reading can be better than movies

United States
December 19, 2008 9:21am CST
Is it just me or does anyone else think that reading a book can be so much better than watching a movie? Movies nowadays are mostly the same. I personally get sick and tired of seeing the same kind of thing over and over again, but with a book, you are free to make it into whatever you want while imagining what's happening. what do you think, books or movies?
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48 responses
• Australia
20 Dec 08
It doesn't help that the vast majority of movies come out of Hollywood, at least in my part of the world, and most of it is, by any critical standard, so much rubbish. Entertaining rubbish, quite often, and I do watch many of them once they get to the small screen, but there has been very little made in recent years that would get me out of my armchair. Books on the other hand offer the possibilities of quality plus entertainmnet. Sure, there are many of today's authers who are literature's equivalent of Hollywood (and a lot of their books get taken to Hollywood), but there is also a huge variety of top quality literature around. This is esepcially useful for people with specific interests, like Sci-Fi, detective mysteries, fantasy, and so on. And then there is the issue you bring up of the difference beteen visual and intellectual perception: the visuals in a film wrap the imagination into a very circumscribed space, but a book, because you can put it down whenever you need to, allows the mind to run wherever it wishes. Mush prefer books. Lash
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@ghall08 (121)
• United States
19 Dec 08
Books are better than movies - movies is like being spoon-fed. With books, your imagination gets to work, you feel every emotion, every movement, hear every sound, know every thought of the character in the book especially is the writer is good. And since movies are "shortened" sometimes they left out scenes or points that can be found in the book.
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@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
Movies are indeed limiting one's imagination but it may also in a way be considered as an insight to the filmmaker's imagination. It is quite interesting to see how filmmakers translate into film the books that many readers find absorbing. Imagine how hard it is to limit one's imagination to fit the entirety of a book into less than two hours worth in film!
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@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
And I both like to read books and also love movies. It is hard to pick one over the other because it gives different satisfactions to its, may I say audience.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Reading a book is so much better than watching a movie. With books, you can use your imagination to bring the characters alive. With movies, it's already right there in front of you. I remember reading "The Thorn Birds" in 1 1/2 days just so I could compare the book with the movie. Honestly I think my imagination of the book was a whole lot better than the movie ever did. The books that the movies never did justice for was Stephen King's, you know it's a good book when you can get scared from reading a book, but the movie does nothing.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
20 Dec 08
It happened to me when I watched the harry potter movie. I remained a bit dissapointed. I mean I have more vivid imagination. I prefer reading a book instead of watching a movie. HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. © ronaldinu 2008
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
I read these books after seeing the movies and I still prefer the books. There is so much more in the books and I think they are really well written. I was impressed that they chose the right actors to play the parts as I often do not agree with the actor they choose or they change it somehow when they make a movie. I am glad they did not fiddle with this in these movies.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Well I prefer books to movies as you build your own images and that is fun. There is more quality in a book and you have time to explore the characters and the story which is all done for you in a movie. I started to read harry potter after seeing the movies and I was surprised at how well they had chosen the actors who played the roles and they reflected her writing well. I still think the books are better as they are more detailed and much more fun.
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@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
20 Dec 08
We need a variety of forms to enrich our knowledge and enjoy ourselves. bu if there is only one choice, I believe reading is better than movies. I have a relative who was back from the states to visit his father in shanghai. I was invited to meet him. As he had brought his 8-year-old son along with him, I bought several cartoon books as a gift. The boy showed his interest in the books, but was reluctant to take them for a second. I was told his mother, a Taiwan born teacher, does not allow him to read cartoons. She had prepared a paperback book of about 200 pages for his son to take along. Believe it not, that is what I experienced. Maybe she is right as she has too many pupils spoiled by cartoons, and can not writing with proper spelling.
