A Simple Precept That Can Change the World.

@Pose123 (21635)
January 3, 2009 6:52pm CST
There exists in all of the world's great religions a simple principle that if followed, has the power to end all conflict and banish strife. It is called simply, The Golden Rule. It's meaning is very clear, treat others only in ways you would want to be treated. It is not easy to follow, in fact it can be a real challenge, but when we do it we bestow a gift of loving kindness on our fellow human beings. It is as uncomplicated as any of us could wish for, and when we follow it, harming another person becomes almost impossible. The Golden Rule does not compel us to perform any particular act, but gently guides us to never let our actions towards others be out of harmony with what we want for ourselves. It asks us to be aware of the effect that our words and actions may have on another person and to imagine ourselves in their place. The rule also invites us to go even further, to look for opportunities to behave towards others in the way we would like them act towards us. Remember that kindness begets kindness, so imagine the positive effect such actions would have on the world around us! Some will say that it is impossible, but that is just a way of saying I don't want to try. Others will say that you can do all you want to help some people and they will never change, but never is a long time and just how many times have we tried? The great teachers of the past would never have suggested it if it was impossible. I'm not suggesting that we can be perfect all of a sudden, but we can begin to practice this. Certainly, we will forget sometimes, we will make mistakes but if we accept the challenge and not let our failures stop us from starting over, we will have made a beginning towards that better world of which mankind has been dreaming for thousands of years.
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14 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
4 Jan 09
Hi Pose123! I have been practicing the Golden Rule almost all my life. But even though I believe in this rule since I was young, I still did made a lot of mistakes and have hurt a lot of people. Over the years, I am still trying my best to be in harmony with all the people that I meet and the people who are around me. I know that it has to come genuinely from the heart and sometimes I literally force myself not to act impulsively when people wronged me. I tried to put myself in their shoes and try to understand them. There were times that I want to be cruel to those people who were so unkind to me but at the end of the day, I am just happy and at peace that I didn't let my emotions rule my heart and mind. Oh, I do have many (more than I can count)lapses with the Golden Rule, but I always hear an inner voice inside me to always abide with it. I do believe that if we all practice the Golden Rule, then harmony and peace will reign in all our lives. Thank you for sharing this. I hope and pray that kindness will spread. Take care always..keep smiling! lovelots..faith210
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
7 Jan 09
Hi dear Pose! I do agree with you completely. If each and everyone of us will start in ourselves, I am positively sure that we could have a better world. Take care always. lovelots..faith210
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi faith, Thanks for commenting and for such a response.I too try and fail, but I do get up and push forward again. I feel that I succeed more often now than I once did. The concept is certainly one that can change the world but one person at a time because we can only change ourselves. Blessings.
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Jan 09
Great concept! It's been around for so long, you'd think it would have worked by now. Instead, too many people seem to think it applies to others, not to themselves. It's too often replaced by some version of "What's in it for me?"
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Jan 09
Hi cobrateacher, Thanks for commenting, and imagine if people could only see what really is in it for them! Too bad that the answer to so many of our problems has been right under our noses for so long. The fact is everyone is waiting for the other to start, but every time one more person decides to start and not give up in a few hours or days, we move a little closer to a better world. Blessings.
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Jan 09
I know you act on this, and so do I -- all the time. Many myLotters do. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't. They love to warn me that I'm opening myself to people taking advantage. Sometimes that does happen, but it's worth those few occasions when so much that's so good comes of it.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
4 Jan 09
well, my father had been teaching me about this concept since i was still a little kid and i practice it until now... i always try to treat others the way i want other people to treat me... but as a christian, i am even required to do more than this... i am supposed to love my enemies as well and pray for those people who had done bad deeds to me and forgive them... i am trying my best to do this and with the help of God's strength, hopefully i can... i stumble every now and them... but at least i try... take care and have a nice day...
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi lingli, Thank you for responding and I like your comments. You and your father sound like real Christians and I'm delighted to make your acquaintance. However, if you think about it you will find that if you followed The Golden Rule, you would be doing the other things you mention as well. Blessings.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
4 Jan 09
I do agree wih you that if we "treat others only in ways you would want to be treated" we can change the world. We would be living in a heaven on earth. I am a christian and I do follow jesus's teachings. Jesus preached about love and went a step further "Love your enemy!" He is a revolutionary in his teachings. (c) ronaldinu 2009 - the more people I meet-the more I love my dog
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi ronaldinu, Thank you for responding, and I agree that is what Jesus preached, and it's great to know that some Christians are trying to follow it. If you think about it of course, if you followed the Golden Rule you would love your enemies. Jesus was a revolutionary in his teachings but there were others as well. Blessings.
@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Jan 09
I so agree! I live by the rule myself and if you look on other sites I use where they ask for your motto you will find it written there. So true. And so easy but pride and self serving takes over for alot of people and makes it difficult.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi celticeagle, Thank you for responding and it is good to meet someone who lives by that rule. I have been working at it for most of my life and have had lots of failures, but I keep coming back to it. The more people who start following it, the more good we will have in the world. Blessings.
