Why can we not respect another's religious choice and belief

United States
March 21, 2009 10:18pm CST
Why is it that we cannot seem to respect another's religious choice? Why is it there are many who would deem others "non-believers" because those persons do not follow their religion of choice? This type of behavior I find very sad because it seems to go against the very tenants of the faith that those saying it claim to follow. Most of the major religions and beliefs teach about compassion for all other beings, and not doing to others what you would not done unto yourself. Almost every religion has a version of "The Golden Rule". I would hope that we as a society could begin to change and accept that others have a right to worship and believe as they wish. How do you feel about this? Namaste-Anora
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24 responses
@krupesh (2608)
• India
22 Mar 09
Very nice topic.I have seen so many people here in India going to the temples as well as churches & mosques.They seem to have faith in other religions preachings as well.But majority as you said cannot seem to respect another religions choice.It might depend on the way they offer their prayers which they are taught.I dont say that the others are wrong with their worship or beleif.Its totally left to the induvidial & its his choice.
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• United States
23 Mar 09
It's very sad that we as a human species cannot seem to get along with one another and that so much segregation exists, especially on the part of religion. Namaste-Anora
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Hi anora...I don't know why we can't respect another's religious choice. It seems that whenever I am asked for my beliefs I hesitate because many times people want to convert you and that is the reason they ask. I find that very disconcerting and usually don't want to share in the conversation. I myself follow the golden rule, or at least try to each and every day.
• United States
25 Mar 09
I know the feeling. It seems very difficult to have a conversation with someone who is just trying to get you to their religion. It always feels as if they are simply listening in one ear and out the other, and not truly listening. Thanks for responding. Namaste-Anora
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
22 Mar 09
I hope as a society things will improve in the religious feild as well as with many other arreas. I truly believe in the lord and my husband doesn't. I have a terrible time trying to understand his thoughts and I'm sure he has trouble trying to see things my way. We never argue about it because we both know that won't work. I was raised Catholic but we never went to church and when I was a teenager I took great interest in church. I had many questions and I guess because I was just a kid no one thought it was a big deal and I was left to ponder. Then I took interest in a different church. It was at Christmas time and I was supposed to be in the Christmas play. I got so sick I thought I'd die and didn't make it to the church and no one phoned anyone. Turned out I had food poision. After I got out of the hospital and back at school my friend wouldn't talk to me so I asked her why. She told me her folks thought it was me that went in her house the night of the Christmas play and now she wasn't allowed to talk to me. Guess what they did find out? The person who took her lousy five dollars was the son of one of their big church members. That was the end of that church for me, I thought they were all nuts. I tried a couple other churches as well and they're OK, I even did books for one but when I got sick and couldn't do it any longer I was pretty much a cast off. I don't give up. I belive in the lord Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and I think as long as you believe in the lord, say your daily prayers, love others for whom they are and follow Gods word the best you can you will see you'll be OK. I have had so much answered prayer lately, some my way and some not. God has a plan for us and even when we think he's not listening he is he may just see something better for us. Thank You and Take Care.
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• Canada
23 Mar 09
Oh yes of course, I am very sorry I didn't answer this correctly. I do think we all need to have our own beliefs and I do not push my belief toward anyone that's for sure. I was just answering your post.
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• United States
23 Mar 09
Oh, ok. Thanks for taking the time to respond, I wanted to definately make sure I was reading you correctly and not making assumptions. I do thank you for your initial response too because it was very much from the heart and very honest. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
23 Mar 09
Grandma- The thing is, your god is not another's god. When do we realize this as a society? I'm very glad you have found peace, and I hope every person finds their peace, but I hope we will continue to value that everyone has their right to their belief. Thank you for sharing. Namaste-Anora
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I have no idea why some people cannot respect another person's religious choice - except for this little part here - when someone else thinks that theirs (or ANY particular one) is the ONLY one and the RIGHT one and everyone else is therefore wrong. It's this attitude and way of thinking which is responsible for people not respecting each other's DIFFERENT beliefs. Instead of using the word different, people use the words 'right' and 'wrong' which put everybody on the defensive. I don't think anybody should have to DEFEND their spiritual beliefs, but I also don't think people should be tossing their spiritual beliefs out in public and beating others over the head with them. Keep them to yourself, then you won't disrespect nor offend other people. If everybody did this, I think we could all live peacefully.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Well, speak openly withOUT ulterior motives, such as conversion or witnessing or proving any type of me vs you or 'right and wrong' scenario. That's all I'm asking. So much under this topic heading falls under people who disagree trying to convert the other person or degrade them for not agreeing! This has got to stop!
