Does home work help in the process of learning ???
By titansaha
@titansaha (188)
February 8, 2009 9:24am CST
Today's child is the future strength of a nation. His education today, decides his future tomorrow and in the long run ,decides the fate of the nation too..So much has been and a lot more is being done towards their education, towards their learning.
And in this process,the part played in school as a student is very important & most valuable too.
The process of learning in schools is varied all over the world,but the one thing that is same is Homework. Most people believe (both teachers & parents) that homework is a must as it helps in evaluating the child.May be they are right,but I feel homework over burdens a child & gradually the child begins to hate his subjects.& this surely dose not help him much.
So friends, do you think homework really does help a student in the process of learning???...Do share your thoughts with me.
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38 responses
@jmackness (11)
• Canada
8 Feb 09
Whether or not "homework" is an effective learning tool depends entirely on how it is managed. Independent work is a necessary part of the learning process for two reasons:
1. Practice - students need to practice the skills they are being taught, be that spelling, mathematics, printing or more advanced skills like compositions, evaluation, research, and reasoning.
2. So that teachers can evaluate the students' progress to determine if further assistance is required.
This work can take place during school hours or after, depending of the volume of material to be covered and the structure of the classes. Teachers need to take care to ensure that students are not overburdened with work. If, for example, it is determined that a student should have no more than one hour of work each night, then that time must be divided between all subjects. This may mean only ten minutes of work per class. One of the most common problems occurs when a student has more than one teacher, each of whom assigns the full amount of work per night. Teachers must carefully consider the work that is assigned, including how long it will take, when it is to be completed, and exactly what purpose it serves. They must also consider all other demands on the students' time and energy. Parents and students, must make sure that teachers adhere to these reasonable guidelines.
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@titansaha (188)
• India
11 Feb 09
Hi jmackness,
Thank you so much for your detailed response.It really feels nice to see that we all are concerned for the students around the globe & feel that both teachers &parents need to show more tolerance & patience towards them..Regards.
@titansaha (188)
• India
15 Feb 09
Hi jmacknes
I do agree with you. Understanding with each other is a must. Regards.
@jmackness (11)
• Canada
13 Feb 09
Remember that youth education is a partnership between the students, parents and teachers. All three have to be involved, have to take the process seriously, and have to communicate.

@amrith (291)
• India
8 Feb 09
Giving home work to students is good but compulsory home work only to the weak students and it should be limited also.Full day at school and again after going home and doing the same thing the child will get aversion to studies.The teachers should access the students and should give home work according to their standard.
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@titansaha (188)
• India
15 Feb 09
Hi amrith,
Yes homework should never be a burden to any student. I feel weak students should
be given more attention to by the teachers and try to raise their standard by helping them in classes itself so that they come to love the subjects and then do not feel the agony of doing homework. Thank you for your post. Regards.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Personally I feel that homework is a Good thing and can help all children become who they want too later in life as well. For many things it helps teach them discipline and knowledge that they can later use in anything they desire to want to learn or do as well. It will also teach them to want to do something with their life later on as well.
Yes, most kids hate to do homework, and some think it is a waste of time. Yes, I do feel some teachers will tend to also overdo it from time to time, but when a child learns how to do homework and does it with no real problems they usually will be proficient in a lot of other things later in life as well.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
8 Feb 09
Hi titansaha, My thoughts on homework is that it should not be excessive, nor should there be homework every night. All children need a break from homework sometimes. As adults we would not want to bring home work every night or work overtime and children need to be treated the same. There should be at least one night each week with no homework. Blessings.
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@titansaha (188)
• India
11 Feb 09
Hi pose123,
You are right. Children do need a break from homework just as adults need a break from office work.If at all it is necessary, then homework should be minimum & interesting too...Thank you so much for your thoughts.Regards.
@srijshm (1165)
• India
8 Feb 09
Let me congratulate you on this excellent post.
Home work has a very important role to play in the whole knowledge process.
We remember only 20% of what we hear & the ratio dramatically increases when we write down things. Also repeated reading implants the knowledge in our subconsious mind. This is the reason we all remember mathematical tables.
There are very few self motivated children/people around, so this fear motivation is used to make the the pupils study the subject.
