I Wanna Live In Your Bathroom!
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
April 25, 2009 11:23pm CST
The online Kijiji ad I posted for selling my house is really starting to pay off.
I've had quite a few 'hits' from it, most of which I've forwarded on to my
lazy agent. So now I have a fellow from Sweden negotiating for my house and
one from the UK., a couple from Alberta and now, as of today, I'm sure another couple from Saskat. (Note: Why are single European men interested in my house hmmmmmmmm? Do they think I come with it? LOL)
I was contacted yesterday by a woman from Regina and though I told my agent about
her, he didn't get back to me, so when she phoned today and asked if she and her partner could come view the house, I said yes.
They brought their hyperactive six year old with them. He was so cute, but man he could throw a pillow a country mile. All the decorative ones from my couch went out the front door, and all the ones from my bed went out the French doors to my porch. Kid obviously has issues with pillows and judging from my own inclination to smother him with one, I'm not surprised! lol
Anyway, when they arrived I took them on a tour of the yard and gardens and brought them in the side door into the basement and then on upstairs to the main floor. The minute we got to the living room, pygmy pillow boy was off and running down the hall.
No prob.......until we heard this:
"Mom, mom, I'm going poo in the bathroom! Come quick, you gotta see this!"Well we all rushed to the bathroom, and there he was, sitting proudly on the throne, legs straight out and a ton of toilet paper in his lap. Not so cute anymore.
But he hadn't called us in to view his 'business'. Before his mother could say a word, the kid is yelling (yes, YELLING):
"Mom, mom, I want to live in this bathroom. Look at the floor. It's so WARM. Look at that sink, I can swim in it! Even the bathtub is warm and I want to sleep in it. Please Mom, Please?"I'm not kidding, this kid has some serious hang ups! Pillows, bathrooms and toilet paper to name just a few I was privileged to witness today.
This couple better put in a serious bid on this house or their little terror is never going to let them hear the end of it! As they were getting ready to leave, we looked around and the kid is gone. All three of us adults went into 'mommy' mode and stood still and just listened. And then we heard it. A stream of water hitting porcelain.
You guessed it. Bathroom boy was pissing in the toilet.........no I correct that.
When we got to the bathroom, there he is kneeling on the counter pissing into the sink! What a proud moment for his parents! LOL
I think they just may buy the house out of embarrassment! ROFL
How about you? When was the last time a holy terror (your own or someone elses) pissed in your sink........or anything else that made you want to go postal?
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23 responses
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Obviously, this child needs help and his parents aren't giving it to him.
I'd say, pray to who ever it is you pray to, that these people get this child some help - wonder what their place looks like! marks on the walls, nothing on the beds?
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Apr 09
He's already been diagnosed as ADD, his mother told me, so she's already aware (and hopefully that means doing something about it) of his problems.
But good point about what their house must look like! Sh*t, now I hope they DON'T put a bid in on mine! It would break my heart to think of it being 'trashed' by this kid.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Apr 09
I think I agree with you. I'm used to hyper active kids, but hells bells, they seem to be everywhere these days!
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
26 Apr 09
hmmmmmm.... must of been the little guy's first day out of his cage! If I had a kid like that he would be sleeping in a cage in the back yard and would think the bathroom down at the 7-11 was a posh hotel! lol!
When I was growing up, I dreaded seeing my 3 (yes 3!) cousin's (triplets!) they were mean as chit! when they came to visit we would often lock the doors and pretend to be gone! (yeah.. they were that bad!) one day they caught us outside so we couldn't hide from their visit.. so we braced for the worst! .. in that one day.. one of them ate the glass gravel out of the fish tank.. one flushed a bottle of pepto bismol down the toilet.. just the bottle!.. after he painted the walls with the pink stuff! and as we walked outside we heard two of them talking.... one said "you pull it's tongue out and I will cut it off!" the other one replied "OK!" .. I thought they had my dog! I rounded the corner to see them pulling the string out of the lawn mower and before I could get to them.. he snipped the string off with a pair of garden shears! If anyone needed a cage... it was these boys!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Apr 09
Bet the teacher's the one that painted the walls with the pepto bismal! LOL
Holy cow, three for one and all of them terrors. I would have taken them out to the wilderness, given them each a cookie and told them if they found their way home, I'd consider keeping them if they behaved! LOL Otherwise military school at the age of 5 for all of them!
@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Nope the one that ate the glass out of the fish tank and lived... is the teacher.
BTW he ate the fish too!
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
26 Apr 09
well..... there is one of that just got out of prison (for rape).. the other one is a teacher... and the other one is a drunk.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Geee, sounds like they need to put him on a short leash!! And Ridalyn I might add! Or maybe pay the babysitter double to keep him!! People should know better than to bring small children when viewing someone else's home even if it's one that's for sale! Gee, how can a person see the house in it's full glory when they're worried about where their kid is or what are they into now. Dumb dumb dumb!!
Now I need to ask you, how did you post your house? Where or what? The reason is because my parents house isn't selling. They've made their last house payment this month and can't make any more so it has to sell or it'll go into foreclosure and they'll lose every bit that they put into it. They've already come down $100,000. as it is, they can't come down any more. I'll email you the link so you can see it for yourself and maybe you know where to post it at.
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
26 Apr 09
That kids parents have no control over him and have not taught him any manners what so ever. I so would have capitalized on his actions lol when I saw him peeing in the sink I would have said to him...Guess what if your parents buy this house you could do that everyday!
He would have been bugging them everyday to buy that house with the sink he could pee in! LOL.