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• United States
25 Mar 09
I'm not so sure I think we need to feel like we can't speak about them. Yet, I agree that people tend to feel as if they need to 'defend' their beliefs. Thanks for sharing. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
25 Mar 09
Oh, I definately agree! Thanks for sharing. Anora
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
22 Mar 09
I wouldn't say that I am not a secular but I did meet different religion people in my life and always wanting to know about them. Most of my friends are Muslims( I am Hindu by religion). Although my mom n dad are against having Muslim friends I enjoy their company. Although I never visited their house till date but once and liked their values for their God! I don't go sayiing that I hate such and such community. These days people need to be united against terrorism.
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• United States
23 Mar 09
Well said. Thank you for sharing. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
23 Mar 09
As good as this sounds in theory, I have to disagree. Most people refer to others as "non-believers" (as you put it) because it is part of their belief that there is only one right way. Take Christianity. Christianity states that something is true, and thus if someone believes in Christianity and somebody else doesn't, then they are "non-believers." It only makes sense. That's just how it has to work for religion. I don't know of any that assume the "believe whatever you want" happy-go-lucky charm that people see to desire so much, because so very often, there really IS only one true thing. And as for your "Golden Rule," I think that most people are trying to help others by "converting" them to their religion (though there are people who just use religion to condemn them.) "Compassion for other beings" is NOT letting them believe whatever they want (but don't misinterpret me....it's also not shoving knowledge down their throat). What if that applied to the heliocentric idea of the universe? What if scientists back in the day didn't want to "rock the boat" for other people, and never put forth the idea of something opposite of what was believed at that time? Well, we'd still believe that the earth was the center of our solar system. In the same way, religions believe that other people can be benefited, and sometimes even SAVED, by the knowledge and lifestyle of a religion. But I do believe a twist; people should indeed have "the right to worship and believe as they wish." I agree with you there. But if you were to say "every religion should leave those who don't want it alone," well, that would go against religion itself, essentially.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
PS: to try to put this in terms that are more understandable, here is another example. I LOVE my gym. I work out a lot. However, wouldn't it be considered RUDE and in very poor taste to go over to a stranger who is clearly obese and out of shape and maybe experiencing many health problems as a result and jumping around them going on and on and ON about my stupid gym and how great exercise is, and how they HAVE to do it and it's uber important and they are going to die in a year if they don't do something, and they are fat and lazy and blah blah blah. Isn't that deplorable behavior? That's the same thing people who witness to strangers do, especially the ones who claim THEIR PATH is the ONLY RIGHT ONE. BTW I would never do that to somebody. EVER. Even if you paid me. That would make me an evil despicable human being who didn't consider the feelings of another person. Too bad people with religion to share don't realize that's how it comes across to everybody else.
• United States
24 Mar 09
It was so difficult to pick a best response in this one, and I wish we could give more then one lol. What you've written definately has given me some things to think about because you brought up some very good points. In the Christian faiths you do see the teaching (among ministers) to go out and convert others to their faith, and if they are taught this then they think it is ok to do so. So, that must create a difficult thought process when faced with another religion or another belief system. It must be incredibly stressful. Thank you for your detailed response and new ideas. Namaste-Anora
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 Mar 09
i agree with you that people should be given the freedom to choose their religion... we are not allowed to judge or condemned other people for not following our religion... but i think we are allowed to share our beliefs to other people... whether the person choose to accept it or not, it depends on the person... take care and have a nice day...
