SPOILED BRATS: What do you think of kids who snap at their parents...
By inkyuboz
@inkyuboz (1392)
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
March 23, 2009 6:12am CST
...when they don't get what they want?
Allow me to share a story. I was in a mall the other day and this little kid was just wailing and wailing about this toy he wants. I understand, he's just a kid and he has every right to act "like a kid", but this boy is like a spawn from the depths of hell. I mean he was spewing a lot of cuss words, some of which I have never even heard of! I can just feel the shame his mother must have felt.
In the end the kid got the toy and I can still see the little devil's smirk. I bet this kid will grow up to be one of the biggest jerks to ever walk the earth.
Do you have a similar story? Do share.
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27 responses
• United States
23 Mar 09
any mother that lets a child behave that way & them reward him w/a toy needs her head examined. u are right that is how jerks are born. disipline begins at home & the parents are resposible to see that their children are taught how to act. i have no patience w'a child acting like that but it's the parents fault.

• United States
24 Mar 09
it's just easier for some people to let their kids run wild instead of displining them. when they get in trouble as they get older they are just shocked. duh!
@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
24 Mar 09
Exactly! I think it's as much as the fault of the parent as it is of the child. Sometimes, they just let their kids run their lives like that and it sickens me! Usually their retort is they're just practicing "unconditional love of a mother for a child" but in reality, they're just letting their children push them over and abuse them! How cruel can some kids be? Whoa.
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@Nisha_Verghese (551)
• India
23 Mar 09
yeah i have seen lots of spoilt kids like that.. they have learnt early in life that if they create a scene and make lots of noise in a public place, their parents will eventually be forced to give them whatever they want.
The parents should know how to handle such kids.. But them that toy to avoid a public nuisanse and once they reach home, take it away from the kid and lock it away and groung those little devils till they are 18... LOL
okay i was a little harsh but yeah they need to be grounded for a day or two.. And probably feed them broccoli... hehehehe

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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
23 Mar 09
My kids would have said "Oh boy, broccoli!" LOL
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I guess my kids are spawn from the depth of hell too.
I guess I am a "bad parent".
My children have "snapped" at me.
My children have cursed at me.
No, I do not "allow" them to do that. They just do it. And I choose not to beat the living tar out of them (most of the time).
Seriously, I don't think they will grow up to be horrible people. I think that sometimes kids just act like bratts. I do try to teach them right from wrong.
Some of it sinks in and some of it, either doesn't, or they feel the need to experimient and find out for themselves what is right and wrong.
Do I think it's okay for children to behave this way?
No, absolutely not.
Do I think that this type of behavior ALWAYS means the parent isn't doing his or her job right? Absolutely not. Sometimes kids are compelled to test their boundaries.
What is a parent supposed to do in these circumstances? Beat the tar out of them right then and there and risk being taken to jail for child abuse? Wait til they get home and then beat the tar out of them?
or maybe... just get through the moment the best way they can and try the best way they can to teach their child right from wrong and hope and pray that sooner or later the child will understand what the parent is trying to teach them.
I don't think that the mother should have bought the child whatever toy he wanted at that moment because it just teaches the child that behaving like that will get him what he wants, BUT I won't sit here and judge her or assume that she's a bad parent. She could have just been having a bad day and just wanted to do whatever it took to calm the child and get home after a long and frutrating day.
When we observe any scene in public, we never truly see the "whole picture" of what is going on in a persons life. I think it is SO UNFAIR to pass judgement on people just from the tiniest view of something happening in their life at that moment.
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@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
I don't know how old this kid is, but if as a kid, he is snapping at his parents, I dread at what he will do when he grows up. Some kids are simply terrible - they act as if their parents owe them a living. They demand money & stuff from their parents, behaving as if their parents are obligated to provide all these. And worse, if they carry this attitude into their adult lives. You find some children not taking care of their parents' living expenses; worse if they expect their parents to take care of them and their bills!

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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
24 Mar 09
There are also some spoiled brats who outgrow this behavior, but that's because their parents start to ignore them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just worsens the scenario. In the first place, these parents who are too eager to please their children should take the blame. They made those "little monsters" that way.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
23 Mar 09
yeah he will grow up with some big issuess. i used to tell my kids, you dont need nothing, so dont ask for nothing, becuase you are not getting nothing. if they acted like that, they would have gotten a whipping right there.
my nephew threw a fit like that with me one day when i took him to the store. i told him if he dont stop i will whip his butt, its uncall for.
people who spoils there kids are looking for a raod of nothing but trouble.
