How long was your labor process?

@kaka135 (14934)
January 15, 2009 3:39am CST
I understand the labor process is different for every mother and every baby, I just want to know the possibilities, so that I can be prepared for it. My mum told me, when I was born, it only took her two hours from she started to feel the pain. I think it's quite fast, and I hope my labor process will not be too long and difficult too. My mum advised me to walk more before the delivery, it will help the labor process to be smoother. Any advices or experiences to share?
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22 responses
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
15 Jan 09
With my first it was around 14 hours. Labor started very slowly at around 6pm. I didn't really know it was labor though. At around 3am I'd had enough of the pain and got ready to go to the hospital. I arrived there at 4am and was only 5 cms dilated. The doctors broke my water for me, and the baby ended up being born at 8am. With the twins it was a bit quicker, but I had help from medicine. I was already dilated long before labor began. It started really slowly, and by the time full labor hit, to the point where I was feeling pain, it was about 4pm. The doctors gave me medicine to speed things up, and they broke my water. The twins were born at about 9pm. My 4th child was induced, and that took a couple days. I went in the hospital on Wednesday and was on pitocin for over 24 hours and nothing was working, but I was feeling some contractions. 7am Thursday morning I was only 3 cms dilated, but they went ahead and broke my water. That labor was the most painful, but my son was born 3 hours after they broke my water. With the last baby I felt my first contraction at 9:30pm. It hit really hard and really fast. After my first contraction I headed to the hospital and was 5 cms dilated when I got there. After I'd finally been admitted and checked out and all that, I got up to go to the bathroom and my water broke on it's own, and I could feel my body pushing, I was worried I'd deliver the baby on the toilet. They helped me back to bed, and my doctor was only just getting there, she was still gowning up while I was delivering the baby. He was born at 1am, so only a 3 and half hour labor from start to finish.
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• United States
15 Jan 09
Reading this I had to laugh, I also gave birth to 5, my first 2 were singles, then twins then a single again. I am now remarried and have 8 kids but I know you know the feeling when I say there is never a dull moment, hehe
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• United States
15 Jan 09
oh how cool, I remember those days, enjoy them. My oldest girl is 21 now moved on to a different state, a 20 yr old son, just moved back home last summer, 18 yr old son, graduates this year, twin 17 yr olds, wrestling champs, and now two 14 yr olds one lives with us, the other we get on weekends and I finally have another baby girl on weekends that is 7 now. Lots of testosterone in my house, hehe Life is good, but teenage years are definitely different than toddler years, I miss those times. And often remind my boys that they were really sweet and cute at one time, they inform me they are still sweet and cute but have the sexy edge now that they are older, lmao...never a dull moment
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• United States
15 Jan 09
8? I thought I was nuts for being excited for the 5th, lol. And sadly part of me even wanted a 6th because babies are just so darn cute! But then there's a larger part of me that knows a 6th is just not going to happen, I've got enough on my plate as it is. Mine are all still very young. The youngest is celebrating his first birthday tomorrow!
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@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
15 Jan 09
I have heard of suggestions that a woman should try to be active, and this has been interpreted in several ways. Certain herbs can help. In my country there are local herbs used to speed up delivery. I am sure there are herbs in your country which can be used for the same purpose. Akternatively you can try a homoeopathic remedy. It is extracted from belladonna. It is the remedy used to help expectant mothers to have a smooth delivery. all the best, and may things go without a hitch. rosdimy
@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
15 Jan 09
Hi there, thanks for your response and suggestion. I think I'll prefer the natural way, to do more exercise than taking those herbs. As we are advised not to simply take herbs when we are pregnant.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
16 Jan 09
I was going to read all the responces befor I wrote mine but decided against it as I got scared reading it (as I am going to give birth in few weeks my self) my first was induced as he was 2 weeks over due. I went to hospital at about 9am they got me ready and conected by 10 and labour didnt start till about 11 I was done by 7 something at night so all in all I would say 8 hours. People say induced labor takes much longer and its much harder and more painful and I survived it :) no meds at all. Now with the new baby I will tell you after the 19th of april hope it does not follow its brother's foot steps and wait 2 weeks.
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• India
16 Jan 09
this is very useful qestion for girls especially,i mostly do not talk about my born ,but once timei talk about it my mother told it was for 1.45 minutes mostly it dosent happen only with normal casses and i was normal by that time so i got born littilbit soon
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• China
16 Jan 09
god bless you for your smooth labor and giving birth to a healthy baby.At ease you will be ok. btw:you like a boy or a girl?
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• China
16 Jan 09
god bless you for your smooth labor and giving birth a healthy baby.At ease you will be ok. btw:you like a girl or a boy??
