Problem #1

@saiKO92 (392)
December 28, 2008 1:06am CST
Last night, my mother went to her school reunion without telling anybody in my family including my father. Then, she came back at 1.07 A.M.. After she took her bath, my father ask politely where did she went to and why she don't ask for permission. But then, my mom run away from the question by bringing up other topics. And then, they went fighting. My sister (who is bad tempered) came out from her room suddenly and shouting, trying to protect our mother. They went on fighting until my sister took the car and went somewhere. My brother who was watching and listening, then, ask my mom a few questions. But then yet again, my mother with her same attitude, run away from the questions. What will suggest me to do??
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47 responses
@aprilsue00 (1991)
• United States
28 Dec 08
No offense but that sounds kind of ridiculous to me. I don't think your mother should have to ask permission to go anywhere. I do agree that she should have told someone where she was going. And she should have been honest about where she had been when she got home. I always have to ask my husband permission if I want to go somewhere. I don't think it is fair. I am my own person and should be able to do what I want. Maybe that is how your mom feels. Every now and then people need to get away from everything and do what they want. So don't be to hard on your mom. She probably juat wanted a little space.
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@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 08
Well, the truth is my mother didn't do it just once or twice, but a lot of times. From when I was still a kid until now. That's why I couldn't say that she needed a little space. To me, it's not ridiculous to ask permission to go somewhere. Even we, a child to our parents have to ask permission to go out. The reason for this is our parents is much more experience with the outside world than we are. So I guess the concepts is the same. The father(s) (or head of the family) should be ask for permission to go somewhere because they are much more experince.
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• United States
28 Dec 08
Children should ask permission.... NOT an adult... that is unfair to her.
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@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 08
Hi little stormy.. I think that you didn't understand what I'm saying and what is the situation. As the leader of the family, of course the husband is more experience than the wife. This is because the male tend to go on adventures even when they are still a kid. Adventures of course could increase someone experience in life because we will meet different kinds of people and different kinds of incident. To me, it is fair enough for a wife to ask permission from her husband. It is because maybe her husband could give her some advice before she go out. (That always happen when we ask permission from our parents)
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Being an adult, your mom should never have to ask permission. It is, however, only common courtesy to let your spouse know where you are. I could not imagine going out and not telling those that I live with where I'm going. When I was married, it would not have felt right if I didn't tell my husband and more than likely invite him along. I cant fault your dad for being upset. Obviously there are some issues going on between the two of them. As for suggestions on what you should do....stay clear of it and let them work it out. Don't take sides even if it seems that one is very wrong. There could be much more to the story than you realize and there usually is.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
29 Dec 08
BTW SaiKO, don't feel responsible. I don't even know how old you are but this issue is for your mother and father to work out, don't get involved, no matter what it is it's not your mess to fix.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 08
Yes, I agreed that being an adult, my mom don't have to ask for permission to go out. But she should at least have a talk and discuss the matter before she go anywhere. I don't say that my dad is correct. What I know is both are at fault and it should be a way, as a child for me to help. Its not like I want to get in their way.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
28 Dec 08
i think your mum is trying to avoid the problem... i don't think she should be going out from the house and go back so late without telling anybody in the house... she could have make everybody in the house worrying about her... especially your father... does she bring a mobile phone??? the least she could have done is to make a phone call... there is nothing really that you can do... if you want to try, you can ask your mother the reason why she goes out without telling anybody... good luck... take care and have a nice day...
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@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 08
Yes, I think so too. She did brought her mobile phone. My dad tried to call her 3 times, but the third time she switch off her phone. Then, my dad,my brother and me went out to search for her. Of course we didn't find her because don't know exactly where she could have been. I'll try to ask her and when I do so, I hope she don't run from the question.
@piatos03 (393)
• Philippines
28 Dec 08
I agree with what the previous posts say. Your mom shouldn't have to ask permission to go somewhere because she is already an adult. I don't know which country you're from, but in mine, my mom usually doesn't have to ask permission whenever she goes out. And my dad never blows up on her too. You should definitely tell your dad to apologize for something so petty and to try to treat your mom as somewhat of an equal. That's what good relationships are all about. Being beside each other rather than having one in front of the other. On the other hand, I hate to think that maybe your mom is keeping a secret. Why else wouldn't she answer when being asked politely by your dad? Sounds kinda weird to me. Unless you're not telling us mylotters the whole story. And as for your sister, it is understandable for her to get the keys and go somewhere. That's her outlet for expressing her anger. It is better for her to do that rather than stay and do something she might regret. I wish you the best of luck with your family and hope you all get through it.
