This is bad parenting or just a foolish choice?
By Jae2619
@Jae2619 (1482)
United States
February 5, 2009 11:29am CST
Yesterday, My son come home from school, he rides the bus, our neighbors choose to pick up her child. This little girl who lives beside us, yelled for my son to come play with her, he knows the rules he must ask first. She went back in her house, my son come on home. He dropped off his back pack, asked to go play outside with the neigbor girl. I refused that, it was only 32 here (South Carolina)... Our door was shut, and this little girl just bounced on in, she had no coat on, and proceeded to tell my son, her momma said if she was gonna play she had to play outside, that the kids could not be at her house. Ok, that's fine on warm days but I wouldn't let my son go outside, especially with no coat on... So my son asked if they could play here, I slowly agreed only because she was standing there. She told me her momma knew she was here. Anyways, they got a snack and went to play. They were good, but then about 5 that evening, her step daddy come and knocked on the door in a panic asking if the his daughter was there. He'd went home to find his wife sleeping on the couch, (she works nights) and no child. His wife didn't know she was even out of the house, she'd thought the girl had come back in after she shut the door, but that was her shutting the door to leave.
Later that night, the mother come to talk to me and tell me she was sorry that her daughter had intruded, she said she was so tired and told her that she could play outside and heard the door shut but she said she went right back to sleep and didn't give it another thought.
How can any parent just let their child go play outside, in freezing weather with no coat on, and go right back to sleep on the couch? I lack alot of sleep but I would never let this happen to my child, he knows better at that. I was frustrated and felt I needed to say more than I did, but how would you of handled that? Is it just bad parenting? or just a foolish choice on the mother's part?
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38 responses
@KatieDidit (989)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Once is a mistake. All parents make mistakes and hopefully both Mom and daughter have learned from this mistake. There could be any number of very good reasons why Mom was that exhausted. Other than sleep deprivation, depression comes to mind and depression is treatable. If this is a mistake that's repeated, then it's very foolish.
Since you're neighbors and your kids are likely to play together often my feeling is that you and the other Mom should really talk. Suspend judgment and approach it with a willingness to help.
Tell her you know that it must have been scary for her to wake up and have no idea where her daughter was. You can arrange that when her daughter comes over like that with no prior arrangement between Moms that you call her. During those calls you can set limits...Bunny is here, she can stay till 4 today and then we've got errands to run. Bunny is here but I'm going to have to send her back home, my darlin can't play today, he's got a homework project he has to get done. etc.
This way you can feel good that you know that her Mom knows at least when she is with you and when to expect her back. Talking with a willingness to help (and it helps you too set limits on how and when she can be there) might open the door that if there is something more going on (like depression) she might let you in on it so you can suggest how she can get help for her sake and the girls.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Calling is always a good idea. Even when my older kids were young teens I would still call friends' parents sometimes and make sure that a parent was going to be THERE while the kids were. Even 15 year olds can get in trouble if they have no adult supervision.
It's always been nice for me to have a parent call ME and make sure there's supervision or that I don't mind their kid coming home on the bus or to let me know when they'll be by to pick them up. I like some interest better than nothing, parents who clearly have no idea where their kids are or who they're with or are letting them run around the neighborhood wherever and whenever scare me. I used to get mad when my parents always had to know where I was but after becoming a parent, I know EXACTLY why they were that way.

@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I've always made sure it was ok that my son go to her house. I have never just let him go over there with out me going with him. I've always made it clear to her, I will be back at such in such time, please make sure to tell him 10 minutes before he's to be ready to go, so he can help clean the mess up.
In the two years they have lived there, things have always been on this side. I felt sorry for the little girl at first, and i've always tried to handle it as politely as I could, but it's gotten to the point now my politeness isn't getting the point across. I don't want to hurt feelings or cause issues because the kids enjoy playing.
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• United States
5 Feb 09
Hello Jae2619, You and I are of like mind when it comes to kids outside playing. If it is cold you need a jacket! But the big thing for me here is if I was asleep for whatever the reason my girl couldn't go outside. You can't just have your kids playing outside without someone watching over them for their safety these days! I know there are many who do not follow this rule. I am not one of them. There's nothing you can say to her parents without offending, or possibly embarressing them. So in the interest of keeping the piece you need to file this carelessness away for future reference. Whenever your son is going to play with her you will need to check with them for piece of mind and maybe they will catch on and do the same. For us to decide bad parenting or foolishness is too much opinion or judgement on our part. Everyone does things in their own way and some need a little training, that's where we come in with helpful hints but nothing too overbearing. I am pretty sure I heard a small boy was taken just yesterday while playing outside. It happens daily and I'm sure many times we never even hear about it. Good Luck to you with this new endeavor, I hope they learn fast...Mamablaze!!
