Do You Want To Know a Secret?.........Do You Promise Not To Tell?.....

Regina, Saskatchewan
March 12, 2009 4:28pm CST
This discussion has no relation to that old Beatle song, but it was running through my mind just awhile ago after a phone convo with a close friend. I have a migraine and must admit I wasn't paying complete attention to her part of the conversation, and at the end when she asked me what I'd learned, I had to stop and think for a minute..... After we had hung up I really gave the conversation some thought and realized that though I'd answered her question, I hadn't really answered it at all. Not because I'd been inattentive, but because, as well as I know her, and trust her, there are just some things I don't feel comfortable saying to friends that reflect negatively on them, their beliefs or their circumstances. And that led my thoughts in a whole new direction.............. To whit: In holding back certain opinions of my own about things to do with other people, be they friends or relatives, am I essentially being dishonest with them? If in holding back certain opinions or thoughts, am I keeping 'secrets' about myself and my beliefs? Or is discretion really the better part of valor? Where IS the line between being circumspect and being so overwhelmingly honest that you know you are going to hurt someone? Should some of our 'secret' thoughts remain 'secret'?
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24 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I reacon that you could soft peddle it like dont wnato thohurt your feelings but. this is how it is with me. Now I am me and I havent ever held back with my family like my mom and dad. Noiw with my hubby I would tell so much but if I thought that it would hurt him I didnt tell it all.Right then. Later I would go over with it with him and tell all. Cant help it thats me. And I have taught my kids not to lie so I dont. But can hit with one barrel and let the other one go later. I hope ya understand what I am saying. I know how I do it makes since to me but to put in words is hard to do.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Mar 09
sigh very! I like you held back with hubby. SOmethings were very sensitive with him Took me a week to tell him that he did indeed have cancer and that we were going to do every thing in our power to keep him well . was a very big battle for 9 months. and I dont know why but he asked our SIL was he dieing . So what did I not get accross to him I dont know. Once in urgent care they were finding a hospital to send him too and he asked was he dieing and I told him not today.Think I said it sharply. Then I had to tell him his regular hospital was way to full to get him in but he had to go for the same thing we always went there for to stopp the blood clots!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
With my parents, oh my goodness how much I held and still hold back! With my kids........I hold nothing back and never have, except my feelings of contempt for their father. They came to understand that on their own based on their own experience with him. With my friends, I'm pretty open, but still careful of what issues I get into with them........I don't want to complicate things, you know? With my husband, I am truly frustrated. The one person I should be able to be totally open with, is the one that zips my lip the most. Because I don't want to fight with him, or hurt him, I bite my tongue waaaaaaay to much. Hard to believe, I know, but true! LOL I understand you completely Lakota. This relationship business is really complicated at times, isn't it?*sigh*
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
I'm sorry to hear about your hubs. I know the feeling well. When my son was with us while he fought his own battle with cancer, it was so weird because I could talk to my son about everything to do with it, but the hubs didn't want to know anymore than where the next appointment was and when because he had to take time off work to drive us there. He withdrew from us emotionally so far that it was terrible and nearly cost me my marriage. I can't even think about the day that it's my hubs who is really sick and how things might go............
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
12 Mar 09
Sometimes your not aware of every thought until you think it. That is to say, once you think it you can't believe you've even thought it. I think these kind of thoughts are better left in your head, but then sometimes honesty is the best policy. It's a matter of picking and choosing. You don't want to not tell someone their zipper is down, or to not let a friend know that they have a cow lick in their hair, especially if their about to go to meet a person, whether it be business or pleasure. Now if it's something you've thought about and that annoys you about the person, the best thing to do is to decide whether it's an annoyance you can stand or one you might blurt out at a later date, and in a more hurtful manner. That's just what I think. I try to be honest, but I don't like hurting anyone's feelings either.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
I know what you mean. We don't have a self censoring impulse for nothing! LOL I was thinking more along the lines of, (for purposes of the conversation that occasioned this discussion,) the fact that my girlfriend was describing a lifestyle and my background thoughts to what she was saying, and which I gave more thought to after the conversation was over, were much more opinionated and negative in nature than I had verbally expressed to her. It made me wonder just how much thinking adults leave out of their exchanges with others and if that's a form of dishonesty...
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I don't think in your case it was a form of dishonesty so much as hesitation, subconsciously you didn't want to hurt her, so you waited to gauge her reaction to other things, and never really got the chance to tell her what you really thought.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
The censor impulse at work eh? Yes, I think so too. Thanks.
