Would you trust a stranger with your child/children?

@MichGurl (144)
United States
March 5, 2009 8:19am CST
This is the question that I would like to pose to all my fellow MyLotters... Would you trust a stranger with your child/children? But allow me to explain a bit further why it is that I pose this question. I am from a small town in Michigan where I've pretty much grown up my entire life and it is the typical small town community where everyone pretty much knows everyone else. Recently it has come to my attention through school board meetings that they are wanting to outsource several positions, starting with grounds and maintenance workers, and eventually going on to custodians and so forth. The reason the board is wanting to do this is primarily to save money because roughly 80% of the districts budget is going to salaries and benefits of these employees. Now as a member of the community I hate to see this happen as majority of these employees who might end up losing their jobs are not only members of this same community, but held their positions when I was in school in this same district over ten years ago. These are people that are trusted by not only fellow coworkers, but students and teachers alike and it has me quite concerned that our board members are wanting to get rid of these people to bring in complete strangers all to save the almighty dollar because they cannot seem to budget the districts money as it should be. So I would like to get everyones take on this. If this was your community, would this bother you as much as it does myself? If so, why is this a concern to you, and what concerns you the most? Also, I would like to get other community members in my area involved in this, so does anyone have any suggestions on how I may get through to everyone regarding this concern? Again, they're wanting to get rid of trusted, hardworking community members to save money at the possible expense of the safety and well being of the children in our community. So I again ask, would you trust a stranger with your child/children?
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19 responses
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Yes I would trust a stranger with my kids but only if they are board certified and have proved they are trust worthy and or came with high recomendations! Can't spell that darn word!
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@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello xbrendax and thank you for your response! Here is another good point because through agencies, the school district will have little to no say so in what requirements the employees must meet because they will no longer be employees of the district, but rather an outside company who has nothing at stake! So following that, in theory, those employees won't have to meet any of the standards that the typical school employee would have to meet, and when we're talking money over children, it should be no contest that the children come before money and budgets any day of the week. Like I said before, the district starts caring more about the money than the children, and members of this community will start taking their children to school in other districts, so it seems to me that the school board members are only cutting their noses to spite their face. THANKS AGAIN!
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@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Definitely not. I would never ever give my children or dogs to a stranger. You never know what they are oging to do with your kids. I don't have children yet. But I remember one time, my husband and I brought our 4 months old puppy to sledding. I think there were some guys, they watched us sledding for a while, then they came up and suggested they could keep the dog for us so we could play together. Well, if we gave the dog to him, we were sure we could never see our puppy again.
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@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello mermaindivy and thank you for your response! You actually hit one of my concerns right on the head with this because we don't know these people, they're not members of our community, and we don't know what their intentions are. Perhaps they are honest hardworking individuals, or perhaps their simply child molesters that don't want to work "too close to home". In the end this isn't something I would want to find out the hard way, especially over the power of a buck because there is no amount of money worth saving at the expense of our children! THANKS AGAIN!!
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I don't think there's a school district in the country that isn't trying to cut corners in order to function with the current budget restrictions. It doesn't matter if the district is large or small, costs have to be cut. If workers from outside the community are willing to do the same job for less money, then I guess the school district has the right to hire them instead of the people they have who are getting more money. Is it right? Not really, but it is reality.
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@MichGurl (144)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Hello sbeauty and thank you for your response! I do understand what you are saying, but I still don't agree that the school board should be trading in the safety of the children to cut corners. As I mentioned in some of my replies above, the school will have no control over these employees whatsoever as they will technically be employed by a third party company, much like a temp agency. On top of that, they also won't be required to follow our states laws regarding mandated reporters of abuse and neglect, again because they're not technically employed by the schools. Now factor in all the parents who have said they will remove their children from the district and enroll them in another, and there's thousands of dollars being taken away from our schools. So its a double-edged sword and the board members are really only going to cut their noses to spite the faces of everyone in the community! THANKS AGAIN!!