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• United States
6 Feb 09
Now that you know she was asleep you are always going to have to worry about supervision while he's over there. And that stinks because you can't trust her now.
It's a hard spot she has placed you in. If you cut off play at their house she'll wonder why? If you are constantly having him check in with you she'll think that's wierd. If you don't do these things you'll won't have a secure piece of mind yourself.. where is the happy medium? I am probably just being my paranoid self. Good Luck ...Mamablaze!!
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Definately. If they won't let the kids go outside for recess it's too cold to play when you get home is my rule. I don't mind them playing outside and they know where they can play and can't. I have my window shades pulled so I can see them at all times. If they get out of my view, I go to the door and warn them, if i must warn 3 times, play time is over. I am very protective of my children.
We allow him to go to their house but that will probably be alot less now that this has happened. I would hate to know she's sleeping while the kids are playing inside the house, never know what could accidently happen while awake, let alone be sound asleep.
I've always checked with her to make sure it was fine for our son to come over and play. she's always said that's fine, i ask if i need to stay, nah is her answer let him play with out his baby sister for a while.
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@sahmof2 (274)
• United States
5 Feb 09
How old are the children? Being that she was sleep she probably didn't know that her daughter didn't have a coat on. If her daughter is a young age between 5 and 10, then I think she should have made sure her daughter was safely at your house and had proper clothing on to go out in freezing weather. Her daughter should know better than coming in some ones house without knocking first. Even though she is a child she should know to put on a coat, even though she probably didn't feel as though she needed on because she was going right next door, and she should have ask your permission before inviting herself over. How is her mother going to volunteer your house? I guess she wanted to get some sleep in so shut down the idea of the kids playing over there. I would not call it bad parenting I would call it a moment of irresponsibility. If she was that tired she should have told her child to stay at home that way she would have known she was safely in the house.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
5 Feb 09
Both of the kids are 6. My son knows if I am busy doing housework or something, he can't go outside to play because I can't keep an eye on him. I do let him go over there from time to time to play inside, but I always make sure it's ok, and ask if I need to stay. We are only a few steps away so she's always said nah, let him play with out his baby sister bothering him.
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@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I think a parent should always make sure their kids are taken care of and should have enough common sense to know when they aren't able to provide that care and if that means paying a sitter so you can rest so be it. I have three kids and even though we have a fenced backyard I am always paranoid, I won't even let them play outside unless I'm in the kitchen where I can see them out the window or can go outside with them. My kids have been conditioned too, even our two year old knows that when it's cold out she must have a coat before going outside. I have had my moments and have actually had to call someone to get the kids when I was sick and their dad was working. I think you have to do what you have to do and sometimes it's hard and you're never gonna do everything right but somethings just take some common sense.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I can understand being tired. I am there myself all the time. I would never put my children in harms way of letting them just go as they pleased. I will attempt a nap here and there but it's one of those sleeping with one eye open naps because I am too unnevered to go to sleep, knowing my children are up and awake.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I was frustrated and felt more needed to be said. This isn't the first time things like this has happened. I know she works nights, she got home at 8 that morning, and had to get up at 2 to go get her from school, and my son get's off the bus at 2 30 on an early day, 2 45 on a late day. So with in that amout of time she was already crashed out on the couch.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
31 Mar 09
People just do not realize the dangers there are in this world to small children. Tired or not, she should have taken a nap and been up when her child got home. You NEVER go to sleep and leave a child completely unattended like that. Anything can happen!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Apr 09
Oh yeah. My best friend has woken up to a kitchen disaster because her kids got into the pantry and the fridge and spilled stuff all over trying to get stuff to eat instead of waking her up and asking her. My daughter always wakes me up, although sometimes if I don't get up fast enough, she will get herself something. She has learned to be careful - I have the cereal low in the pantry and the fruit in the bottom bins or shelf in the fridge lol. She will also come back to me and tell me she got it herself - if she did. Sometimes she'll tell me she wants me to get it because if I don't, a mess will happen! I guess I'm grateful for the small favor.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
3 Apr 09
You are right to be concerned. As kids get older and more and more independent they think they are mature enough to do things for themselves and kitchen accidents can cause trips to the ER. You're a good mom to look out for them.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
4 Apr 09
That is awesome! Congratulations! I wish more kids could be that aware and responsible and know their limits. It would make life so much easier for the rest of us! But you have obviously planned and organized and taught her the right things to do.

