riding a bicycle!
United States
June 1, 2009 12:48pm CST
I am 66 years old & never learned to ride a bicycle, isn't that pitaful. I WAS sitting here in front of my computer which is in front of a window & a lady went by on a bike w/her litlle one on the back & a larger child on a cute little bicycle bringing up the rear. what a cute picture. i was just thinking of the fun i could have with my boys when they were little if i'd had enough sense to tide a bike. can u ride a bike or are u like me no coordination??
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36 responses
@akumei1269 (1749)
• India
1 Jun 09
Your post is pinching me too.I am afraid whether at this age of 40+ i can start riding a bicycle. I have been in awkward situations on many ocassions because of my not knowing hoa to ride a bicycle.Really bicycle is a indipensable life skill.
3 people like this
• United States
1 Jun 09
I Have made it this long so i guess i will survive w/out that talent. too old to learn now for sure not able to if i knew how, lol. maybe there is still hope of u learning. THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I know people who don't know how to swim, not sure if they know how to ride a bike or not to be honest. Well I really think that it's not that bad of a thing, some people either don't know how because they don't want to or because they were scared to growing up and didn't feel the need when older. I guess that sounds more insulting then I really mean it to be. I know how to swim but I'm not that perfect swimmer, I was ten when I got my training wheels took off, some of my friends were younger.
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@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
1 Jun 09
Hi AntiqueLady! I'm thinking that If You could rollerskate in the past,then you definitely had sufficient balance skills that would be all you'd need to be a cyclist..The question is,would you want to!

3 people like this
• United States
1 Jun 09
hi spy, gosh no, not now. i do well to walk, lol. . thanks for your response.
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• United States
1 Jun 09
.My sister rode her bike alot. i roller skated & she never got the hang of that. guess we all have different tallents. have a good week.THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE.

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@jwfarrimond (4473)
1 Jun 09
I learned to ride a bike when I was 16 because I needed to be able to ride a bike in order to do the job that I'd just got. I had not bothered before and if I'd not needed to be able to ride a bike for that job, I'd probably not have learned at all.
It was'nt a particularly good job but it did me a favour in making me learn to ride a bike and since then I've enjoyed cycling a lot. Until last year, most of the cycling that I did was just commuting to and from work - a 12 mile round trip whatever the weather. But last year I lost my job, and now with a lot more time on my hands, and at the age of 62, I'm taking up cycle touring.
This weekend I cycled up to see my sister who lives about 40 miles away. I followed one of the national cycle routes for half of the way, and I found that it zig - zagged all over the countryside. As a result, my 40 mile ride turned into a 55 mile ride. I came back on the train - a much faster and easier mode of transport.
Later this year I'm planning on doing a longer tour, a 217 mile coast to coast ride that'll take me about a week.
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@jwfarrimond (4473)
2 Jun 09
Not only zig zagging but up and down as well. I HATE hills! 

1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jun 09
BET those hills to get rough.I COULDN'T even walk up them

• United States
1 Jun 09
MY GOODNESS, Good for you. How ambitious you are. i'm glad u learned to ride. if sure is paying off for you now. you are so lucky to be able to do this. nothing like zigzagging, huh, lol.u enjoy yourself & take care . THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE.

