If they knew why didn't they do anything? Muc less Approve it.
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
April 23, 2009 8:59am CST
The CIA is saying that it briefed top Democrats and Republicans on the congressional intelligence committees more than 30 times about enhanced interrogation techniques, according to intelligence sources who said the lawmakers tacitly approved the techniques that some Democrats in Congress now say should land Bush administration officials in jail.
Those who were briefed included current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV of West Virginia and Rep. Jane Harman of California, and Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, Sen. Richard C. Shelby of Alabama and Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan. They all signed off on the processes that were being used.
Now some of hte very ones who approved the actions are screaming to take people to trial over it. I agree American should not torture. But now it looks like Pelosi knew and approved it also.....So she can include herself and all the other members on teh intelligence committes to list of people that need to be put on trial and held accountable. But Peolosi is only calling for Republcians to be held accountable.
Should all the members of the intelligence committee get into trouble for approving torture? Why is Pelosi only picking and choosing the people who she wants held accounting? Especially sense it looks like she herself needs to be held accountable. What do you think should be done?
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6 responses
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Below is what the article you linked says about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:
"Mrs. Pelosi has said she was briefed on waterboarding techniques only once, when she was ranking member of the House committee, and said that in that briefing CIA officials said they thought the tactic was legal and that the agency was considering using it."
"They come in to us and represent certain things. We can't talk to other people about it. We don't know whether it is true or false. We just know that it is a fact that that is what they have told us in these closed hearings and people hear different things in the same room, depending on their own experience," Mrs. Pelosi told reporters Wednesday.
(End of excerpt)
I saw Speaker Pelosi on TV a short while ago and she said she wanted to make it clear that she was never told the torture techniques were being used, just that it was legal to do so and she never gave her approval. I'm not going to try to quote her exactly because I don't recall her exact quote and I can't find it anywhere yet. However, from what I gather these legislators weren't given the opportunity to approve or disapprove of what they were briefed about and they weren't to tell anyone else what they'd learned because it was classified information. If we're to take Pelosi at her word - and I know few people here are willing to do that - there is no evidence that she "approved" of torture at all.
Personally,Personally, I think anyone directly responsible for the torture techniques used should definitely be held accountable, regardless of which party they happen to belong to. However, I think it was the Administration who made all the decisions in this regard and those in the highest positions should be held the most responsible.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I don't think the FBI had anything to do with it, it's the CIA that's involved with things like torture. There may have been 30 briefings in total but that included all the committees that were able to get them and also included both he House and Senate committees. No doubt there were quite a few different people because the committees change at least a little bit with each election. Pelosi said she was briefed one time and I can't imagine she'd lie about that because it could be easily confirmed. She didn't become Speaker until after the 2006 election and I'm not sure what committees she served on prior to that. I also honestly don't think just because someone is briefed that they can have any say in something that is the decision of the Administration. However, I stand by what I originally said, whoever did have any part in letting this happen should be held accountable. I'm just not ready to jump to conclusions when so far we have a lot of conflicting reports from different people. Let me put it this way - I know everyone here hates Pelosi but if I had to choose between believing her or believing the D1ck Cheney or John Boehner I'm afraid I'd have to believe Nancy, even if only by default...de-fault of the others having no credibility...lol!
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Apr 09
According to the FBI not only were they briefed over 30 times over the years. As members of the intelligence committee they had direct knowledge of all of it. The FBI gave FULL reports. In those reports of the meetings with the intelligence committee by the FBI it was said that all of the intelligence committee members not only approves of the interrigation techniques used but asked how much farther they could go. None of htem said a word about "is this wrong", "I am not comfortable with this". None of them brought up any objections.
I hope the FBI releases the full reports of the intelligence committee breifings. I do wnat to know who knew what and why. Because if Pelosi and the others knew and approved and are now threating legal action against Condi and the FBI for doing it, than she and all of the intelligence committee need to be brought up on charges too.
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@Rick1953 (7)
• United States
24 Apr 09
"Why is Pelosi only picking and choosing the people she wants held accountable?"
Not that Speaker Pelosie has full control of this matter but one must remember who her base constituency is. There are those on the right that are adamant that nothing wrong was done and they're wrong. There are those on the left that will settle for nothing less then an inquisition trial into all things actual or perceived that were done wrong by the last administration and they're wrong. Nothing less then Former President Busch and his cabal in leg irons will suffice. In my opinion if this is what they want they had better think about the laws of unintended consequences and who else will be sucked up into hysteria of screaming moralists. Has anyone noticed the deafening silence of Majority leader Harry Reed? It has been reported that he does not support anything more then the house investigation that is going on now. President Obama said that he wants to look forward, has ordered stopped any further operations and the closure of GITMO. I do not believe our already fractured country could stand Washington stagnation while investigations and trials are commenced with.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Well Pelosi is the one pushing for it. Yet it seems she not only knew about as a member of the intelligence committee but approved it.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Apr 09
They didn't disapprove until it was politically expedient for them. In other words, there is nothing to any of the charges but childish political games.
If these people aren't included in any charges on the matter, there is nothing legal or ethical about the case at all.
It's called a lynching, and used to be something the democrats claimed to abhor.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
25 Apr 09

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
23 Apr 09
It's really simple. Pelosi is a liar and a hyppocrite. She's a greedy wench who cares only about her political career. If she'd opposed these measures and another 9-11 happened, her career would end. On the other hand, this tactic has not only kept her in office, but become something she can now use to oust her enemies. It's the beauty of congress. You get all the power with none of the responsibility. The CEOs and their golden parachutes have nothing on congress.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
23 Apr 09
I say if Condi and the others come up on charges that the whole intelligence committee come up on them too...including Pelosi.
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Hi lilwonders...I think that this sets a bad precedent when the current administration seeks to charge the previous administration for policy disagreements. Who is willing to take responsibility for any actions when in another four or eight years you can be tried and imprisoned for those actions? If I knew that I don't think I'd want to take responsibility.