16 year old girl BURNED ALIVE for suspicion of having an affair
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
United States
March 25, 2009 10:45am CST
A sixteen year old girl was burned alive becasue the muslim men in her neighborhood SUSPECTED that a boy went to visit her when her dad wasn't home. So they KILLED HER by setting her on FIRE! Mind you, they didn't have any proof of anything, they just murdered this girl because they THOUGHT she'd done something "wrong".
Muslim men can do pretty much whatever they want including having multiple wives at once, but females are often subjected to torture and murder because of the slightest PERCEIVED misstep. No proof is needed to ruin or end the life of a woman in islam, they just have to think she has done something wrong, such as talk to a boy.
Islamic men can gang rape a girl, and when she goes to report it, SHE is flogged for "adultery"! Here is a link to the story of the girl who was burned alive:
Do you think it is acceptable to have separate and UNEQUAL lows for men and women? Do you agree that a woman should be beaten or murdered becasue a man thinks she may have done something wrong? DO you think that western civilizations would do well to implement islamic law? Because that is what a lot of muslims would like to see - islamic law EVERYWHERE, nit just in islamic areas.
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24 responses
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
25 Mar 09
O.k. so what is happening in the Muslim community is not happening worldwide. Every day you guys come to this topic and talk against this community. It is sad that they done this but why we are always damning them to hell when we in the west are doing the same thing. We murder children, we rape women, the males beat their wives, they have their affairs.
We are living in a sinful world and we need to stop pointing fingers. Every culture has their sins and evilness who are we to talk about others when we cannot help to change ours.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Excuse you? What the hell do you know what I write about "every day"? I am not writing about this subject "every day" but now that you are accusing me of it and bytching about it, I think I WILL now write about it EVERY DAY, as many times a day as I feel like it and as often as I can. Nobody is forcing you to read anything people put here, if you don't like it you are welcome to ignore it.
Nobody I know here in the US (with the exception of some fanatical muslims) would burn a child alive for talking to a boy! And when these sorts of things do happen among non-muslims, it is widely and loudly condemned while when the muslims do it it is accepted, approved, condoned, sanctioned and reports about it are suppressed.
I can and will talk about whatever I like, and if I feel the need to alert people to the horrible things happening I will, nothing you say is going to change that. It is every decent person's RESPONSIBILITY to speak out against such horrors. Evil succeeds when good people do nothing. If you want to ignore it, condone it, accept it, and sanction if because you do not live in utopia, that is your own problem, not mine.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
25 Mar 09
It is persons such as you who come here and mash up MYLOT. Writing so angrily because someone point out the obvious to you is stupidity. My dear I have been here in MYLOT for a long time. Here in this interest nothing is said good about the Muslin community. I am just pointing out to you that the things that are happening in the muslin community is also happening in the world. We need to try and fix our problems before going to another man yard to try and fix theirs. Rather you agreed with me yes or no is beyond the point.
Murders, raping, adultery is in every one culture and we need to try and fix our culture/family before going into another. This girl know her culture and she took the risk and go against it because of the western influence. In my country they hate homosexuality do you think that I will become this knowing the consequences that I will have to face. Persons should respect their culture and not allow others to come tell them what to do. When someone can influence you to stray from the culture which is your identity that means you have nothing.
Have a nice day
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
This girl know her culture and she took the risk and go against it because of the western influence. In my country they hate homosexuality do you think that I will become this knowing the consequences that I will have to face. Persons should respect their culture and not allow others to come tell them what to do. When someone can influence you to stray from the culture which is your identity that means you have nothing
Kerriannc - again you are missing something. This girl was BORN INTO THIS CULTURE. She apparently HAD NO CHOICE. You know what? If I were born into something as awful as this where I had no rights an NO protections and people could just go about threatening me, hurting me, beating me, forcing me to adhere to stupid rules, etc, I would LEAVE. I would disown everybody I knew and go somewhere I'd be FREE and have a CHOICE. Don't you think this poor girl would have chosen the same if she could? Do you think she wanted to be burned alive because of an assumption from people in her 'neighborhood'? Aren't you appalled at what happened to her and the 'reasons' it even happened in the first place? I sure am. If some guy I don't even know makes an assumption about me, whatever. His assumption doesn't make a difference in my life OR his, nor should it, EVER, for ANY REASON. Nobody should care. Nobody should take it seriously. Unless I go over there and broadcast to the world he is RIGHT and I approve of what he assumes.
