I Lost 5 Buddies...

@LadyMarissa (12148)
United States
February 20, 2009 12:15pm CST
I was sitting here relaxing yesterday morning getting ready to get on the Lot & wreak havoc when my phone rang. A good friend of mine called crying. Her dog (a Jack Russell Terrier) was pregnant & trying to have her puppies & the puppies just wouldn't come. She had called her vet & the vet told her to get the dog into him immediately or the dog might die. Her car was in the shop & she couldn't get her there. None of her neighbors were home. So, I jumped in my car & flew up to her house. Sad part was I had to drive past the vet's office to get to her house. We finally got the dog to the vet. He was going to perform a C-Section as he felt the first puppy was going to be a breach birth. I took my friend back home & sat with her for the afternoon as this dog is her family. Her boyfriend had dumped her recently & the dog was helping her stay sane. Actually, I was afraid to leave her there alone. Late in the afternoon the vet called & said he had to perform a hysterectomy. She would have had 6 puppies. 5 were dead by the time he got to her. The one remaining puppy had to be put in an incubator in order to try & save its life. Now she's worried that her dog will be depressed from losing 5 of her babies. When I spoke to her earlier, she hadn't spoken with the vet to know the condition of the remaining puppy. I'm going up in about an hour to pick her up & go back to the vet to get her dog (& hopefully the puppy). All this made for a very stressful day yesterday. I'm just glad we could get the dog to the vet before things got even worse!!! Do any of you have any suggestions as to how I can help my friend & probably her dog deal with all this???
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13 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I am sorry that your friend's dog has lost five of her puppies and I can understand and am sure that your friend is depressed and worried that her dog will be also. The sad thing is is it's hard to really know what to do to get the spirit of the dog up. I would recommend for you to be there as often as possible to comfort your friend as she needs to be calm and okay before she can calm her dog down. They say dogs know when their human is upset! Then I would say play with the dog, pet it, talk to the dog. I know it sounds silly but if a dog responds when you say you want to go outside, and if they know when their human is sad, they are also or should be smart enough to atleast know by the tone of the human's voice that they are being comforted. I think the tone would make all the difference.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
20 Feb 09
You know...as simple as that sounds...it just might work!!! I'll explain to my friend how it is in the best interest of the dog if she doesn't act upset & if she can shake her sadness & remain strong. I know it won't be easy with everything that has happened to her in the last week or two. But maybe if I can convince her well enough, they both will be OK. The dog us a brilliant, lovable dog. I know I can be strong for her, but I'm not usually around her that much. I can talk on the phone with my friend & help her through the toughest of times with the dog. Thank you for the advice!!! It had totally slipped my mind how perceptive dogs can be.
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@kareng (69193)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Sounds like great advice you have gotten here. Spending as much time with your friend should help, and her spending as much time with the dog as she can. That should be of comfort to the dog. I hope the little puppy makes it and the momma dog recovers quickly too! Keep us posted!
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
As it turned out, the dog was in the best shape of all of us. I did manage to convince my friend that she needed to not act like anything was wrong so the dog wouldn't get upset. She did much better than I thought she would. The one puppy survived the night & we took a cute, healthy female puppy home with us!!! Biggest problem I had was getting the momma & baby to accept each other & the baby to nurse. Once I got that part accomplished my friend calmed down. She was doing much better when I left yesterday. I just called her & she said momma & baby are doing just fine today!!!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Feb 09
I'm answering from notifications. Firstly I am sorry that your friend and her dog are going through this. I don't have pets, but have had them and know how much a part of the family they become. For that reason I suggest that you respond the same way as if she had lost a relative. Just be there for her. Buy her a coffee and chat to her. Let her know that you're there and always available for a hug. Try to help her look forward and hopefully the lone puppy will make it and she and her dog will have at least one new little friend. I suspect that your friend will pine much more than the dog! Take care of yourself too. XXXX
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Feb 09
That's great news LadyM. Your tone suggests that your friend is already moving on. Let's hope that she and her dogs will be happy together for years to come.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
