Do you let your Kids watch shows on Disney Channel or surf
By mtdewgurl74
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
United States
May 21, 2009 12:46am CST
Hi all, I went to a new church tonight for the first time tonight. And the preacher started talking about the Disney Channel and how it is bad for us to let our kids watch it. He then went on to bad mouth shows like That's so Raven,Wizard's of Waverly Place and many more and even Harry Potter Movies and Twilight movie. That we were sinning and leading our kids into sin by letting them watch these shows. Because they have wizards,psychics,and vampires and other stuff. I don't know about everyone else opinion but I see no harm in letting our kids watch what's so Raven and Wizard's of Waverly Place. They are kid based shows. I don't feel that I am leading a kid to hel'l just cause I let them watch it. What is your take on it and thoughts? Do you let your kids watch these shows? IS it a sin?

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21 responses
@DanBen (346)
• India
21 May 09
I would let them watch these shows. But I wouldn't want them to practice what is being shown on the telly. It should be seen only to entertain the kids and, nothing from these shows should be taken to heart. Most of these shows have good moral values in them although they are mixed with sorcery, magic, and what not.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
21 May 09
I agree.. I forgot a few is Sabrina the teenage witch,Twitches and Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie..and more..As long your child isn't taken it to heart I see no problem.. That is like telling them they can't watch Superman,Batman or Spiderman because they might grow up wanting to be like them..I see no harm in letting them watch the shows and expand their imagination. Thanks for the response and giving us your opinion.
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@Corgiiscute (315)
• United States
21 May 09
Okay. I hate to be the first (and maybe the only) one to kind of agree with the preacher, but I don't think it's right to watch those kind of shows. I'm 19... thought I should add that, because a lot of times it changes your view on the comment, right? God knows how much I loved them when I was little. And now, I sometimes do stay on the channel while they're on, longer than I should, but I really do try to avoid them. They're just so fun to watch... they kind of draw me in. Anyway. I don't think you'll go to hell, just for watching a show :P Especially, since they're only kids. But I do think it's a bad choice to watch them. I doubt you'll get a thumbs up for watching them :P I probably wouldn't feel so strongly about it, if I didn't feel so bad when I watch those shows. It's that feeling where you know you're doing something wrong.
My mom didn't want me to watch certain shows when I was like 4 or 5, but a lot of shows that she never said anything bad about, make me feel uncomfortable when I watch them too, so I don't think it has much to do with how I was raised.
So, if I had kids, I wouldn't want them to watch them, but it wouldn't be a huge deal if they sneaked in a couple of episodes. I used to sneakily watch shows that I knew my mom wouldn't like, when she wasn't in the room lol. Eventually, I was the one telling my mom some of the shows she was talking about weren't good to watch :P Hopefully, kids learn to be able to make right decisions for themselves, after some years.
Of course, not everything on the Disney Channel is bad ;) I still watch some shows on there, sometimes :X
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 May 09
I am surprised they didn't talk about the Show called Charmed(which I love)and one called Angel..They also was talking about the new movie of Tom Hanks the sequel to The Davinci Code, called Angels and Daemons..Which I had recently just told my husband that I was anxiously waiting to see it. I don't thin we are going straight to hel-l in a hand basket just because of these movies and shows. It takes alot more..alot alot more.I wouldn't let a kid watch the movie called Drag me to Hell..cause I wouldn't even watch that not because of religion though but because the trailer of it scars I personally felt that my person attacked because I actually enjoyed these shows they were pulling down. I like Wizards of Waverly Place and think it is harmless..But that is my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own. I have nothing against someone who does believe it is bad.. but he was downright right in there and basically saying by letting our kids watch this we were dragging them to hell with us... I was offended by the.. some.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 May 09
I agree, the Drag me to hell is a scary one and I too now try to not be looking at the screen w hen it comes about getting nightmares...that one will be one to give them.
