I sometimes don't understand

February 10, 2009 1:47pm CST
This to some will be no big deal but to others it will. I sometimes don't understand why people find comfort in taking credit for other peoples ideas. This I know has happened to everyone I'm sure at some point. Lets say you came up with a plan and it was a good one and not long after along comes a friend, family member or perhaps a co worker and he/she totally takes all the credit for this fabulous idea that was yours to begin with. Do you keep quiet or do you feel hurt and tell it the way it is?
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24 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I would keep quiet. If the plan was a good one and it is going to get implemented, that's good enough for me
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Me I don't even think about it. A great idea is just that an idea, to make anything else out of it is work and I feel anyone who wants to do the work can do it. I try never to hold on to anything, any time I have it's cost me more than I wanted to pay.
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• Canada
10 Feb 09
Thank You so much for answering my posts. I appreciate hearing your oppinions.
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• United States
10 Feb 09
I never keep quiet about any unfair action, whether it affects me or someone else, I am very vocal.
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• Canada
10 Feb 09
I knew there was more than one reason I had you on my friends list and I see this is one of the reasons lol. Thank You for your response.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
12 Feb 09
Well i believe in giving credit where credit is due...Anyone that steals the credit from someone else, knows what they are doing, and to me they are not very nice people..I not only feel they are stealing, but they are also lying and they are also selfish and trying to make their selfs look good in someone elses eyes....They have a problem...
• Canada
12 Feb 09
Yes I agree, I call it insecure.
• United States
12 Feb 09
I second that, definately insecure.
@BarBaraPrz (46885)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
10 Feb 09
Depends on what it is. Most things don't really matter much and thus deserve nothing more than an "Yeah, well, isn't that what I said?"
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• United States
10 Feb 09
I do not understand how it can make someone feel "Good" about taking credit for someone Else's ideas. I guess that is the "kind" of person that they are. I feel good when "I" come up with a good idea. and love to share it with others. I would have to tell everyone if it was not my idea.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
10 Feb 09
my aunt does that to me a lot, I don't care about it, it was just a fact or something she didn't know before and then comes across as being so brilliant afterwards, I think you have to pick your battles in this world and for me that is not one of them, now if it was for money like I was an employee and had a good idea and then my supervisor stole it, I wouldn\t like it, especially if there was money involved.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 Feb 09
thanks for best response hon
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Feb 09
Of course I Would feel hurt if tehy stole my idea specailly if they put it to work and made money out of it I would want my share and tell them they heard about it first from me!
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I've had it happen to me and for the most part I usually keep quiet. If someone is that worried about needing "atta boys" they have more problems than I can solve. Only time will show the truth.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I am an idea person....seriously....even in my yearbook 40 years ago it said what someone else won't think of she will! so yes this has happened to me from a recipe I made up to a grand idea on a bigger scale....so what do I do? First I was upset...not I keep most of my ideas to myself until I can bring them to the attention of whomever so there is not mistake who came up with it! Saves me stress too!
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@busyB4 (874)
• United States
11 Feb 09
This has happened to me and to my dad several times! The last time I was suggesting things to improve my work and the company situation. I had too much of a load and I suggested ways I thought it would even out and help speed the process at the same time. My supervisor said NO that she wasnt going to change it. I soon after left due to several reasons and since then all of those things I suggested have come into play and 5 people now do the job I was doing. Oh well!
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
11 Feb 09
Dear Busy, that is a very expensive lesson. Suggest that next time you send email to her, cc all your colleagues in the same department. AND bcc to her superior and superior's boss. If she dared to email with a NO, then she would have to answer to her superior.
