16 year old sued for $4 billion more making a goofy face
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
February 12, 2009 6:55pm CST
Yup, I think I actually found a lawsuit dumb enough to trump the illegal aliens suing a rancher for deporting them after catching them trespassing on his property. I don't normally post things related to celebrities here, but with all the accusations of racism and now a lawsuit over one stupid photo I think it kind of falls in the political spectrum.
She's a 16 year old child doing what children do. Since when does a goofy face give someone the right to sue for $4 billion? Where was the outcry when that Spain's basketball players did this in a commercial? I must have missed that lawsuit.
This case better get thrown out. Of course, it's California so it will likely go to trial.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Miley Cyrus has said she meant no offense by a gesture that some have construed as insensitive to Asians — but one woman isn't buying the pop star's story, and she thinks Cyrus should pay.
TMZ reports that the Los Angeles woman, Lucie J. Kim, has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of all Asian Pacific Islanders living in Los Angeles County. And she's seeking quite a payout: $4 billion.
In the controversial photo, Cyrus, 16, is shown sitting on her boyfriend Justin Gaston’s lap surrounded by a group of friends all making a stereotypical gesture by pulling their eyes into a slanted position. The gesture is commonly thought to be offensive to Asian Pacific Americans.
The OCA, an organization dedicated to advancing the social, political and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans in the U.S., has slammed Cyrus for the photo.
Kim's lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, accuses Cyrus of a civil rights violation and requests at least $4,000 in damages per potential plaintiff, according to TMZ, which says a representative for Cyrus couldn't be reached Wednesday for comment.
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20 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
13 Feb 09
This woman is only doing this because Miley is a celebrity and is rich. She is seeing dollar signs. If it would have been just a normal kid....nothing would have happened. You know it is all about the money....is she sueing the rest of this kids in the picture? No, why...they are not rich. This will hopefully get kicked out of court.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I better be careful. I sometimes do that when my contacts are bothering me.
The lawsuit should be thrown out, but more than that, the person filing it should have to pay for wasting the courts time.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 Feb 09
If that's the case then millions of kids are overdue for their court summons. Can't tell how many times I and about all the other kids I knew growing up did the little "My mother's Chinese, my father's Japanese and I'm both" thing with our eyes. Then there's what my granddaughter learned in school about Chinese People are so funny.
Since when was making a face considered a civil rights violation? Rude maybe, but where's the violation? Hey, when my kids roll their eyes at me should I slap a suit on them?
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Wait, can you even sue a minor? And Miley Cyrus may have money but I'm pretty sure with the strict laws she doesn't have access to it until she turns 21. You can't sue a kid for being a kid!
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
13 Feb 09
i know!! i scanned photos for year books and i cant tell you how many kids pics had this in them!!
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
13 Feb 09
This is just crazy. They are only suing because they know she has money and may have to pay. I mean if you and I would have done it they know they would not have gotten anything there would not even be a lawsuit. But thanks for bringing this stupidity to our attention.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
13 Feb 09
How dumb can people get? It's not about being insensitive... it's about her money... some body wants.
Are the friends getting sued too? Bet if they are, it's not for the same amount of cash.
And you're right... it'll most likely get to trial. I love the nature of California but not so much the way the salt affects some people's brains.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Feb 09
Some people are just after money. Are Americans sue crazy? This is not about insensitivity (and what teenager has not been insensitive? It is the name of the game. Teens are not know for their tactfulness and consideration. That is why they call them teenagers or young people because they have not matured yet.)
This woman is just trying to make a quick buck and if she succeeds, then anyone else, not even a pop star will be danger of being taken because of a gesture or a word that could be considered insulting even though they have no idea what they did was so horribly politically incorrect.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I am not fond of little Miley....she has become rich over nothing. She has no talent and has an ego the size of Texas. I would say she is a bit dysfunctional, too. However, she does not deserve to be sued for this..especially $4 billion. She should not be billed for $1. People make fun of fat people all the time, and they never get sued. I do think we live in a society that is too involved with making making fun of others. That needs to stop. Look at teenagers in high school what they do to others. As for Miley, little by little she has been having her teeth fixed--but before that it would have been very easy to fun of those bulging gums of hers. Would she like that?
@singlemommy (2955)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I heard about this earlier today on the radio. It is so crazy. People will look for any reason to get a few bucks or a few billion bucks for doing nothing. If I sued every person who made an offensive gesture, face, etc towards me then I would have more money than I would know what to do with. This is just stupid.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
14 Feb 09
It's getting to the place that you can't do anything without offending someone. This is ridiculous and I hope the woman who filed the lawsuit loses and has to pay court cost.
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
13 Feb 09
my daughter likes Miley Cyrus... I hope she really did not do that to offend anyone... Anyways, just like what they say, this is stupid...
@busibee (187)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I don't think Miley should be sued, but I also feel that her apology was completely insincere. I don't think she's very bright to do the things she does. I feel she was definitely making an "Asian" face since she was standing right behind an Asian guy. It doesn't look "goofy" enough to convince me of anything else. She's 16 years old, a role-model to millions of kids, and she does all these stupid things (like her half-closed pictures that escaped to the internet, her nasty YouTube videos about the other Disney girls, etc, etc). If she plays her cards right she will never have to work again... but I think she is going to lose her credibility and career if these antics keep up. But to answer your question... I don't think she should be sued... that is kind of a joke. But since it is California, it WILL probably go to trial... lol. XOXO
@whitty20040 (1)
13 Feb 09
yeah, what is the world coming too?!! stupid things like these are becoming an embarrassment for us to be british! health and safety need to stop bringing in all of these stupid rules.. because now the courts are doing it, people are getting sued for anything and nothing now a days. & most of it is a fix, an incident will happen and a person will have to go to hospital or something tragic will happen to them and then the company will get sued for as much money as possible!!
@dexterous21 (1180)
• Philippines
13 Feb 09
Oh! I have read the news article and Miley's apology. I don't think it is offensive. As she have said, she is just making goofy faces. I think the court should review this lawsuit. Money matter they say.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Oh, give me a freakin' break...every kid in the world has made that face at least once. This is simply a woman looking to make a buck. If she's that offended, she needs to go back to whatever country she came from where no one dares to make a face she doesn't like. I'm not a big fan of Miley Cyrus but this is just stupid.
@aprilj1231 (288)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I think this is so silly. It's no wonder child celebrities so often go off the deep end and start doing insane things. I heard a snipit on the radio where Miley Cyrus said that she felt since Brittany [Spears] was back on track with her career that people were looking for the next celebrity nutjob bad girl, lucky her. I mean hello, what kid hasn't made this face. I was actually roomates in college with a Korean American and she and I have a photo of us making the same face together--she wasn't offended, she thought it was hilarious. I am glad I'm not rich and none of my kids are famous, because I'm sure someone would be suing us for something.
@mamabeezy (172)
• United States
13 Feb 09
yeah, its not about racism at all.
if it were any other 16 year old, nothing would happen.
money money money
@Goblox (22)
• United States
13 Feb 09
These days everyone is trying to be so politically correct. I am offended that they are actually perusing legal action for this. It seems that everyone is so quick to throw Miley in a category with Britney and Lindsey Lohen. Just because she is famous doesn't mean that she is mature. She is a 16 year old child and while I am not a Miley fan i have to say that this is just silly.
As far as people saying that the woman filing this suit is just in it for the money, I have to disagree. A class action lawsuit generally doesn't result in one person getting much money, but rather many people getting a little money.
Anyways, all around, this is silly.