Holy Cow !!!! We are out of milk!

@4ofmyown (1119)
United States
February 14, 2009 6:48am CST
I could not believe it...here it is 7:00 a.m. and all 4 of the kids have their cereal picked out. I pour the first bowl and then pour the milk on it, emptying the carton. My son tells me "I need a little more milk". No problem , I need to open a new carton for everyone else anyway. I look in the fridge, no milk...I ask the kids "Did you are already get the milk out?" A choir of no's! I open the fridge again...like it might be there this time. I couldn't believe it, we are out of milk. I ALWAYS have 2 or 3 milks in the fridge, the kids can practically drink 1 a day sometimes. How could I have run out of milk with 4 kids and not even known it? O.J. was on sale last week BOGO so I bought a ton so I guess I figured the fridge was so full there must be a milk in there. And of course my boys are marching in a parade this morning for Boy Scouts...so I really didn't have time to 'make' breakfast. Have you ever run out of something that you really need, like milk for 4 small kids? It is like going to make lunches for school and having no bread!
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12 responses
• United States
14 Feb 09
Sorry, you're askin the wrong cat about this. Because I remember back in the day we didn't have milk. We got a big box that( a big white box) said milk on it. It was powdered
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I have heard of those big boxes of milk but have never tried powdered milk, that I know of. I heard it does taste different but you get used to it. I have thought about getting it just to have for cooking and baking.
• United States
24 Feb 09
Ever buy whole milk, get low on funds, and add water to it to stretch it out?
• Canada
15 Feb 09
I too was brought up on powdered milk and always swore that when I was on my own, I was going to buy real milk, and I did!..In the mean time when I was young, I used to drowned out the taste with chocolate syrup...making it real cold helped too...I cursed the salesman who introduced my mother to her new mixing machine and powdered milk!!!
@kholid78 (341)
• Indonesia
16 Feb 09
Well, My kids rarely drink much kind of cows milk cause here in my country that milk so expensive. I only give them some substitution ones, just like rice milk or soy milk.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I have never had rice milk that I know of but we have drank soy before. My husband is lactose intolerant so he drank soy for a while. It is pretty good, I just don't like the color.
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@kholid78 (341)
• Indonesia
19 Feb 09
I don't like soy's colour, taste and aroma either. Usually I enhance a bit of ginger to make more better.
• United States
15 Feb 09
My boyfriend's family goes through two gallons of milk per day because of his father and his sister. His father is a glutton and his sister is special needs so she has to have milk.
• United States
15 Feb 09
Okay, well that is understandable because you have kids and are expecting twins, but this guy has milk with everything, and he has huge cups of it, if you saw how much milk this man drinks it would make you cringe. Now, I drink milk as well, but only with cereal.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
15 Feb 09
I know when I was younger we drank milk all the time. My kids drink milk but they also drink alot of water. We go through it fast but not that fast. I remember when I was pregnant with my twins, that was my craving, milk! I drank a ton of it.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I always keep waffles, oatmeal, cereal bars, and other breakfast foods on hand, so if there is no milk, they can have one of the above, or just dry cereal which they have done in the past. With bread, I have been known to make a loaf if I've run out. Our biggest problem isn't running out of things, because I'm usually very good at keeping things stocked, it's usually not being able to afford something we're low on. By mid-week if we run out of anything, we're in trouble because we don't have a dime left to our names. So that can cause an issue, which is why I try to make sure everything is stocked up enough to get us till next Friday.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I hear ya!!! They had a box of frozen french toast sticks that I got on sale. I had waffles and also had eggs but this just wasn't the morning to be "making" breakfast. Then one of the boys announced to me that he didn't want to walk in the parade. But, he did and they did a really good job. They were so cute in their uniforms. Someday I will have to figure out how to put pictures up.
