What are some non-religious reasons to be against gay marriage?

@miamilady (4910)
United States
April 19, 2009 1:23pm CST
I honestly didn't think there were any. I've been told otherwise. I'd like to know what reasons people have against gay marriage other than religious reasons.
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14 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I can think of some non-religious reasons in support of gay marriage, like the ability to be covered under your partner's insurance, the right to be by your partner's side during a medical crisis along with the right to make decisions regarding care, the right to form a family as a single unit just like heterosexual couples can, the right to inherit and on and on. I also do not agree that gay marriage promotes the spread of AIDS, in fact, I believe that the opposite is true. If gay couples were able to form more committed relationships I believe that more of them would stay together for longer periods of time, lessening the opportunity to participate in risky behaviour.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I disagree with your last statement. I don't see that anyone needs the US government to acknowledge their partnership to be committed to each other. If that were truly necessary, than it would almost be as if the government were their god. If my wife and I couldn't be married legally, it certainly wouldn't change what our relationship is or how we stayed together. I will say I've heard the insurance argument both ways. Some people think that straight roommates would have a sham marriage to get insurance benefits. I knew of one person who had a sham marriage just to get financial aid when her parents wouldn't help her pay for school.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 Apr 09
As someone who has been both married and involved in a long term live-in relationship I disagree with the basis for your disagreement. The difference is not about the U.S. government acknowling the partnership, the difference is that vows are exchanged, promises are made and the union is sanctified as something special. Whether this union takes place in a church, in an outdoor setting or in a county clerk's office, a union is formed that means more than "Okay, let's live together". "If my wife and I couldn't be married legally, it certainly wouldn't change what our relationship is or how we stayed together." You don't know this because you're married to each other. Some folks don't need or want to be married but, for those who do, it means much more to them than a piece of paper with a state seal on it.
@marguicha (225486)
• Chile
19 Apr 09
Well said!!!
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Well it breeds Aids that alone should make it undesirable. You don't see normal people with Aids unless it has been passed on to them or they picked it up in a blood transfusion. My daughter's brother in law was gay, I watched him die from Aides, it was a horrible thing to watch. I don't believe anyone is born gay, they get that way because of rejection, well that is my belief and I watched Mark as his parents rejected him, he found in a gay man one night drunk,what his parents didn't give him the attention he craved. Like I said just my opinion. I could care less what 2 people do, but putting it out there in front of small kids that don't understand, my grand daughter always wanted to know why Mark was holding hands with another man. Small children don't understand. But gays only seem to care about them selves and I think it a lot easier to just go get a man because rejection is something they can't take or handle. Women the same way.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Maybe your one of those swinging with the monkeys and that is why you know so much about it. If all gays are born that way then where do Bi people come into this, or people are born Bi too. Damn and I just thought it was normal to be born, like a doc delivers a baby and says this one is gay, as if they could tell. Later on in life we determine what we want to be, it is a choice we make to be homosexual, or to be straight and yes our upbringing and our associations help to determine what that will be. Go swing in the trees some more.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Well angel you are wrong again, I have never been to San Fransico, hell I can't even spell it, now you can tell your bull shi*t all you want on here if that pleases you. I have been married since I was 17 years old and to a man, I don't give a shi*t what you gays do but dont' bring me into your shi*t. I simplely replied to a post on here and apparently unless you think like a gay, and respond with what pleases them then you have no right to an opinion.
@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
20 Apr 09
What are you babbling about now? No one said you were gay, I know I certainly didn't. I simply pointed out there is mounting evidence to demonstrate sexuality is genetic, and that your personal attacks are pointless and stupid. I am not gay either, that doesn't mean I think they are disgusting. As for "dont' bring me into your shi*t" I don't believe anyone invited you in to their "shi*t"
@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
20 Apr 09
There are many arguments that people use which are claimed to be non-religious, but really none that stand up to the test of logic.