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
5 Jan 09
Hi Pose ...Well I have always tried to impliment this golden rule in my life and have alwyas tried not to do unto others what I would not want them to do to me......But sadly not many people around us are as keen to follow this golden rule....Most people try to take advantage of this attitude of mine and tyr to take advantage of it,as a matter of fact...well dear all I can say is some things are easy to preach but hard to practice.......But I do admit your words are really inspirational and motivating.....perhaps I should continue to wait and hope for the best......Thanks for this discussion.....
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi Rose, Thanks for commenting, and you are right about it being easier to preach than to practice. I'm sure it doesn't mean that we have to let others take advantage of us. We can practice it in simple ways whether we are rich or poor. The more we think about it the more ways we find to put it into practice. Look for the good in others and pay more attention to that than to their faults. I also find it hard to practice and fail more often than I succeed, but I keep at it day by day and hopefully get a little better at it. If I am about to say something to a person that I know I wouldn't want said to me, and catch myself in time to change it, than I have made some progress. Blessings.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Jan 09
This was beautifully put and I applaud you. Unfortunately many think that the "Golden Rule" only exists within their religious ethic and refuse to apply it universally. If more people would realize that it is a part of all great religions and see what a powerful precept it is, we would definitely have a better world.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi irisheyes, A great response and I agree with you, thanks for coming here. Blessings
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Kindness can bring unity and can accomplished a lot more than violence ,but sometimes justice needs to take over in order to save lives.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi Mirita, Thank you for commenting, but I believe the Golden Rule if followed cover everything. Blessings.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
4 Jan 09
What a Great Idea,(it's been around forever) and no one thinks of the Golden Rule, one of our Great Religious Principals. Its so simple, and so effective, which is why its so seldom used.Wars have been started, fought, won and lost, and the Golden Rule is left out of the equation. Pity!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi barehugs,how sad that the solution to all of our problems has been right under our noses all the time! Take away the dogma and the rituals and the truth is clear, we are all on. Thanks for coming here. Blessings.
@dozhou (326)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Maybe, you are right, but I thinks cultural and religious difference are the main reason of conflict. If all the people follow the same principle, everything would be fine, but if somebody would, somebody not, when would happen? Please see the reports about Israel and Gaza.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi dozhou, Thank you for commenting. The Golden Rule is contained in all religions and if we stripped away all the dogma and rituals we would discover that we are all one. If people realized this truth there would be no more fighting. Blessings.
@srijshm (1165)
• India
4 Jan 09
Yes , i fully agree - it is a simple concept yet so difficult to follow. It is said that a character of a man is judged in how he treats those inferior to him. If we all treart each other with love & kindness irrespective of the social standing, the world will be a much better place. arrogance does not win any points. I am reminded of a excellent story to illustrate your point. A father was trying to control his son's temper. He hit a nail into a wood every time the son lost his temper & removed the nail everytime his son controlled his temper. One fine day when all the nails were removed the son proudly remarked "look father all the nails are gone" . on hearing the father remarked "but look son the scars left by the nails still remain in the wood". let myLotters make a difference to this world.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Jan 09
Hi srijshm, Thank you for responding and for that story, there is so much we can learn from each other. I don't expect this discussion to work miracles but if just one person decided to try and didn't give up, it would be worth it.Blessings.
@Malinium (76)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Really,I think that as long as Money exist, the problems will never go away.Money makes people evil to one another or justify evil acts against one another for the sake of a profit.Now if The Worlds economys were changed to be: The more oustanding your show of the Golden Rule - The more you could receive materially,Then everyone would want to be good to there fellow man all of a sudden.Money creates the socalled need for a seperation of classes.As long as "Classes" exist,not a chance.What reason would the Rich have to implement the "Golden Rule" to Poor?Example:A Golden Rule standard would give every one EQUAL health care.Regardless of race,monetary status,gender,medical history...Whatever! This is just simply the right thing to do!But the question is never does someone need the treatment,But can they afford it.Some Do Unto Others as you would have them Do Unto You.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi Malinium, Thank you for responding, if people people really understood the Golden Rule, they would realize that they would have something of far more importance than money. Blessings.
@derry123 (610)
4 Jan 09
yes if we all behaved a lot nicer to each other what a great world we could have .Your do unto others theory is a really good one one . Grace and Peace to the world has to start with individuals *
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
4 Jan 09
Hi derry, Thank you for responding. We can all work towards it and if we would give it a try, the world would be a much better place. The golden rule is very old, but I think we all need to be reminded of it from time to time. Blessings.
@ulalume (713)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Philosophically speaking the Golden Rule is really a bad idea. What if you desire to die? What if you murder someone because you are okay with them murdering you? There is no such thing as "peace" on this Earth, either, sadly. I discussed this with my philosophy teacher about a month ago, it was actually a very interesting discussion.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
Hi ulalume, Thank you for responding but, in my opinion, a strange way of thinking. Blessings.