I agree with other comments where they have advocated better homework management.I have a few suggestions of my own.
1) group homeworks will improve the interest level & improve thier interpersonal skills too.
2) Teachers to ensure that all subjects do not have homework on the same days.
3) Modify the concept, Homework can be rephrased as self study/selfwork & allot a speified time in schools/institutes itself to do this (home)work.
@titansaha (188)
• India
15 Feb 09
Hi srijshm,
Yes, you are right. Practice does make a man perfect and so restructuring and
modification is completely necessary to make homework enjoyable and the pleasure
for students. Thank for the elaborate suggestions. Regards.
@vishwaskg (514)
• India
8 Feb 09
Homework is a good thing looking from the logical point of view ,but i feel it should be given when the student has understood the particular subject or the topic,then he would definitely feel that homework is worth doing .
But todays education is such that they are just poured down into the students throat.And no wonder there is ever rise in students getting dissapointed in finishing their homework.
Hope i answered most of your query
@titansaha (188)
• India
11 Feb 09
Hi vishwaskg,
Yes friend ,today's education,I feel , is very mechanical & the worst sufferers are the students...Thanks a lot for the response.Regards.
@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
17 Feb 09
I would say yes! When it comes to learning a new language - repeting is a very effective way to learn new words. This is easy done with home work - but say that they get 20 new words every week. That will not take much time to do on a daily basis.
In maths it's great the practice mutiplication on a daily basis in the beginning so they know it in their sleep. This can be done now and than during the day as well as practising words.
If they're just starting to read, reading at home will help them improve.
When it comes to playing an instrument it's important to practice every day as well.
I don't belive in huge home work - just small things that will help them in the future learning.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
9 Feb 09
To a point but if you give a child 30 examples and they do not understand it, they will learn nothing. These days the schools, in the USA, are more worried about getting the kids to pass standardized testing to earn their funding, and spend too much time on that and not enough on the curriculum. So, they send home so much work that the kids have little time for other ventures.
I never recall the amount of homework that kids have now and it is disconcerting!! I have a friend, who is a school teacher, who quit teaching to teach her own kids at home. They have a life as they get the work done, know their work, and are smart as whips!!
She was also upset over the amount of work these kids were taking home and still struggling. There needs to be changes made in the system in the states. I am not happy with our system at all.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Homework is very important, it teaches a child to work independently and when he is ready for college he will need all that training. In College no one cares if you study or if you even attend your classes. If you fail it's all up to you. To a child who has never learned to work on his own this is a very painful lesson. At a very high price.
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@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
10 Feb 09
Too much homework could be a burden to students.As a teacher,I do think homework is a must in the process of learning.We all know such thing as memory curve,what we learn in the class are easily be forgotten,thus we need homework to review.I regard homework as a good way to review our lessons.It helps to most of the students.
@mkmoney (468)
8 Feb 09
i personal think that it does help but very little but it all depands on what type of homework it is, if the teacher gives a home work to stick some pictures on to a sheet, i cant really see what you can earn from that, unless the kid has never use a glue stick before.
@titansaha (188)
• India
15 Feb 09
Hi mkmoney,
I feel friend,that if any task is enjoyable and interesting and not burdening, then a little homework will always be helpful......Thank you for the response. Regards.
@masata (408)
• Indonesia
13 Feb 09
I believe so. Home work will certainly help the student to absorb the concept taught in school. It maybe hard sometimes to understand directly the message conveyed in the lecture or classroom. With home work, we can start to learn things and build up some confidence to tackle the problem. We can also examine which parts of the concept we still don't understand and can clarify that thing to the teacher.
@dik_an (475)
• Malaysia
12 Feb 09
The important thing about homework is make the student understand the subject. As well as the student understand it, I think it is enough to give them more exercise. Something bad is done if the student feel too hard to do all the exercise and homework. We must think about, how the student love the subject so that they will seek the knowledge by their own not because it is a must and the teacher will give punishment if they do not do it.
It is our responsibility to make younger love subject, enjoy it and then create something valuable for our life. What do you think about it?