@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
20 Apr 09
Well there is the blatantly wrong claim of spread of aids which was already mentioned. There is also the incorrect claim that it is unnatural, against the natural order that is, this could be taken to be a non religious argument. There is also the claim that homosexuality is a mental condition and should be treated. The argument that homosexuals are by nature not monogamous. None of these are factually correct, but they aren't religious.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Good job putting some real answers out there. An illogical reason is still a reason so I think your answers are helpful. Most prejudices in the world are based on reasons that are completely illogical, but they happen never the less.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
20 Apr 09
But...what ARE those arguments? I think througout this whole discussions I've seen maybe TWO of those reasons. I don't happen to agree with them. I just want to know what they ARE! lol This is kind of exasperating.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 09
It looks like this is going to be a tough one to get answers to. Only a couple people have given you answers and most are just showing their anger at the fact that some people are against gay marriage. It's sad that many have used this thread as an excuse to attack religion rather than answer your clear and straightforward question.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 09
You can defend your position without showing such hatred towards people you know nothing about. If you have a problem with someone on this thread, post under their comment and disagree with them. When you, and others here, decide to treat the thread as a punching bag for religion, well you're both ignoring the purpose of this thread, and insulting everyone here who does have a religion, not to mention the fact that your statement was just wrong.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 09
"I am not attacking any fuucking religion" Really? Because this sure sounds like an attack to me. "Organized religion is a load of crap and it breeds more hatred than the KKK!" On what planet does comparing organized religion to a group whose sole purpose is hate not amount to an attack? "And also, some are just using it to speak out against gay marriage without truly giving "reasons" other than religion, and if I remember right, even those do eventually feel the need to bring religion into it at some point." And that too completely ignores the clear purpose of your thread. "I thought about suggesting some "gamerules" I've seen it done before and I don't think it would have changed the responses anyway. "You've said there ARE non-religious reasons, but (unless I missed something) you still haven't said what those reasons are." Since I don't oppose gay marriage I find it hard to think of any logical reason to oppose it. Contemplating what tyrants like Stalin and Hitler thought is hard because they really were insane. At best I'd say that such people opposed it because they felt it was just wrong and unnatural. I think that many (not all) religious people who are opposed to gay marriage use the bible as an excuse for how they already feel because it's hard for them to articulate their real issues with gay marriage. If they really were just following whatever was written in the bible they'd be vegetarians and support maiming those who abused animals. There really are passages in the bible that can be used to justify almost any belief or standpoint. Most people think for themselves first and bring the bible into it later.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
20 Apr 09
"It looks like this is going to be a tough one to get answers to." It looks like it, so far. "Only a couple people have given you answers and most are just showing their anger at the fact that some people are against gay marriage." And also, some are just using it to speak out against gay marriage without truly giving "reasons" other than religion, and if I remember right, even those do eventually feel the need to bring religion into it at some point. "It's sad that many have used this thread as an excuse to attack religion rather than answer your clear and straightforward question." Homosexuality AND religion are obviously sensitive topics for a lot of people. Unfortunately some folks have had some truly negative experiences with religious people and religion in general. Personally, I'm probably agnostic, but I try not be be angry with religion in general or religious people. I think EVERYONE as a right to believe what they believe. The only time I become angry is when someone tries to force their beliefs on me. Fortunately that doesn't happen to me often. I thought about suggesting some "gamerules" when I started this discussion, hoping to avoid some of the inevitable arguments, but I failed to do so. I still think it's a worthwhile discussion. Taskr36, You know why I started this discussion. So far, you've just named a couple of athiests that are against homosexuality, but you've failed to give me the non-religious reasons against it. You've said there ARE non-religious reasons, but (unless I missed something) you still haven't said what those reasons are.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
20 Apr 09
You can't buy his and her towels. You can't be called Mr. and Mrs. You can't be called man and wife. You can't be called mom and dad. That is all that I can think of!! Now, I wonder who will come up with what I think are ridiculous reasons. Do not judge unless you want to be judged, and live and let live. If only people did both.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Was I supposed to laugh? I hope so, cuz I did! lol Thanks for your post.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Yes and I am glad that it DID make you laugh!
