Is Obama's latest tax cheating cronie none other than Rahn Emmanuel?

@ladyluna (7004)
United States
February 17, 2009 10:17pm CST
Hello All, Well, it looks like another of Obama's team is mired in controversy about unpaid taxes. "[i]Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who reportedly has lived rent-free in Washington for five years but hasn't paid taxes on the imputed income.... "According to the New York Post, the free rent in a home owned by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., and not disclosing that "gift" apparently isn't all that's being questioned about Emanuel's arrangements, either.... Another issue is "the work Emanuel tossed the way of DeLauro's husband, Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg." ... The Post said while Emanuel was living in the rent-free arrangement, he also served part of the time as the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which gave Greenberg several polling contracts, paying him $239,000 in 2006 and $317,000 in 2008.... The report said Emanuel has explained the living arrangements as "hospitality" between colleagues, and that's why it never appeared on his financial-disclosure forms.[/i]" [b]Here are my questions to you: 1. Why shouldn't all Americans send the IRS and I.O.U. in April? Our political elite are clearly demonstrating that taxes are voluntary, not compulsory. So, why should we pay them when they don't? 2. What should the penalty be for this latest DNC disregard for taxation? 3. Should Emmanuel be forced to resign? Or should he be given a pass like Geithner? 4. How much more does this latest scandal damage Obama's reputation, if at all? Thanks, I look forward to reading all of your responses. [/b]
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12 responses
• United States
18 Feb 09
We should send a letter to the IRS saying we will pay our taxes when our elected officals and the people in the current admin. pay theirs. Personally I think he should have to resign. But I am not going to hold my breath. The DNC has the opinion that taxes are only for the "little people" and not them. Typical double standard. As for Obama and his is quickly unraveling around him. He has made one mistake after another and one bad decision after another and he has only been in office for a month. I do not see him getting re-elected in four years. This stimulus plan is not going to help the economy. He all but married himself to it and it is going to blow up in his face. The american public is already fed up with all the bail will not be long before they turn on him. I am already starting to see it in the news. CNN actually called him a liar today. He was saying this bill (the stimulus bill) was generally and bipartisanly excepted by the public and various elected officials. The CNN anchor said "Obama can try to paint whatever picture he wants on this but the bill was not generally or bipartisanly excepted by various elected officals or the american public." This coming from the network that has two years of the Obama love fest.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
Actually, he has pissed off the media on several occasions. The first time was when he went on Arab TV begging for forgiveness for America treating them so bad by daring to fight back. The White House Press Corps is being blocked from covering a lot of things that go on as well... which is their job. For CNN to say something like that though... man he is really messing up. I think NYT even said some things a week or so ago, and that's really saying something as well. Too bad they didn't do their jobs instead of campaigning for him.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
They really said that? This honeymoon is going to be shorter than I thought... Even Bush did better than that...
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• United States
18 Feb 09
yep the honeymoon is definately ending. Much shorter than I thought it was going to be. We will have to wait and see how bad it gets. For now they are just taking light hits at him. Let the economy get worse or the stimulus plan fall flat on its face and you will see heavier hitting.
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@kareng (62653)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Totally amazing isn't it? I'd say he deserves to have his behind removed from office along with the others. Enough is enough. That's just like Obama telling us it is time to start living within our own means, yet he is jetting off here and there every day or so. Fine example he is! Hummmpf!
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Hello Kareng, Thanks for sharing. You are not alone in your impatience with this perpetuation of 'campaign mode'. The junkets and the jaunts are not sitting well with We The People, at all!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Hello Kitty, We're new to Beck, although at this early stage Hubby and I are very supportive, particularly because we live in a border state -- and see with our own eyes what is not being reported by the other news outlets! What's really intriguing to us is that this new face on Fox (Beck) must be drawing HUGE numbers, because O'Reilly and Baier are suddenly starting to pay much closer attention to the the nightmare on the Southern border. It may be scary as heck, but it IS a major national security threat -- and it's about time that someone started letting America know what's really going on down here!