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@Corgiiscute (315)
• United States
22 May 09
I don't think he should have said that watching these shows will make you and your kids go to hell. I think you're right about it taking more than that to make someone go there.
That Drag Me To Hell movie IS really scary. Every time the commercial comes on at like 2am, I have to avoid looking at the screen or I'll get paranoid lol.
I understand why you take it personally. I get pretty touchy when it comes to the shows I love, so I get that.
I also understand why you don't believe these shows are bad. They seem harmless, since it's just a story.
And you're right, everyone is entitled to their own opinion :) It'd be easier if everything was clear on what we should or shouldn't do.
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@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
27 May 09
first and foremost we have to take note of the fact, the reality, the obvious that a preacher is still a human being. to put it short, i am a psychology graduate and when i was studying we were given the reminder that not all who took up this degree behave the same way. we are, after all, humans and very much different from each other. so, we may have known of the same theories of human behavior but in the end it is still our personality that takes over in unguarded situations.
so, maybe, it is the same case with your preacher. he knows the facts of your faith but has his own opinions in relating it to your reality. peace

@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 May 09
Thanks for the response, it is true we are all different. But I think he was trying to tell us it was that way or the highway..or in this case the highway to hell. I appreciate your response and your views of the discussion.
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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I have also watch the Disney Channel with my grandchilden and do not see anything wrong with the programs. I do not think it is a sin but everyone has to decide for themselves.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
15 Jun 09
That is true, We have to decide what is wrong and right for ourselves. What we might think of as a sin is totally different then what someone else might. Like my moms pastor doesn't think speeding is a sin. It breaks the law...and a person knows it is bad to do shouldn't it be a sin?
@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
13 Aug 10
It surprised me when I realized that this discussion of yours was a year old. I guess that this is a recurring theme, especially with the release of new movies in the Harry Potter series and other movies and television shows becoming popular. I remember back when a lot of people were having such a fit about Teletubbies, because one of them was supposedly gay. There was also some talk about Barney and Spongebob for the same reason. I think that people are reading WAY too much into a television show that is designed for children. Also, I think that some of the shows that you have listed give wonderful lessons on right and wrong and moral values. If the parents took the time to watch the shows with their children and talk about the issues, then I wonder whether or not there would be such opposition to them.
I try not to let my little one watch too much television, because it really is not the best thing for her, and I don't want her to get into bad habits early on in life. I enjoy watching the Harry Potter movies, although I like the books a lot more, and even though Harry Potter is really still too old for her, she does like sitting and watching the movies with me once in a while. I have watched many of the other shows with my oldest daughter, though, and she has not been "corrupted" as a result of watching any of these shows.
Now, I watch a lot of educational shows with my little one, and one of those shows is "Super Why". This show teaches problem solving, alphabet, spelling, sounding out words, and helps with learning to read. However, one of the main characters, Princess Pea, uses a magic wand to summon books to read and to assist in helping spell out words to change the story and find a solution to a problem. I bet that this show would be on the list of "bad shows" due to this fact, but the show is a learning show geared towards young children to help them get a head-start and prepare them for Kindergarten, and I think it is a really good and educational program.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
13 Aug 10
Hi purplealabaster, Yeah I don't post many discussion.
I agree with you. Yeah even Scooby Doo would come up under the microscope because it has had monsters,witches,vampires,ghost and other stuff in it as well. But Seriously I grew up watching them. I see no harm in letting my siblings watch these shows. I am the one that got my little sister watching the shows and even reading some books. I see no harm in it, I don't like Spongebob much though but not for the reasons you little sister will still watch in on occasion but she likes other stuff better. I never went back to that church. I didn't feel comfortable there at all since I loved Harry Potter, Imagine how low I was stooped in my seat when all that came spouting out of the preacher and others around me. I love watching shows about vampires..they did go on about the show Buffy as well..but
Seriously they go overboard on alot of stuff it seemed. Especially when they destroyed other peoples property and ruin friendships. Their daughter had a friend over for the night..she left a book which happened to be Harry Potter book and they ripped it up to shreds and got rid of it. I am not sure if they burned it though. But the girl will never be allowed back. It is a shame..
