Has anyone ever recommended that you NOT see a movie

@ersmommy1 (12588)
United States
January 6, 2009 3:15pm CST
and you saw it anyway? Either you rented it or went to the theatre . And you found that you enjoyed the movie? I have today as a matter of fact. My hubby and I rented the 3rd Mummy movie. It wasn't as bad as we have been told. It was actually entertaining. Maybe not as good as the 1st 2, but fun anyway. My hubby actually laughed in a few spots (rare for him). So what movie were you told not to waste your time with, and did you like it or was it time you will never get back?
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16 responses
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
7 Jan 09
oh yes i have... many times actually... i think this is a very subjective matter... and everybody has a different way of viewing the movie... movie that is bad to other people might not be bad for me... so i hardly listen to other people's opinion on this matter... unless if i heard many people telling me that it is a bad movie, then i might consider... take care and have a nice day...
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@wahmivy (776)
• Philippines
7 Jan 09
I remember this particular incident probably because of the person involved, lol. A college friend had aired his review of Seven, stating it was dumb and pretentious (he probably just didn't like Brad Pitt, lol). Anyway, I went to see it still and thought it was really brilliant.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Yes. there have been some movies that I really wanted to see and waited until they came out on DVD. Other people had seen the movie and said it was no good but I didn't care. I actually liked it.
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• Finland
6 Jan 09
Yeah, that happened to me with Hostel. My friends told me not to watch it but I still watched it... Wish I hadn't done that, that's the sickest movie ever!
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6 Jan 09
I still remember about fifteen years ago when Barry Norman was doing a TV show introducing films: one night he showed an Oliver Stone film (Platoon?) followed by an Aussie (or Kiwi) flick called 'Utu'. He recommended Stone's thing 'til he was blue in the face and it bored the pants off me. He was horribly derogatory of Utu - and I thought it was loads of fun. So much for opinion!!
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• United States
7 Jan 09
The movie that comes to my mind is Zoolander. I was at the movie rental store with my girl when we came across this movie in the comedy section. I picked the movie up to read the back of it when this guy standing next to me told me not to rent it. There was a lady standing with him that told him to be quiet. He said to her that he was only warning me. Getting this warning from two complete strangers only made me want check the movie out for myself. I mean the tv was claiming that it was the funniest movie ever. It turned out to be a big waste of three bucks!!!
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Yes, all the time. We are all different and have different opinions about everything and movies is sometimes the biggest difference. I was told Twilight was not good but I watched it and it was okay..and a few others Along came polly but I acutally liked the movie. Deeds(with Adam Sandler) Only one they were right on was Spanglish it was good but just didn't end right for me.. I have to much of a romantic in me and when he let her go I was just stumpped..then again it was a surprise ending...lol I don't believe people to much about movies if they say they are bad..cause I have watched some they said was awesome and was only so-so for me.
@JashleyB (1441)
• United States
7 Jan 09
It happens to me all the time. I never listen to anyone anymore, lol. My sister tells me movies that she hates and then I watch it and sometimes really enjoy it. Friends too. Someone told me not to watch Bug once and I did anyway...I liked it.
• United States
7 Jan 09
Oooh, I liked the Yeti. There is one place where a Yeti kicks a bad guy over an arch and the other yeti raises his hands in an obvious "field goal" declaration. Anachronistic but hilarious.
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Yeah I do it all the time actually. I rarely listen when people tell me not to see a movie. I like watching movies and everyone has a different opinion. I mean even me and my husband have different opinions. He will think one is great and I thought it was lame. It is still entainment what else do you have to do?
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@aaamine (134)
• United States
6 Jan 09
yea, it happened in many occasions for me. recently i saw an indian language movie called alibaba despite my friend cautioning me not see as it was boring. but to the contrary i liked the movie very much and really cudnt understand what made him give a bad review about that movie.... but from now on i know whom not to ask about movies? lol :)
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@srijshm (1165)
• India
7 Jan 09
In India we have lot of well meaning people who will give unsolicited advise. Since everyone is an expert on movies i am constantly advised on what movies to see & which ones to avoid. But as the saying goes " there are only two things that are free in this world- advice & oxygen, one will keep you alive & other will kill you". have stopped listening to such recommendations a long time back & have thoroughly enjoyed so called worthless movies.
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
9 Jan 09
I told my daughter not to watch a movie. I'd read the back, and it sounded stupid. The Sweetest Thing was it. She rented it. She watched it. I got caught up in it too. Yes, it was stupid. It had some of the dumbest scenes. I went out and bought it. Yeah, I know. But it was so funny!! Raunchy, rude, over the top, but still hilarious. The road trip. Really crude, but ever so funny. Guess that's the last time she listens to me!
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
7 Jan 09
I have had more than a few people tell me not to watch a movie cause they went to see it and thought that it sucked. Persoannly I recommend that you never listen to anyone but yourself. No one knows what you like as good as you do yourself. If you think that you will like something, do it. I recently was told not to go to see Twilight because the movie was lacking, I didn't listen. I went to watch it and I am glad that I did, it was a great movie. I guess what I am trying to say is that you should never let someone else's opionion, sway your decisions. I always think about the fact that everyone likes different things, we are not all the same. I am glad that you didn't listen to that person and that you gave yourself the chance to form your own opionion.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
7 Jan 09
Anytime I have had someone tell me not to watch a movie. I will go rent it just to see. But in the end I end up hating it. Because those who know me. Know if I will like a movie or not. So, I watch movies now based on what someone else says now.
• United States
7 Jan 09
yup happened just last week in fact. one of the Netflix movies that had arrived was that Lindsey Lohan flick called "I Know Who Killed Me" oh it was bad! bad acting, stupid weird color change effects that did not match the movie, disjointed storyline, shoot Lohan couldnt even Pole Dance very well for that matter!! i totally regret have wasted the 1 1/2 hour or whatever it was!