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• Philippines
15 Jan 09
Labor process really depends on the situation. I have 5 kids and each was different. 1st one was long and painful..I don't particularly remember how many hours or so on each. I only remember the length of it. The 2nd one came out in a flash and so did the 3rd and 5th. The 4th time I didn't have any labor pain. I admitted myself to the hospital because he was already due. It turned out that the cord was tied around his neck that he can't get out. I was asked to have cesarean but due to lack of money I opted for noraml delivery. The labor process took long because I was pushing and the baby was being pulled back by the cord. I had to push and push all the time on the delivery table that sometimes I fell asleep because I was so tired of pushing then when I remember I was in labor I wake myself up and push again. and when the head came out the doctors had to cut the cord straight away even if he wasn't totally all out. He's very healthy boy now at age 8. Some say that walking helps smoothen the labor process on your 9th month you should have a walking schedule. When you sleep have your legs elevated on top of a pillow. That's some I used to do.
@laila675 (528)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jan 09
congratulations and good luck to the future mom. when i gave birth, my water brokes at around 1:30am and gave a normal delivery at exactly 10:45am. it really helps and the doctors has adviced me to walk more often specially for the last 2 months. aside from that, i suggest that you should practice your breathing too. coz from my experience and it was my first also i find it hard to do it. better if you know some centers that teaches how to deliver the baby, i guess that would be great. don't worry about the length of time in delivering the baby but the important thing is to be strong and be positive. don't let yourself get nervous. all the best
• United States
15 Jan 09
I had trouble dialating, so my first labor was 29 hours long and my second labor was 11 hours long. Pushing was the easy part - getting to the point of being ready to push was what was challenging for me. The doctors tried inducing me, but that didn't seem to work. Your mother is right about walking. The longer you stay in bed, particularly on your back, the harder it is for you to prepare your body for birth. Try using a birthing tub, a labor ball, and a lot of walking.
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
15 Jan 09
I have three children. My daughter took 17 hours for labor but only a minute to deliver. My first son took 4 hours of labor but a half hour of trying to deliver him. My youngest son was only 50 minutes for the whole thing! I told the doctor that I couldn't have any more children because they would just fall out of me. LOL
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• United States
15 Jan 09
If your mom had you in two hours, your delivery will probably fairly easy also. My body holds babies, weeks late for all 5 of them, even my twins. But I have an inverted pelvis so the Dr's say that is why my labor was the way it was. My first was 56 hours, till a midwife came in my room and literally turned my child around, then she was out in less than 3 minutes My second was 10 hours labor, delivery was about 15 minutes. The twins were funny, the nurse said dont push after 4 hours of labor, I told her to look and she was like oh, he is crowning, yeah.. in 3 minutes the first was out, The Dr didnt even have time to put his gloves on, 2 minutes of relaxation if that is what you call it and labor started again, within 10 minutes of the first my other twin was delivered. My last child was the only one I used an eppy with, oh how easy that was, 8 hours of labor and he was out in 10 minutes. Every delivery is different, but all are awesome experiences, Best of luck and prayers are going to you at this wonderful time in your life. Oh those were the good days. Peace and smiles
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@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
15 Jan 09
First I would like to say congrats. I hope all goes well for you. Well for me it was three diffent experiences. My first took 12 hours from the start to the finish. My second one took 6 hours from start to finish and my baby took 4 hours from start to finish.
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@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
15 Jan 09
I will start from all the signs to the whole end. First i lost my mucous plug at the doctors office on jan. 8th which was eight days before my due date. I started having contractions on the 11th. They were so painful that i didn't want to walk or sit down. Couldn't concentrate on nothing. The only problem was i wasn't dialating. So after a week of dealing with pain they decided to induce me. On the 17 a day after my due date i was administered. They broke my water at 8:30 am and started the drip. Couple of hours later i was given nobaine for pain. Then in between noon and 1 that afternoon i got the epidural. I cried when making the decision but it was painful and once i got the epidural i felt relieve. I was already 4 cm at that point. At around 3:00 i was fully dialated. I had trouble getting him down. I pushed him and he would go back. It was a back and forth motion that they talk about in child birth classes. At 4:03 pm the doctor delivered my baby. When they put him on my stomach it was the most proud moment of my life. Knowing i had achieved such a miracle.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
15 Jan 09
Kaka - don't be a brave girl - take the epidural! My first was twelve hours lon, the second was 8 hours long, the third was the worst excperience of my life and wa 15 hors long. the fourth was the best - I did lamaze and was totally in control - about 4 or 5 hours long. Take the advice of your doctro and read up on what to expect etc. I am praying for you each dau that all will be well. Blessings
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
16 Jan 09