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@piatos03 (393)
• Philippines
29 Dec 08
But still, a family isn't an organization right? I'm sure that's not what your mom signed up for when she said her wedding vows. You seem to be the rational part of your family, why don't you go talk to everyone. Get to know all their sides and try to figure out a way for a compromise.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
If you look carefully, you will find out that family is a small organization in a community. To gain a peaceful community, the families in a community must first organize themself.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 08
I'm trying the whole story. My mother is really hiding something from the family. An adult or not, when in an organisation, one must ask permission from the leader to do anything. In my case, the organisation is family and the leader is my father. So, basically my mom should have ask permission. Say that you're in a company. Then, you go and see the board of directors without asking permission and opinion from your team leader first. What do you think your team leader will do?
• United States
28 Dec 08
Why in the hell would your mom (a grown woman) need permission from your dad to go anywhere?? I wouldn't have answered him either! (way to go mom!) I don't care if I just went to the store around the corner.. it's no one's business.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
29 Dec 08
A family is not an company ran by one person, a marriage works both ways, you say your father can go where he wants but the mother has to have permission, yes some one should of had some idea where she was going just in case of an emergency. But this idea of the father runs the family members he is the boss and leader is way outdated, women are beginning to see that they don't need permission, is there a reason that your mother would not of wanted your father there with her at the renuion. There is more here than just the idea of permission.
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• United States
28 Dec 08
What Hogwash!!
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@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 08
Duhh... Even in an organization you must ask permission from your boss to do something. Family, is only a small organisation, but if you couldn't follow the protocols, then one day the family will perish follow by the community and then the country.
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• Indonesia
28 Dec 08
Sorry I juast try to give a commwnt, maybe not a good solution. I think your father is a person who can solved this promblem. As a leader in your home. He should manage the member of family like a director manage her/his company. I don't know what kind of your father. I think your mother and your sister -- sorry -- had a bad temperament. It's can be hard in your life. Fighting not a good solution. You must talk heart to heart with yor father and your mother. You can waiting for a right moment. Regards...
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@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 08
Well, thank you for your response. Actually, my father is trying to manage the family members. But from the way that I see this problem, the one that bringing in the problem is my mom.
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@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 08
Thanks for the encouragement. I hope you will never be in my situation. It makes you suffer a lot.
• Indonesia
28 Dec 08
I agree with you. You must support your father to manage his familiy. Now, you can pray to God. I hope everything will be OK.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
29 Dec 08
I can see this from your mom's point of view and your's. Your mom should be able to leave her home without having to get permission. Last time I checked, she's an adult with kids of her own. I tell my husband sometimes, "Last time I checked, he wasn't my dad." I mean you have to get permission from your parents to do things, not your husband, your equal partner. Now if your dad keeps pushing this permission crap at your mom, I don't blame her for running off and not telling anyone. I would do the same. Now for your point of view, it wasn't nice of her to let someone know where she went. I mean what if something happened to her, your family wouldn't have a clue where she was at. When I leave the house by myself, I will take my cell phone and leave a note saying where I went. That is adult thing to do when you leave anywhere, especially in this day in age. So best thing to do is stop saying she has to ask for permission before she leaves the house. Explain to her nicely, that it wasn't nice to scare the family by not telling where she went to. That the yelling, is because everyone was scared that something could have happened to her. Also, if your married or not, do you want your wife to feel trapped in her own home that she has to ask permission before she leaves it. She's your equal partner, not your child.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
29 Dec 08
If she wanted to go out at night or during the day, she doesn't need his or anyone'spermission. Still your mom has that right, I mean she has to be old enough to take care of herself. Now on your side she should have told a member of the family where she was going. She should have thought, what if something happened and I wasn't able to use my cell phone. Nobody would have known where I was, so I'm screwed if I was seriously injured. I think it's rude to turn a cell phone off when someone is trying to call, especially a family member. I honestly think she's up to something, but no telling. Since your sister is the only one that is taking your mom's side, maybe she can get to the bottom of this. No, I wouldn't do that to my family, even if he calls twenty times wanting me to get this or that, or to see where I was at. I can't say who is to blame here with your parents. I would have to say it is both of them. Something is going on between your parents that you and your siblings don't see. Your dad is doing something wrong to cause her to leave without telling anyone, not saying he's bossy or controlling. Many things cause marriage problems, and the only two that can fix this is your parents. Your mom is also to blame because she is stressing the family out by not answering her cell phone or telling anyone where she went to. I do hope your parents work this out, maybe talk to your dad to be nice to your mom even though she's acting like a pain in the butt at the moment. For your information, what got me going on the permission bit was how you put it.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
For your informaiton, my dad don't keep pushing about this permission thing. It is just when she wants to go out night. In this situation, my mom did brought with her her cell phone, but then when my dad called to ask where she could've been, she switched off her phone. She wouldn't do that if she cares about her family. You too wouldn't do that do you?
