Do You Forward Chain Mail?
By Zezloler
@Zezloler (497)
United Arab Emirates
December 4, 2008 7:15am CST
I'm sure that most of us have received a bizarre chain letter at one point with threats of bad luck unless it's forwarded to at least ten or twenty people. =P
My question is pretty straightforward: Do you forward these letters?
I, personally, don't. xD I know that some people consider them good fun, but I take them as more of a nuisance than anything else. =P Some are interesting (I like the ones that contain weird facts), and in that case, I'll show them to a few friends, but in general I find chain mails very annoying and tend to ignore them or delete them. If someone sends me chain mail often, I'll usually ask them to stop. =P
You? =O
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59 responses
@KATRINKA (1624)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I've received so many chain letters via email. I, too, consider it a nuisance. Just yesterday I received several text messages on my cell phone for "I love you day" and was told to forward it to 10 people. I hate those, too.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
5 Dec 08
One of my pet hates are chain mails. Some people seem to take great delight in forwarding them to anyone and everyone whose email address they have. If there is something interesting or really humourous then I don't mind ... providing those bits at the very bottom of the email which say you will get bad luck if you do not forward it to so many people within a certain amount of time.
Quite honestly I get enough junk mail already without friends clogging up my inbox with more trivial crap. If a friend continually sends these types of emails to me I will initially ask them not to send any more. If that person still persists i sending the chain emails through I will tell them to stop or I will ban their email address and IP. So far I have not had to do that but it has come close when someone "forgot" I said I did not like receiving them.
The problem with these sorts of chain emails is that some people are susceptible and actually believe the "bad luck will come to you etc etc". In many ways I think they come close to spam.
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@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
8 Dec 08
It depends on what it is. I don't believe all the 3 years of good luck if you do or something bad will happen if you don't or it's been around the world 10 times so don't stop the chain. But some things are interesting that I pass them on to enetertain the others who send me things. Many times I will write at the top that I've gotten it before but thought it was interesting or the pictures were pretty. I also tell those who I write to, to let me know if I send too much stuff to them, since I have several who only send me forwards and don't write to me at all.
@Wordplay (239)
• Canada
4 Dec 08
Every so often, friends will forward to me chain e-mails with funny or inspirational messages. I actually enjoy receiving these. They usually don't threaten something bad if I don't forward them, but rather tell me that my luck will increase depending on the number of people to whom I forward the message.
However, I rarely forward them on, simply because the sender has already sent the same e-mail to everybody I know. I can never think of anyone new to send it to! So I usually just delete it after a while.
I don't get back luck for deleting the message, but no good luck either if I don't forward. I guess you could say I have no luck at all.
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@gtdonna (1738)
6 Dec 08
Or if they don't send those that saying you will get bad luck, they send the ones that says "what will Jesus do" and how you forward other emails but would probably delete the ones that have a spiritual message. To me they are all the same, and gets deleted and also like you the person has send them to everyone I woudl otherwise send them to, so staight to the trash they go.
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@ButterflyBear (39)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I used to forward chain mail but only because I am superstitious but I know how irritating it can be because I have not only experienced that irritation but I have been told such by many people. I can now pretty much recognize these types of emails and delete them without even opening them and thereby not feeling the need to forward them. I will admit though that there are some pretty interesting ones that I do forward but just to a few select people that I know do not mind getting those kinds of emails. There is also a web site that will tell you if things are true or false and I will usually check that out before even opening and forwarding the few that I do.
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@ButterflyBear (39)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Yeah, the hoaxes can be interesting. Always has amazed me of the things some people can come up with that so many others believe. I used to be one of those believers but now I ding myself believing less and less.
@catmint (628)
• Singapore
5 Dec 08
When the load of malicious chain letters start appearing, all from close friends, I lost it. I demanded to know how they could pass a "curse" along to people they claim they love deeply. I never forward any, even to people I don't like. The act itself is juvenile, why are we willing to be entertainment of these letter writers anyway?
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Yes, I forward it to They want spam mail sent to them so that they can investigate. If a friend forwards it to me, I will tell them what I did and not to send it to me any longer.
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@srganesh (6339)
• India
5 Dec 08
Certainly no!These are sent by some perverted peoples and need not be taken into serious account.Just ignore them is the best response one can give.Why waste your own time and also chaining to others,wasting theirs too.It is best to terminate them ,once in our hands.
@Zezlol (409)
• United Arab Emirates
4 Dec 08
I never forward chain mail. I find them extremely annoying.
I enjoy the ones that have some inspirational message or political joke, the rest, however, I don't even think about twice before deleting. The most I ever come close to 'forwarding' is by telling you about it over MSN. 
That hasn't happened in a long time though because I never get chain mail on my new email address (gah, let's not jinx it!).