Walking and exercising regularly during the pregnancy will make for an easier and shorter labor. With my first child from the time my labor was induced until I had him was only four hours. They say the labor process gets shorter with each child. However that was not true for me. (Warning: May be a little TMI for some ) With the second child I was induced once again. However on the first day of being induced my cervix didn't soften as it should and after an entire day of being induced I was sent home and told to come back the following evening to have a cream applied to the cervix to allow it to soften. I was once again induced the day after the cream was applied and was in labor for several more hours. SO I don't really know how they counted the hours of labor for that one. With my third child I also had to be induced. Not sure why but my body doesn't like to go into labor on its own. All three kids were born after their expected due date at least a week. Anyway I was in labor again for several hours. But overall my labors were easy and I feel it is because I was active during the pregnancies. I walked a lot especially with the first one. Good luck and don't worry. The labor process isn't always like the horror stories you hear. I only know one woman that was in labor more than 24 hours and she wasn't very active during her pregnancy.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
18 Jan 09
With both my kids it took 5-6 hours. With my oldest son I was actually dilated 2-3 centimeters 2 weeks before giving birth. My water broke around 4 in the morning and my husband and I left for the hospital. I had my son a few minutes after 9:30 in the morning that same day. With my youngest son I started feeling the contractions first. That was around 3:30 in the morning. As they were light my husband and I decided to wait until they got stronger before leaving for the hospital. A couple of hours later they were pretty strong so we took off. Like his big brother he was born a few minutes after 9:30 in the morning that same day. He probably would have been born sooner, but as my water didn't break on it's own the doctor decided to wait a couple of hours. Boy, that was fun.
• United States
15 Jan 09
I started with contractions at about 1pm on the 19th of July. They hurt, but not very bad. They got closer and closer together as the day progressed. At 3:00 am we finally went to the hospital with contractions about every five minutes. I was only dilated to 3 cm and they weren't sure that I was really in labor. At 5:00 am they talked about sending me home, but the baby had a few fluctuation in his heart beat and they wanted an ultrasound first. After the ultrasound my doctor came in and told me that it was false labor. He gave me a sleeping pill and told me to go home and get some sleep. He said when I woke up the contractions would be gone. I went home and told everyone what had happened. Three of my sister-in-laws were at my house because they had come to help paint baby furniture (it was three weeks before my due date). My husband went to sleep while I talked to them awhile. Then I took a shower. When I got out of the shower my water broke. It was then that the contractions were painful. We got to the hospital and barely had time to wait for the doctor to get dressed and ready. It was fast! Now I am pregnant again and wondering what my next labor experience will be like. Don't worry to much. Stay as calm as possible. Moving around is supposed to help speed things up. You are tough and will make it whether it is slow or fast!
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
16 Jan 09
First baby was a scheduled c-section so there was no labor. The second was two days but more because of an inept hospital than anything. I started out at 5 minutes apart, got sent home at 3 minutes apart. It was finally decided to give me a pit because I had only dilated to two. Right before this my water broke saving me from being sent home again, which they were trying to do right before it happened. That was at the 36th hour. The third was sixteen hours with the same issues as the second but at a better hospital. I could go into the horrible details of them both, but I'll spare you. My advice is to have someone to advocate for you if need be. My second should have been a c-section and while I don't blame my husband, I wish he had taken me to a different hospital.
@kezabelle (2974)
15 Jan 09
I was induced both times that process can take a while but once I went into labour it happened very fast, my first daughter was born after 2 hours and 45 mins of labour (from first contraction) my second daughter i was in labour only 1 hour 23 minutes before she was born I was upright and walking with both and I think it really really helped however sometimes quick births arent all that great my eldest was in total shock after such a quick entry and ended up very sick in intensive care, my youngest also suffered the same and wasnt breahting when born but thankfully didnt need any special care just a little kick start on the breathing, ive been warned my next labour could be even quicker id happily have one a few hours longer but a baby born breathing and not in shock!
• United States
16 Jan 09
When I went into labor with my first daughter I had no idea!! My back was bothering me pretty bad but I just thought it was from being so big!! I was over at my moms house and it was around 6 am. I was talking with her but no matter what I couldn't get comfortable and was constantly moving. After awhile I felt like I couldn't even sit down anymore but thought it was just my back. My mom was a nurse and finally she was like you need to get to the hospital your in labor!! I didn't know what to do!! I got to the hospital around 7:30 and the doctor checked me and said he would be back and give me an epidurl. Well by the time he got back they told me it was to late!! My daughter was born at 11:37 am without anything!! It was bad but not as bad as the horror stories I had seen on tv and such. This is the strange part with my second daughter I started feeling contractions around 6 pm and so I got everything ready and dropped the oldest off at grandma's house. I got to the hospital around 7:30 pm this time and she was born at 11:38 pm. I at the hospital with her only one minute longer!! It is never hard to remember the time that they were born only one was in the morning and one was at night.