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@timetravel (1425)
• United States
11 Dec 11
Because no one else has said it yet, at least in response here, striking a child teaches a child nothing but to avoid being hit either by lying or getting good at hiding behavior. To develop a trusting relationship with a child, there are better ways of dealing with whiny, bratty kids. In the first place, children no nothing. They learn what they are taught by their parents or guardians. When mine were little, before going to the store, I told them in simple terms what was expected. Stores don't allowing running; don't talk to strangers, etc. etc. I also never cussed at my kids, but I would cuss at times for other reasons. When they heard me and started using the words, I explained that even t hough I used them it didn't mean they were always good words to use and others might be shocked at hearing a child use them. I also told them it was okay, but if they didn't want other adults to respect or even like them, they might not want to use such words around them. I never forbid anything unless it was a true danger to them or to others. Simple statements such as, "I won't respond to you unless you rephrase that" or, "How would you feel if I spoke to you in that tone?" in response to a kid acting smarmy gets better results than "watch your mouth before I smack you". That becomes a challenge.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I do, was Chirstmas Eve and we were having a quiet night with our daughter ( she was 1-1/2 at the time), then out of no where the door bell rings. It's people we know, no problem, but they brought their daughter along. Note: it's 9:30 at night and we were just getting ready for bed. Anyway, their daughter is a troll. No easy way to say it, can't sugar coat it. She trashed my daughters room ( that we just picked up that day) and then ran around demanding this and that. She bit my husband too.
We were all shocked. My daughter "told" on her to her mother and mom just said kids have messy rooms. My daughter was in tears. We just cleaned her room, she's over an hour late getting to bed and this little monster is still running around our house.
I finally got mad and just told them to get out. Didn't see much of them anymore, but I thought whatever, we're better off anyway. The key to all this, it's the parents. And you reap what you sow and if they want to raise a demon then that's just what they deserve.
Sorry, just my opinion.
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
24 Mar 09
Thank you for responding! I was amused and disgusted when I read about the "troll" daughter from hell. This girl is something else, why did they let loose a young sociopath in the world?! Ha ha. I sure wish her parents would teach her good manners, unless they want to raise the Devilspawn.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
23 Mar 09
i can't tolerate kids who behave in that manner to their parents as well... it is totally unacceptable to me... i will definitely teach the kids a lesson if the kids are mine... there is no way i will allow my children to throw tantrums and show attitudes like that in the public... absolutely no... take care and have a nice day...
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
24 Mar 09
Yes, it's certainly embarrassing for the parent because people would start thinking: "Why does she let her child treat her like that?" And then they would blame the mom or something. Of course they have every right to blame the parents, in this case, because they are not doing something to correct their child's behavior.
@shaggin (74021)
• United States
24 Aug 10
That sounds just like my nephew lol. Hes such a bully. Today theres issues going on at his house so his mother and his sister are at my house. Her sons all upset about whats going on so hes being an even bigger bully then usual. I am dreading if they have to stay here for very long. My daughter has gotten so bratty but at least she isnt a bully. She doesnt really hit people or anything like that she just calls me stupid and stuff all the time. It drives me nuts.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I'm not surprised he got the toy. I see way too many parents give in to the temper tantrums.
My kids wouldn't have, but my kids never threw a fit in the store. I could walk right past the toy and candy aisles without a peep from them. How did I do it? I didn't let the habit get started in the first place. After watching my nephews I decided my kids would not be that way. They got toys, but it was at my discretion and not because they threw some huge fit. My kids have learned that getting what you want takes a certain kind of action. Ask and if the answer is no, let it go.
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
24 Mar 09
Good for you! I like the ring to that too: "If the answer is no, just let it go." Sounds like a perfect life lesson. I sure wish all the parents in the world who spoil their children rotten can read your post and be enlightened. It would spare them the headache along the way...
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Oh, if I ever see a kid doing that to their parents in the store it just makes me want to grab them and whip their butt, or tell the parents, whip him. I can't stand to see a kid act like that, especially saying all the cuss words, that kid truly has no respect for the parents, and usually the parents will just let them do it, and give in because its easier than trying to get them to be quiet. I know, I have a sister thats like that with her boys, its getting a little better because their getting bigger, but before they would whine and cry, she'd keep telling them no, but when they kept doing it and getting louder she'd finally give in, and the boys knew she would, thats why they kept doing it. I think thats whats wrong with our young people today, the parents didn't discipline them right and just let them run all over them, now they go around thinking everybody should do what they want them to do. I know if I tried that when I was younger, I'd probably get slapped in the mouth or up side the head, and it didn't hurt me any, I think I'm a good person today.
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
24 Mar 09
My point exactly! Sometimes the parents have nothing else to do but give in to what their child wants but it gets crazier every minute. Some of the things these children want aren't even worth the money. It's not like we have to treat these kids as adults, but come on! I know kids just want to have the best years of their young lives... but they don't have to treat their parents as slaves.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I have two-While shopping at Kmart, a two year old in a shopping cart kicking his pregnant mother in the stomach, chanting he's going to 'kill her' if she doesn't give him a toy; story 2, a small girl, about 4, informing her mother that,"We're going to McDonalds!" And the mother meekly agreeing, as they walked down a sidewalk. Both incidents made me glad I didn't have any hellspawn.