This dog has been quite a part of her life for a while. However, since her boyfriend dumped her, she had really began to focus on the dog as her way to find comfort. She's not a very strong person emotionally as it is. I feared if her dog came home all down & depressed she'd find a way to blame herself. I felt if the dog was OK, then she'd be OK. As it turns out the 1 puppy did survive!!! It is a precious little girl that is identical to her mother. Mother & baby are doing fine!!! My friend is still a little depressed, but seemed to be doing better when I left. I told her to call me if she needed to talk as I had to get back home for my weekend job. Just spoke with her & she sounds much better now that she's seen that her dog is happy & healthy. Plus the fact that she got to hold the surviving puppy. It's a cute little bugger too. Strong for the way it started out!!! I'm hoping by tomorrow she will be much better. I plan on going up & visiting with her for a little bit tomorrow to make sure she is OK. The puppy is a loud little girl & I fear she will keep my friend awake all night long. Knowing her like I do, I doubt that she'll let the dog or puppy out of her sight. So I know her dog will be glad to see me tomorrow also!!! I feel much better knowing that the dog & puppy are just fine at this point!!!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I hope the puppy survives! And I'm so very glad that the mother made it through, the poor thing. Your friend is going to have a lot to deal with on top of her personal relationship ending. She'll probably torment herself with what if's, like what if she'd taken better care of the car and it wasn't in the shop, what if she'd called the doctor sooner, etc. Don't let her do that! Her dog is going to be alright because she had sense enough to call you, she has a friend that loves her enough to do this for her and maybe she'll have a puppy to love in addition to her furry best friend. Help her avoid the guilts! She'll be depressed, sure, because of everything that's happened recently but you keep reminding her of how much she has NOT lost.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I am THRILLED to say that the one puppy did wonderfully overnight & got to go home with Mom today!!! Only problem I had with the dog was that she didn't realize it was her baby. She was asleep when they took it. The baby was taken immediately to the incubator & put on oxygen. When they brought the dog out, they brought the puppy out in a closed box. We showed her the puppy just as soon as we got her to the car & she gave us a strange look...like...Hell NO, you're NOT replacing me with that little runt!!! So, we left the puppy in the box until we got home. My friend was crying & having a fit about how the puppy was going to die because the Mom wasn't going to accept it. I asked her to fix me a cup of coffee. While she was in the kitchen, I took the puppy out of the box & started talking to it. It began to whimper. The dog came running from the kitchen to see what was wrong. She then laid down next to me & started licking the puppy. So, I laid the puppy down next to her & she nuzzled it around to where it was in position to eat. She kept messing with the baby until it began to eat. So, by the time my friend had the coffee made, I/we (me & the dog) had the puppy eating. The dog was perfectly happy so now I think my friend will get better...I hope!!! She's not as easy as the dog!!!
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@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Awww, that is very sad! I am not sure exactly what you can do to help except just be there for your friend and comfort the dog and make sure you both give the dog lots of love and attention, as well as the remaining puppy if it survives. I really hope it does. Hopefully if that one lives the dog will be wrapped up in caring for it and it will take the load off some. Unfortunately though it will be hard on both your friend and the dog. Some people say they dont' think animals have as strong of feelings as we do but I personally have seen my mom's cat cry. I have felt the tears roll down her face. My mom has seen her moping around and acting all depressed when I went to england. They definitely do feel it. Just try to comfort the dog in much the same way you would comfort the friend. Be there and show them both, or all 3, just how much you care.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
As it turned out, the dog felt so much better than she did before going to the vet, she was happy. The one puppy lived so we had a baby to take home with us. Biggest problem I had was getting the puppy to nurse. I worked with the Momma dog while my friend was trying to make some coffee. I managed to get the dog to realize it was her baby & the momma dog got the puppy to start nursing. So, all was well when I left this afternoon. I'm going by to check on all of them tomorrow!!!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Maybe call the SPCA or animal shelters and ask if they've recently received any litters of pups. The last time I was at an animal shelter, there was a litter of pups and a litter of kittens, all being bottle fed. They MIGHT let you take them to put with your friend's dog, which, of course, would benefit all involved! Get the word out in your (her) neighborhood about this problem. Maybe someone else has a dog who has recently had pups and is willing to "lend" your friend one or two to allow them to nurse. That is such sad news! I know the dog will spend a lot of time "searching" for her lost pups but, as long as she at least has one, she'll dote on that pup. Hmmm, maybe ask the vet if he knows of any recently-born pups that your friend's dog might be able to nurse... at least one or two.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
20 Feb 09
Another good idea there. We'll get her home today. If she's too upset we both can make some calls & find a litter of babies to help her through this sad time. Actually, I'm almost more worried about my friend than I am her dog. She's acting as if she's lost her babies. I just wanted to be armed with ideas for the dog if I need them. Dogs are amazing creatures!!!
