Is Obama doing anything right?
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
April 19, 2009 11:11am CST
I see a lot of folks talking about what Obama is doing wrong.
I see a lot of folks taking about how it's too soon for him to be expected to completely fix the economy. (I can understand that argument)
For those of you who are still supporting Obama, can you tell me what you feel he has beein doing RIGHT since he's been in office?
For that matter...even those of you who are NOT Obama supporters...I'll challenge YOU to take a harder look and see if you can identify ANYTHING that you think he's done right.
Looking forward to your replies!
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19 responses
@KidKarma (46)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Obama has done a lot of wonderful things in just this short time. Hey, the rest of the world doesn't think that we're a bunch of idiot warmongers anymore. That's a huge accomplishment in my book. I've traveled a lot and I can tell you that over the past 8 years the whole world hated us! Now they can see that we Americans aren't as stupid as they once thought. He's doing great things for our image, improving foreign relations, and trying his best to undo the mess that Bush created with his tax cuts for the wealthy and his poorly thought out war in Iraq. I'd take Obama over Bush any day. He has given tax cuts to us working people instead of the wealthiest 2% who SHOULD contribute more to our society than those of us who don't make that much money. Give the man a chance and watch something other than FOX News (I'd recommend a legitimate news channel like the BBC, PBS, even CNN is better than the tripe Fox calls news) and you can see that he's doing wonderful things in his short time in office.

@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
19 Apr 09
i don't's really too early in the game to make a fair assessment of him.
he's only been in office what 4 months now?
i'm neither plus or minus,i'm just hoping we can fix this economy somehow.
i don't think throwing trillions at a problem is going to fix it through,they have to take a hard look at the source of the infection first.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
22 Apr 09
what he is doing right?
he is changing what went wrong that caused the situation in the usa to day
he is building bridges with foreign countries, reestablishing friendships and strong trade partners, he is not making enemies like the past government
he is stimulating the economy
focusing on everything to get people back on their feet
he is focusing on jobs in the auto industry trying to make sure they are not lost
yes it cost a lot of money but you all know the old adage, it cost money to make money and that is what obama is trying to do.
he is very concerned that americans have good health care and have homes and good jobs,
he is respected by the heads of states of most nations in the entire world right now, isn\t that what americans wants,
other countries are studying how he is trying to get his country out of the recession and they are doing it too, that is the highest honor going,
p.s. he came and asked canada my country we presently have the best economy in the world.
but obama listens and learns and that is a great leader.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Don't think being in office 4 months is time to fix the economy, but then I don't think he is trying too hard with all that I see getting laid off here with his taxing it is putting small businesses down to having either to lay off half their staff or close. As far as Fox news goesI find that the only ones that complain about Fox news is the ones that it doesnt' represent the views of those complaining. I think Fox is good because it gives you both sides and then it is your choice to believe what you want to. I think his bowing to the Saudi king was a mistake, since when do we bow to a moslem. Why if he is into bowing didn't he bow to the queen or any of the others, that just about showed it to me. As for foreign affairs I think he is trying to make friends with people that would just as soon kill us as look at us. He seem to think saying we are their friends will make them all of a sudden like us, just gives them more to breed on, they think he is weak and I believe he is. But these just my opinion, I know that any one that is for him will say different and that is all right as everyone has their right to an opinion, but when I see that 18,000 more people have joined the roles of medicaid trying to feed their family and get insurance to cover their kids and when I see at the store only one man working and he tells me that he can't afford to keep the help any more that doesn't show me he is doing too much to help the working people. What he gave them an extra $60. a month on their checks, wow and another 5000 got laid off.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
19 Apr 09
No Dems like the stations that only show one side then you dont' have the chance to see the other side makes them look better, Dems always been shady, and i was one for along time, just like the dems put us where we are now but they try to push the blame off on Bush and anyone or else they can. I'm waiting to see what happens with Israel, see who he stands by.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I can say that he did the right thing in authorizing the use of force against those pirates. He's also done the right thing by publicly acknowledging that these pirate attack are a serious issue. So far it seems that France and India are the only other countries to realize that.
Aside from that he's doing the right thing by increasing troops in Afghanistan, and choosing to leave up to 50,000 troops in Iraq after the withdrawal is complete. Sure, he campaigned by saying he wouldn't do that, but I guess it's one promise I'm glad he broke.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Apr 09
"As for leaving the troops in Iraq after actually getting into office he was privy to a lot of info that he did not have while on the campagne trail."
Of course he was. That's why McCain told him his desire to pull the troops out by a specific deadline without getting all that information was naive
"He is pulling out many troops trying to keep his promise but unfortunately the situation needs to have troops left behind."
Yes, so he is BREAKING his promise by leaving troops behind. I'm sure you remember him REAMING McCain for saying he would do exactly what Obama is doing now. The fact is, he realized McCain was right and he was wrong.
End result, Obama did the right thing by realizing that he made a foolish and naive promise during his campaign. Just because it was the right thing to do doesn't mean he didn't break a promise doing it.
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Taskr what are you talking about during his campagne he said he would beef up Afghanistan. As for leaving the troops in Iraq after actually getting into office he was privy to a lot of info that he did not have while on the campagne trail. He is pulling out many troops trying to keep his promise but unfortunately the situation needs to have troops left behind.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I think his family picked out a cute dog, minus the tail that is...I hate it when people shave dogs...but Bo is cute.
Of course people who did not vote for him are going to criticize him. After all I didn't vote for him because I think we would have been better off with someone with more experience. But he's there now and under the scope of everyone.
GOes with the job description.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Well, he did something right to be prodded/pushed/pulled/chosen for the office.