My favorite type of books are Nocturne books..I love reading them. But I don't feel that by reading them I will be sent to hell. Well good luck with your day today and thanks for responding.

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
14 Aug 10
Oh yeah, my little one is obsessed with "Scooby Scooby Doo" as she calls it. There are all kinds of creatures and things in that, and there is definitely magic and zombies and voodoo and aliens and all kinds of other things. It is just a fun show to watch, though, and I do not see any harm in it.
I do not think that watching movies or reading books or whatever on any topic will make you suffer eternal damnation or even a stint in purgatory (if you believe in that). I think that "knowledge is power" in most instances as long as you use the knowledge to educate yourself and make good choices based on that knowledge. That is not to imply that books or movies cannot be purely for entertainment purposes, such as the books and television shows that we have mentioned here. However, I think that even if you read a book on Wiccan practices, for instance, that does not mean that you believe or are going to practice it, but I also do not think it is a bad thing to have knowledge about other practices or beliefs. This knowledge can foster an understanding of other cultures and beliefs, and it can also protect you from some of the negative things, such as Satanic rituals and things like that, because you will be more aware of the signs and know to avoid such situations.
I think that destroying another person's property, even if they leave it at your house (which was most likely done by accident) is going WAY over the line! Those books are expensive not to mention that I believe that destroying the property of others is teaching the wrong sort of lesson to children. Destroying the property of others can be considered a misdemeanor, which is a criminal act. How are those acts condoned but reading a fictional book is going to send you straight to Hell?

@BStuff (495)
• United States
3 Aug 10
I think that's just a little more than crazy. Kids know about these things. I'm a huge fan of the Disney channel and most of those things you are talking about and never once have I felt the need to try my wizarding skills or want ot become a vampire. I'm 23 now but I watched since I was young. Yes, I admittingly was a little weird growing up but that had more to do with me than Disney. Most of Disney promotes wholesome family togetherness.
Now I do admit with Twilight the girl seems completely codependent on Edward and paints a picture that its okay to be completely obsessed with your boyfriend and he should be that way to you, willing to give up everything for. But most of the teenage girls dont seem too effected by that.
Overall I'd let my kids watch Disney. My neice and I watch it together all the time.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
4 Aug 10
I watch it, and let my siblings and nieces and nephews watch it..I am the one that got them into watching it. I a m a big kid at heart but I really do enjoy the shows..and the comedy of them.

@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 May 09
yes I did and I would again, my Christianity is not that narrow, that people can't enjoy life.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 May 09
Thanks for responding winterose. I really appreciate it alot.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
23 May 09
We never had the Disney Channel when my sons were small and they watched those nature shows and the Disney movies such as the Parents Trap, and the cartoons. I would not let them watch Harry Potter, not just because it is about witches and warlocks being the good guys (exception Lord Valdemort) but if the children did the stunts that they do, they would get into serious injury. The trouble is that Disney is following suite where witches and warlocks are now considered folks just like us instead of the evil people they were back in the 50s and so with the former shows such as Bewitched and the Munsters, we have a generation believing that there is no harm.
So I would say be careful, and make sure you tell the kids these are just fantasies and once in a while is all right, but as a steady diet no. That is what leads into sin.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 May 09
Thanks she doesn't get to watch them often once a week and they are on everyday but we let her watch them when she chooses. She isn't a Harry Potter fan at all but I am. I love the books and have read them all. She(my little sister) is more into icarly,Hannah Montana,Drake and Josh,Suite Life,and on occasion Wizards of Waverly Place.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 May 09
I think you should continue on your journey of finding a new church, mtdewgurl. I was raised catholic and my parents let me watch anything on tv and they let me check out all religions. I worked for a medium at age 12. I'm fine. I never ever hid much of anything from my kids. I raised 4 of them on my own no less and amidst all sorts of so called adversities. They are all loving, responsible, caring people that have morals and care about people....all the things that really count. I may have been raised catholic but I raised my kids to be themselves. 