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@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
20 Feb 09
I am truly sorry for your friend. Our pets become family to us, they are the ones we know will listen to us wether we make sense or not. If your friend was thinking of keeping the puppies, she might want to consider adopting a few from your local shelter, they might even have a few to match her breed, that way the mommy dog might take them under her wing. Chances are her dog will do just fine especially if she gives her a lot of attention and treats and makes sure that she is happy and comfotable. I know that it is a lot to take in right now with everything else going on but I hope that your friend stays strong. I know that with a friend like you, she should do fine.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Having seen a happy dog & healthy puppy, my friend seems to be doing better!!! I went in prepared for the worst. So then, I was ready for any emotion my friend threw at me. I'm a little sad at the 5 we lost, but thrilled to have the puppy to keep everyone happy.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Awww how sad. What I would do for a friend who had the same situation would be to make myself available to any of her calls and help her out as much as possible. I see you have already done your part as a good friend. It's a difficult time and hard to get through, especially with the recent loss of your friend's boyfriend, but she will get through it. Within the last month, we had to put our cat to sleep. I was blown away with grief. Time heals all wounds and found that grieving at my own pace worked for me. I was able to move on in a couple of weeks without being all teary eyed from not having the cat around any longer. I knew it was best for the cat since she had cancer and there was no chance of survival. Sad situation and I am sorry this happened to your friend. Moral support goes a long way.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Oh carol, I'm sorry for your loss!!! Sometimes the kindest thing to do is just let them go. Love them enough to want the best for them!!! I was sad at the loss of the 5 puppies, but never having seen them, I knew I would cope. My friend, however, is different. She is a drama queen even on a good day. I knew that given a reason to grieve, she would do it with passion!!! Of course, the loss of her boyfriend didn't help the situation any. Now with her dog & baby happy & doing well, she cannot find a reason to feel sad & when she tries, I remind her how lucky she is to still have the 2 fur babies she still has!!!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Feb 09
Oh LadyM what sad news. What can I tell you............. All I can think of is that because the mom didn't have the opportunity to bond with her puppies (let's pray the remaining one lives), she'll probably not miss them. Plus the time it will take her to recover from the surgery will keep her emotions pretty much occupied anyway. Just give her lots of attention and she'll hopefully be just fine.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
The mom is doing better than the grandmom!!! The dog is dealing with this just fine!!! My friend is doing better than I thought she would...yet still grieving over the 5 lost pups. I'm doing my best to get her to behave like the dog & cherish the one that was left. If anything, the dog is becoming an overprotective mom!!! My friend a pain in the patootie!!!
@amanda333 (739)
• France
22 Feb 09
How very sad, I hope your friend and the dog in question can get over this. The best thing to do is just be there for her, but you already seem like a fabulous friend
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Thank you amanda!!! The dog is fine. The one puppy survived!!! My friend will be OK. She insists on dwelling on the 5 lost pups. I keep telling her to look at the one beautiful puppy she has at her house & to look into the eyes of her dog that didn't die & to be thankful for what she has!!!
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
20 Feb 09
I am so sorry for the whole situation. I am sure that she is very sad. Just be there, be an ear, a hug, etc. Losing pets is as bad as losing any other family member. You are a good friend.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Getting the dog & puppy home helped my friend lose any reason to be depressed. Mommy & baby were doing just great when I left this afternoon. I knew the only way to control my friend was to keep the dog happy & under control. I had NO problem with the dog nor the puppy, so I kinda took away my friend's reason to be upset. When I talked to her just a little while ago, she was giggling. Every time she picks up the puppy, the dog comes over & takes it back & curls up with it. So, I had to remind her it was her dog's baby...NOT HERS!!!
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
21 Feb 09
I am so sorry to hear that, but the only uplifting thing I can offer is the Mom and at least one puppy was spared. I love animals because they are pure spirits. Nothing can comfort you like a loving pet. Tell her just to cuddle and pamper the Mom as much as possible and the pup if it survives.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
The pup survived & appears to be very strong. So the dog was fine once we got her back home!!! My friend seems to be much better today now that she sees the dog & pup are happy & healthy!!! The vet hadn't given us much hope that the pup would make it & i know my friend well enough to know she would have fallen apart if her dog had come home depressed & upset. Things seem to be going pretty good today.
@Scagie (49)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Ahh this is too sad, :(
• United States
21 Feb 09
Mad sad.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Feb 09
Tad bad.