@messageme (2821)
United States
January 6, 2009 12:08pm CST
I have been trying and trying to get a job. Have filled out lots of applications and even called back the places. I don't feel like no one is even considering my applications. WHY!
I have some college, not degree, but at least I went. Plus for the jobs I have applied for you don't even need a college degree. I don't have much experience. I have waitressed mostly and have done about a year in a factory. I don't think places that hire really give some people a chance to learn new things. I learn things quickly and am a very hard worker. But no one seems to want to find that out. We have almost no money and I can't take being home anymore! I need a job, but no one is willing to hire me!! It is making me feel like a failure. I have a friend that will get hired at a job, but she don't ever take them. She hardly ever works, yet people are willing to hire her before they would hire me (a hard worker)! I believe a lot of places go by looks of people and hire her in a heart beat because she is a very pretty girl..
Guess I'm not really asking anything, just venting...But if you have encouraging words I would love to hear them.
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15 responses
@FDBrister (115)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I'm sure you've heard this before "presentation is everything". What you say, how you say it, how you dress, everything you do during an interview or when searching for a job counts. Do you have a resume? If not, many places won't take you seriously. Do you say bad things about former employers? If so, no one will hire you. There are a lot of rules as far as employment these days. You have to know how to play the game.
I've found that the quickest and easiest way to get a job is to go through an employment agency. In fact, many companies never direct hire any more; they always go through temp agencies.
I suggest creating a resume and then visiting your local temp/employment agency. Also be sure to post your resume on resume sites. If you remember to put as much time into looking for a job as you do working at a job, you'll have a job in no time.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I don't have a resume. But I am starting to work on one. I realize presentation is everything. Even when I go get an application I dress nicely. You can only look so good when you are poor.
@FDBrister (115)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Being poor has nothing to do with looking nice. There are many alternative available to make sure you are perfectly presentable for an interview. For instance, going to thrift stores can be an inexpensive way to obtain good clothing for interviews; some of the clothes even come with the tags still on them.
With that being said, I wasn't talking about clothing. Clothing, believe it or not, is only a small part of presentation. It's about attitude, it's about the way you look to an employer.
Let me be honest with you. I'm a business owner. I've never seen your face, but just from what I've seen here on I wouldn't hire you. You present yourself in a very negative manner. The things you say, the words you use, every thing I've seen you say so far says "I don't want work; don't hire me." It's not enough to say "I want/need a job." There's so much more involved. If you don't have everything in order, your search will always be fruitless.
@FDBrister (115)
• United States
13 Jan 09
Actually, you get ahead by doing what you have to. That "measly" job you mention may actually be the foot in the door you need to get the job you actually want. I understand reaching high, I have that kind of mentality myself, but accepting nothing instead of something temporary only adds to frustration and is less likely to get you the job you want. The longer you go unemployed, the less likely you'll be to get a "good" job.
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
7 Jan 09
How frustrating. I have no idea why things like this happen to people. Sometimes it seems like it's just luck, but don't worry - something will appear for you.
Unfortunately in this economy, jobs are hard to come by for everyone.
(And yes, I have noticed that a lot of places go by looks when they are hiring - whenever I go by certain chain restaurants, all of their wait staff are attractive people in little black dresses or black pants and a dark shirt).
When I was looking everywhere for work, I signed up with a catering company as occasional help. On weekends I would go in and help in the kitchen or be waitstaff and hold up a platter. They only need people for special events, so the work isn't very steady, but it helped.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
7 Jan 09
That's why I was working with a temp agency. The work was little to nothing, but every little bit helps. Now they tell me they just don't have any work. Ok so what am I suppose to do. Not that that is their problem, but I think if they hire someone to do temp jobs then they should be required to place them at least once a week.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
7 Jan 09
i'm so sorry to hear about what you undergo... please don't get discouraged and keep on trying... i believe that you will be able to get a decent job one day and i don't believe that nobody wants to hire you... keep on praying and trying... take care and have a nice day...