@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I would have asked why she let her daughter play outside in the cold? She should have told her no, and called you herself to see if it was okay for the little girl to play with your son and then explain to you that she needed to get some sleep and would be grateful, at least that is what I would do, and then I would offer to watch your son whenever you needed.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Wow Jae2619 - That is really scary! And she is only 6 years old too. When I was married to my ex, we lived next door to someone like this. This mother's daughter was ALWAYS doing things like this. She did become my son's best friend for many years but I was always flabergasted by the lack of parenting skills this mother had. Her daughter would be outside all the time all over the neighborhood and at odd hours after dark too. Needless to say, years after I moved out of that house and had lost contact with them, I saw the mother and she told me that her sister fought for custody and won. As far as the situation with your neighbor, it is hard to say if the child was the one who snuck out of the house when her mom was sleeping on the couch or if the mother let her go out. From the information you gave us, the step-dad and this girl's mom seemed concerned enough to come talk to you afterwards so maybe they really aren't horrible parents after all. It could have been just a horrible accident since the mom was so exhausted. I don't know... it is hard to say when we don't have all of the facts. If I were you, I'd just keep an eye out to see if anything like this ever happens again. I hope not.
Enjoy your Sunday!

@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Well, at least you ARE there to keep your eyes & ears open. If there really is a parenting issue going on and they are putting their child in danger, you are there to call authorities if the need arises. I know it is hard for you to deal with though. It is scary and I am sure you feel obligated to keep watch but it is a difficult decision for you too. You don't want to report your very own neighbors to child protective services but you probably also feel that it is your duty too. At least you are there for the child.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Thank you for responding. There have been other things that have happened at other times as well, this one incident is the one that made me most upset, but since this has been posted, other things still continue. I know that everyone has a rough patch when changes are being made threw out the household, so that's why I am just keeping my eyes and ears open, becuase for the saftey of this child, I feel it's best.
Thanks again.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Apr 09
I just read forward a little, so the kids are only six...
I have a five year old daughter. I just recently started letting her play outside in the back on the patio without me outside. She can play outside back there with a friend as long as the friend understands they aren't allowed to go near the pool. I can always see her and hear her because my sliders and windows open to the back yard. She's not allowed in the front yard alone because people drive too fast and I don't have a fence in the front. I also don't let her go out alone even to go next door.
I know a mom who let her daughter go several houses down alone to ask a neighbor for an onion when she was four. I wasn't sure what to think about that. I have a friend whose husband let their son go down the street alone when he was 5... on his bike without anybody watching. I thought that was a little out there too.
I'm not sure what to call it though. It's not the way I would parent, I like to know where my kids are. If there's two of them, I am less worried, but still at age 5 or 6, that's kind of young to be running about alone. When my son was 11 I still preferred he was with his sister (who was 13) or at least one friend if they were going to ride down to the school or park or whatever.
I think what happened with your son's friend was an oversight, she might have been so super tired that she barely woke up when her daughter arrived home from school. I think she may have not even REALIZED that her daughter got home from school, asked to play at your house, and then LEFT. A half asleep incoherent parent is going to miss a LOT, and to a kid it will sound like 'go ahead, fine with me' lol. I know that has happened to people before. The only time I will even take a nap is if someone else is home, my husband, or my 17 year old son, because even though my daughter is pretty good, I can't chance falling asleep when I am the only one there with her. The last time I took a nap with her she was about 9 or 10 months old and she crawled over me and fell off my bed lol. I was so freaked out that I never slept during the day with her alone again.
Has this happened since? If this little girl comes over again in the afternoon and swears her mom knows she's there, I'd check by either walking the kids over there and knocking on the door to see if mom answers, or getting the phone number so you can call the mom and make sure she knows her daughter is there lol. Kids think it's harmless to go play somewhere, they have no idea how badly their parents might panic if they don't know where they are.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
6 Apr 09
Mommyboo, thanks for replying. Yes, both children are 6, and yes things like this always happen. It's been like that since they moved in, and this time it just pushed my buttons to the extreme because you can only take so much of something before it just drives you up the wall. I understand the saying kids will be kids and just take off and go play some place with out telling the parents, but i honestly feel that all falls on the parents and setting down the rules. My son knows, if he wants to go outside to play, he must ask first. If he wants to go play else where, he must ask. That's a major rule in our house. If you don't teach a child right from wrong they will just do what they please and in this case, that's what going on. This little girl has no idea how wrong she was, or that her choice was wrong, because the parents have never set that in stone. It's been over 3 months since this has happened and still this little girl eludes her parents, and the parents see nothing wrong with this, nor punish her to set her straight. It honestly bothers me because in this day we live in, even in the safest of places, things do happen. We do have contact with each other, but it's mainly one sided. I have to make sure things are ok, i have to make sure the kids are playing in the reserved playing area, this mother doesn't show a care of concern until she knows she's messed up. So for the time being the kids have been placed on restricted playing because I am not a day care center. I know that sounds very rude, but after everything that has gone on, the short straw was drawn and I have to put my foot down so this doesn't happen again.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
4 Apr 09
I don't let my 12 year old neice do anything out of my sight. If I took her and her siblings to a movie I would want another adult to come and sit on one end with me on the other. There is just too much stuff happening in the world and it seems like more and more people have less manners or concern for others and let's not talk about the pedophiles. Maybe it is because there are more people in the world with more problems or maybe it is because all children are not kept safe enough to prevent them from developing some of the problems that later cause older kids and adults to harm children but you just can't be too careful.