Culture that you live should be a choice. If it doesn't fit you, why not live another one? I believe you live in the US... or do you live in Canada? I was not under the impression that either of those countries HATE homosexuality. SOME people do and continue their rampage of hate and disapproval, but I have faith that this will eventually be eradicated and people will become tolerant and accepting. that said, I would not be or remain part of a culture that condones killing people based on assumption of wrong, belittlement of women, or the majority of things that make NO sense in this community. I am sure that there are SOME redeeming factors as people state there are about ANY religion, however I am not seeing any directly based on this news story.
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@rockydam83 (846)
• Italy
26 Mar 09
I am a Muslim and i really proud on my religion. Islam does not teach these kind of things. I can challenge you come to a Muslim court and try to read out the facts Islam have described for the situation. I agree with you that Muslims are practicing such bad customs but this kind of things are not a part of religion.
If someone Jew or a christian do a murder or a gang rape it does not means that Christianity or Jewish religions are wrong or spreading terror then why we do not use the same terms for Muslims. If some muslim person doing something bad then immediately you ppllz start blaming islam.
I clearly accept that muslim are involved in such activities but Islam doest not preach them to do so. Many of them using religion for their personal benefits. Dont blame Islam for anything wrong. I suggest you to please try to get knowledge from reliable sources about Islam. Dont judge Islam by the acts of muslims.
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
26 Mar 09
That is exactly what I was getting at. I couldn't have said it better myself. I posted on the first page, but haven't been able to say it as clearly as you did. I wish you well and thank you for posting. Namaste-Anora
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Where's your proof Sid? You all want me to show sources but you don't provide sources? Quote the Q'uran by line number and passage where it states this.
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
27 Mar 09
No, I'm saying if you are going to sit here and make an argument you should use citations to do so. You want me to argue with citations, I'm asking the same in return.
Most Christians will defend their faith stating that the bible should not be taken literally. Muslims say the same thing regarding this passage yet no one wishes to hear that. Seems very much a double standard.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
26 Mar 09
What else do you expect from people who are indoctrinated in laws tailor-made for the dark medieval times but being followed by the letter and spirit in that religious and spiritual capital of their’s – the great Saudi Arabia. The same land which Muslims proudly point out as the ideal nation where there is almost no theft, robbery, rape, murder, cheating and all the other viles which supposedly plague the non-Muslims in their daily worthless existence. AND the same land where a few weeks ago an aged lady was ordered public thrashing and prison and deportation only because she lived alone and befriended a few boys (young enough to be her grandsons) so that they could bring in her grocery sometimes for her…they were not her kith or kin and so she transgressed Islamic law by ‘befriending’ males from outside her family and so deserved punishment…her age, her loneliness, her helplessness can all go to Hell as far as this religion and its followers and executor are concerned.
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@jwfarrimond (4473)
26 Mar 09
As regards Saudi Arabia, this link goes to an interesting website which explains the social and religious structure of that country. http://unix.dfn.org/Saudi_Arabia.shtml
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
26 Mar 09
The same day I read the story of that poor elderly woman who will not likely survive the lashing, I read about a teen girl also in Saudi Arabia. Three men raped her and she got pregnant. She wanted an abortion, the thought of bearing her rapists baby was too much for her and women who are pregnant out of wedlock get treated horribly there. When the girl sought to get permission for abortion, she was sentenced to prison an a lashing after the child is born. Her rapists got away with it and she is punished for their horrific act.