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• United States
20 Feb 09
Where do we go to sign up for the revolution? The revolution will not be televised. (Unless you're watching Fox News and Glenn Beck)
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@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hello Lady, I hate to say this, but This is the very least of our worries right now, not to mention it will all be swept under the rug and nothing much will ever come of it. If any of you have ever been attacked by the IRS, you already know better than to even make an honest mistake on your taxes. The interest and penalties are usually more than you can keep up with so they keep you in debt to them forever. No one should ever be given a free pass for breaking the law especially when they are supposed to be a leader, but Emmanuel will be of course. Obama will unlikely be damaged much by this. He will just flash his pearly whites and carry on. How many of you took the time to read any of darling Obama's stimulus bill that was so kindly put on the Net? I read about three fourths of it before I got too disgusted to read any more. There was of course nothing we as citizens could do about it except get disgusted, but it was there for our perusal none the less. Too bad our leaders never bothered to read it (most of them admitted that they had not read it) and just voted for it. SICK!!! I digress, sorry. Shalom~Adoniah
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
19 Feb 09
Hello my friend, I welcome the digression. Yup, I'm about ready to invest in Pepto Bismol! Though, I suspect that the sleeping giant awakens...
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• United States
18 Feb 09
You know, I was totally perplexed when I saw this. I guess I'm from the wrong side of the tracks to be able to understand why a multimillionaire would live with his friends for 5 years == and without paying anything? Why on earth wouldn't he feel at all obligated to pay a portion of the living expenses if they were all living there (that part was vague -- it did call them roommates at one point). Or if he lived there alone for the 5 years, still FIVE years, rent free?? Where I come from, this would not be a tax issue because the person in question would not have any income and would be in seriously trouble of some kind to be living in someone's home rent free. But 5 years? That's long even for someone who is broke! OK, enough of my ranting on the huh??? part of this story. On to your questions: 1. Would that we could get ALL Americans to do this, as a protest. But there are too many who are still enthralled and think this Administration is the most intelligent in many, many years, and can do no wrong. 2,3. Of, course, he HAS to be excused!!! How could Geithner and the other one be excused, but then not excuse Rahm?? NO, of course that wouldn't be fair, would it... 4. Well, even tho some small portion of the MSM does seem to be starting to turn, I think it will take much more before enough people start to wonder what they've done in appointing this man as our King, er, I mean, President. Maybe when there is something done that they can actually SEE has already HURT THEM, people might regain consciousness and finally show the outrage that they should have shown, even during the campaigns! But right now, even if it sounds very harmful and when we can point out irrefutable reasons why it is harmful, they still "believe" and so they have to "give him time -- he's only been in office for a month, remember"! What they should be saying: He's only been in office a month (almost) and already he has laid the foundation for the destruction of our country!!!!!!! We can only hope that somehow the rest of the country comes to life and sees the light quickly -- before it is too late. These people think that just because they "won" the election, they get to completely ignore close to 50% of the country, completely ignore the US Constitution, completely ignore all laws, and completely rework our entire society.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hello Dogshrink, Wow, you've given us much to ponder. Not the least of which is this insanity that Team Obama must be given adequate time to fulfill its vision for the USA. Hmmm, does the fact that the US Gov't (just today) dramatically lowered its expectations for our economy through the course of 2009 tell us anything? The Congressional Budget office warned prior to the now infamous vote on the Obama spending bill that the long term effects of the plan would be negative. Now they've publicly acknowledged that they EXPECT the economy to continue to degrade through at least the end of the year. Here's the kicker -- if we give this boneheaded plan enough time to affect our national credit rating, it will be decades before we will be able to even begin any kind of real recovery -- even if we magically, dramatically cut expenses. The reason is that if our AAA rating is cut, we'll be paying more interest for the same loans -- if we can get anyone to buy our bonds. Germany recently issued significant bonds -- no takers. California recently issued significant bonds -- the only taker is a San Francisco company -- not exactly wise or perhaps even legal! Though, here's what we need to really watch out for -- Russia!!! Russia holds a sizeable chunk of US bonds. The Ruble is in a kamakazi tailspin, and Russia defaulted in '98. If even one of our foreign creditors defaults or calls in the debt, then we're in uncharted and no doubt irreparable territory.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
Meant to also say, this has two parts: not disclosing the gift, and the possible failure to pay taxes on the gift. Even if some "experts" feel he doesn't owe taxes (tho how they figure that I don't get), he was still required by law to disclose any gifts, because of possibility of conflict of interest, as a Congressman. And, there is yet another part to this story. Rahm was also on the board of Freddie Mac, when it was lying to Congress and everyone. From DickMorris: [b]Nor is this all that seems to have been missed in the Obama team's vetting process. Consider: Emanuel served on the Freddie Mac board of directors during the time that the government-backed lender lied about its earnings, a leading contributor to the current economic meltdown. The Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Agency later singled out the Freddie Mac board as contributing to the fraud in 2000 and 2001 for "failing in its duty to follow up on matters brought to its attention." In other words, board members ignored the red flags waving in their faces. The SEC later fined Freddie $50 million for its deliberate fraud in 2000, 2001 and 2002. Meanwhile, Emanuel was paid more than $260,000 for his Freddie "service." Plus, after he resigned from the board to run for Congress in 2002, the troubled agency's PAC gave his campaign $25,000 - its largest single gift to a House candidate. That's what friends are for, isn't it? Now Rahm Emanuel is in the White House helping President Obama dig out of the mess that Freddie Mac helped start.[/b]Read the entire article from DickMorris:
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
18 Feb 09
I don't believe that anything will happen to Emanuel or the Obama administration. For some unknown and rather strange reason, this administration and the Democrats as a whole are given a pass. If you or I had "forgotten" to report income or gotten so used to a car and driver that we didn't see it as income, we'd be penalized and our pay garnished for starters. The IRS would come after us relentlessly. However the Treasury Secretary failed to report income, blames it on a software package and all is forgiven. I don't think I will ever understand the double standard. Do you?