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
1 Jun 09
I have not ridden a bike since my teen years and that is so long ago. Now, I would probably fall off and break something. I used to live by the sea and would ride miles on my bike - just to get away from the house! YOU HAVE BROUGHT BACK MANY MEMORIES BUT I THINK THAT i WILL NOW GIVE RIDING A BIKE A GREAT BIG MISS!
2 people like this
• United States
1 Jun 09
HI THERE, How are u feeling? IT would have been nice to have that escape when i was growing up to. hope i didn't make u sad. have a happy week. jo
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@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
hello Antiquelady,
I know how to ride a bike, my son does, but my daughter has not yet learned how to. She was then afraid to try, but now she wanted to learn. It's a good thing that now she wanted to learn and it would be a start for her to learn something new.
2 people like this
• United States
3 Jun 09
GOOD MORNING NHEY, Nice to hear from you. It's been awhile. Hope your daughter learns soon. i think you all could have fun riding together. &thanks for your response. Have a happy day.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
2 Jun 09
I can ride a bike and I did so at a very young age, my Dad taught me as a kid, I can't remember exactly what age I was when I learned to ride. I still do own a bike to this day and still go biking as it is a lot of fun and great exercise.
I will sometimes even cycle to work when the weather is good instead of using the car and it saves a bit of money on petrol. One thing I never learned was how to swim so I missed out on a bit of fun too.
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• United States
2 Jun 09
good for u learning how to ride. that is an accomplishment in my bood. i can't swim either, never could hoola hoop, just don't have many talents. lol
2 people like this
• United States
3 Jun 09
U always say the sweetest things. THANK YOU. I f your mom ever puts u out for adoption
i want to be first in line.

@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
2 Jun 09
Just like u.. iam also one of them who dont know to ride a bike
. I know its a shame and I admit that i missed some thing very joyful in life. But here is the better part. I may be buying a small scooty for my brother and i may give it a try. So still there is hope and Iam keeping my fingers crossed

2 people like this
• United States
2 Jun 09
HI TUTUL, Don't worry about it.I'm sure u have other things u do real well. IF u buy that scooty , give it a try but be careful. THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jun 09
MORNING STEPH,We have to protect all our body parts.
, Take care 7 HAVE A HAPPY DAY.

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@Putranda (128)
• Indonesia
2 Jun 09
I can ride both bike or motorcycle. I have been able to ride bike since I was in 2nd grade & have been able to ride motorcycle since 2007. I also regularly cycle around 10 miles from my home at least once a month. I usually cycle on Sunday morning while the air is still fresh. It is really nice.
• United States
2 Jun 09
HI THERE, Good for you. i know that must be really nice to take that early morning ride. sounds real good to me. I like the early morn anyway, U just be careful. THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I learned at a really young age. I rode my bike a lot. I can't believe my mom let me ride my bike as much as I did. I remember riding my bike all over the place at a really young age. My son is really getting in to riding his bike, but I only let him ride around the block, then he has to check in with me and then he can do it again. I am over protective I know, but I am afraid if I don't set limits on him he will ride off and get lost some where, and never make it home again. I need to get my bike tires fixed so I can ride with him.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Jun 09
i agree, would worry about him out by himself. u are just being a good mom. i think y'all would have a good time riding together. i know u would feel better about it. too many loonies out there now DAYS not to worry about your children. y'all have fun riding together. THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
When I was young and was in my 20's, I could ride a bike. It took me so much pain before I was able to learn. I fell several times and got bruises in return until I learn that skill. However when I finished college and started to work till I married, I never had the time to bike again. Now, if you will ask me if I could ride a bike, I'd tell you I've actually forgotten how. I tried one time some few months ago to ride the bike of my son and I was surprised that I could not balance anymore. Of course I would not want to try learning this skill for the second time. I am not ready to suffer bruises again.
• United States
2 Jun 09
CAN'T Say as i blame u for not trying again. I am not going to try either. i have done w/out it all these years so i think i'll survive w/out it.
. we just have to remember we have other talents.

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@xarex777 (467)
• Philippines
2 Jun 09
I've learned how to ride on a bike since I was 8 years old and it's really fun.. And it also helps you maintain good health.. Bicycling is a great way to see the outdoors, take in the fresh air, or simply get around town. It's also an efficient way to burn excess calories, shed body fat and improve cardiovascular health. depending on your body weight and the intensity of your ride, you will probably burn somewhere between 400 and 500 calories per hour of bicycling trip.