@Pistas (95)
• Portugal
8 Feb 09
I think homework is a good thing for some subjects(disciplines...don't know how you call it over there).Let's take math for example,mathematics are a science that require everyday practice,just like a sport or art.In mathematics if you know just the theory,you know a lot,but if you don't know how to apply it then you know nothing,so for that subject,i think homework is good because it forces you to study a little bit everyday.And i do think that if you want to me a good student/sportsman(women)or a good artist(musician,painter,etc) you have to practice...a lot!
I think homework is important,but the problem these days is the amount of homework that teachers send kids to do...i think it's a bit unfair that some 7 year old doesn't have time for anything except homework...i will they enjoy and learn about life?And i am certain some disciplines(subjects) don't need homework...
@titansaha (188)
• India
10 Feb 09
Hi Pistas,
I agree with you &I believe too ,that practice makes a man perfect.What I feel is that the method of practicing a task for increasing knowledge should be modified and made more innovative so that it is more welcome to the students . Then I suppose homework will be less tormenting .....Thank you so much for your good thoughts..Have a great day....Regards.
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
9 Feb 09
You may not like the concept of homework, but it is an important part of a child's education. I'm a Kindergarten teacher, and I send home homework with the children every day. At this point in their lives, it's more for getting them into the habit of doing homework as well as to involve the parents in their child's education. However, even at this young age, homework can promote additional learning. After all, there are only so many hours in a school day, and a teacher can only do so much. Although some families are good at giving their children opportunities to learn, many do nothing at all. These are the children who start falling behind by the time they reach 1st grade. It's so important for the parents to be actively involved in their child's learning, and giving them the material they need to do so (aka homework) helps them know what they can do.
As the child gets older, there's just so much to learn in the world that there aren't enough hours in the day to learn even the essentials. Every child needs to develop lifelong learning skills and needs to realize that learning doesn't just take place in the classroom. Homework reinforces this concept.
I could write a book on this subject, but suffice it to say that there are a lot of more important reasons why kids are given homework than what you might think.
@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
9 Feb 09
Homework can be useful, but it can also cause problems. Not every student has a home situation that is conductive to doing homework well. There are students out there that don't even have homes in which to do homework.
@dolce_vita78 (8062)
• Philippines
9 Feb 09
Hello titansaha!
As an educator, I see homework or assignments as a way to help students in their learning process. We cannot give them everything. Otherwise, that would be spoon-feeding. It would be nice to know how students apply the theories and concepts they learn in class in their other activities. However, one of my concerns is whether they are the ones making their assignments or someone else. Perhaps, their friends or their classmates or their parents or siblings. When this happens, it is possible that the students do not get to learn because they just depend on others for their survival as students. Moreover, a lot of students depend on the internet and the capability of copying and pasting. Again, they might just end up printing something that they have not even read. In that case, it defeats the purpose of giving them something to learn from.
@UtopianIdealist (1602)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I think if they are creative and involve interactions outside of school, then they could be a help. Otherwise, I do agree with you.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Homework is under fire because parents think children are over burdened. I believe we are rapidly dumbing down our children by expecting less and less of them.
Over the past couple of years, I've heard of various school districts trying the following:
Don't give F's because it means the child failed...Is it better to make Johnny and Susie feel they aren't failing or to support them for the rest of their lives because they can't get a job later?
Don't write an F in red ink. Why not? Johnny or Susie might get a complex about it. They should get a complex about it! Unless they have a learning disability, they are not working hard enough.
Use phonics instead of real spelling. If the chld spls thngs lk they sond insted of how they shold be spld, then he won't fill bd nd cn gt gd grds. Riiiggghhhhttt!
Let Johnny and Susie pick easy subjects like surfing when they get in college - after all, it's only costing their parents their home which they put a huge new mortgage on to get the kids through school. What's a couple of hundred thousand for school, boarding, clothes, and books? Oooops, don't forget spending money. Heaven forbid, the little darlings work part time and help out!
If anything, we are destroying our children by allowing them to do everything except study.
@kpsaran (74)
• India
9 Feb 09
hi titansaha..
Yes I do think homework is necessary for a child's growth.But I am clearly against schools which overburden the small children with lot s of homework.Actually homeworks can improve the creativity of the child and it must be lot more of fun rather burden..
good day!!!!!!