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hello Deejean, Geesh, I sure hope that you're mistaken about Emmanuel and Team Obama not being held to account. If Obama and his supporters keep excusing this kind of behavior among our leadership, then it will most certainly begin to creep out into the mainstream. To be sure -- I'm equally befuddled by this double standard. I never thought that I'd see the day that We The People would coddle and protect a politician who was an unapologetic tax evader. Let alone multiple cheats from a single administration. Seriously, in historical context Richard Nixon went down for oh sooooo much less.
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
18 Feb 09
True President Nixon went down for so much less. One major difference is that he knew that he was not going to get a pass and so resigned. However if there is no punishment, then why step down? Certainly I can think of two candidates for cabinet positions who withdrew their nomination recently due to improper behavior brought to public light. But others have had behavior brought to light and ignored.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
It is as if being a tax cheat is a prerequisite for a position in 0bama's cabinet! Not only should we send IOUs to the IRS, we should also stop paying sales tax, why should we have to pay while these elite crooks ride for free on OUR dime? No free passes for anybody, Emmanuel should be fired, and so should Geithner and 0bama owes the AMERICAN PEOPLE an apology and a bunch of our own money. Sooner or later the Teflon coated messiah of the deluded will lose his non-stick coating and the people will see him for what he really is, the sooner the better because if it comes later it may be too late to save our nation.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
18 Feb 09
It IS a prerequisite. That's why I said Judd Gregg withdrew. After careful vetting they determined he'd paid all his taxes on time and thus was not appropriately qualified. He then resigned after seeing that he could not fulfill the requirements for the job.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
Another reason that Gregg quit was because the 0bamunist wants to take over the Census. Actually, Gregg showed a lot of ethics in his decision.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
There are 2 old sayings that apply here. 1) Monkey see, monkey do. 2) You lead by example, whether you want to or not. So, to sum up. 1) It is probable there will be more people cheating on taxes. 2) The penalty should be what is customary by the IRS. 3) Yes, Emmanuel should resign. 4) Yes, this does further erode 0bama's reputation. To liberals, paying taxes is a civic duty. Taxes are the life blood of the good work they want to do. Not paying taxes is a major sin to these people.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hello Red, You're probably right, my friend. The genie has been let out of the bottle, the example has been displayed for all to see, and it's difficult to imagine that the average American isn't going to hold this tax cheat issue in the forefront of his or her consciousness as long as this dirty administration is at the helm.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
The whole tax system need an overhaul to be simplified and fair to each and every person. I suggest a progressive tax that we all pay something. The more you make the more you pay... Wouldn't you like to have to complain about the taxes you pay, knowing that if you have to pay taxes you also made a lot of money, made or acquired.
• United States
18 Feb 09
No a flat tax is not fair to the people who make less money, they end up paying proportionally more as we are doing today, actually it is the middle that has the greatest burden today the poor and upper class pay little in proportion to their earnings. Progressive gets everyone paying a more fair portion of their earnings.
• United States
18 Feb 09
Just how do you figure that? 10% percent of $20,000 is a hell of a lot less than 10% of $2,000,000... or any other amount you want to use. So how is that less than fair to anyone? Not to mention it would do wonders for the economy.
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@katran (585)
• United States
18 Feb 09
We already have a progressive tax. Do some research, please. People who make under a certain amount of money pay no taxes. People who make over a certain amount of money pay a high percentage of their income. We already have what you are suggesting.
