Do you agree with abortion?
By trickjoseph
@trickjoseph (197)
December 23, 2008 4:34am CST
There are lot of controversy about abortion. There are lot of debates about abortion. Abortion as defined by Merriam-Webster, the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of embryo or fetus. Do you agree with abortion?
My answer is absolutely NO! Because, it was never an accident that a person will get pregnant. God has plans with the baby and you have to live with it. God never teach us to kill a person but He teaches us to live. Why would you kill in the first place God teaches us to live? Am I right?
How about you? What would be your opinion?:)
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33 responses
@maidangela7349 (1191)
24 Dec 08
IT is woman's right to do with her body as she wishes and until the fetus is mature enough to live as an independent individual then it is still part of the woman's body. As far as I can see to say that god has plans for that "baby" is just nonsense and if you read the old testament you will see that the god in that part of the bible certainly did teach people to kill. It is of course your parents and community that teach you your values regarding living and indeed dying not some mythical being in the sky.
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@maidangela7349 (1191)
29 Dec 08
Yuna I don't just sound like an atheist I am an atheist and I do not like judgments made based on something written two or three thousand years ago by men who were seeking to achieve or maintain power over gullible people. As to god teaching people to kill I am afraid the bible has a lot of examples of this but to take a few from Deuteronomy. In chapter 2 34,35,36 god's (your god by the way eternal and all powerful) chosen people laid waste to serveral cities killing men women a children.
Chtp7/2 17/5 are good ones and in 20/13 they had learned something they only killed all the men and kept the women for themselves.
@trickjoseph (197)
• Philippines
29 Dec 08
I agree with you Yuna. It doesn't seem right to kill a baby inside the body. Even it is still part of the woman's body, it is still your body. It is like killing your own body. The more it is a sinful act. Thanks for the response anyway.

@mzplased (255)
• United States
23 Dec 08
I think that there are always 2 sides to the coin. What if like someone said that the life of the mother is at stake? What if the baby is not well and the doctor suggests because the baby is not going to make it? I dont think that all abortions are the result of someone being careless and not using protection. Every perosn has their own cirrcumstances of why. I dont think we have that right to decide for others. Its not us, its them they have to deal with whatever it is making them decide to end the life. What if this person was brutally raped and it ended in a pregnancy? Would you want to have to be constantly reminded of that horrible time for the next nine months? Right or wrong we are not God, we dont have the right to judge people.
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@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
24 Dec 08
On the same note, We are not god, we do not have the right to take another's life. There are SOOOO many people that would LOVE to have a child and cannot. Carry the baby and give it to someone that will love and care for it.

@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
23 Dec 08
I dont agree with abortion,but in some situation it is unavoidable.If it can save a mothers life then it is ok.Now abortion is so common among young generation.
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@trickjoseph (197)
• Philippines
23 Dec 08
Yes, it is most common on young people. Mostly on the teenagers. I agree with you. Thanks for the response.:)
@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
23 Dec 08
I believe in certain circumstances abortion is the besting thing, like in the case of rape, mulstation or if the mothers life is in danger.
As a person who has been raped, thankfully I did not get pregnant, I do not think that I could live with seeing the child every day and being reminded about how he/she was conceived. Ultimately, I would end up resenting the child and not treating them properly.
So yes, I agree in certain circumstances with aboration.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
23 Dec 08
im glad you didnt have to deal with that! being a victim is bad enough but then for something to have come out of it that would be a reminder later would be horrible..
i feel the same