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12 Mar 09
I think that some things are best kept secret. Some opinions if shared will do nothing more than hurt the person involved. I'm not saying that we should lie about important things but trivial matters that in the grand scheme of things don't really matter, is it worth the heartche? I hope the migraine gets better.... but I must say as a sufferer of migraines you really shouldn't be sitting in front of a computer screen!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
My glasses are tinted. LOL And I'm bored out of my tree........ I don't think holding back constitutes a lie when the holding back is for benevolent reasons, and outright lying about your real feelings is most certainly wrong. My quandry lies in wondering just how good a friend I am if I keep 'secret thoughts' from reaching the light of day...................
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@snowy22315 (186404)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I think that there are many things that should be done in regards to that so I dont really know what you should tell and what you shouldnt. I think it depends on what your relationship with the person is how much you can and should tell. I guess there are some things that should be kept secret and things that should be told. It all just depends on what you want to do.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
I think you're right snowy............and nice to see you by the way. I think in our dealings with people, we have to make many 'judgment' calls in consideration of their feelings.
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• United States
13 Mar 09
I am the wrong person to be answering this discussion. I don't believe in sugar coating anything to anyone...friend, family, stranger, midget, or otherwise. Sometimes people need "harsh reality". If they are truly your friends they will value you even more for your honesty. If they take's probably because you hit the nail on the head and they were happy living in their little delusional house, and you shattered their walls.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
And therein lies the dilemma I face Cyn. Do I have the right to 'shatter' walls? Would it even serve a purpose other than a slight feeling of self satisfaction.... I don't want to 'hurt' anyone, but omg it gets so frustrating to hear/read comments that make you just want to stand up and scream "You're an idiot because........!" You know what I mean. I wish I had your courage and I'm GLAD you responded.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
12 Mar 09
To your first question, I say no....and yes. But, if you're doing it because you know the "negative" thing you might mention is essentially a trivial thing, then by all means, you are not being dishonest. If, however, it is something that you notice, others notice, that is actually having a detrimental effect on the person, but they don't realize it, then yes - you are being dishonest in the long run. If they are good friends and value your opinion, then you need to find a time and a way to tell them what it is that you have noticed and the effects that it has had. If they are more superficial friends, friends who take everything as an offense, have excessive sensitivity to any criticism, who only want to hear good news, then unless you're on a crusade of sorts, let them wallow and enjoy their company while you can. If they constantly complain to you about this, that, the other thing, and you don't really have fun with them, but are more a sounding board, then yeah - they need to be told. You might care, but that negativity will wear off on you - I know because I was one of them and can still fall into that behavior if I'm not careful. Everyone is different - you have to gauge their temperaments and their personalities as well as whatever it is they're going through at the moment to decide what, if anything, to say to them. Because giving negative feedback can be tricky, I don't necessarily think you're 'keeping secrets' as much as finding the best way to say it or believing the pain they're in now is a greater issue than to rub salt in the wound, which isn't a bad thing. It's really hard, even for professionals, to know when "tough love" should be applied. The line varies for each person. For some, it is thin - very thin. Even a sharp looks sends them scurrying for cover. For others, it's like chiseling granite with a plastic knife to get through. They feel nothing except their own pain and accusations of injustice and nothing you say gets into their thinking mechanism because they are currently a black hole of negativity. Any constructive criticism gets lost in the gravitational pull within. Just the fact that you worry about it - that you know it could hurt them - means you are a caring individual who wants to do what's right for a friend. But, remember, you shouldn't do it to your own detriment. Sometimes it's better to cut bait and fish than to go hungry because you've used a barbless hook.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
So it all comes down to using our better judgment for the benefit of all concerned. Yes, I can live with that as it makes sense. Thanks jerz...........
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I have a migraine today also. I understand how hard it is to focus in on a conversation. But there are times I will hold my tongue. I don't say exactly what I am thinking. Later, I might regret it. Later, I think I should have said what I holding back. I don't like to hurt people by being too honest with them. Sometimes, people need to figure a few things out for themselves. They don't really need me to tell them.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
Cold compress to the back of your neck for the migraine............. I know what you mean. I often hold back things that people should figure out for themselves, unless they ask for my input. But sometimes, when I'm talking to someone, I really have to struggle with what I say and don't because I just never know what the reaction is going to be if I venture into 'areas' that have occured to me, but have never been discussed before, you know? Feel better soon Royal......
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I think so, but some people will pry to get them out, even if you don't want to say because you don't want to hurt them
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
12 Mar 09
that is SO true, and I know one of those people, and I'm a lousy liar.
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
12 Mar 09
Actually, I hate to lie, I prefer to just not say anything and then the prying starts. "Oh, I can take it." Yeah - right....