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Apr 09
LOL Amberina, what a great strategy! I'm sorry I didn't think of it. Damn! BR to you girl!

@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
26 Apr 09
Dang!~ I hope they really do buy the house & that settles it!~ You can ask your agent to take a hike, no commission or whatsoever since he's so darn lazy. Maybe you can save that money to buy yourself the pony? Haha!~
Where did the kid come from anyway? Sounds like a little imp, ahem, I mean impertinent?

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Apr 09
He was the son of the couple viewing the house and I figure he must have had a good toilet training experience to be so 'at home' in a bathroom and wanting to live in one! LOL
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@Mikaela_taz25 (1842)
• Philippines
26 Apr 09

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Apr 09
The kid is just going through a phase....he'll probably outgrow it unless his parents buy my house and he takes up residence in the bathroom! ROFL

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
Yep, for sure scrubbed it good! LOL
And no bid, but I did get an apology later on in the week along with a small house plant!
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
Yes it was, but you know, I think I would have rather had a picture of the kid peeing in the sink! LOL

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
26 Apr 09
How could they in all honesty take that terror with them to view another persons home????? The parents and their lack of discipline for that child. I'd have whipped that child if he were mine and he would have been sent to the car to wait. I sure hope they apologized for the disruption and their little terror!!!! They must know how their child is, why in heavens name would they take them with them to your house or anyone elses for that matter. I would have been livid.
I have not had anyone piss in my sink or tub, other than the cats when I had them. I trained 2 of them to go in the toilet.

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Apr 09
At least he pooped in the toilet! LOL
Some parents are so used to their kids behaviour they don't really register how it affects others. Dad tried his best to keep an eye on the kid, but they were looking at a home to buy, so it's understandable their own attention was distracted. And they were both terribly embarrassed. I love kids and I'm pretty good with them, and as long as no real damage was being done, I couldn't see the point in making an issue of it. And it really was funny to see the kid kneeling on the counter with this big old grin on his face, peeing into the sink! LOL
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
27 Apr 09
THE VISUAL OF THE CHILD SMILING AND PEEING IN THE SINK IS FUNNY, LOL. OOOps sorry for the caps. I bet the parents were embarrassed. I love child too but I know when mine act up and when to spank them. Of course now days the parents are afraid of going to jail if they spank their child in front of someone.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
26 Apr 09
I've thought about moving to Canada every now and then over the years but, since hearing about the weirdos coming to look at your house, I've decided to stay right here.
First, the pillbox hat woman, now this two-legged tornado! Geez! I HOPE you get some "normal" people coming to look at your house... at least one or two!
I don't understand why this kid's mother didn't do something to keep that kid under control. What he was doing I would not have tolerated for one second from my own kids! Geez!
I've been grocery shopping before and there were about 4 or 6 kids running around like they were overdosing on caffeine or something. I can't say for sure how many kids there were because they literally were all over the place, running, yelling, throwing food, and their father didn't do a thing to stop them. (Their mother was not there... maybe she ran away because they were driving her insane!)
I wanted to grab each one of them on their 5th or 6th time whizzing by me and throttle them!
However, I can say that no kid has ever pissed in my sink, at least none that I know about. It's a wonder I still have hair on my head from pulling on it when my youngest son was young because he was literally hyperactive. It's also amazing I still have a mind left! I actually wrote a short story about him entitled, "Living With a Young Tornado."
If someone brought a kid into my home, like the one you're talking about here, I'd HAVE to say something to his mother or father. I wouldn't care if I lost a sale; if the kids parents don't give a crap about disciplining their child and also don't care about what he does to a stranger's home, I'LL help them out! 