@sharay (2769)
• India
5 Mar 09
Never ever at any cost would i allow that even for a minute...i dont even leave my children alone with my relatives except my mother and father, other than that, even though i trust many of them, just dont feel right to leave her with them
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Mar 09
It sounds like the school board has a very difficult decision to make. Whether to keep the people they know and trust, or to hire new people and save money. Unfortunately, many school boards have had major budget cuts. They may not have a choice in the manner. Would you rather them hire new people or cut down on the curriculm and getting teaching supplies for the kids. This is a very hard decision to make because you have to think about the other people involved. It is very difficuclt to lay off all of those employees, expecially in today's job market. I feel for you and the workers that may lose their jobs, but in the end, you may have very little say in the manner.
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@MichGurl (144)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Hello surveytaker and thank you for your response! I actually wish there was a way I could add an attachment to this discussion because I made a copy of our local newspaper from 02-11-2009 when the subject made front page. As for right now there's a list of 50 different cuts that the district is considering at this point ranging from outsourcing jobs, to cutting sports, extra curricular activities, child care, etc. So members of the community had gotten together and put together a demonstration where they went in holding up signing with dollar values on them to show the board how much money they would be losing in the long run if they did in fact decide to make these cuts because a lot of people already said that they would remove their children from this district, and enroll them in another. So they figured since the government pays our district X amount of dollars per student, they would try to get their attention that way. There were several parents, who have more than one child in the district, and in the end (the last sign I seen) it was a total of $32,000.00 a year that the district would be losing out on just from not having those students alone! So since that is all the board seems to understand at this point, we've been trying to take the "numbers" and show them exactly how much harm these cuts could be doing, rather than good. Anyway, at this point it is just more hurry and wait, but we're still hopeful, and now that the newspaper has gotten involved, we're all that much more hopeful. So we will see what happens. Fingers crossed! THANKS AGAIN!!
• United States
5 Mar 09
this is not really an issue of trusting a stranger with your child. trusting a stranger with your child is to have someone be one on one taking care of your child. this is a case of a school district trying to save money. it doesn't make much sense to me. what are they looking for, someone to work for less money then they are currently paying to these employees? it isn't surprising. isn't that how a lot of our customer service jobs wound up be outsourced to people in India? and then these same Indians come here to live and expect special treatment after they have taken our jobs away? oh sorry, off the subject but things are tough all over. it is not right and i understand that living in an area where you know everyone and now these big proposals are being considered, it is wrong. it sounds like a lot of people who haven't done anything wrong are going to lose their jobs because they can pay someone less money to do their jobs.
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello NuttyMomma and thank you for your response! I believe there were some things that I could have put into my initial post to make more sense, but it was rather spur of the moment and I didn't give it as much thought as I should have. The reason I think that this is somewhat of a trust issue is because, like you said, the district is simply looking to save money by outsourcing these positions. The unfortunate part is the company the will go through is very similar to a Temporary Staffing Agency, which is where my biggest problem lays. Now if this is the route the district chooses to take, these employees will no longer be employed or controlled by the school district, but rather by an outside company. As a result they (the employees) won't be required by law to report abuse or neglect of the children, such as school employees are. In 2002, more than one-half (57%) of all reports made to CPS agencies came from professionals who came in contact with the child, such as doctors, law enforcement, etc., and of that 16% of all reports are from teachers and/or school employees. In fact, other than a child's family, no other people are as close to children as the school employees are. Another example, which has actually happened twice in the last month, is personal belongings which have been lost on school property. There have been two instances of this occurring, one with a student losing a piece of jewelry and another with a teacher. Both items were found and returned by an employee of the school, which isn't as likely to happen if it is somebody from outside the district who has little to lose. Not to say that they are all thieves, but considering the vast majority of these employees I speak of have been members of the community for many years, there are a lot more trust put into them, than someone from outside of the community. So basically, yes, the only thing the schools care about at this point is getting the same job done by somebody who is not only willing to do it cheaper, but will not ask for benefits, which is the major factor in this situation. As far as I am concerned it doesn't send a good message to the community who are trusting their children to them because they obviously care more about money, than their own employees and even the children!
• United States
5 Mar 09
when you explain it like that it IS about trusting your child to a stranger. I'd be mad as hell as do everything i possibly could to fight it! good luck!