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
Good point. And those that pry, often get bit!
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@mummymo (23706)
13 Mar 09
I feel that we all need to have some secret and private thoughts that we can keep to ourselves spark honey. I guess my way of judging is would it help you or the other person to let that 'secret' thought out and tell them about it? Would it hurt the other person short term but help them long term? I would say if telling them would achieve nothing but hurting them then why would you want to tell that secret? Hugs xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
13 Mar 09
I do believe you are a very open person sparks honey - if something needed to be said , like me you'd say it but if something would be hurtful and do no good then what is the point? xxxx
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
I like the way you think mummy. The last thing I want to do is hurt someone, friend or stranger. And sometimes it's hard to judge the 'safe' parameters of a relationship. I'm a very open person. Or so I thought. Lately I've been wondering a lot about all the things I DON'T say, and wondering if perhaps I should.......
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13 Mar 09
Hi sparky, I thought you were going to give us a ask about the Beatles songs hehe, yes I think there are somhing you need to keep to yourself espeacilly with freinds and relatives as they might take it the wrong way, my family always do so I won't tell them. Love and hugs. Tamara xxxx
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
Oh, there are many things I NEVER say to my relatives. LOL I'll have to think about a discussion on the Beatles for you Tamara....................Higgles sweets.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
13 Mar 09
This is a question that haunts me, I never know if I should be totally honest or is there the secret urge to hurt someone about something that I believe and they don't. Is this the old ego raising it's head or not. So I have set some guidelines to live by. Never question or try to change another religious belief. Each of us is growing at our own rate. Never say anything hurtful unless the person is in emanate danger of harming themselves or others. I wasn't put here to play god. Never give unrequested advice and when you give advice double check to make sure the other person really wants to know. But the Most important rule is the Golden one, "Do onto others as you would have them do unto you" So here is my question do you really want this answer and if not you have control of the delete button. Blessings
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
Excellent response Pat. And I too live by the exact same guidelines. That and the Hippocratic oath "First do no harm"....... I suppose that I'm going through a period right now of intellectual starvation. I really really need to get out more! LOL
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
12 Mar 09
If you don't lie, but hold back I'm not sure it's dishonest. My in laws hang out in my house. They sit next to my books which a lot of them are on my faith "A year of ritual" "The Wicca Cookbook" "Pagan Parenting" But one day we were talking about faith and my Dad in law asked me what religion I was. Now I could have answered him straight but my hubby has always been the lessor child and I do what I can to improve that. I know their faith. So I answered honestly "I was raised Baptist" and then I was asked what church I attend. I answer that there isn't one locally that I feel comfortable with. And that my faith has changed a bit since then. I was honest but carefully so. I have to be when I speak to them (on any subject) for my hubby's sake (long story) I actually feel ok about it because in the long run it it is better for all of the people involved. Yes some things should be ours alone... in perfect trust.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
Exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of. Thank you. And can you pm with the publishers of the books you mentioned so I can get copies? Thanks sweets.....
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
12 Mar 09
You bet!
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@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I guess we have to consider the situation. Would it help or hinder the person, if you left out what you really wanted to say. Some time half truths can be worse than a lie. Sometimes we have to say what is on our mind, even knowing it might hurt the person. Cause holding back what we have to say, may make it worse. I would say it is better to use your own judgement.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
I've been told all my life that my judgment sucks. I guess that's why I obsess so much over every little thing that crosses my mind before I let it cross my lips.....
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Mar 09
Ain't that the truth!
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• United States
14 Mar 09
I think sometimes we all have a difficult time with judgment. It is not easy knowing when to say what is on your mind, or to hold back details.
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• China
13 Mar 09
It's hard to say..I think you should control the situation.It means that in some important issues,if your opinions can influence their decisions,it's best to tell them the real thought of you.You know,friends' ideas are always important.Your kind opinions can really help them and make them be more confident.If it's not so important,telling a little lie is not that serious,hah..Through your conversation,you can think about what's your friend thinking and maybe you can find something good in his/her saying.That's good for you all.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
Has anyone told you lately you're very smart? No? Well you are! Thank you. And welcome to the lot Cheryl.
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• United States
13 Mar 09
Hi Sparks, Your creative title caught my eye, and so I have to respond with I already know your secret, but that is only because when one can only tell the truth you can not hide what is inside. I think that there is no level at which an honest person can hide their true thoughts, ever have someone tell you they know what you are thinking and they are absolutely correct? Yes, like I just did but I didn't say what it was that you were thinking but in concept I am writing about that thought that is the thought of your name... From the musical Cats, dogs don't think about their names, they want to know where their next petting will be if not sooner now would be good, and the tummy needs to be fed again, mommy feed me again please... ohhhhooohhh oh ohoh oh! Can't forget the ole' I gotta go out... Open the door, dancing, quickly, hurry, I gotta go, I gotta go... Or the best of all, it's time for a walk, grabs leash and watches the excitement... I just had to take your mind off of that migraine... I hope it is not back again... I know I can be such a brat Were you ever ordered to do something and just listened then appropriately walked away?