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Thank you. It is just really hard when I live in such a small town. The next closest town is 25 miles away, which isn't that far, but when you look at it compared to taking a low paying job it isn't worth the gas.
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
7 Jan 09
That is the ironic part of looking a job. Sometimes, those who are really qualified for the job are the ones not hired and those who aren't qualified yet with pretty face or recommended by friends or relatives of the employer are easily hired without even interviewing them if they could do the task. However, look at the brighter side of the situation dear. There's always two sides of a coin. Do not give up on applying and do not limit yourself. If you could do some part time jobs while looking for a full time job, why not try. For the meantime, try to find easy tasks. Have you posted your resumes online? Don't count the applications because that adds frustrations and discouragement. Be optimistic. By the way, declare with faith and confidence the particular job you want or the job you applied for to God. Entrust to him your plea. Keep the faith.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Have you checked with local employment agencies? A year ago when I was job hunting I went into one to look for work. After filling out a form I was handed a paper with a job to go apply for. I was hired on the spot before I even filled out the application. Unfortunately thanks to my health the job didn't last more than 10 months. But, you might want to check local agencies and see if they can help. Good luck.
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@celebratelifeh (1142)
• China
7 Jan 09
hey...please don't lose your heart . this is not the worst thing in a world. one of my friends meets the same problem like you even worse than your situation, she leisured for 2 years this time since she kicked last job away, she thought she desever a good position and more pay with her excellent working experience and hard work also. but after quited the formal one, she even can't find one like the previous. perhaps it's the bad economic enviroment nowdays. but we and herselfe always comforted her that's because the companies don't have the sight to hire her and it's their lost to miss such a good work.so just tell youself it's not your fault . you'll get a better one soon. just cofindent yourself. it seems you are lacking of this...good look ofcourse help in find a job but if you even can't show people your selfconfindent. you've lost the most important thing already, just cheerp up and good luck~
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
7 Jan 09
It is really sorry state of affairs that despite your willingness and determination, you are not getting the job, which you desparately need at the moment. Please do not feel disheartened and disappointed. If you have the requisite experience and the dedication and sincerity, you will definitely get a job and wherever you approach for a job, pleas ask them to give you a try, means they can hire you on trial basis, without any remunaeration. Please be patient and have faith and confidence in you, you will surely succeed. And also, please do not under-estimate yourself, in comparison to your so called (pretty) friend, you may have be having some very good positive traits, which she may not be having. Best of luck and best wishes!! 

@vicky30 (4766)
• India
7 Jan 09
Even i am too in the same state
.But there is no reason to be worried.I have also been rejected at many places.But i always think its not God's will and try for a better job.Pray to God you will definitely get the job you like and happiness will come back again into your life.

@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Sorry to hear you're having such a tough time finding a job. Have you tried going through a temp agency? I think a lot of people are in the same boat you are right now. You're right about places not wanting to train people. They say "must have experience" but how can you get experience when no one wants to help you learn?
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Yes I have gone through a temp agency. After a couple jobs they quite calling me. I asked them about it and they said they didn't have anything at the time for me. It sucks!
@shihtzumama (290)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Don't get discouraged. Right now times are tough and its very hard to find a job. I too have been looking for work and I finally after getting discouraged went to a employment agency.While at the employment agency she told me that she was placing 12-18 people in jobs a week. Now she is placing 1-2 people a week. There are alot of unemployed people right now, and when a employer is looking for a employee they have TONS of applicants to look at and they can be picky and choose one that fits the position PERFECTLY, compared to looking for a applicant for the position they have open and even if the applicant doesn't have all the qualifications they will hire that person and train them especailly if they have a great attitude and bubbly personality. Don't get discouraged, and just keep looking and sending out those resumes. Eventually you and I and everyone else whos looking for work will find something!!! Hopefully things will start to pick up soon in 2009!!! Good luck to you!!