@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I agree with you. I would never let my kid do that. My neighbor works nights and her 9 year olkd constantly shows up at my door to have my stepson over to play. Her mom is always asleep when she does this. I understand lack of sleep and beinbg exhausted but my kids will never do that. I also never let other kids in my home unless I know that their parents know where they are. I probably would have let her in for a few minutes but then sent her home.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
6 Feb 09
When my child goes over there, i double check to make sure it's ok. I know how kids will just invite others over with out asking parents, i've been in that situation before, it's not easy one to explain. I don't like it being done to me so I would never do it to another mom. Most of the time when my child is over there, i keep updates threw IM's on the computer. They have no home phone, only cell phones and won't give out the number...

@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I agree with you. Especially since she is only 6! It is a good thing that you allowed her to stay at your house though, where it was warm and safe. At the very least mom could have called or walked over and asked if you minded so she could get a little sleep.
I've raised two boys so the whole trust that they are doing what I asked them too flew out the window a long time ago! LOL Not that they were bad kids they were just and they will lie to you! LOL
I never allowed my kids to go to anyones house until it was checked out personally by me. I never just took their word for it. And on top of that I worked the night shift when my kids were small because it allowed me more time with them. I came in from work and got them off to school and slept while they were at school. But I was always up at least an hour before they arrived home from school.
Then after hubby would come in from work I would sometimes lay down for a couple of hours before going to work but not very often.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I know I should have gone next door to check to see what her mother had said, but being as cold as it was, I didnt think it was a wise choice to take my sick 17 month old daughter out. Next time, I will walk over there.
She's a nurse at the local hospital so she works one night threw the week, and then friday and sat of each week. We check in regularly on her shifts and so on so the kids can play a few times a week, after homework is done.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
6 Feb 09
It's ok, I myself have done that once.
Thanks for posting and I truely hope that a valueable lesson was learned. I hated this happened because it sorta keeps a tension span there and hope it will go away because I don't want the kids to not be able to play because they love the time they get together. I don't want the mother to feel I done something wrong by not coming and telling her she was here, I assumed the child was being honest with me when I asked her if her mommma knew she was here. I had no reason not to believe her, she'd never not been honest with me before.
@ejohn82 (155)
• India
7 Feb 09
I think that the parent is just irresponsible. However tired she must have been she should have made sure that the child is ok. But I think if you say something to the parent she would no like it and she will take it as an interference which I think you should avoid as you are neighbours.There are different ways parents would handle different situations. Parenting advice may not be taken well by your neighbour. In future you just need to make sure there is no repetition of such an incidence. Its not safe for your child to play outside without supervision. Its a good thing your son obeys and follows rules.So you don't need to worry. Bye take care

@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
7 Feb 09
There was alot I wanted to say but didn't... Just kept things as peaceful as I could by mentioned I fed her a snack and that she was good. I knew by the look in the step dad's face he was upset and worried about everything, figured that was enough. Thanks for posting.

@littletinker (273)
6 Feb 09
It is really difficult to make comment without knowing the set up there.
Is it a safe neighbourhood or are you in a city?
It looks as though you would be ok with it if the weather was its very difficult to see what your issue is exactly.
She fell asleep after she thought her daughter had gone out and i dont see that that is the end of the world because she wouldnt necessarily be able to see or hear her playing anyway.
If a little girl came to my house and said "My mum knows Im here"....then the first thing I would do is I would pop round and ask or phone...."do you know your little one is here? I dont mind, just wanted to check you knew where she was"
Playing out without a coat...well...put a coat on a child when they go out...and in 5 minutes they will take it off anyway.