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• United States
24 Mar 09
It would be so nice if we could be this way. I know it's a long way off but I'll hold onto the hope that one day we just might be accepting. Namaste-Anora
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@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
22 Mar 09
I do understand that every family brainwashes their children into their religious beliefs,and I have no problems with this,it is as old as religion itself. Unfortunatly,some of these,look at not only the religious beliefs,but the colour of your skin,to some,the white race are infidiles that do not have any right to life,and this idea was the cause of the Crusades,and is still the mindset of some today. I do agree,that this is fine,in their own country,but do not bring it to mine unless you keep it to yourself. I do believe that if everyone would whorship in their own church or temple and do not try to make others believe in yours,we could live in peace. but as many fear or hate other religions,this will never happen. Thank you for a great discussion.
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• United States
24 Mar 09
It's funny how quickly history is forgotten or wiped away isn't it? There have been so many instances in our history of people doing horrible things in the name of religion that it makes one question if those people were actually reliigous or not. Thanks for sharing. Namaste-Anora
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
^_^ Howdy Anora_Eldorath!.... Some people are still immature on spirituality consciousness and awareness. Their evolution on spirituality maturity are still attached or they are only attached or only love into their physical evolution. Or their animalistic instinct of defensive to survive. Or being an egocentric. Egocentric meaning is limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs. In discussing any religions it is should always free flow of exchanging ideas, concepts and principles. And not merely like buying and selling these ideas. Like buy what you love and don't buy what you don't to love. Or Sell what you love and don't sell what you don't to love. So lowered our ego. Eliminate those hatefulness and bitterness with each other. And dig deeper into your heart those pot of gold. Then treasured it. ^_^ God Bless Us. Peace. Thanks and Enjoy!.... myLot!....
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• United States
23 Mar 09
I definately see nothing wrong with exchanging ideas as long as conversion isn't the motivator, if that makes sense. Thank you very much for your thoughts. Namaste-Anora
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Absolutely! I love what you've said here - I see no problem with an exchange of ideas AS LONG AS CONVERSION IS NOT THE MOTIVATOR!!! YES YES YES!! If people would GET this there would be much less arguing, defense stances, and division of people regardless of belief!! Hah. I have NEVER once told someone 'you should convert to my belief. My belief is THE ONE TRUE ONE and you will not be happy until you do' lol! I do tell people there is less hypocrisy in not really having a set belief, that much is true. You are definitely more accepting of a BROAD range of people lol, which I think is globally and socially important.
@chimrani (1426)
• India
22 Mar 09
Friend iam hindu but i love other religion and there rules.I love more islamic rule as 5 times prayer is must and respecting each and every person and when ever we met they first greet then they talk i too like christian's i like the prichings of jesus "So,iam the old fashion man and a great believer of god,And god is one"
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• United States
24 Mar 09
I like all teachings and find them interesting. I also agree with Gandhigi's statement (paraphrased mind you) of "I like Christianity. I wish more people would live it". Perhaps one day we all know such enlightenment. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
22 Mar 09
I do respect others religion. I do not knock them or however you wanna say it because they do not beleive in my religion or what i beleive in. I look at it this way.. The ways I love and worship god is because of how I love him I dont want no body talking bad about him. I wont stand to hear it I go away were I cannot hear it. or I will say my peace about it.Im non-denominational... People In india beleive in buduh or somthing right?(not sure lol) N e ways they love and they worship there god as well..just as much as I worship god and love my god...the way I feel when someone is slandering my god is the same way they would feel as if i was slandering there god.. And you know even if im being preached to by someone from an entirelry diffrent religion who beleove entirely diffrent things then I do. I dont shut the door in there face or ask them to get off my property or tell them to shut up... Ill listen to what theyu have to say. Because I myself like to learn about other religions and there beliefes and stuff... But just because I listen doesnt mean I have to beleove what they believe,but the bible does say treat thoes how you would like to be treated... would you like the door slammed in your face. or do you like when someone tell you to shut up...No So why should I do that to someone else..More then likley if there willing to preach to you knowing u are a diffrent religion,then the more chance you can in return talk to them and explain what you beleive and your religion wich can make into a great conversation. remember when 2 or more people are together talking about him he IS there:)
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I don't mind an exchange of ideas, honestly. I do not WANT ANY witnessing or conversion attempts in my life though, and that includes the people who try to come to your door or pass out pamphlets. I don't need that type of influence on my kids either. I don't answer or listen because I am NOT interested. Now if they were my FRIEND we could talk about things because people in my life as friends don't talk to me with any intent to convert me. They just talk about how their religion might influence or impact THEIR lives. THAT is interesting, I like to see how it completes their lives. They don't have that messed up intent though - as people who go door to door do. I am more concerned with the motivation behind WHY ANYBODY does what they do, and less concerned with WHAT they do. If it's for the wrong reasons, I don't care how 'beneficial' they believe they are being.