@shonali (1286)
• India
19 Dec 08
i definately think that a book is way better than a movie...any day man!! i have seen many movies of famous authors out of which i remember some like the horse whisperer, a movie made from a book by robin cook, message in a bottle and a walk to remember, notebook by nicholas sparks.... to name a few.... even black beauty which i only have read the book .... not seen the movie so i wouldnt know..... but in all these movies i enjoyed reading the book more than watching the movie..... many resons to that too..... one is that when you read a book it activates your imagination..... makes you imagine the story the way you want it and with the kind of people you would like to be inacting in the scene at that time..... so your imagination power increases which helps you to see things definately better in common everyday life..... secondly a book is a far more detailed version of the movis where the emotions and feelings of each character comes alive ..... you can feel the emotions your self cos of the imagination power...... whereas in a movie..... its definately not going to work out for your imagination as you are seeing it right in front of you and also unless the actors in the movie are outstanding... you wont really understand the emotions of each actor in detail...... so i definately go for a book but i wouldnt ever say no to a movie which has been made from a book...but only after reading the book..... :)
@wayz12 (2059)
• United States
19 Dec 08
I'm a reader, meaning I read a lot. However, I also watch a lot of DVDs, so I'm into movies, too. I don't really differentiate between the two. I enjoy each medium, and take it differently. I have pretty eclectic taste when it comes to movies, and I don't limit myself to watching the regular blockbusters that comes out. Maybe you should try some foreign films or independent movies, and you might find more variety. As for books, hey, I can't live without them. I'm always reading, if I'm not watching a movie.
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
25 Jan 09
I would have to agree that reading would be better than watching a movie. I think you use your mind more when you open a book and your imagination can be better activated. With a book, you can go so many more places and could find that your own view of how the story plays out is completely different than the movie would be. With a movie, you are watching someone else's interpretation of what is happening with the words and that could be totally different than how you would put it on the screen.
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
i love books too, theyre more complete like a very very long movie. Plus books have more heart. i loved both movie and book renditions of: kiterunner notebook
• United States
19 Dec 08
Yes, while movies usually got cut short for the shake of time... like Twilight, the book's more complete than the movie, where it explains the character's situation and stuff. If I like a character, I like to read the book because there'll be that character's thoughts in there too ;)
• Malaysia
19 Dec 08
Reading does give you more imagination than movies and comics. For comics and movies, the creator will give you the pictures and guide you through that "alternate world". I prefer to watch movies and read comics even though I love to imagine things. The reason is that I'm quite a slow reader and I prefer to use my reading time to read non-fictional books.
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@23uday (2997)
• India
19 Dec 08
Hi I'm very passionate about reading.I love to read and when I have opt between movies and reading,then I will choose reading.And there are not much movies but when there are good movies ,I do watch them.reading enhances my vocablury,imagination power and expressivity. bye!!!!!!!!!!
• India
20 Dec 08
i like watching movies than reading books,if i start reading books i will go to sleep,so it is better to watch movies than reading.if no other alternative is there it is better to read.
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• United States
19 Dec 08
I love to read, but I also like to watch films. I think that books are a better option if you like to work your imagination. Most of the time when you read, you are able to create the character in your mind as you see them. You might also be left to explore your imagination when it comes to the setting of the story. I think that in movies, sometimes a story becomes to commercialized or too mudane and it loses some of the meaning that it had when it was in a book. I do have to say that sometimes a book is too easy to figure out. I like surprises when I read and I do not want to be able to figure out the ending of a book when I am only 100 pages through it. I think it takes all the fun out of reading.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
21 Dec 08
I love reading books compared to movies. Because I can picture the main charcters as they are written, not as hollywood has decided to play the part. Although i love to watch movies afer reading the gives more completion, unless it is a horrible movie.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
21 Dec 08
I am not so much of a movie buff and i haven`t visited the movie theatre since 1978. If i feel like watching a film i do so on tv.But as far as reading is concerned i am a voracious reader and since i was a kid i have been reading continuously. It is only in recent times that my reading has declined mainly due to lack of time. So if you ask me to make a choice between books and movies it will always be the former. Any day !!
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
21 Dec 08
You can watch a movie with someone, but few people try to read a book with someone. However, I agree that reading a book is better than watching a movie. If you feel that you have missed something, you can go back and reread a paragraph or two. If the phone rings or a member of the family wants something, you can insert a marker in your book and go see what they want. When you return, you can pick up with the story where you left off. This can be done with TV, but it takes special equipment. It's not likely the projectionist at a movie theater would rerun part of a movie because you missed something. Movies and TV programs leave nothing to the imagination, and that is sad. I prefer to read a book or listen to an audeo book.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
21 Dec 08
Reading books is far better than watching movies.A movie reflacts a part of life.But in books we can find whole aspects of our life.Some movies project unnatural and imaginary things.Books are the reflection of real life.Books are the source of learning.Movies are based on books.Books are origineted from mind and knowledge.
• Indonesia
20 Dec 08
books version always better but just sometimes the movies version better than the books version
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
21 Dec 08
I agree with whatever you say.