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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
24 Mar 09
First of all, the mental image I got about the boy chanting "kill her" is bit disturbing to say the least. Violent much? I guess the boy grew up in an uncensored environment where people just do what they want to do even if kids are around. Children are the most precious things but sometimes they use that notion to get what they want. Spoiled brats are the worst breed.
@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
24 Mar 09
There's nothing like a good spanking! Although I think in some countries' culture, they would never ever resort to laying a hand on their children. It's considered as an offense and the child may call social services or something. I think kids nowadays are too "knowledgeable" about this stuff and they use it to their advantage. LOL.
@carann (260)
• United States
23 Mar 09
If i did anything like that when I was young I would have been in such trouble. What are with parents today They are not doing there kids any favors by letting them get away with stuff. If that was my child they wouldnt have been in that store anymore. They would have been in the car faster than they could blink.
I see stuff like this in stores all the time and I have to walk away. It is clear this kid knew that it would work to make a scene. In a way I feel sorry for the MOm but in some ways I don't. She maybe could have done something about it way before. who knows maybe its just a rotten kid??
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
24 Mar 09
Believe me I had to walk away too. That scene was just something else. It was like a scene straight out of a bad Lifetime movie which ends in a very sad ending. Sometimes I think these kids will grow up to become bad members of the society despite their socio-economic status, educational attainment or anything else. Attitude is very hard to correct especially if you had it since you were a kid.
@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
With all honesty that scene was very alarming.I mean I have been in that kid's situation when I was a kid but I never recount a day that I wailed at my mother for not getting something that I like. We were not that rich and I am not shy to tell everyone that there are some things during those times that my mother can't give us.And the good thing is while growing up, she explained everything to me but we were always on the mall it's just that were not on the buying end.I can still remember we can have a toy we want if there's spare cash left from her salary because she raised us by herself not with the support of my father..I can remember a time where i really liked a doll and my mom would tell me we can always go here so that you can see the doll but buying it can you wait untill christmas arrives? I would say yes immediately.,because i know even if it's that far from christmas,i can still have the doll..=)
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
24 Mar 09
The (PARENTS) are to blame for kids like that! They allowed that kind of behavior from their kids when they were toddlers and never tried to correct any of it! My kids never, ever acted like that because I started teaching them the way to act starting when they were still babies! Now days I have seen lots of rotten kids act like that and even punch their mothers! As for kids saying bad words, when I was a kid if I ever said a bad word, I would have to bite down on a bar of Ivory soap and hold it in my mouth for a minute! I raised my kids the same way and I will tell you it only took one time biting on a bar of soap to break their desire to say bad words!
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
11 Dec 15
The problem with this story is that the mother gave in. It's probably why he's like that - because he's been taught that he'll get what he want eventually by doing that.
The words he said would have been heard from home and, yes, I agree that he will turn into a horrible adult.
@kareng (70295)
• United States
24 Mar 09
One thing is for sure, this lady didn't do much in the parenting department, did she? I also bet she wasn't embarrassed because of the kid acting this way. If she was, it is only her fault. I have seen this happen numerous times in stores too and they always seem to give in to the kid. It's sad that but the way it is in some families. Have a great day!
@maple_kisses (2156)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
You should meet my niece! Gosh! I bet you've never read my discussion about her. Gosh! She's the worst kid I've ever seen in my entire life and a Psychologist would go crazy studying her unacceptable behavior huh! She always gets what she wanted and she gets it through shouting, slamming the door, and hitting everybody and everything that gets in her way! And she's just 4 huh! As much as everybody wants to discipline her, we really can't hit her everytime she does something because that would mean hitting her every second. Yes, she's that bad. She won't listen too and she will do bad things again and again even if you kindly ask her not to do it again. I love kids but I'm starting to hate her, oh gosh!
@karbuks (270)
• Philippines
23 Mar 09
it is how parents raised their child. If that little kid act like that, then i think the parents allow them to. At an early age, it is better to discipline a kid. not necessarily hurting them physically but give them consequences if they have done wrong. The words that comes out in their mouth is the words that people around them used. I have a neighbor who spoiled their little girl so much. I love the little because shes such an angel but when that spoiled brat character comes out, i get irritated because the parents allow her to act or behave that way.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
23 Mar 09
that is true. parents sometime have to be blamed for those behavior of children. where would the kids learn all those cussing. i think that the parents should have not let their kids learn those things. if that came from tv then they should have not allowed their kids shows to watch those kind of shows where they could hear lots of cussing.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Quite true. I do not know the whole circumstances behind his parents attitude in raising that boy, all I know is that I do feel bad because they will blame themselves forevermore as how he will turn out to be, even beyond the age of 21 and when he is a young man, learning and experiencing life, these parents will be stuck in the past wondering and kicking themselves silly.
I do agree with you that they helped in creating a monster, you would need to be a parent to know that some kids are just too willful and some parents too mellow to handle them, I hope they learn to change so their kid becomes a better person.