• United States
24 Mar 09
I do agree that we need to be able to converse about our thoughts on religion. I am a believer, but in the Goddess and God. I would hope we can all learn from one another openly and honestly and with respect. Thank you for sharing. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
26 Mar 09
I have a problem with that sort of person also they walk around like they are somehow better than others they preach about love and acceptance but in the next breath the tell someone that they will burn for being evil because they dont believe. WTF? what happened to all that love and acceptance they were just preaching about? there is a huge difference between talking like a good *insert religious affiliation here* and actually LIVING like a good *insert religious affiliation here*
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• United States
26 Mar 09
Oh most agreed. It's the old saying 'walk the walk'. I believe someone said that tonight in another thread lol. But, yes, the sentiment is the same where religion is concerned. I just wish we could all converse to learn, rather then to convert. Namaste-Anora
• United States
22 Mar 09
Because people are beaten into their heads when they are little that the family religion is the only religion. I keep an open mind about anyone's religion if it is worshiping God our heavenly father. I feel like to each his or her own choice. Especially if they are true to their religion.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
And that.. folks... is why we don't 'have' one. I have always told my older daughter that she was free to explore or not explore any path as far as that goes, but that she was never required to buy into or believe anything because a friend told her to. If at any time some part of it make her feel conflicted or uncomfortable, she should be true to herself and let it go, because that's obviously not something that fulfills you if it makes you angry or sad instead of secure and comforted. She was the only one who seemed interested at all in exploring religion. My son went to a few things over the years, most of them I gather because of a girl he liked lol. When my little one asks things, I answer her questions. I do tell her that mommy and daddy don't believe in things that divide and separate people, where someone thinks they are better than another because of their beliefs, or that people are going to be punished for not following religious rules made by other people. Growing up in a religious family really made me have some rock solid clear cut views the OPPOSITE way - I do not believe in forcing any specific thing down others' throats or tell them they HAVE to believe what I do. We are actually open to all sorts of things, many beliefs make the world go round, we are ALL different people so why wouldn't different beliefs have to exist? I want to see other people HAPPY and fulfilled in their lives, whether they are people I know or not. Happier more fulfilled people pass on positive things and that makes our whole world better.