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Sorry I agree with AprilSue, an adult does not need to ask permission to go anywhere, man or woman. I don't agree that her going to her high renuin byher self was a nice thing to do and if I had been the husband I would of took it as an insult that she didn't want me for somereason with her. There are lots of places a person can go to get time alone. But here in the usa that is not one of them. I believe there is more going on with your mother that she doesn't want people to know about. Just my opinion, seems she might be hiding something, maybe something that she feels is a treat to her, or maybe she is tired of asking permission every time she does something. It is not a man's place at least here in the usa to give permission for me to go any where. I may say I'm going here of there and if he thinks I shouldn't then let him tell me why, but he is not going to stop me from going. Maybe in your country it is that way but I think women all over the world are tired of being treated like a kid when it comes to leaving the house.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Well i'm sorry that in your country women are treated like children and I will tell you something else if I decided that i wanted to go to a gangster's hang out there wouldn't be anyway he could stop me from going. We don't take orders over here. A family is all involved, you make decissions together, not one man that is the ruler or head of the house and you have to report every step you make to your master. I didn't say that she was right in not letting anyone know where she was going but apparently she didn't for somereason want him to go with her, why is that. It is a high school renunion, here we go with our husbands or wives. It seems to me that you are daddy's girl and anything he says goes. If I was him I would be more concerned about why she didnt' want to take me with her. Or is it she thought that she would not be allowed to talk to people or have a good time. I'm 61 years old been there and done that with the bossy husband, telling me when and where I can go, it will never happen again. Even if it is a gangster's hideout tht is where I will go, but I will tell him first he can come with me or stay at home. You need to figure out why your mother don't want any of you to know what she is doing? Seems something else is going on in your home.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
It's not being treated like kids. It depends on the situation and places where you will go. If you want to go to a gangster's headquarter, will your husband allows you? If women thinks they are being treated like kids, then they should think whether they're treating people around them like kids. To say that what my mom did is not wrong, then at least she should tell my dad where she's going. Thanks for the response..
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
29 Dec 08
saiKO92, I would agree with the majority here that your mother does not need a "Permission" to go out and be back late from an outing period. However, she should be RESPONSIBLE and SENSIBLE enough to inform her family members of her whereabouts and especially so when she is going to be back at a very late hour. This is so that no one who loves and cares for her will be WORRIED SICK unnecessarily. I am sure your parents will be over their heads when one of you do not even inform them when you are going to stay over at a friend's place or be back on an unearthly hour. Also, pardon me for saying this as I saw from your post that your mother had the insensibility to leave her cell phone unanswered and to the extent of turning it off. I can understand your dad's paranoid along with whoever that had tried reaching her. She is just purely irresponsible and childish here, when all of your family members might be concern if she had fallen into harm's way. I cannot speak for your dad but it seems like your mother's irresponsibility is the main problem here. I mean what can be so wrong or troublesome to keep the family informed of her whereabouts and answer her family's call on her cell phone. I feel that you can voice out your concern here as a caring and loving member of this family. Retrospectively speaking, I cannot help to think that there might be reason(s) and/or problem(s) for your to be reacting this way and I would seek that all of you try and reflect if at anytime anyone of you might have behaved the way she had. For as the saying goes: There would not be any fire if there was no sparks. So, there are things you can do even if you are a child of the family and I just hope that the above $0.02 worth of mine would help set some path of thoughts. Take care and compliments of the season.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
29 Dec 08
I want to mention that although you keep saying it is your culture that makes it 'right' to force your mother to ask permission from your father, perhaps your mother does not agree with living in that culture. I certainly would not. Just because the rest of you think it's okay does not mean she necessarily does. Maybe that's the whole issue, she does not want to conform to a culture she does not agree with? She may still love your dad but not want to deal with the way your culture views women. I can't say I blame her. I don't blame her.
