals at school were allowed to use corporal punishment on us. Most schools that I know of still do it, but they do allow the parents to sign a form that says they can't use corporal punishment on their children. I think it may make the children behave better in school too, knowing that they can be punished if they do something wrong.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
3 Dec 08
Back in the days there were students who were afraid of certain teachers because they know that he/she is the beating types. These children are afraid of nothing even if this should come back into school it will only cause more riot in the classroom. Our parents were from a different world these parents is so different. To it is like they never know that he/she would become parent so they either spoil the child or act irresponsible towards the child.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
3 Dec 08
Hi ronaldinu,
Yes, deffinatley as it didn't do me any harm and I think it is a good idea as kids these days are so unruley and some even bully the teaches as the law is on the pupil's side, yes they should bring it back.
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