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Employers want to hire someone who has a good personality and is confident about themself. If you walk in a place, with a pen in hand to ask for an application, then, fill it out there, the entire time appearing confident, you will probably have a better chance of at least getting to the interview process. Once you get to the interview, you have to dress appropriately and really build yourself up. In essence, you are selling yourself to the interviewer. You want to make a good and lasting first impression. Even if you have not been called for an interview, you should call periodically and check on the statis of your application, this way, they know that you are still interested in the job.
If you have had struggles getting a job, chances are that your appearance is not one of confidence. Even when you are not feeling confident, you really should appear that you are.
If you continue to try, look confident, do your best to feel confident, and continually check on your applications, you will have a job before you know it.
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@momtrying2makeit (3270)
• United States
6 Jan 09
You know I have not had a job in almost 2 years. I like working online a lot better. I am my own boss, I set my own hours and I can work hard or not work at all. I make anywhere between 100.00-1,000 a month I do a lot of things online though. Sometimes I feel I do too much.
It seems you like being online so I would try to find ways to make money online working a job where they tell you what you can and cannot do to me that sucks! Good luck on your venture and I hope you find what you are looking for.
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@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Lots of times people don't get hired because it cost lots of money to train someone that has not experience. I know that people will choose someone that has experience in the field over someone that is brand new and has to be trained. I might have a link to a legit work from home site if your interested. I got it off my local news. Friend me then send me a message if you are.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I am always interested in new things. Just so long your not just trying to find referals.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Hi Messageme,
I am responding to you as a former Personnel Director, who hired people on a regular basis. These are the things for which I looked.
1) Professional appearance. This does not mean you have to have an expensive suit, but it does mean wear the nicest clothes you have. They must be clean and pressed. Nice shoes and even if you seldom wear hosiery, make this that one time. Have your hair style in a simple, easy care fashion, apply light makeup, and give yourself a manicure AND pedicure.
One woman came for an interview for a receptionist position. She had on dirty shorts, a very low-cut shirt and flipflops! Her hair looked as though it hadn't been combed in a week. When she was turned down for the position, she honestly did not know why. There was no way I could imagine her at the front desk making the first impression for our company and I told her so.
2) Check out the message you wrote here. You could use a brushup on English, i.e., I don't feel like no one is even considering my applications. The correct sentence is I do not feel like anyone is considering my applications or I wonder if anyone is considering my applications. Always double-check your applications - they should be neat, every word spelled correctly, and proper English should be used.
3) Stop worrying about your friend's ability to get a job; that does nothing toward helping you.
4) Go in with a warm smile and upbeat personality. Relax when you are interviewing.
5) Look the interviewer in the eye.
6) Even if you are dropping off an application (never mail them), be pleasant to the receptionist who accepts them. She's the person who may be asked what she thought of you and you want her to say good things.
7) Get a resume professionally written. These normally get a first AND second look and work toward getting you the interview you desperately need.
8) When the interviewer asks what you want to do, the correct answer is "Although I'm applying for _______________, I am willing to do whatever is in the best interest of the company. I believe each person is responsible for every job to some degree."
I hope this helps in your quest. Maggie
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
7 Jan 09
I really understand the appearance part. I use to do the hiring at my last job. If looked dirty, I wouldn't hire them.
However, my English, I have never been worried about it. English was one of my worst subjects! There are times I will try to sound professional, especially when I am looking for a job, but I feel like it only sounds fake.
Relax when you are being interviewed! I think that is easier said than done. I think most would agree with me too. I try to relax, but you can only relax so much when you are nervous.
Thank you very much for sharing. You have been very helpful in many ways.
@ninanow (9)
• United States
6 Jan 09
From my experience in getting jobs, employers are looking to hire people with bubbly personalities. If you have a bubbly personality you are most likely going to be a lot more pleasurable as an employee, and a lot of time if you are happy go lucky people will over look your shortcomings when it comes to experience and such.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I have noticed that, but I can't even get to the point of a interview! I know on the phone I have a "sweet and friendly" voice is what I have been told once, but I guess that don't help.
Thanks for the advice!