Do you believe in Luck?

@Sherry12 (2472)
United States
January 11, 2009 10:07pm CST
It seems some people are lucky and others aren't. Do you believe this to be true? Or, is it that the people we think are lucky, work harder and seem lucky? I've been trying to figure out if there really is such a thing as luck. I do feel like I'm a lucky person. Do you think you are lucky?
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7 responses
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
I agree with you about people being born quite lucky. Some are so lucky to be born rich and blessed with all the material things in this world. Others are born with innate talents. I guess, fate has something to do with all these.If you think you are unlucky, don't despair. Do something to reverse your luck.
@blackbriar (9076)
• United States
14 Jan 09
I believe in luck which is why I'm so unlucky. lol
@ivygrey (550)
• Philippines
12 Jan 09
Good thing your such a lucky person, Well, as for me I don't believe in luck. I really think everything is God's will. I mean when you do good things in your life it doesn't mean everything will be good to you too. It's like luck and jinx are mix to make our lives colorful and worth living.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
12 Jan 09
I certainly do not consider myself to be a lucky person at all.
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
12 Jan 09
.. i don't believe in luck.. I believe in blessings.. I don't feel I'm lucky at all.. I believe I'm blessed.. I believe that everything I have and I will have in the future is given by God..
@ktosea (2026)
• China
12 Jan 09
I believe that but the most part is still in your hand,I feel that I am unlucky last year,nothing goes well and it made me frustrated.but this year I feel that I will be lucky,I think it's time to left the unhappy past away and enjoy my life.I know I can change and things will go better in the near future
@Haloman (122)
• United States
12 Jan 09
i don't believ in luck per say, i think its more karma, people who work hard and do good things get good things in return, people who don't work hard and do bad things get bad things in return, sometimes it takes a while coming but it works out in the end and it kind of goes hand in hand with reincarnation, people who do good things in past lives wind up in good posistions in the current life while peopl who do bad, wind up as spirits left roaming the earth with no clue or meaning, but thats just my opinion