I'm trying to think of something else, but my belief strongly backed by a lot of (albeit circumstial and sometimes suspect)evidence is that he's nothing more or less than a puppet (just like his predecessors) and reality shows that his policies from the wars in the middle east, the bailouts for corporate giants, the use of torture, the losses of our privacy, and more--are identical to and continuations of his predecessors policies.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I think he handled the pirate situation very well. He didn't give interviews and play politics with it. He simply gave the order and let the military handle the logisitics and by so doing, he proved that he is a commander in chief who can work with the military in times of crises.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I'll start off by saying I didn't vote for him.
Obama is the most popular president coming into office since... you won't believe this... JIMMY CARTER. Yeah, Clinton, Bush, Bush, and Reagan all were not as approving to the American public. The Peanut Farmer was.
The thing I like about Obama... he talks straight... the problem with Bush, especially in his first term, is that he was out of his element. He was trying to be something he wasn't... he's a down-home Texas cowboy trying to be an Ivy-League (he was) leader of the free world.
What Obama has done right is lay the groundwork for what is to come. He has already addressed the banking crisis (what a sham that BS was), the housing crisis (another BS... ugghhh won't get into that), the perception of the US to the world, Guantanimo Bay (no I don't think it's gonna get shut down and if it does it doesn't matter there are many many more), etc....
He has done a good job listening to what leaders have to say. He's made the book of the hated Hugo Chavez a best seller! He didn't do it but.... my question; why does Chavez hate us? Is there something we can do to fix it? The same with Cuba... lifting restrictions on Cuba should have been done 20 years ago and actually was until Reagan reinstituted them. They are of no threat to us.
Obama has been straight with me the American citizen. He has been on TV more than any president I know of in his first 100 days and from what I can hear he's not talking political jibberish but being honest with us. Give me honesty. Is it going to be hard? Is it going to be hell for the next 10 years... just let me know; I'm a big boy and I can take it.
As a democrat (and a very left-wing democrat at that) I am very impressed with the message of 'get out there and make a difference yourself' that has been perceived by me. That is my message to myself (someone who has owned his own business since '96). Don't like it, change it.
Now Obama has not been president for long and right now (after all the fuss of an African-American Kennedyish president has worn off) Obama's approval numbers are lower than George Bush at the same time in his presidency and that is coming off of one of the most liked presidents in a while. Remember that in a year in office GW Bush then became the most approved president of all time only to have one of the lowest approvals of all time.
Should we save the banks... maybe... if it saves the American public (and from the stock market making a rebound to banks actually making money now, accountability goes a LONG WAY).
Bail out the auto-makers. Maybe but we do it 'my way'. Make the product we want and we (the American public) will buy from you. Need money to do that? Fine but here are the terms.
This is a very VERY difficult situation for any president to be in right now and I would give it more time before I have asked "What have you done for me lately?" whether you are Republican or Democrat or neither.
Great question

@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
20 Apr 09
We tend to be critical because we don't always know what is involved in getting government moving. At this point anything is better than nothing. He has at least opened doors a little bit as far as foreign relations which were lousy during the past administration. Granted there is a lot of money being spent now which we can not always see the good but only the bad. Let us not forget that no matter what he suggests the House and Senate will have to do what they do best, cut, paste, shred, change then vote or not vote. They are the ones with the real power.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
20 Apr 09
I can count them on one hand.
1. He has decided to continue the plan already in place from the previous administration on the war in Iraq.
2. He has increased the troop levels in Afghanistan
3. He took decisive on a group of thug pirates who captured an american ship.
4. He has stated correctly that marriage is a matter of state law and not federal.
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
i can't blame obama for making so many mistakes. it is not easy task or work to be a president. there is lot s of pressure and also being compared with the presidents before him. but i think that the general populace is not happy yet with theh performance of obama. but still he is just new and we may have to give him time. but only that the US is in desperate time that US needs more action as soon or as early as possible. But obama is not coming up with those good actions or decision to keep the economy moving forward. and it is natural for him to face those criticism. there is no president on earth who has not faced such hard attacks on them. i don't think that they just blaming him only. i think we do that for every president what ever country we are from. there is always dissatisfied people around. specially with the global crisis. pointing of fingers will be the natural actions of people why their country is still not moving ahead.
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@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Well, for a second there I thought he was gonna hold teachers accountable. And I think the whole Cuba thing is ridiculous and heading in the right direction. With that said I'll remind everybody of the old saying 'even a broken clock is right twice a day.'
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@Hopetomakemoney (24)
20 Apr 09
From my perspective I think Obama is one of the mose promising presedents in the world! What he has clearly done in my eyes, is show that he is just like anyone of us, he likes to have fun and what he has done brilliantly in my eyes is having a great social and work life. He has got a perfect balance, which allows him to not get easily stressed in life. I can understand how people can think Obama is doing wrong, like not fixing the HUGE problem of the economy situation which we today face. However I belive he is, as he is making fantastic relations with everyone and thus by having improved relations with other countries then he will be able to work closer alongside these important people thus making are relations stronger and hopefully are economy will make this stronger. What I mean by this is because of the situation of our economy people work closer together to try to fix this huge problem. Anyway i hope this was a new perspective on this matter.
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@kareng (70384)
• United States
19 Apr 09
He is getting his pretty little face plastered all over the TV. Now I'm not saying that is something he has done right but it is something that the previous presidents didn't do on a daily basis. He is on the news, he is in the newspaper, yada yada. I'm so sick of this guy!
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I'm proud of Obama for boycotting the meeting in Iran along with much of Europe.
I'm glad he didn't show up and then have to walk out. That gives a stronger statement of disapproval of Ahmadinejad's attitudes.