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• United States
2 Jun 09
HI XAREX, Very well siad & i agree w/u 100%. THANKS for your response. Happy cycling , be careful.
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@ranidurga (6)
• India
2 Jun 09
Hi this is rani from india, when i was in my 3rd standard i saw that my brother riding bicycle and that looks so easy to me and i inspired with his riding, but my parents doesnt want to learn bicycle, because at that time i was so child, then i started to learn my brother's bicycle without saying to my parents and my brother helped me a lot. thanks to my brother for his helping, i have done so many accidents with that bicycle and he supported me a lot in quarrelling with clients (Clients means who has broken their legs with my bicycle accident(
2 people like this
• United States
2 Jun 09
You are lucky he helped u. Just be careful riding, u can really get bunged up, my kids did. have a happy day.WELCOME TO MYLOT, HOPE U ENJOY IT AS MUCH AS I DO.

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@kevin0529 (13)
• China
2 Jun 09
I am sure that you can lean how to ride a bicycle, but you shoud be careful.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Jun 09
HI KEVIN, I appreciate your vote of confidence in me but i'm a lost cause now as fas as learning to ride a bike.
welcome to mylot, hope u enjoy it as much as i do.

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• United States
1 Jun 09
HI CHER, THANKS FOR RESPONDING. I am sorry about your knees. even if i learned to ride a bike i couldn't now either. I can relate to the bad knees etc. Have a happy week.
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• United States
1 Jun 09
Guess we are two of a kind when it comes to bikes, lol. Thanks for your response.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Jun 09
WHen my kids were growing up I made sure that we all had bikes....it was one of the activities we all loved to do....ride around the lake that's in the center of town. Sometimes we would stop at McDonalds and pick up something to eat and have lunch on one of the islands that you can get to over a foot bridge....we had tons of fun. Now the only bike I ride is a stationary one in my bedroom....I'd hate to start off riding and p**p out half way around the lake!
2 people like this
• United States
1 Jun 09
I Know y'all had a big time doing that. parents need to do things w/their children like that. i know u are a good mom. you were making memories w/your kids. they will never forget that, jill. THANKS FOR RESPONDING.
@gardenstategreg (175)
• United States
1 Jun 09
well before I started riding a bike I was using training wheels at age 2 but I decided after riding it that way for 3 years that I had enough so I had a fit one day and kicked the training wheels eventually bending them. I then started riding with 2 wheels to this day and have so ever since
2 people like this
• United States
1 Jun 09
hi greg, had a little tantrum ,did we, lol. good for u. you got to do what u wanted & that always makes me happy to do that.

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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Yes, I can ride a bicycle. I haven't ridden one in years, though. I haven't had one since I was a child, anyway. I have a long driveway and I used to like to ride my bicycle to the mailbox everyday. I had a bad accident riding down the driveway when I was ten years old and I didn't ride it down that way much any more. To make a long story short, I broke off a front tooth and I had to have three stitches to the left below my nose. It happened right close to the pond and I was lucky I didn't fall in!
I could swim but not real well. Kathy.

• United States
2 Jun 09
We have other things we can do. thanks for your response. Have a great tues.

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• United States
2 Jun 09
good, but bet that accident took some of the fun out of riding a bike. the pond would not have been a good thing either. glad it wasn't worse. thanks for your response, kathy. have a good tuesday.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
2 Jun 09
Yes, it did take some fun out of riding a bicycle for a while. I stayed up in the yard after that. I've ridden a few stationary bicycles since then. I used to have a membership at a local gym and I used to ride one of their bicycles all the time. I have one here at the house that I need to ride. Kathy.
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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I learned to ride when I was about 11. I was not interested in learning but my sisters and friends would leave me behind so I finally gave in and learn to I could keep up with them. Not everyone wants to learn how to do everything.
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• United States
1 Jun 09
that's great, NOONE WANTS TO BE LEFT BEHIND. We all had different interest growing up i guess. My sister & i did most everything together .i loved to read & i guess that what i must have been doing when she learned to ride a bike. THANKS FOR RESPONDING.