Dont forget....children feel cold different to adults....(much differently) and it wont do her any harm expanding energy in the cold once in a while. And most kids are quite capable of knowing when they are cold and putting a coat on.
She isnt a bad parent....she just parents different to you.
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@littletinker (273)
6 Feb 09
Im sure she doesnt make a hhabit of it :-)) sound like a nice neighbour and its lovely that you have the little girl in to play with your son.
Maybe you can make it a regular thing and they can have tea together? So nice :-))
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@mamabeezy (172)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Looking at the differences with how your children are..
Beings that yours 'knows the rules' and makes sure to ask,
and that little girl just left her house and walked on into yours
That it is irresponsible parenting.
I think that if it was a foolish choice,
their child wouldn't have the pattern in her head that she can do whatever she pleases..
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@mamabeezy (172)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I hate to say this....
But if you really see a problem
You might want to call CYS
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I hope it was just a freak accident, and the mother was just so embarrassed that it the way she put it sounds bad. Now that you are aware, maybe you should just be cautious over the whole thing. 1 time can be understood, but a second cannot. I hope they both learned a lesson.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I know there are people out there that just don't know what their children are doing and they don't bother to find out. This is why we have children getting into trouble and leaving home. This is being irresponsible to say the least. There is no way I would let my child out to play in cold weather like thta or even close to it. Not only that I won't let them play outside if it's too hot.
I would have had to say something to this lady. That is was too cold for the child to play outside and we let her play in the house. I'd also let her know that she came over in that weather without a coat too. With me saying something to her to make her aware of what she did not know and that I noticed ...well maybe she would take notice and not let it happen again.
I commend you for taking her in and letting her play instead of sending her home and then no telling where she would have actually gone.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Thank you very much. After hearing from her step dad who looked very upset that she was gone and her mother didn't know where she was, the oh goodness hit me and all the bad thoughts come rolling in..
My son asked yesterday if she could come over again, I said well lets just see if her mom will let her or come over with her, becuase if she don't come over then she's in trouble.. My son asked why, so I told him what had went on and he said "Momma, you mean she snuck out of the house?" "What if she would have went the other way towards the road, and got hit by a car?" Then just sat there for a few minutes and finally said... " I will have to talk to her and tell her that was bad and she could have hurt, sneaking out is bad, bad, bad!"
I had to laugh, but my heart felt good knowing he knew that.
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
23 Feb 09
That was a terrible slip. Every parent makes one every now and then and they end up regretting it. What's hard about being parents (I think, since I'm not one yet) is that whatever bad decision they make, their child's life is completely affected. I hope the mom actually learned form something there - that tired as she was, there's someone who depends on her to care for her. She took the responsibility of having a baby - she shouldn't take things so lightly.
Thanks for the response on my discussion!
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@dmrone (746)
• United States
5 Feb 09
The mother could sleep while the daughter is at school and then when the daughter gets home she should stay awake until the stepfather gets home to watch the child. I understand how parents do gettired, i am in that boat most of the time, but i have to know where my children are, and that they are safe. I would say it is a foolish choice on the mother's part, unless this happens all the time. If it happens all the time then it is just bad parenting.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
6 Feb 09
My husband works nights and we know all about how that kind of shifts can do to a person... all it would have taken was her to either come over, IM me on the computer or send a note (they have no phone, but cell phone and she won't give out her number) saying do you mind watching my child for a little bit, or something to that effect, and I would have. I've told her before if she needed someone just let me know, I would have never of known that the little girl fibbed to me, and pretty much just left because her momma said you can play outside but not in here if the step dad wouldn't have come looking...
@alyciassecret (542)
• United States
5 Feb 09
I think that's pretty poor parenting. I know that's harsh to take, but it is. Not only would their child have been in danger, if she wasn't in your house, who knows what could have happened? Negligence is also a life taker or extremely traumatic to a person, especially a child. if someone has a child, they should just grow up (ready or not) and not make things worse for the rest of the world. If they can't handle it, they never should've had a child in the first place.
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@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I really don't know which way to go... I see it as both, it's bad to just fall asleep and not know where your children are.... I know no body is perfect and mistakes happen, but it just freaks me out a little. There are days we aren't home and this little girl is home with her mother and could possibly walk out again and end up else where. I hope this was a lesson that was learned.
@alyciassecret (542)
• United States
6 Feb 09
I guess it's better to be safely with you than with some poison minded person who might hurt the child. Though it does take up your space and time that was reserved for yourself and family and not a neighbor's child. Some people should just be more of a responsible adult and or parent. Grow up, stop making excuses and just do what you have to do.
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