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Thanks again Momma and I am trying to do whatever I can, but being that I am not a parent myself, it is somewhat difficult for me to judge how to explain this in terms a parent would understand. I also have the tendency to get overly passionate about something, which gets all my thoughts jumbled up making it even more difficult for me to explain, so I apologize for not being very clear on my first post. If you have any suggestions on how I could go about getting the attention of more parents and getting more people involved though, that would be GREAT! I was hoping I would get some ideas after posting here, but all this is doing in confirming in my mind more that something needs to be done about this. Anyway, I am open to any and all suggestions and thank you again for taking the time to read and reply, I REALLY appreciate it!!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I'd be very concerned as well. If I were you, I'd start talking to other parents who must share the same feelings as you do. Form a group and make your thoughts as a group very clear to the board members. Start a petition even. The community has to get involved and speak out or this will go thru, no doubt. There must be other ways in which they can cut the budget. Good luck in this, Michgurl!
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello sid and thank you for your response! We are currently trying to circulate a petition, as well as we're getting our local paper involved as much as possible, and our next step is trying to get other parents and members of the community involved, but that has been the difficult part since most people are too busy trying to work and support their families to attend these board meetings. If you have any suggestions on how to get the word out to more people, I am open to all suggestions at this point because I would like to think that if I am this concerned and I don't have children, those who do have children will be (or should be) twice as concerned! THANKS AGAIN!!!
• United States
5 Mar 09
In my opinion, definitely I will not trust my child to an stranger. It will be happened that your child will be missing and gone when you trust to the stranger that you never known ever before and you just only meet this time. Its better to aware than you will blame yourself at the end.
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello journey and thank you for your reply! Your response actually poses another concern to me because you are completely right that we don't know where these people are coming from or what their intentions are. Who is to say that some abusive parent doesn't get a job through their children's school district in this manner only to wind up kidnapping their child or someone else's?!? No matter which way I look at it though, this just does not seem like a good idea to me because it leaves the district open to allow this with other positions and if the community allows for this to happen, then nobody is safe because they will be outsourcing everyone from the maintenance workers right up the line to the teachers and everyone else, and that is a scary thought!
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
5 Mar 09
i definitely would not agree on this thing. i think those old employees should star even they are having problems with budget. they should find a way to get or have money to pay for employees. and outsourcing is not the best solution. i think they should show some gratitude over the loyalty of those old employees. but there are some things unavoidable and this is one of them specially how the economy is going downhill. and about entrusting the job to others. we can't say that they are less trustful as long as they will defiitely screen their applicants of their future new employees. they can be loyal and as good as the old employees. but still does not make or justify their actions.
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello hotsummer and thank you for your response! All I have to say to what you wrote is AMEN!! But I can't help but to think what their hiring practices say about our school district as far as the employees, members of the community, and the children go because this pretty much gives the idea that in our school district, money supersedes the importance of everyone and everything! They need to recognize that their procedures for hiring promote and support their reputation and when they're talking about things like this, it doesn't make them "look good", or at least in my opinion. Thanks again for the response!!
@kedves (728)
5 Mar 09
In this day and age unfortunately it has to be a resounding NO .. but what is strange .. people when they are home react same way .. they say no no a stranger will not be in charge of my kids .. yet on holiday they choose locations where the children can be looked after by strangers ? There are stranger out there that are quite respected and will never hurt your child but there are also strangers out there who are determined to hurt your child .. so for me I would always err on the side of caution .. so always NO.
@kedves (728)
6 Mar 09
well as you say the mighty dollar is more powerful than safety of your children. I think all you can do as a community is stand together and make sure that the people who are employed are screened very very carefully and if any have the slightest doubt then they should not be allowed near the children. Its a tough process and like i said earlier there are people out there who would never hurt a child so i pray for you that these are the only ones used. i wish you good luck :)
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Thank you again kedves for your responses! We're hoping to get our local newspaper more involved at this point to try to spread the word to more community members,and so far they've already done one article which was front page a couple weeks ago. Since then there has been a petition started, which was also send to them in hopes that they would write something about it, and hopefully with any luck it will make it front page as well. So our fingers are crossed. THANKS AGAIN!!