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@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
4 Dec 08
I always reply. I prepare the requested tqenty copies and send them all... to the person who sent me the chain email. They don't do it again. :)
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@LuvBr0wn13s (765)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I used to forward them, but the majority of the ones that I receive now are just variations of ones that I have gotten before. The wonderful part about getting them in an email is that you can just delete them and go on with life. I CANT STAND GETTING CHAIN TEXTS!!!!! I have a couple of friends that insist on forwarding every stupid text message that comes their way to me. Getting and deleting a chain email doesn't cost me anything. I have actually had to go through the process of blocking a few people because they wouldn't listen when I told them they were killing my cell phone bill with their constant texting.
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@yaoyuan15 (66)
• China
5 Dec 08
When I was very young, someone put these letters into our courtyard. It said you have to write it again by hand for twenty copies and put them to other people's courtyard, if you didn't do so, you'll suffer bad luck. My sister, my neighbour and I copied for several days and finally finished. We were too young to understand it a trick. After we finished it, we felt reassurance. But soon after, we received another letter like this, we copied it again but didn't send out this time. And finally there was nothing happen. As we grow up, this kind letters become more and more, especially after computer becomes common, I will never do so again. Same as you, unless it is funny and good information, otherwise, I ingnore them.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
[i]Hello Zezloler,
No, I stop forwarding Chain Mail. Like you said it is a waste of time and resources. There are chain letters that are very good and I keep them. I forward it only on the person I know he/she can appreciate the content. It is very tempting to forward it especially when you need to copy the sender to confirm your friendship. But in time I realized that it doesn't matter, chain letter or not, you are still friend.
Regards. [/i]

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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
4 Dec 08
previously, when chain letters are sent via post, i've never receive any. now with everyone having an email account, i receive plenty.
if there is nothing interesting in it i'll just hit delete. i don't believe in the threat and so far nothing bad has happened to me. if there are interest facts or pictures in it, i'll forward the email. before forwarding, i'll delete the sentence that makes it a chain letter. if it's in a powerpoint file, i'll actually amend the file before i send it out. cheers 

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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
6 Dec 08
In the beginning i used to get very few fwds and i would read all of them and then forward them to my friends.Nowadays i get bombarded by such mails which i quickly move to spam and then delete at one stroke.I don`t even bother to read any unless i find something of interest which i sometimes send to my friends.Many of my friends keep on sending such fwds thinking that i enjoy them and am reading them. I do not have the heart to tell them not to send them in case i hurt their feelings, so i quietly delete them.
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@umart13 (841)
• Ireland
7 Dec 08
Hello Zezloler, It's a very good question and I have to confess that I do generally forward chain mail. I think it is because I am fairly superstitious and try to avoid any curses or negative influences in my life, which may surprise many people who know me. Maybe it's a sign of weakness and that the chainmail senders are preying on this fact that humans are like that. However, I think it's nice sometimes to see who thinks of us and includes us on their special lists of recipients, who are the people they usually care about. Have a good weekend. Umart
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@chocsie (259)
• Greece
4 Dec 08
Well in general I hate the messages that say "Once you have opened this there's no turning back." and some even go farther and say "if you don't send this within 1 day, you won't live to see tomorrow"
Those really annoy me. Right now, most people know I hate chain mails but some people just go ahead and send them anyway. A few of my closest friends only send me the interesting and nice ones and if I see a message in my inbox from them, I usually go ahead and read it. So basically, I have a list of people I trust. I don't hesitate to read messages from them.
And then I have a list of people I never read messages from. I've learnt from previous experiences that the only mails they send are the 'evil' chain mails.
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