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• United States
13 Mar 09
Should I just add a little more sugar??? Sometimes saying nothing; says more than all the combined shouting and yelling of every parent that ever had a child who was clearly being (defiant and disruptive.) There are times that people walking on the edge need to be called back for their own well being or safety. Then there are the times? We know it just isn't worth wasting our breath. The best metaphor that I can think of, The old adage about casting pearls before swine... I know where I prefer to cast my pearls, Like words of wisdom to be shared with people that really care and I know a few of you... Now to poke you in the ribs again... I should head on over to that other site but I think I'll do that later... I'm glad I made you smile. I thought you might enjoy that one...
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
LOL, yes I did.......... Question: Do you ever find there are often more swine than pearls? I do......*sigh*
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
..................................oh, sorry, I was walking away! ROFL Yes, thanks, my migraine is better today. Wonderful what a decent nights sleep can do. Thanks for the giggles......
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
12 Mar 09
It all comes down to it's relevance and purpose in my opinion. there's no point opening all the way uo and sharing "secrets" just for the sake of sharing them! Sometimes we also just need to LISTEN and not say much at all. Sometimes agreeing with someone even when we donlt, is the best option because it ultimately means that at that moment it time it will help them feel better about themselves, or finally make a decision about something..... Sometimes less is more, yet in other instances, full disclosure is needed. In some circumstances, we may also be dealing with a person that will be oblivious to our opinions anyway, so should we go to all the effort of trying to change this? Holding back at times is certainly not always being dishonest! It can also be a case of self-preservation or intelligent handling of a specific situation or person. The bottom line is that every situation is different and we need to be savvy enough to know what is required and what isn't; and of course when to be one way or the other!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
12 Mar 09
Tennis match of reasoning? Was it not somewhat conversational in its structure, seeing as your own question was regarding the same? Nah, it's just late here and my thoughts are scattered! Guess what? Time for me to go to bed! G'Night sparky.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
You know, I actually followed that tennis match of reasoning, and I must say, I agree. It comes down to judgment calls for mutual benefit. Well said James and not an lol in the whole thing. You have depth my man. (pant, pant, I like that!)
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
I rather thought that phrase was kinda clever and so apropos! LOL G'night James. Sweet dreams my desert prince.................
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
12 Mar 09
Each situation and each person is different. can't say that you should tell a person all that is on your mind when I don't know the other person. How would this person take hearing the truth, your truth...from you?? Me I like for my friends and family to tell me what they think, as they are on the outside(sort of) and looking in. They may have a better handle on what's going on than I do because I'm too personally involved. I want to know the truth as my friends or family see it. I wouldn't want them to hold back on me. Not if they care about me. For example; I put on a dress that is really a nice dress, expensive and nice. I want to wear it fo a special occasion or anytime. It doesn't look right on me, it's too tight and shows all I wouldn't want it to (every roll and dip). But I'm told I look fine and it's nice on me. I then go out and embarrased by someone else that I don't know saying something about the way my dress looks on me. How awful, I would have rather heard this from my friend or family than to go out and be embarrassed. If I ask a question I want to be told the truth as they see it. It may hurt me a little or even a lot...but I'd rather hear the truth from someone that loves and cares or me. I'm am honest and forth right person. I try not to hurt anyones feelings and would be hurt as much if not more if I knew that I did hurt someone by what I do or say. But I think most want to hear the truth. You can tell someone the truth with a modest amount of tact.