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Hi Angry... There was a story recently of a man whose wife was considering a divorce so he decapitated her. It was a blip on the news. It's not very politically correct to speak of these instances and so everyone keeps quiet. I do not think that it is wise to have sharia law but there are some places in Europe where they do. The goal of Muslims everywhere is to reinstate the caliphate and have everyone else subordinate to them. Subordinates are not equals and will never be and that is what women are. It is very unequal when it comes to men and women but somehow the feminists are nowhere to be found on this particular issue...
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Those two Muslims in the blip owned an Islamic television station called "Bridges". It was supposed to bridge the gap between Islam and all other religions. The police were called to their home 3 times for domestic problems. She was beat and abused during their entire marriage.
They lie and say that women in Islam are treated better than any other society or religion. What a bunch of crud that is...
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
26 Mar 09
I don't necessarily think it has to do with where it happens...I think there is a media blackout everywhere when it concerns anything negative about Muslims or the religion of Islam.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
26 Mar 09
It happened in NY State, one would think something like this happening in NY would get some coverage...
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I feel several things regarding this post so I'll just try to go in order and hope I address everything. Let me say that by all means we should be putting a stop to any violation against women across the world, regardless of religious affiliation. There are hate crimes daily and not just inthe Muslim community, but in many communities including here in the United States. So, definately keep talking about them in terms of women's rights.
I do want to say I would caution you against making this about someone's religion though. It is very easy to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Islam does not teach any of these things nor does it condone it. Women are upheld in Muslim society, and very protected. These types of incidents are generally in the fringe society and are by no means accepted by the Muslim community nor endorsed. The problem in other countries is that a great many of these happen outside the big cities where it is easier to prosecute. Most rural villages just simply don't have the resources needed to protect their people. It's not like the US where you can find police in every city.
Not to long ago I read an article about a young woman in India burned for being a witch. It turned out it was in a remote village far from the major cities, and police were finally brought in to prosecute those involved. However, much too late. A great many who read the article were in arms saying all Hindus were cruel people, and that just wasn't the case.
By all means, speak out against those who participate in hate crimes, but go after the individual not the group they claim to be a member of. If I can try to illustrate this more clearly think about it this way. If I were to look at all the white serial killers both men and women and state that based upon their horrible crimes I will hate all white men and women, well that doesn't leave too many out does it? It's just something to think about. This way, you don't become the thing you hate, and you don't hurt innocent people who do not condone this sort of atrocious behavior.
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
26 Mar 09
The above link is for translations online of the Q'uran. I am not Muslim, but I have friends who are, and some of them are women. The men, according to the Q'uran are to provide for their wives. Their wives are free to become as educated as they wish, work if they wish, stay at home if they wish. Any monies earned by the woman are her own. Any monies earned by the man are to be handed over to his wife so she may run the household. If a woman does not wish to work, then it is her husband's duty to work as much as he needs to make expenses. The Muslim man has a very difficult life to be frank. He must work as much as is needed, plus keep his faith.
It is a few radicals though that spoil the lot. The few percentage of the Islam population who do crimes such as the one in this article. The few percentage that break the rules of the Q'uran and pervet it. Did you know that every Muslim must keep two translations of the Q'uran in their house for purity sake of the language? They must keep a Q'uran in the original text/language and then they may keep a translation in their native tongue. This is to keep the text pure and free from translational error. Meaning anyone who becomes Muslim must learn the language of the original text. I grew up Catholic and I can't even say that about most Catholics. Most wouldn't know Aramaic, Greek, or Hebrew.
My hopes would be that what does come out of this horrific story is that we defend all women's rights across the world despite their religion. It's not a matter of religion in this case, it's a matter of common human decency. And this sort of thing sadly occurs in the United States and we just cover it under the rug and point the finger at someone else. I think we have awareness world wide.
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
26 Mar 09
"People fear what they do not understand, Charles". Best line to describe this line of thinking regardless of creed.