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@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
It's wrong for you to say that my mom doesn't need a permission because we are in different culture. But as you say in your response, I could see that you understand my matter as well as I want other myLotters do. In this matter, I don't try to blame anyone but to find a solution.. Thanks for the response..
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
29 Dec 08
The father of a family is not a boss of that family. That is your first error. A marriage is a partnership, equal partners. If your father treated your mother like an equal partner then maybe she would not have to sneak out the house to go out she would be able to talk to her husband and tell him that she is going out. She obviously didn't because your father sounds like the sort of dictator who would have said no. Men who think they have the right to control other people's lives are like that. A family is not a business and a wife is not an employee of her husband nor is she a servant. One is not the boss of the other but equal partners. Even in business employees are autonomous. In case you do not know that means that they do their job without asking their boss permission to do their job. They also do not ask their boss permission to leave the office or to go home at closing time. They work under a set of rules that they have agree to when they signed the contract. Marriages are not like that and if you think they are then you are going to have problems when you get married. Unless you find a wife who is willing to be your servant and not an equal partner in the marriage then you are going to find that women have a mind of their own. They are human beings and men are not superior just because they are men. You might be stronger than women but that does not give you the right to coerce them just because you can.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
29 Dec 08
As to what you should do, I am not sure it is anything to do with you as it is between your parents. Your parents need to work out their partnership. If I was advising them I would say that they need to sort out their power problems. Your father needs to learn that he does not have the right to control or dominate the lives of his family. They need to learn to work together but I doubt it will work as you share the same wrong male attitude to women.
• United States
29 Dec 08
sharra1, you can't change other cultures moral. It's about respect. I know your society and culture. There is no respect in relation. Anything screwed up, boom.. divorce. That's it. If a man of the house can protect the family, he has right to ask questions. and look at the mentality of yours, who thinks marriage is a contract and partnership. In my homeland,it's all about life-long knot, however, sometimes it doesn't work. There is something wrong in your concept.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
Well, in case you don't know my culture is different with yours. And now you're trying to make me use your culture. For your information, I know that father is not a boss of a family but a leader. For your information also, my father treated her wife equally. Not like you thought. For you to say that, men who think they have the right to control other people's lives are like that, don't you think women will think so too?? Being with different cultures, of course we will have different point of view. For you to say that my mother isn't at fault, it is wrong because you are applying your culture in this matter. If you want to give advice(s), you first must know how is the culture of the person. It is not wrong for to give your opinion from your culture's view, but then you must know my culture also.. Anyway, thanks for the response..
@tessah (6617)
• United States
29 Dec 08
i suggest you stay out of it.. it isnt any of yer business. yer mother also didnt need "permission" from yer father to go somewhere she wanted to go.. altho telling him so he wouldnt worry about her wouldve been simple common courtesy.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
29 Dec 08
it would also seem yer expecting people to KNOW yer "culture" without ever having explained a bit of it in this discussion.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
It seems like you don't know my culture and you don't understand the situation. After you have ready, you can re-giving me advice(s).
@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
29 Dec 08
My husband recently just got in the car and went out without saying a word. I was annoyed, not because either of us have to ask permission to do anything, but because it is common courtesy to tell people where you are going. He did it because he was angry with me about something else, and wanted to upset me. Your situation sounds similar, in that there is something deeper to this story. Otherwise, why is your mother avoiding just simply saying where she was going or where she had been? I think you probably need to just be supportive, but keep out of it and let them sort out their own problems.