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Apr 09
This kid was smart and not really the least bit 'bad'. He just was so interested in everything and had something to say about everything that caught his attention. He rather charmed me before the sink incident! lol His parents tried their best, but kids are like eels and can slip out from under your thumb before you can blink! I found it interesting that he only threw SOFT things around. He said he didn't like the color of my pillows. The color 'offended' him! LOL You gotta love the way a kids mind works when it's being creative.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 Apr 09
So true! When my youngest son was just two years old, my oldest son handed him a Wacky Wall Walker (those sticky things you throw at a wall and they kind "walk" down it) once. My youngest looked at this thing in his hand, dropped it like it was full of germs or something and said, with that lisp he had at the time, "That's disgusting" although it came out as "Thath dithguthting!"
I was floored when he not only used the word 'disgusting' because he had JUST turned two, but used it in the proper context! Kids really ARE the most amazing creatures on the face of the Earth. 

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Apr 09
I heard the mother talking about social workers as they got in their car to leave! LOL
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
26 Apr 09

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Apr 09
I'll email you more pics...........
You know you could be right about the kid having been a dog in a previous life. LOL
Wish I'd thought of that at the time!
@tamarafireheart (15384)
26 Apr 09
Hi sparky,
I wouldn't be so calm about it, I don't know why people bring would bring ther kids with them to view other peoples houses even if they atre thinking of buying, they don't seem to respect that you still own the house, I just don't have any patients with young kids, they could break things, as for pissing in the sink I would make his mother wash the sink down, you are a saint to put up with all that sparky. Love and hugs.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Apr 09
I think I warned you about small children, you thought at that time you could lock them in the dog pen, guess that didn't work. Hang in there someone will buy, you are having great response. Hurry up I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you and I'm getting cramps.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Apr 09
LOL. You're right. My own fingers are cramping now hoping no one else shows up with kids!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Apr 09

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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I was the proud pisser... When I was a kid - less than 10 - my father was in our only bathroom and I had to go pretty bad. I told him a few times I had to go and I guess he wasn't at a stopping point in his magazine. So I ended up going in the kitchen sink - I did take the dishes out and clean the sink when I was done.
But I tell you, if that had been my kid he'd have had a pretty red behind after the first pillow incident!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
9 May 09
Been there, done that!!! Of course I'm usually giggling too :)
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
LOL, yep, I've been there and done that too! The worst is when the hubs and I are on a road trip in the middle of nowhere. He'll ask me "Need to squat and giggle yet". I squat on the side of the road and he giggles! ROFL
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
28 Apr 09
my guess is younwon't see them for dust. What a disgusting child. Hard to believe a kid mcould misbehave so dreadfully and his parents do nothing. Unless of course you are being polite and not mentioning the fact that the parents are more than a tad dim-witted.
We don't have basements over here or attics for that matter. I'd love to have one or the other - how wonderful to have that extra room and storage.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
I know many parents with blind spots where their kids are concerned. This kid was really kinda cute though. I had to give him credit for his aim too! LOL
@mummymo (23706)
28 Apr 09
Good God woman - how does it all happen to you? pmpl Sounds like a delightful child - just the type I would refuse to go anywhere with! lol I think i was probably the last person to piss in a sink - would have been pissed myself though!
ps My little cherubs do something that sent me a little gaga? Come now sparks ....not my perfect little angel!!!!

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
LOL, mummy, I KNOW you've got stories. You just live in denial! ROFL
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
8 May 09
Only you hun hehehheheheh. Wow just wow!! I have missed your stories and this one just helped make my day esp after the day I have had!! I think if I were the parents of the kid i would either buy the house out of embarrasment, or never see anything else about it at all. I have so missed you!!! ***HUGS****
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
9 May 09
Its good to be back. I am not here everyday, but I try to get here for at least a couple of hours every few days. Work has been crazy, (98 hours in a 2 week period) This pay period I am already up to 70 hours and still have 3 days to go in the pay period. Today is my only day off for the week. Going to spend some quality time with my hunny today hopefully lol. I am glad I could bring you back a bit too I have missed you a lot!!!!!!
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
Hey sweets, it's good to see you again! You've actually brought ME back to the lot, when I saw your name in my inbox! LOL I've been MIA myself what with the selling of the house and all. Guess I'd better catch up on my responses! LOL Good to see you again. Stick around for awhile ok, and I will too! Higgles..............
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Well then, you make him sound so... unobnoxious... Sounds like his parents should have left him at home if he doesn't know to stay with the parents instead of running off. Did the parents not even call for him or scold him for throwing down pillows / using the bathroom without the permission of his parents? I also want to know, does your agent know these people and that's why he hasn't gotten back to you, hmmm...
Well good luck selling, I do like your bathroom though, it's very nice.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
Glad you like the bathroom.................get in line if you want to rent it for awhile though. I've decided to charge people to see it. ROFL
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
Like being a grandparent huh? Send them home with their parents! LOL