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@aminnagpure (297)
• India
26 Mar 09
Anora_Eldorath give us some examples where in muslim society uphelds women, i was very impressed by your thoughts.
but i dont see it happening anywhere in muslim world..
i will give you some examples, pakistan,afghanistan,somalia (where new born baby girls genitals are cut) same happens in egypt..
so what do you think of it..
i have seen there channel peace tv, a complete hate channel. i have seen there religious speaking out pure crap, they said that George W Bush planned 9/11.. how come they accuse some 1 without any proof or proper understanding
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@kimberlynnF (170)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I just thought about something. These muslims could go and rape a young girl and then call her a harlot and burn her!.. when she was raped by those same people... that makes about as much sense as that article. This is totally barbaric. No religion should allow such violence against women. Over there a woman woman probably doesn't even have the value of a mule.
I feel that if we ever have a one world religion it will be Islam being forced on the people, or they will be killed. I have no factual basis for this.. but I just feel it. I feel so sorry for this girl. What made them stop burning her? Did they put her out and then take her to the hospital? Or did someone just come along find her burning?
I hope these men will be forced to endure the same punishment.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Two months ago in Buffalo NY a Islamic Cable television station co owner with his wife decapitated her. Now no one wants to associate what he did with the lol, "religion of peace".
Welcome to the hypocritical world of Islam...
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Oh yeah, or Pat Robertson. If someone had been watching this station, this community, maybe this could have been prevented.
Would the Japanese have been able to have their own television station when we were at war against Japan? Or Germany?
Maybe it wasn't right for our government to throw every Japanese person in a camp when we were at war with them. At least someone could have been watching these people.
The problem is that only a small percentage of Americans understand who we are at war with. Not many understand that we are at war with them right now in America.
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
29 Mar 09
AngryKitty, I never thought angry kitty would post such a crap.
Islam don't allow live burning
There is no such punishment in Islam
If one suspected to have an affair, and if I agree for a moment that can be burned alive, then also the law can't be taken in one's hand, social laws are to done as per country rules.
Muslim men can't do everything they want, laws are for all Muslims.
Post states about Islam! no proof needed to torture woman??
Everybody interested to put all the craps on the shoulder of Islam!! what a pity!
Write all the craps and say it is Islam! That is good when nothing good for those who can't find nothing good to say about themselves or their beliefs.
Islam don't allow these kind of things.
We Muslims don't want to see this kind of false information, some losers did and putting on Muslim's head.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
29 Mar 09
Islam is "crap" so it's not hard to post the truth about it.

@dorisday1971 (5657)
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
I think it's barbaric to beat or murder a woman, even if she has done something wrong. I am glad such situation never happens in our country. We have good laws that protect Women. A sinner may be punished but it should be humanely.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Hello Dorisday,
I wonder: shouldn't the punishment for sin be between a man or woman and his or her God? When man efforts to punish other men for their sins, does that not make the punisher guilty of the most egregious of all of the Seven Deadly Sins -- Pride?
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@aminnagpure (297)
• India
29 Mar 09
muslim religious leaders and there mullahs are the main culprits in spreading hatred
watch there relion tv you will come to know..
Peace Tv a muslim religious channel aimed at spreading peace, there 1 speaker named dr Zakir something, openly saying that George Bush did 9/11 and the crowd applauded it..
they also say that western countries are exploiting muslim countries and so on..
they are just too optimistic they want sharia law everywhere, even on the moon where no 1 stays
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
25 Mar 09
This kind of thing scares me, and in fact, it has happened here in the U.S. There was a horrible story about an egyptian man in Texas who murdered his two daughters. He hasn't been caught yet, to my knowledge. He wanted to force one of the girls to marry an egyptian man, and she told him no. What's really heartbreaking is the son was in on the murder, and helped the father kill his sisters. They have played the 9-1-1 call on tv, and it's bonechilling, because one of the daughters is saying she's dying, dying. As Obama is pro-muslim, I hope he doesn't allow Sharia law here.
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@dorothyDauphinee (534)
• United States
25 Mar 09
no many westerners love thier women unlike muslim men who merly own them!this sort of evil type of law will never be accepted here !