@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
30 Dec 08
I think we are all saying the same thing here. My husband and I didn't have an argument either before he went out without saying anything. He was upset, but I didn't know it at the time. It sounds like the mother in this case is unhappy - whether it be that she feels that she doesn't have the freedom she desires, or whether it is something else we don't know. Perhaps the problem only revolved around this particular reunion, and the crisis is now over. However, if this keeps happening, all I'm suggesting is that these two parents need to get together and resolve the real reasons behind their behaviour. If the children can help their parents communicate, that's great, but other family members getting angry as well and taking off is not helping.
• Bahamas
29 Dec 08
Penny64 i kind of disagree with your logic because your husband did what he did out of anger however the young man's mother and father did not have an arguement and then she left for her prom it was a point where she went without telling her husband i believe to avoid the drama. that sound to me like a case of wanting the right to her freedom and then maybe she would be more respective and say to him where she is going. bear in mind thats only if its how is seen and done in their culture
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@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
Freedom you said,princesspinnie.. My mother always have her freedom. But this time she's home late at night. About 1.30 in the morning. She made my father worried sick. At least she could told him where she will go after the wedding ceremony of her sister (the ceremony is in the evening). And why should she switched off her phone when my dad called to ask where's she? Is it wrong for the husband to worry and ask where is his wife??
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Stay out of it. Your parents must solve this. I want to know WHY your father feels that your mom needs to ASK PERMISSION? Who is he that she must get permission? That bugs me. Next, why did your mom feel she could not tell anyone? Is your father a tyrant? Your parents are adults and you cannot get involved but that really bugs me. I never ask my husband permission nor does he expect me to, and vice versa.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
30 Dec 08
I am glad to feel that your father is not a tyrant, but still, it is their marriage and you have to respect them and let them settle it their own way. You may not like it but all you can do is be there to support and love both of them and pray for them. Just be a good daughter.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
30 Dec 08
Seems like you don't understand my culture and my situation here. I should have thought that most of the people couldn't open their mind with the people around the world. Every culture is different from one and another. Yours and mine is different. You shouldn't have a posting if you couldn't answer it according to the origin of the person who posting it. To as your question(s),no, my father is not a tyrant. To put it simple, my dad trust to her has drop because she's been a lot dating with someone else.
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@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
31 Dec 08
Hehe.. You made me laughing. Actually, I'm a son of my parents. Anyway, thanks for the advice.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Dec 08
How do you know your mother went to her school reunion if she won't tell anyone where so went?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Did she tell you why she went without telling anyone where she was going? Your father had a right to be upset. She might have been lying in a ditch injured and none of you would have known where to look for her. If you had known ahead of time where she was going, then if she was late, you'd know where to look for her. I'm glad nothing bad happened to her, but it was inconsiderate of her not to let someone know where she was going.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
31 Dec 08
No, she didn't tell. Its been few days from the incident and she still don't tell us why she didn't tell. Well, I'm also glad that nothing happen to her.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
30 Dec 08
She told us in the morning afterward. That's how I know. I did posted this posting in the afternoon.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
29 Dec 08
I am glad I don't live in your country. In my country husband and wife are seen as equals. I can come and go as I please. If my husband ask I will tell him and vice verses. But I don't have to ask permission. Nor will I start if he tried to make me. I am an adult and can very well make sound judgements on where to go on my own. I also married a huband, not someone to be my father and tell me what to do. If I wanted to do that I would of never of left home and had children of my own. As for you should do, simple..stay out of it. It is none of your business. It is between your father and your mother, not you.