• United States
24 Mar 09
Yes, that definately seems to be the trend now a days, and it's sad. Namaste-Anora
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@Aquilis (175)
23 Mar 09
I think people have a hard time respecting religion in general when all anyone seems to be doing is tearing each other apart in the name of god or religion. Yes it is suppose to promote peace and loving kindness but it very hard to accept this when you see all the problems religion seems to be creating. There are so many good people in this world who are doing the right thing and are living to standards and requirements that make them good people. However...if people were actually listening to their own doctrines no matter what faith you would be..you would not be fighting and killing!!.....In the Bible, Quran, New testament, Old.... Pick whatever faith you like in the world...it says do not kill......this means not going to war with each other....If everybody was to listen to their own teaching we would have a major issue sorted right there!.....but things are not so simple.....whilst many good people have a genuine faith....many religious leaders have become corrupt and twisted....teaching false doctrines and traditions of man rather than truth. These same religious leaders are walking hand in hand with political leaders!!! They are both promoting war! God has nothing to do with politics or with twisted religious reasoning's and traditions of men. The reason people cant accept others faiths is because of propaganda, hatred and a fear of what is different....all things that are backed up in suitle ways by those voted into power...or... on the other hand by being scared into beliefs that are un true by men that are meant to have the backing of God. Just like one would find it hard to respect a serial killer that has killed many people with no remorse ...so to many find it hard to respect religion when it is to blame for so much blood shed :(.....Saying that...it is NOT GOD...OR FAITH...BUT THE TWISTED TEACHINGS OF CORRUPT PEOPLE xxxxx
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• United States
24 Mar 09
You've written a wonderful response and brought up a lot of good points. I agree, it is very difficult to respect a person who does those sorts of things. However, we must continue to try. Namaste-Anora
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
22 Mar 09
This type of behavior I find very sad because it seems to go against the very tenants of the faith that those saying it claim to follow. Most of the major religions and beliefs teach about compassion for all other beings, and not doing to others what you would not done unto yourself. Almost every religion has a version of "The Golden Rule" I agree with you completely and it quite frankly baffles me to no end how those so called god (or whatever) fearing ppl seem to conviniently forget that key rule and some even become consumed with being rude, negative naysayers...how can they NOT realize that they are not only a disgrace to their chosen religion/path but they are disobeying a key factor on that path and will "pay the price" for it...I'll never understand that mindset to be honest with you...
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• United States
24 Mar 09
I can't understand it either. Thank you for sharing. Namaste-Anora
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@misshoney (973)
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
hi anora :-) well sad as it may seem, some people are so narrow minded that it is impossible for them to respect beliefs of others. it is a waste of time talking to some of these people so when it comes to religion, i just don't like discussing it with others who don't share my faith.
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• United States
24 Mar 09
It seems a shame that we can't openly and honestly discuss our views, you know? Perhaps one day that will change. Namaste-Anora
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• Philippines
22 Mar 09
Hello Anora. I agree with you, it is very sad,indeed. I find these people so narrow-minded and with a low level of maturity. Thanks. Take care.
• United States
24 Mar 09
Thank you for sharing. Let us hope that people mature. Namaste-Anora
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@jshekhar (1562)
• India
22 Mar 09
In an ideal world, I am sure all of us would want to respect each other's religion and we would like to live in harmony. But, as we all know, this is not possible and people find some reason or the other to kill each other and call names to each others' religion. All the religions teach the same thing but people are not ready enough to accept it.
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• United States
24 Mar 09
I think you're right, people are just not ready. I wish I knew when they would be, but perhaps that is just part of life's journey huh? Thank you for sharing. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
22 Mar 09
I think people use religion as a way to feel that they are close to God, and will ensure a spot in the afterlife. No matter what ones believes I think there is no reason to disrespect someone who is trying to make themselves a better person by having a relationship with God. The only time I would be offended is if someone was trying to brainwash convert me into actually thinking that their religion is the only way. Sorry but I believe there is not just "one" way to get to God. Why would a God so infinite, allow only one way to reach him?
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• United States
24 Mar 09
I love your last sentence because it truly reflects the general thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
22 Mar 09
i completely agree. im ashamed to be even associated with those kind of people. the only reason that i think is because humans in general always try to get ahead. we are greedy, arrogant, and we think we are and our beliefs are the default and everybody must follow them.
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• United States
24 Mar 09
Well brought up. I hadn't thought of it being greed and arrogancy. Thank you very much for your thoughts. Namaste-Anora
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