If everyone's has some fixed destiny, why we get punished for our deeds?
By sid26484
@sid26484 (44)
10 responses
@roselynm1023 (950)
• Philippines
29 Jan 09
hi. let me give an opinion about your stated, i dont believe that we are being punished. challenges in our lives are results of our leniency it is possible also that those challenges are God's way to make us strong and to make us learn. it is true that God has made the plans for our lives all we have to do is to follow His will. He knows us very much up to the tip of our hair. we only have to put our 100% trust in Him.
@sid26484 (44)
• India
29 Jan 09
I thought destiny is the destination which we attain as a consequenses of the path that god chosen for us. Is it not the god who has chosen a path for us? or that decision is made by us? And if so, who gave us wisdom to follow that path? Criminals are also god's creation and yet they follow wrong path.
@mansha (6298)
• India
5 Feb 09
May be if everything is fixed then our deeds andtheir consequences too have been fixed and I read a book by Dr.Brian Weiss and what I understood is that life is a process of learning and we all go through the process of learnign a prticular thing through life and all events and process are aimed towards our gaining the right perspective and learning that skill or emotion. May be that is why we commit something and we get punished or rewarded for it too
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Feb 09
It may seem harsh but you are destined to be punished. Let's say in this life you are destined to be a murderer, then by following your path, you will be punished. Now why do good people get punished, I have no good idea. I always think of G-d being temperamental but I still can't understand why.
@goriomoriones (97)
• Philippines
2 Feb 09
that's right. there will be no damnation of the wicked if God fixed our destiny. The truth is... God has destined everyone to inherit his Kingdom through His Son, BUT WE ARE FREE TO REJECT HIS SON AND CHOOSE ANOTHER DESTINATION.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
1 Feb 09
I don't believe we have a "fixed" destiny. I believe God has told us what He expects from us and what will happen to us if we disobey Him, but He leaves it to us to make the decision. I suppose you could say that we're all destined to go either to heaven or hell, but God has told us what we must do to be saved from hell.
@mothershaveneedstoo (21)
• United States
29 Jan 09
I am being challenged with b cancer right now and this has been a topic of conversation between myself and my rabbi - what is predestined? and am I at fault somehow for this cancer? It's difficult for me to understand the esoteric concept that G-d is in control of everything and has a master plan. Where does my will come in? I didn't get a mammogram before I should have. But that was all in His plan. And His plan is all for the good - which I may not be able to understand or see right now, but only in hindsight. So is my cancer a punishment? I think not. It is for the good. But my rabbi says I do need to take responsibility for my actions - for example, not using the help (mammogram) that was available to me - whether or not it was in G-d's plan for me to have a different outcome or not had I taken that help. It's confusing to me and maybe it's just that I don't want to take responsibility for my actions...and want to see everything instead as predetermined and out of my control. Yet, even if outcomes are out of my control, I need to take responsibility for my actions. So maybe (like with the concept of Karma) my actions do influence G-d's plan for me but G-d knew before I was born how I would act - so it's all predestined.
@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
29 Jan 09
Life is a two way path. You take the long dangerous path, that leads to joyous praise and wonders set up by God, or you take the short and safe path, that will give you no reward, and condemnation.
• India
30 Jan 09
Destiny is a path laid out for a person to "possibly" reach God at the end of the journey. Suppose you ask someone how to get to a place unknown to you and known to that person and he gives a Road map- well, destiny is just that- and a road map is neither the journey nor the effort isn't it? But several different things could happen to you on the path that sometimes not help you reach the goal - God's presence!Or You could lose your way, and land up in well, should I say where?
If you take this [reach the presence of God ] as the goal then you might want to take the correctives meted out for straying from the goal not as punishments for your deeds or actions but those turns of the steering wheel much needed to keep one on the path!
@become (89)
• United States
29 Jan 09
The idea of a fixed destiny is just an idea. The idea of getting punished for our deeds is also just an idea. How about the idea of not a fixed destiny or not being punished for our deeds.
You are what you think. If you think you are suffering or any other idea that brings a thought or idea that you deem negative well....those are your fixed ideas that will deliver your destiny as well as whatever punishment you think you deserve.
It really is all about what you to choose to think about.