• Defiance, Ohio
29 Dec 08
I understand it is a culture difference. I did look to see where you lived before I responded. That is why I say I am glad I do not live in your country. As I would not be able to handle being treated as a possession or a child rather than a wife. I am sorry but I firmly believe you(meaning men in general) do not treat the wife as a child. As they are not one. As it does not give respect. It seems like your mother wanted some alone time. I say allow it. Everyone deserves some alone time away from family. As for the fight, it still is none of your business. From what you have describe it is between your father and mother. You stepping in will only make matters worse.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
Obviously it's a culture for the Malays. I'm a Malay and I know some of the culturea that are still been done these days. It's seems to me that the fight will not started if my mother answer the question or her phone and not switch off her phone. I'm not trying to involve, but the situation that made me involve. Thanks for the response.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Well from reading this I'm taking it that you are from another country. As here in the United States we don't need permission to go anywhere. That being said, I personally would tell my husband where I was going out of respect and because for me it is just something that feels right. AS for your sister taking off maybe she was just tired of hearing it. Another thing is if this is how women are treated maybe they are just tired of being treated as a child? I know I wouldn't like it. As a child in the family there is really nothing you can do but to let them figure it out themselves.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Im not sure if your mom is always starting the fight. As for any of the children questioning an adult that is just not right in my opinion. I understand that your country does things differently. My thing is maybe your mom still is an adult and may feel she isn't really an equal to your father. Which might be alright with the males but obviously not the females or at least not some of them.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
Yes, I'm from another country. I'm from Malaysia. For the reason my sister taking off, yes I think that she's tired of hearing it because like in a week, there will be at least one fighting between my parents. And the one who always started the fight is my mother. I don't think my father treated my mom like a child because if he is, than my mom shouldn't be able to go out.
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
29 Dec 08
Well, frankly speaking, maybe your mother should, at least have informed about her going somewhere, instead of taking permission. However, now I think you all should gather and sit down, maybe for dinner, with cool head and discuss the issue and resolve it, instead of fighting and running away.
@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
30 Dec 08
Yeah, that is tough. But I think, you children of your parents may make some plan to bring your parents together for some dinner or picnic or so.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
Yes, that will at least will not making my dad worried sick. For your information, it's rarely for my mom to have dinner with my dad together. I don't know why but that's the truth. To think that my mom hates my dad, its horrible... Thanks for the response...
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I read your discussion and the comments. First off, I don't see a family as sort of an 'organization'. You are a family that should love and respect each other. Your Mother should have told your father and you children that she was going to her school reunion. Here, my husband or I would have been 'going' with the other one, not by ourselves. Why didn't she ask him to go is my question? Does she have something to hide? This should be between your mother and your father, not the kids trying to protect one of them. I hate to see parents fighting in front of their kids. It does make the younger kids want to take up for the one that seems to be the villain. Your mother is an adult and able to do what she wants to do without permission like a child needs. But she have been considerate and told you all so nobody would have been worried about her. And, if she would have answered her phone, then you wouldn't have had to worry if something was wrong.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
29 Dec 08
I understand it is your culture for the woman to have to ask the man permission, but that just isn't natural. A man is considered the head of the house, but that doesn't give him right to bully the woman into submission to him. He is supposed to be a protector, etc. Your mother seems to have a free spirit and wants to do things that she probably wouldn't be allowed if she had to ask. Would your Dad have allowed her to go to the reunion by herself, if she had asked? I do agree with you that she shouldn't have shut off her phone and should have answered it, especially if she had nothing to hide.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
Well, I'm not protecting either one of them. I know that this is suppose to be between both of them but my sister is the one who made the fighting worse. She shouldn't suppose to barge in. Eventhough my mother is an adult, but it's the Malays culture that the wives should ask for permission from the husbands. Yes, but she didn't answered her phone and not only that, she switched off her phone.
• Antigua And Barbuda
31 Dec 08
This evasion of questions by your mom seems to suggest that she is hiding something. Perhaps she is not but it brings up the question of honesty and forthrightness in any relationship. I had a similar problem with a girlfriend and I found myself becoming rather distrustful of her. Again, I am not saying that she is hiding anything but imagine how your father feels. My suggestion is that your let your mother know that her evasiveness is creating a sense of doubt and it does not encourage trust in her. Perhaps you can let her see how it would look if your father had done the same thing and then refused to answer questions by evading them. Maybe then she will see the importance of being candid. This type of behaviour is bad for any relationship.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
26 Feb 09
Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try to tell her when the school holiday.
• China
6 Jan 09
Well,I'm sorry to hear that ,it's really a hard famiy problem,and it's not easy to resolve.As a child ,it's hard to tell your parents that they are wrong as something.And what's more,this thing came out not for an accident,your family have already got a serial of problems for a long time.So I have no idea that how you can handle this problem and I can only say best wishes and good luck.
@saiKO92 (392)
• Malaysia
26 Feb 09
Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for the wishes. I don't know how much longer can I withstand the heat. Right now, I don't have to think about this problem cause I'm in my boarding school. But my little siblings, I don't know how will they face this problem. Thank you for the response.