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
25 Mar 09
No, I don't think it's acceptable to have separate and UNEQUAL laws for men and women? Under the United Stated Constitution ALL are created equal.
No one should be murdered or punished because they are under suspicion of doing something wrong.
Islam Supremacism intends to dominate the world. Their prophet Muhammad teaches that it's their duty to help the spread by any means necessary, even if it's by force.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
25 Mar 09
That is what the respondent above me fails to understand, she seems to think that outrageous acts committed by muslims are limited to muslim dominated areas but it is not! They are infiltrating the west at all levels and nobody will be spared, not even the liberals who want to preserve their "right" to act abhorrently.

@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Muslim response: "But during the crusades...)
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
26 Mar 09
That's right up there with "you're a racist!" despite the fact that islam is not a race. Funny how the jihadist sympathizers have so much in common with the 0bama koolaid crowd...
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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
26 Mar 09
My stomache turned at the closing statment of that article. The Brave Muslims who ganged up and murdered the girl. Brave? What's so brave about ganging up on a girl?
The more exposure of these sick stunts the better. They claim it's all do to their faith, but would allah really approve??
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@fiazio (734)
• India
26 Mar 09
This is crazy, I really get hurt inside, I mean what did the girl do!? the boy got in the house, Its really hard to say but i think the mind set of some people should change, they should follow culture and all but still value humanity.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Absolutely not. First of all, you know I believe that women and men are entirely equal. Absolutely unerringly without a doubt EQUAL. The same expectations should be afforded to both genders without loopholes. I despise and abhor double standards. If you let your son run around town alone at night, then you better let your daughter. If you let your son date when he's 16, then you better let your daughter. If you expect your pregnant daughter to raise her baby, then you better expect your son who knocked up his girlfriend to RAISE HIS BABY.
Back to the Muslim/Islam issue, I do not understand at all their view towards women. I can't say that it makes sense either from the standpoint of someone I actually know who is Muslim. He does not treat his mother or siblings disrespectfully, and he does not feel that women are inequal to men. Perhaps he is more westernized that some of them, or perhaps the ones who go about assuming wrongs and setting women on fire belong to a cult section of Islam. I do not know.
Because of my views of double standards, if a MAN proceeds to think he is MAN enough to have multiple wives or multiple girlfriends, then the same holds true for a WOMAN - except I think anybody who would do that is utterly nuts. ONE man or ONE woman is enough tyvm. Nope, HBO's 'Big Love' does not give me warm fuzzies.
I'd flaunt freedom here in their faces... those people who think women shouldn't talk to men. HEH. Bunch of idiots. I'll talk to men if I want, whenever I want, however I want.
I do not want ANYBODY's 'religious based' law implemented anywhere. I think it is perfectly fine for each person to follow what they believe themselves and have it affect only them. If it impedes on someone else - like killing or threatening someone else because of what YOU believe - that is uncalled for and unlawful and you should be punished for interfering in someone else's life (which is none of your business) because of your own personal beliefs which may or may not have anything in common with the person you are persecuting, threatening, or killing based on YOUR OWN view of the world. LOL! Clear as mud?
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
25 Mar 09
What an extreme punishment for a suspicion. So that tells me that a man can accuse a female of anything in Islam and without concrete proof the female is punished or killed.
I disagree with the separate and unequal laws for men and women. That only proves that a woman doesn't have a leg to stand on and must be on her p's and q's at all times, while a man is free to do whatever he d*mn well pleases.
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
26 Mar 09
That is absolutely horrifying. How can things like that still go on in the world today? I think that it is wrong to treat any human being like that. I think that their should be no gender bias for laws in any country. If the laws are good for one, they should be good and equal for all.
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@octavian (200)
• Romania
26 Mar 09
Now this is another consequence of raw force and brutality by the ones who are lesser educated or living in a middle-age`d society and by rules that work only there.
I do not have wast knowledge of other religions except the christian one but this is simply not right.
And about your question regarding the implementation of the Islamic law, no Christian country will ever embrace it. Rest assured!
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