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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 May 09
It was just a new church in the area we thought we would check out. Thanks for the response.. I appreciate it. No one can tell how kids will turn out in 20 years by what they were allowed to watch on television years ago..Funny thing was alot of the members of this church had admitted to watching Bewitched(grew up watching it)I dream of Jeanie, and several other show..But yet they are God fearing people now so I guess it didn't mess them up.. or me. Or so I haven't seen, other stuff has messed me up but so far television hasn't.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
25 May 09
frankly i dont think its a sin. i hope not anyway, as my kids watched these, my grandkids and even i have watched with them. Especially Harry potter. which points out that good always wins. sounds like some of the preachers we've had. but he means well.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 May 09
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter bunnybon7 I appreciate it alot. Hope you have a nice day.
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@lisakg (26)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 May 09
Hello mtdewgurl74
I do allow my children to Watch Disney Channel. I am a Christian and a very spiritual person, but I don't think it was right for the preacher to say that watching those movies would take you to hell. Shows that promote evil should be avoided, but at the same time it is really at your discretion. I was once a lover of horror movies, but now I just avoid them.
Harry Potter is a nice movie I read the books and saw all the movies because I do not take the witchcraft and wizadry seriously. However,there are people who really believe in these things and I think that it is these people who need to be careful and avoid watching these movies as they can really be in serious trouble of losing their souls.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 May 09
Thank you lisakg, I am glad to know that others think a little like I do. Thank you for your opinion and views they are appreciated.
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@Aileen21 (9)
• United States
21 May 09
hey, hope everything's ok. well Im expecting my first child and as a future mom I don't see any harm on letting the kids watch disney channel,personally I don't find that harmfull at all, there are other things more important that worries me more than just letting our kids imagination fly..
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 May 09
Exactly Aileen21, thanks for the response.
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@muttrain1975 (16)
• United States
22 May 09
and thats why I don't attend church!I believe in God and am spiritual but not of any religion. I've attended many different churches of many different faiths.
None agree,they have their own set of rules you should follow.Some religions dont believe you should watch t.v. at all or have interenet.
I beleive you dont need some man in a three piece suit standing behind a pullpit to tell you whats going to get you into heaven.Thats between you and God.And you should be the one as a parent to do as you feel right in teaching and guiding your children.Install your morals in them not what someone else tells you.
I do limit my childrens t.v. time in an attempt to not have them be couch potatoes.and theres certianly things they arent allowed to watch,they know what they are and will say cant watch that its too old for
I have a 10,4,& 3yr.old.Theres been alot of hype about spongebob lately too!he better watch it or someone will be pouring on the s.o.s and scrubbing their counters with him!
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 May 09
Sprongebob is not a favorite of mine and Notfor religious reasons. My little sister and nieces and nephews all love his show but there are just some things he does that I don't agree with.. but she does watch the show.
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@DkAngelPrincess (329)
• United States
24 May 09
I let my kids watch disney channel. Everyone has there own beliefs on stuff. One of my friends father will not watch vampire movies, but he will watch other stuff. It all depends on your views and if your kids know it is not true. Have a great day! Happy MyLotting!!
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 May 09
Thanks for your response DkAngelPrincess, I appreciate it. It is good to let them know that most shows or movies is all imagination of a writer.
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@AmbiePam (96485)
• United States
21 May 09
There are certainly different views on this in the Christian community. I don't feel that they are contributing to the downfall of children, but I respect any parent who has the opposite opinion. After all, it is their child. But when I see the smut that is offered to children on regular channels, I wonder what it is these kids are supposed to watch? Sure, it would be great if kids spent most of their time in physical activities when they aren't doing their homework or chores, but inevitably, that TV set is going to come on, and Veggie Tales will not capture their attention forever. I don't feel it is a sin. Kids know what is real and what is not. I would much rather my ten year old child (if I had one) watch Wizards of Waverly Place than Gossip Girl. It appalls me when I hear young girls talking about seeing that show. THAT is a problem. I don't feel the other one is.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 May 09
I agree with you AmbiePam and that is an excellent answer. They are worse shows out there..way worse. Thanks for the response.