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• United States
12 Feb 09
Sometimes maybe those people do not even realise that they were not the one who came up with the idea. Some people are masters of changing reality in their own minds. I don't think most people would feel good inside taking credit for something they know they did not do. We are our greatest critic. I don't really notice that happening much in my own life. In a lot of ways, I do not really mind. I am used to being taken for granted, and personally, if the idea is being acted on, to me, it does not matter who sold it. I do have a sort of fugue where when this happens I may say something like "Well, I guess you helped a little" basically taking the idea back. Most will think it over and eventually admit that they assisted, but where not the creator.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
10 Feb 09
There is a time and place for everything so I would have to decide each instance on it's own merits. There have been sometimes that I willingly took a backseat so someone else could take credit and there were times that I have spoken out about the credit being mine.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
11 Feb 09
I would speak out that it was my idea. The trouble is that they would not believe me since that person took the credit for it who did not deserve to. I might even cry, and that seems to be effective. And of course, I would get the command to be quiet and get a scolding. So I guess that is what happened to you, when you did try to correct them, either they told you that you were lying, told you it did not matter, or someone who was your supposed friend took you aside and talked alot with things that God knows, etc. and led you away so the other person kept receiving the credit. I then usually wait as they will make a mistake that shows it was not that idea, and then again, they might have someone step in and correct the mistake so they still regain the credit. It seems that you cannot win.
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I had a friend once who used to do this to me all the time. I was working in this place, and helped her to get a job there. Right away, whenever I came up with good idea, she would run right to the boss and tell him so she could get all the credit. At first I thought it was funny, but eventually it got old. The last straw was when I had an idea for a business I was thinking of starting. She took up my idea without even telling me, and hired people to do the work for her. I found out about it when I stopped over at her house for a visit, and her mom was there, bragging about the new business my friend had started. She even had flyers and business cards make up. I rarely see her or talk to her anymore, but I heard that she lost big time on that business, because she didn't do it like I had planned, which was to do most of the work myself to start out. She thought she could sit back and rake in the money while other people did the work for her. I kept quiet about what she did, except for a few close friends who I could trust to keep quiet about it, so those close to me know how she really is.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
11 Feb 09
It used to happen at work all the time. My boss couldn't have a bright idea if you lit a bulb under his butt. But he would take credit for my ideas and for one of my co-workers, actually for everyone in the office. He just lost his job. People started telling his boss their ideas and then when he came in telling about his ideas, the boss had already heard them and from the originator. He didn't do it to take comfort, but to save his job because he was supposed to be a problem solver and instead he was spending all his time creating problems to solve. That also got figured out by his boss because whenever he was gone from work, suddenly there were fewer problems or the problems that were there were caused by him. Most often it happens at work so people can get a raise, advancement, etc.
• United States
11 Feb 09
i'm pretty bad about telling it like it is about anything . thsat would be a tacky way to do someone.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
12 Feb 09
I have this shadow that has followed me from site to site. She says how I'm not a good writer, I'm an unpleasant person, and how people really don't like me, they just hang out with me to be kind. I'm also very bitter. Yet she has followed me through three sites (including showing up on here with in three days of me finding it) She takes my posts on these sites and either re-posts them as her own changing a few words so I can't say she totally stole them, or she argues what ever I posted behind my back (since I don't actively read her, I don't know unless others tell me or I find it by accident) I was angry at first, then hurt, now I can't think of anything other then maybe she thinks better of me then she tells me (and others) I don't care her reasons because now I don't give her the power to take from me anything more then my ideas. If I was trying to get somewhere with my writing beyond the enjoyment of my friends I wouldn't just shrug off them stealing my ideas or words. But you know.... she is what she is and I am going to stay me.
• United States
12 Feb 09
This is something that has occured to me personally and my husband. We wrote several articles that were published in various ezines, and witnessed another copy our work word for word as their own. I can't say that we were angry so much as we were disappointed. As scholars and teachers we hold to the rule of thumb that you need to provide references for work that you are citing, even if you are paraphrasing or summarizing. However, rather then take legal action we let it go and chalked it up to an inexperienced writer. I think in terms of the workplace, this could be dealt with simply by speaking with the person involved, or if you really want to take the high road simply praise them for doing such a good job and smile knowing it was your idea. A friend of mine when my husband and I went through this incident told us we should feel proud that our work was so well done that another had to pen it off as their own and take it as a compliment that they wanted to be like us. I have to say that her advise still makes me smile. Of course, if it does occur again I will probably just let the places that publish my work let their attorney deal with it legally if I'm not given proper citations. Though, I doubt very much my master thesis will be something they wish to copy. Have a good one. Anora