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello kedves and thank you for your reply! I completely agree with you that this shouldn't even have to be given thought as it should be a resounding NO regardless of money, but unfortunately the school are a business and they do care very little for the students and/or employees as they are all just numbers in the end. But I really wanted to get some comments on this because I need to find a way to get the rest of the community involved in this issue because it does affect everyone, especially the children in the end, who at this point are being looked over completely because of the power of the almighty dollar and that just seems out right sick and wrong in my opinion. Plus, if I feel this way, and I don't have children at all, I'd like to know what the parents of children in these schools are thinking. But even that is difficult because the school board meetings tend to be very hush hush if you know what I mean, and I can't help but wonder how many of the school board members have children in this district. I don't know, its a scary thought as far as I am concerned, but at this point it's just a matter of trying to get this information out there and let people know what is going on right under their nose and not in the best interest of the members of this community or their children!
• United States
5 Mar 09
Well this is a sad situation that the school board would get rid of hard working people who have been at there jobs for a long time just so they can save money. This sorta thing has happend in my hometown and it is upsetting as some of my family members were out of a job at the time they did this a few years back. They didn't bring in outside people they just got rid of alot a positions. This happening all over the country. As far as trusting a stranger with my child, of course I wouldnt just let someone I just met watch them. I would wait until i get to know the person better but as yet too often proved you can never really know a person. People who have been loved and respected by their communities for years and years whind up doing some horrible things. Like the BTK killer he was a boy scout leader,known to alot in the community, respected by the community and lived there for years and was killing people all the while. This is just one example. I really dont think the children will be interacting much with the grounds keepers and custodians on a day to day basis, sure they will see them and be around them but they wont be in the classroom with them for hours a day. They wont have a direct influence on the childrens activies and so forth. I dont think this is a stranger-danger situation, its a situation of it not being right that the school board is going to do this to the workers.
• United States
5 Mar 09
I wish that your school board wasn't doing this but if insists on going this route than maybe once they have hired everyone there could be some kind a festival or activity the school could put together so the parents, teachers and community can get to know these new people that will be working in your town. Maybe during the summer(I dont know when your school boards plans are going into motion)that way they wont be complete strangers when the kids start school. Try to make the best out of a bad situation if it does come down to the board firing all these people.
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Thank you renemouche for the suggestion! That's actually a very good idea if it comes down to that and I have suggested this as an idea in the meantime to try to get more people in the town involved, but there's unfortunately no money at the moment to do something like that, so we would have to find out a way to raise the money first. Either way it is a very good idea that I will make sure to point out to as many other people as I can. THANKS AGAIN!!
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello renemouche and thank you for your response. First let me say that I do completely understand where you are coming from and I do agree that this is a sad situation, one that is all too familiar, however I don't agree that this isn't a "stranger-danger" as you put it, primarily for the reasons I listed above where school employees being mandated reported of abuse and neglect is concerned. Also, in many instances the children do spend as much time with the grounds people, custodians, etc. as they're primarily the only ones around when there are after school activities and they do tend to take on far more than their job description entails. I say this with experience as I was employed by the district myself at one time as a sub-custodian and one wouldn't think we would come into contact with the children often, but that is actually quite a misconception as children will seek out the nearest adult when it comes to needing something, if it's help, someone to talk to, etc. I know I was engaged in many different conversations and situations as an employee, not just with students, but their parents as well. But I do agree whole heartedly that this isn't right of the school board to do to the employees because many of them were students in this district as children, and years later are still a contributing member of the community, the schools, etc. I also know that a lot of these employees are actually responsible for raising money, which members of the community assume is coming from somewhere else. So the importance of these employees is harshly overlooked on many levels. It is truly said in my opinion that the school board doesn't care about the people in this community or their children considering they wouldn't have their positions or their jobs if it wasn't for the very people they're trying to take jobs away from! But again, I thank you for your responses (for everyones responses) and I hope that all of you will help me to come to some idea as to how we can get the community more involved in this situation.
• United States
5 Mar 09
I have to agree some with nuttywoman on this. Although i can understand where your coming from because the new outsourced folks are new to you and the children of the school. Trust is to built by everyone even those we think we know and appear not to be strangers to us or our kids. I have spent countless years thinking I knew someone to find I knew not. There are strangers all around us. I know we want to continue to look out for our children in all stand points, so let's just pray that they board does their duediligence before outsourcing the individuals.