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
21 May 09
I call it fearmonger and I cannot stand it. I think the issue is that we have all these shows for kids to watch (not to mention onslaught of websites now) and instead of putting limits on the television for children most children get free reign on the tellie and spend HOURS a day watching it. THAT is what harms the children because they want to stop experiencing real life, playing outside or playing with friends away from these things. I believe kids are soo creative at heart and too much television could real crush that in them because their not really thinking for themselves.
I also think that its wrong to criticise psychics because God gave us the most cherisable gift of intuition and tapping into our spirits and RECIEVING God's direction but many churches refuse to allow their followers the right to their own god-given gifts. Everyone is psychic but the only reason many forsake it is because their afraid of ridicule, their too absorbed in day to day distractions or have lack faith in higher ability. Whenever I go to a church and they do not allow me to think for myself (questioning, asking, recieving is part of attaining enlightenment; connection with god) I see red flags immediately. I just hope we do not have modern day Witch hunts in the future when more and more people start realizing the psychic power was within themselves all along. It's not about magic, its about or own birthrights.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 May 09
They did talk about a psychic being bad and that it is bad. I heard that on the 700 club and I immediately thought that they was looney. We all do have gifts, some are different and more rounded and clearer and some just fuzzy and some take it for déjà vu. thanks for your response.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 May 09
I can tell you most churches turned their backs on Disney when they offered equal rights to their gay workers. The rumor was the CEO was gay so suddenly everything Disney put out was evil. My niece watches That's So Raven. I've only seen it a few times but I find it to be one of the more wholesome shows on the air right now unless they have done something evil that I missed!!! I don't believe that shielding children from real life is the way to teach them. I believe parents should watch shows with their children & take the opportunity to express their own values to their child. My sister-in-law always listens to the movies her daughter wants to see. She then goes & rents them & watches it first to see if she approves of it. If there is something she feels is a negative influence, she sits down with her daughter & watches it again. When she gets to the objectionable part, she stops the movie & discusses it with my niece. That way she has influenced her thinking hopefully more than the movie has. My best friend is extremely religious. She couldn't stand The Simpsons, so it wasn't allowed on her television no matter what. She had 3 sons that would beg to watch it so they'd know what the other kids were talking about on Monday. She refused to have that disrespectful trash on her TV. What did those 3 boys do??? They went to visit friends every Sunday night who did watch it & she lost the opportunity to express her views. So they never had any input except what the show gave them & what their friends thought. Two out of three of those boys grew up disrespecting her views. I believe it was because they had no clue what her views were except she hated a good TV show!!! They were influenced by the show & their friends instead of a parent. Not having any biological children, it hasn't been a problem for me. However, I don't think it is a sin to watch them. I think the sin comes in when the parent doesn't use the opportunity to influence their children.
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@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
21 May 09
First of all i think that preacher is a croc and dont have a clean what hes talking about..LOL But that is my opinion on that matter and My children watch the disney channel just about everyday at some point in time during the day. I see no harm in it and dont see nothing bad to it really. as long as my Kids dont act out what is shown then im alright with it But other than that no problem for me.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 May 09
That is my views also..thanks for the response.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
21 May 09
I watch Disney WITH my kids. I've never seen anything sinful in the shows.
I have issues with anyone who tells me what I can watch or read, allow my kids to see, or what to think - be it a religious person or the government.
Parents can use these shows to teach moral values as much as avoiding them if not more so.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 May 09
I will even admit to watching the shows even when my little sister isn't there.. I enjoy them and I am 34 years old..Does that make me weird? Thanks for the response.
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