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• United States
13 Mar 09
Lol, sparks give yourself more credit than that. I'm sure if you really think about it then you know with whom you can speak this way with. But as you also know some people wouldn't know how to get into a "deep" converstion if their life depended on it. I'd say unless they initiate it and if you don't really know them then don't even tax yourself in trying to go deep with them. Unless youare just wanting to see how far you can go with a person, lol. That way you get to know what they are made of. In some cases you can do this with people that you know as I'm sure that many of them are very articulate. If we can't have a "smart deep" converstion with some people our minds will go stagnate...if not that then we will be driven crazy by not being able to express ourself. It's just a matter of knowing with whom we can get into these deep conversations with.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
See. I KNEW you were smart. And you've rather hit the nail on the head.......... It's the 'deeper' issue behind the issue under discussion that I'm talking about, and it sometimes frustrates the hell out of me that I don't feel I can 'go deeper' during the course of a discussion/conversation. It's all well and good to keep things 'light and happy' and all, but as you said, the brain tends to atrophy if it's not exercised and mine isn't getting enough exercise lately........................ Thanks sweets for 'getting' it! Higgles.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
I understand exactly what you're saying moonbeam and in situations like that I totally agree and would behave the way you would want to be treated. It's the 'background' thoughts that go through my head that 'look' at a 'larger picture' of a situation or another's opinion that I wonder about some times. It is never my intention to 'harm' the feelings of others, but there are times when the impulse to throw caution to the winds is stronger than my desire to be kind and supportive. It often leaves me in a conundrum of thought as to how much I should say or not say, because it would take the convo to a different level and I'm not always convinced that the person I'm speaking to could even appreciate that level. Sh*t that sounds awfully egotistical, but I'm too tired to word it differently and I know YOU are smart enough to get my meaning............
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Mar 09
Whoa. A subject so close to home, huh sparks?! lol I have to tell you, I have mixed feelings on this one for obvious reasons however, I'm still one who would much rather have the truth be told to me than not. I don't like the mean truth but the truth nonetheless. I don't give out any information unless asked, then and only then I'll tell the truth regardless if it hurts or not. I'll never be mean about it but I will tell the truth but I'll warn the person before I give it to be sure that they're really ready for it otherwise, I'll keep my trap shut. Now if it's a situation where one is hurting another, I'll tell the truth regardless if they ask or not because to not say something is condoning it. So it really depends on the situation and how you should handle it....
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Mar 09
Let me say this.... if you can't give your honest feelings, no matter the situation, or if the person gets their feathers all ruffled then there wasn't a friendship to begin with. The truth hurts sometimes even when it's told to them in the nicest way possible. It's up to the person to take it the way it's meant to be taken however, the way the do take it is their problem and theirs alone.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
Hey sweets..........yes, I rather thought you'd see 'behind' the words to the meaning of my dilemma. LOL And what you are thinking of is part of it. With you I've always been totally open and honest and I never feel like I'm biting my tongue when I talk to you. But there are others that, even though the conversation is not a negative one, I find myself wondering, "if I said this, or asked that" would things go pear shaped? You just never know how people are going to react and I'm finding the restraint it puts on me very frustrating indeed.
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• Canada
13 Mar 09
Well, I know you aren't talking about me, because we are totally honest with each other, good or bad. That's what REAL TRUE friends do. I demand it, you know this about me. And it really matters to have at least 1 person that you can just let it all hang out' and not be afraid of what they think. Knowing that you are accepted, regardless of how many stupid mistakes you make. And knowing they will tell you the whole truth, no matter what. Now, for the rest of the population.....I still can't seem to sugar coat anything yet. I'm trying to learn, but, well, I'm stupid that way. My criteria is fairly simple. Tell the truth. I'm learning, the hard way, that it isn't always the best idea in every circumstance to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The fact that I took Law in school andworked as a Legal Secretary for a time, also plays a part in my attitude. I have stood up in court and been a witness on a few occasions and because of my solely honest, nothing to hide personality, I am always believed. I don't want to lose that either.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Mar 09
You and I don't make mistakes...........we just occasionally leave the realm of sense and reason from time to time! LOL I hear what you're saying, and I agree with you 100%. My concern is that in talking to people we don't know as well as you and I know each other, that there are times when, in order TO get to know them better, certain thoughts and feelings occur and if expressed, could lead to misunderstandings that could break down the ability to communicate freely.........but nothing ventured, nothing gained eh? You and I went through a period like that remember? But we both took the plunge and look where we are now!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Mar 09
Could have used you yesterday..........................LOL
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• Canada
14 Mar 09
Yep, don't worry, I'll always tell ya when you have your skirt tucked into your underwear at the back before you leave the house. ROFLMAO
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Yes. If telling the friend something is going to hurt them, but not really fix any problem, I wouldn't tell. Only if it's a constant nuisance and it really bugs you, to the point where you don't care if they're your friend or not. Then I'd say it. Everyone has secrets. Not all opinions need to be said, not if the hurt it causes is worse than anything it might fix. If it won't fix anything, only hurt someone, it's best left unsaid. Old adage. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Good words.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Mar 09
I grew up on those words snowcat. They have served me well over the years. Thanks.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Mar 09
Cut yourself some slack Annie. You are doing just fine!
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• Canada
15 Mar 09
I'm trying to learn that, but change comes slowly.
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