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@srganesh (6339)
• India
23 Dec 08
Abortion shall be carried on if it is demanding there.For example,after a scan,if the child in the womb is detected to have abnormalities with which it will suffer in this world after birth,then abortion is okay.But for silly reasons like unexpected pregnancy because of not using precautions shall be refused.Cheers!
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@trickjoseph (197)
• Philippines
23 Dec 08
I guess not. They still have the right to live. But I don't argue with you. There are times that the baby becomes abnormal. The main reason for that is the mother doesn't take that too much care with the baby.:)
@Malitah (29)
• Philippines
16 Mar 09
abortion really depends on ones belief. ones theres a life in a womb he/she had a right to live. my supposed 2nd child was detected to have a congenital heart disease. i've tried everything to save her. but maybe she's not really for us. i had a miscarriaged. i'm thankful that i didn't mess up God's plan for me. after a month God gave us a new, i become pregnant again. abortion can be a cause of cancer also. specially if its not done on a right way. NO TO ABORTION! YES TO SELF CONTROL!
@Fadolf (545)
• Slovenia
24 Dec 08
I agree with abortion but if it is done in max 2 months after the pregnancy had started. As the fetus is not developed yet it doesn't hurt him and he won't feel pain at all. I don't want to bring God in this post but he doesn't have nothing to do with abortion. You said that God never taught us to kill a person but I disagree with you because I don't see any difference between human and animal (except in skills developed) and yet we are still killing animals for fun. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against killing the animals nor I'm against abortion. It is just human right to do that and as we all know each one of us decides what are his rights and what will he do.
To conclude, definitely yes for abortion because some people don't have money to bring up their children so they might suffer and also some are too young to have the children. Abortion can help if it is done under 2 months after pregnancy!
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
25 Dec 08
If the person can't afford to bring up a child anybody one can always ask for help in one way or another. They don't need to bring up the child themselves. If they can't raise the child then give them up for adoption.
Not being able to afford to raise a child is not a good reason for killing the fetus. Even if it doesn't hurt the child it already has beating heart which means it's alive! Everybody has the right to live even an unborn child.
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
23 Dec 08
If the reason behind abortion is valid then I would agree with that abortion else I dont think a person can fall so down that she kills her own child.Abortion should be made illegal and the one ho practise it should be given punishment for it.Its one type of a murder and I disagree on the practice of it.
@msbawangada (710)
• India
24 Dec 08
It depends on circumstances. Generaly, if a couple doesnt wants a child then they should use protection at the first place then to do abortion. If that has something to do with male/female discrimination, then that is illegal, and it should be that way.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
3 Feb 09
I don't agree with abortions b/c it would be killing a little person even if some don't consider it a person yet it is. I never had an abortion but I do hear people regret them and alot of times when they went to have them done and tried having kids later in life they had trouble getting pregnant.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
23 Dec 08
im pro choice but i dont approve of people that use abortions as another form of birth control to where they have them all the time because they are too lazy to prevent them..
i have health probs to where i would have to terminate the pregnancy in order to survived (several docs have told me this) so i cant say that i am against something that i would be forced to do if it happened to me.. and also for rape or incest victims..
but i have taken every precaution possible to prevent pregnancy so i dont have to choose it one day
@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
23 Dec 08
Very well said, I agree with your statements. Pro choice means it is a decision that I would not make for myself, but believe that other people should have the right to make the choice giving the circumstances. Using abortion as a form of birth control is wrong and should not be allowed.
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@ethanonthemoon (1494)
• Quezon, Philippines
24 Dec 08
I am for pro-life. Abortion will not be in any of my options. I don't know why others do that. They don't have any conscience whatsoever. The concept of killing perse is undeniably wrong. What more to an unborn child? I hope they would rot in hell for those who do that. Let the hands of God do the work. We don't have any right to kill, let alone abort the natural way of pregnancy.
@lifesavr_89 (212)
• United States
24 Dec 08
i had an abortion and it was the dumbest thing i ever did. you don't have the right ot say they don't have a conscious when you don't know how they felt afterwards. i'm a christian now and i believe that God has forgiven me for what i did. just as he has so many others. you say you hope they rot in hell for it but what is that verse in the bible? "judge lest ye be judged" i think it says. are you gonna try to tell me you haven't done anything wrong that someone may think you should rot in hell for too?
@trickjoseph (197)
• Philippines
24 Dec 08
I see. Being pro-life is like being pro-GOD. Thanks for the response!:)
@exbitager2k9 (31)
• Singapore
26 Dec 08
I agree with abortion especially in situations wherein the child will only experience suffering once he's born. Suffering in terms of not living a life that is so poor....
@trickjoseph (197)
• Philippines
29 Dec 08
Why do you agree? Does the child doesn't have any rights to live? What if God have a plan for the body that is why the baby would have any disease? Life isn't that poor. Life is very nice. Does it make sense?
@madhubabup (116)
• India
23 Dec 08
trickjoseph... yes you are right?? abortion is not good for us... i don't know your place... but In India Abortion is a Crime..... if one person got abortion with the help of hopital.... hospital staff and abortion candidate will punish under law... thanks
@trickjoseph (197)
• Philippines
24 Dec 08
Thanks for the response. I understand that abortion is really not good. I understand India's Culture. Abortion is really prohibited from your country.:)
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
25 Dec 08
What a great discussion.
I am against abortions. However, I do think some areas they are needed. Such as a mothers life is in danger. Or a young child was raped and becomes pregnat. Sorry but I don't feel a 9 yr old should be forced to give birth after being raped. Nor should they be remidned of it. Abortion should never be used as a form of birth control as so many people use no a days. Nor should it be used because a young man doesn't want to be a father. Sometimes kids are born into a hard life. But I believe they are all here to teach us something. It could be as simple as compassion towards one another, or teach us patience. Maybe even a harder lesson. Such as getting away from that abusive spouse. But there is always a lesson to learn.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
24 Dec 08
No I don't agree. I think it is the killing of an unborn child. Even unborn children have the right to live. I don't think that abortion is the solution in case of an unwanted pregnancy. Adoption might be the solution.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Dec 08
You are right in your opinion. However, many a times, some compulsion makes a woman go for abortion. In an Indian society normally an unwed mother cannot take the liberty to bear a child, therefore, if accidently she gets pregnant, she goes for Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Like-wise, if a couple is not in a sound financial position to bring up more than say two children and accidently the wife gets pregnant, then they would like to go for 'abortion', at the first opportunity. You are right, it is a sin, but what to do if they allow this pregnancy to grow, they will have to bring up the child for thier entire life and when someone is not financially sound, how can he give conducive environment to that 'unwanted' child. The definition of sin is very broad and we keep on committing sins one way or the other throught in our life.
@neuronic (242)
• Japan
26 Dec 08
I'm not sure if your opinion is sarcastic or ironical, or maybe both at the same time. But how can you say that, I quote "God has plans with the baby"... Is that mean that "God has plans with serial killers..." And at the end of the post, you state that "God" teaches us "to live"... while there's more killings in the world at this point than ever in world's history.
But let me answer the poll question. Yes, I agree with abortion, it's like the 'undo' button when you make a mistake, I don't see anything wrong with it. It's the one's decisions if they're gonna do it or not. If the couple has a good reason, then I don't see a problem.
No, you're not right, there are many truths in this worlds, that's why we're discussing it.
And, finally, this is my opinion :)