@marguicha (225486)
• Chile
19 Apr 09
Some people are afraid of what they don´t know. That is prejudice and it leads to all kinds of ugliness. Same thing happenned some time ago with interracial marriages (I suppose it still happens at some places). I have read here of people who are against gay marriage, against gays and lesbians, against other religions than theirs, against other races. I´m an agnostic but I wish the believers would pray for those poor people full of hathred. I´ll send then positive energy. Amen
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I agree with you about interracial marriage being put in the same bad light Yep and interracial marriage wasnt legal until 1968 actually....being a biracial woman with mixed children I can say that i and my children both realize and take great pride in the fact that we have the best of both worlds...
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
19 Apr 09
It's not alright everywhere, I have a step daughter has 2 bi racial boys, they do not belong in either race as far as where they live, yes it is ignorance on the part of the people. Her other son refused to go to school because of the rest of the kids calling him names cause he has 2 black brothers, It s is the kids that suffer in these relationships, there will always be people who hate other races, to me it was her pick, she is a grown woman. I neither liked or disliked him, had nothing to do with his race, but that he was married and should not of been messing with her. I have nothing against gays or any one else, i just think it a lot easier for a man to go find a man and not have to deal with what women want, or living a life like a normal person, and yes she wants me to tell a small child that her uncle loves a man, it is their life but some have to spew it all over like it is some big show.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I agree with you about interracial marriage being put in the same bad light. Years ago it was said that this would be bad for any children the couple would have...that they wouldn't *belong* to either race. As the years have gone by this has, of course, been disproven. I have a good friend who married a black man back in the 1970's. They raised four children, all of whom celebrate being black as well as being white.
• United States
19 Apr 09
I don't see anything wrong with anyone who is gay or lesbian wanting to get married.
@Darkwing (21583)
20 Apr 09
I don't see what the problem is. If gay people don't marry, then they live together, so where's the difference. If they're comfortable with getting married, then I see no earthly reason why they shouldn't. I actually attended a gay wedding the year before last! Brightest Blessings.
• United States
19 Apr 09
Some people actually tghink that day men are periphiles.So they see two gay men with kids and they are worried. It is just because they don't know any better. Another could be that they Only see marriage as a ma and a woman. They aren't religious but they Still have this view. I am straight , but not narrow . I am for any marriage save my own. So I am only guessing.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I am not against gay marriage but there is something I question in that regard. Many states and cities or companies do not recognize it and as a result do not give "benefits" to the partner. Or there is the question of how the couple explain their relationship to a child. As far as I am concerned why not let gays get married? They could not do any worse than the rest of us who have a 50% divorce rate...
• United States
20 Apr 09
This all part of the reasons that I believe it is not up to us to judge, God will. If a person does not have a religious belief that his or her conscience will know what is and what is not.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 09
That's one of the things I've brought up. Marriage really has become a joke in this country so I don't see how letting gay people marry can make it worse than the chapels in Las Vegas already have.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I don't think there are any either and since we have a separation of church and state that means there are no reasonable arguments against it, in my opinion. I've read some of the other arguments and none of them make sense to me. The government doesn't belong in the marriage business to begin with. I agree with those who have proposed there be legal contracts between two adults and that if someone wants to enter into a church "marriage" that's fine. The one argument against gay marriage I hear over and over that drives me CRAZY is the one about how if gays could legally get married it would demean "conventional" marriages. Two people who happen to be of the same gender who are committed to each other demeans marriage but two people getting drunk in Vegas and getting married only to wake up the next morning and not even remember it or people going on a reality show to choose their spouse does NOT? Annie
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Apr 09
Absolutely none.
• United States
21 Apr 09
We have a sick culture where bullying and the rule of the mob rules. This is not about freedom. I heard and read lots of pro-gay literature stating that homosexuality runs at about 10 percent. My own guess would be at least 1 percent. No matter how small the minority group, they still have a right to pursue their freedom. Now, there are two groups who think it is their freedom to beat and kill others: cops and gangs. The test for freedom stops when there becomes a victim. Gay lovers do not create any victims. Steve Slaton P.S. About contagious diseases. All people get sick. For instance, if a college kid has the flu and sneezes in your face, he just assaulted you with a germ.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I think there are some people who object to forming families with a gay couple and feel that marriage would encourage this. These same people feel that being gay is catching, that gays can pass it to heterosexuals.