@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
17 Feb 09
Been there done that *lol* - but I only have 3 kids! I hate when it happens - this morning we were out of almost everything, eggs, cereals, bread.... luckily we had some milk left (they all got one glass - but that's it. It differs so much here how much milk we'll consume. I shop Fridays and we use to have milk left until than - now it was all gone in a few days. I like the thing that you checked again - like it would be there next time - I use to do like that as well - but sadly it never shows up.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I remember when some things used to last longer but now that they are getting older they consume so much more, so much faster. I used to be able to shop once a week and now I have to go twice because I don't have enough room in my refrigerator for everything that would last us a week.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
15 Feb 09
Oh yeah, I've ran out of plenty of things as I was making dinner, breakfast or what ever. But what I hate the most is when I am making a big bowl of cereal and go to pour the milk and it's soured because it's been pushed to the back of the refrigerator, and it's long forgotten. That's what really sucks, and you don't notice it until you've already poured it on your cereal and gobbled the first big ol bite. My children love milk and we usually have plenty, and sometime too much and it just sits in there..
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
15 Feb 09
There has been a few occasions that I have bought milk because it was on sale and had a ton in the fridge and realized I better start using it. Then I try and think of recipes that call for alot of milk in it. I can honestly say I don't remember milk ever spoiling in our fridge. It isn't there long enough. But, oh, just the thought of taking that first bite of cereal.
@scooter1024 (1243)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I've been there myself. I have 4 kids at home and they go thru alot of milk too. Naturally when that happens is when you are in a hurry. In my favor tho I live 3 blocks away from the gas station and can drive up and get some real quick. Of course I pay out the wazoo for it there but it saves some complaining.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
14 Feb 09
My grocery store is right down the street but I don't think it was even open yet. Plus, my husband had already left for work, so I would have had to pack every one up. It is funny because we usually have a ton of milk in the house and this was one of those "not today" mornings.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Feb 09
it happens, but it happens with adults too, my son is 32 years old, he will put empty cartons back in the fridge, I go to pour out a class of milk or juice or what have you and the darn carton is empty. His excuse with the milk is I left the last drop for your tea. Which is fine and dandy except, if I don't know there is no milk and I want to mash potatoes or use milk in a recipe and there is not and I have put all the rest of the ingredients together, and can't finish like in a cake for example, at least tell me we are out of milk, how hard is that.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I get annoyed when my kids put cartons back with a drop in it and they are only 10 and under. I can only imagine how frustrated you must get!!
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I have three small children and I know how it feels, especially when theres no time and they are already set on having cereal...I think It might be a good idea to have some cereal bars, or maybe breakfast bars on hand for emergencies like this! =)
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I usually try too but for one, they are getting so expensive and my boys are just old enough were they are eating 2 bowls of cereal. I started buying all store brand cereals because I need to buy 4 and 5 boxes at a time. Thank goodness I had those frozen french toast sticks...they were my lifesaver this morning.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
14 Feb 09
Yep. More times than I care to admit! Sometimes you've just got so much going on that you can't remember it ALL. Running out of something that you NEEd when you need to be somewhere. That is SO frustrating! How did the rest of your day go?
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
14 Feb 09
The day went really well. We live in S. Florida and it was actually really hot out today...so I was really proud of my boys for walking almost 3 miles!!! Plus, they looked so cute! Thanks for asking.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I always know when I am running low on milk, but I only keep one gallon in the house at at time usually, so it is obvious. I only have 2 kids so the milk does not go as fast around here. I have run out of bread before though because I thought I had another loaf in the freezer.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I have done the bread thing more times than I can count. Usually it is because I still think there is a loaf in the freezer but my husband has already pulled it out...or vice versa. And, with 4 kids, I use a half a loaf of bread just for one day of lunches. So I try and always have 4 or 5 loaves in the freezer. And...it seems to happen at the worst possible times!
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
14 Feb 09
hi there 4ofmyown i know what you mean i have 2 kids and my son always drinks milk i tell him it won't be enougth for cereal but milk is good for them take care happy mylotting
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I love the fact that they drink so much of it but with 4 of them I usually always have at least 3 cartons in the fridge. We had such a busy morning this morning, I just couldn't believe we were out.