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• United States
18 Feb 09
I am beginning to think that the more Obama surrounds himself with all his shady, tax evading staff the less the American people will pay attention to all the unanswered questions we have about Obama's background. I guess only the innocent non-elite must conform to the the tax evasion law being a crime.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hello Whiteheather, Thank you for the reminder to not take our eye off the ball -- a very valid and important point. It's just so dadgum difficult with the rate at which these scandals and legislative initiatives are being pummelled upon the American People.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Wow... so much in so little time... and they tried to paint Bush as a liar and worse... and largely succeeded. 1.. Taxes may be voluntary for them, but they are definitely compulsory for us. Not paying them has rather unpleasant results for regular folks. 2... Immediate termination. 3.... Yes... and Geithner too. However, given that the 0bamunist just recently broke another promise and decided to allow one tax offense through instead of zero tolerance, I guess this means that Emmanuel gets a pass. 4... I guess that answer is relative and variable depending upon the individual. As far as I am concerned, his reputation was already damaged beyond repair before the election because I saw exactly who he was and where he was coming from. This is just more evidence to prove the 0bamunist is clueless as to the real world. This is what Chicago politics is all about. As for Emmanuel and the contents of the article... I am seeing a lot of quid pro quo and favors involved here... what most of us would regard as political graft. I thought the 0bamunist was all about change, but I am seeing none. All I see is a bunch of dirty politicians doing a bunch of political favors under the table... this is starting to look a lot like one of those old gangster movies.... maybe RICO violations as well. I already regard the democrat party as a criminal enterprise. It's getting really pathetic... and the democrats claim Bush was a liar and a crook? We need term limits, and we need mandatory audits of everyone in Congress, as well as every presidential appointee. Make the IRS work for the people for a change, instead of coming after us over a couple hundred bucks when we make a simple mistake.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hello Destiny, Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Yes, you're oh so right that when the average Joe or Jo 'forgets' to pay his or her taxes it does result in a rather unpleasant chain of events. I would sincerely like an answer as to why that same behavior results in promotions and noble opportunities for the ignoble among the DNC! Grrrr! RICO? Hmmm, interesting idea. Though, we'd have to have some federal prosecutors with cojones made of tungsten carbide steel. I don't know how realistic that is. Though, I'll admit that I'm being pleasantly surprised by the recent events leading up to Democrat 'players' being taken down irrespective of their party tributes. For example, our former secretary of state has just been referred over for a criminal investigation into the misappropriation of taxpayer funds (another in a long line of NM crooks & thieves bites the dust???). This on top of Burris being referred over for both ethics and criminal investigations. Maybe change really is afoot? Perhaps Obama clutched the word for a campaign slogan, yet ultimately roused the sleeping giant who will ultimately take him down? Yeah, I'd be 'A-OK' with that. How 'bout you?
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
18 Feb 09
After less than 5 weeks in office it seems to me hat Obama needs to do a big housecleanig of his appointees. Apparently most of them think that paying taxes is just for the ordinary working class and not them. Emmanuel is just another Chicago area politician and trying to find an honest and decent one from that area is a joke. They all seem to be crooked in one way or another. Come on Barack clean house - including getting your illegal immigrant Aunt out of the country and getting her off our welfare roles.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hello Us2owls, It's hard to believe that its only been five weeks, huh? Have you seen any kind of an update on Obama's aunt? I haven't heard a word since the inauguration. Is auntie still collecting U.S. benefits in Maryland? While I absolutely respect your calls for Obama to clean house, I would offer a friendly suggestion that you definitely shouldn't hold your breath, OK? Believe me, I'd love to be wrong but I suspect that it'll be an icy day in Hades before Obama turns on his Chicago cronies -- they know too much! A guy doesn't rise from the ranks of unknown community organizer to the presidency in a decade or so without being 'in it' up to his eyeballs.
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@katran (585)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Should he be forced to resign? Absolutely, and he should be forced to pay the taxes he owes. He should get treated the same way that any Joe Schmoe off the street would get treated for not paying their taxes. If that means going to jail, then by God he should go to jail! I am tired of these politicians and elites getting a free ride on our money while they sit up there and think of new ways to take our money away from us! Obama's administration just took almost a trillion dollars from the American people for his stimulus bill....AND HIS ADMINISTRATION DID NOT EVEN HELP US PAY FOR IT! Okay. I just need to take a deep breath here...and calm down. Man, this makes me see red. So much for change.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
18 Feb 09
Hello Katran, Sorry about making your eyeballs bleed. Though, you're not alone. I'm seeing red as well! Same treatment for the same crime? Yup, I'm definitely on board. Good call!
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