• United States
5 Mar 09
No I would not "trust" any stranger with my child. I need to know someone for awhile before I could "trust" them to watch my child. They need to earn my trust first. There are allot of creepy people these days that kidnap kids and abuse kids. This is a huge reason why I don't trust just everyone! Like I already said, I need to know them for a while and they need to earn my trust. I'm not going to let someone I hardly know or don't know at all ever watch my child. That would be very foolish and dumb.
• United States
5 Mar 09
I woudn't sit and let them do this , I'd at least make it hard for them . We have to have our eyes and ears open and when and it comes down to it , we have to open up our mouths and be heard as the voice of our children ! Specially those in grade school, they are too small to be heard. I would get a meeting together with other parents where you can all organize a way to stop this .
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Well I agree with you both and since the school board seems so bent on getting things their way we're doing all we can to make it difficult for them since that is about all we can do at this point. So we're getting people involved in demonstrations, we have petitions going around, and our local newspaper involved too. We're at least going to make it hard to ignore us, regardless of what happens. THANKS to you both for the responses!!
@lalola24 (130)
• United States
5 Mar 09
its not really good entrusting your child to a stranger...we sometimes even cant trust our own keen....how much more to a person whom you dont know...i knew not really all stranger were bad but security side nope...
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello lalola and thank you for your response! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that feels this way, but since I do not have children of my own, I wanted to throw my concern out there for everyone else to comment on, and I'm truly glad that I did because I no longer think I am simply over reacting to this and I think more people should become concerned with it because I firmly believe that this is just a starting point as far as the outsourcing of the jobs is concerned. Also, as I stated in one of my previous comments, if you have any ideas or suggestions on how to get the rest of the community involved in this matter, please feel free to let me know because I can use all the ideas I can get at this point. THANKS AGAIN!
@aprilten (1966)
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
That's the reason why I stopped working to be my kids because I cannot afford to leave my kids to a stranger. Going back to your concern. If I were in your place I will also be worried. Not only because they'll be replacing those workers with so-called strangers but it will leave the current workers jobless. Being in a small town like yours where everybody knows everybody it is going to be a concern of everyone if they push through with their plans. I suggest you talk to the people in your town and persuade them to object to this move as a town.
@icegermany (2524)
• India
6 Mar 09
when we send a child for the first time outside home, the child is considerably young and we just cant trust the child himself to take care of him and we just have a option of trusting the teachers and the people in and around there in school and we just dont know how the teachers are and we blindly trust them who ever the teacher is, it is the thing related to the parents side but the board and staff in the school will have the teachers after the observation over them a time period and it is their responsibility to do that and they do it and hence they have their teachers and all teachers once upon a time were new and they werent knowing anyone and after certain time the teacher gets settled and also the staff trust them. yes i can understand that at this situation the decision is harsh and it is really going to effect the employees and i think the the board should have a little soft corner and should try maximum to keep their employees and find other ways so that they benefit and also the teachers dont lose their jobs. in one way if we think there are more people searching for a job and there are even more students who are been released from their studies and now they are also in search of a job and it is really very sad for them as they have no place in any of the firms and the existing members in the firms itself are in difficulties. it is really a big issue which is effecting everyones future and also their families.
• United States
5 Mar 09
i dont even trust my own mom to be alone with my child much less a strnager. im very protective over my daughter (4 months) i worka t home so that i dont have to put my daughter in daycare. i know that sooner or later i will have to let go (she has to go to school and such) but i will be able to have a good relationship with her teachers so that i knwo if anything was to happen she would tell me
• United States
5 Mar 09
@MichGurl (144)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Hello rachelb and thank you for your response! I couldn't agree with you more and I really do appreciate your taking the time to read and reply to this. If you have any suggestions on how I can bring this to the attention of more community members and get their action on it as well, that would be great as I could use all the ideas and suggestions I can get at this point. Thanks again!!
• United States
6 Mar 09
Regarless of who is coming in contact with children in a school environment employees be it temporary or permanent should be required to have a criminal background check. In our schools even parents are required to have a CORI check done in order to be on the PTA or volunteer in any capacity at the schools. As a resident of a small community I would feel the same betrayal with the direction of outsourcing these positions. I wonder how much money is really saved if your communities unemployment figures increase due to this change.