I'm Arabian ... Do You Hate me ???

@3orabi (529)
June 2, 2009 8:19am CST
Hello All ... here in Arabian countries we notice that most of the European and American people Hate us for no reason but just because we are Arab ... we feel that you consider us as retarded people and can't be except your slaves ... am sorry for saying that but at least this is what we can extract from your channels , movies , newspapers ... etc is that true ??? do u hate me just because I'm Arab ??? I really like all people wherever they live and whatever are their skin colors ??? am not criticism and hate those criticism people ... I'm just asking just to clarify and know your point of view ... thank you ...
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104 responses
@Mr_Lyons (25)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Why dont be ridiculous 3orabi, how could i hate someone who i have jsut met? I do not hate you, nor do i hate the race associted with you. Moreover what i think your getting at is much different but, i might also add i do no even hate the idea of you. Many uneducated people seem to be scared of arabians, or even people near the middle east after the situations 9/11 and the war on terror. I have to say that it is also not their fault for being misled, but the fault lies mainly on our governments for using scare tactics in order to force nationalistic ideals upon us. As an african american who has also recieved harsh criticism and racism, i can empathize with your feelings. All i can say is that, in life you will frequently run in to those who have a higher education level than others. All we can do is come into these situations with a little more patience & calmity.
@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
3 Jun 09
Thank you for your comment ... I know that there is racist Arabs who did terrorist bombing in many parts of the world ... but don't you think that there was underlying force that pushed them to do so ??? look at what is happening in Palestine ... it's an Arabian country that has been occupied since more that 100 years ago ... Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian citizens , children , women and elderly people everyday ... look at Iraq too ... read about what happened in ABU GHRAIB PRESON where the Iraqi people was treated like animal ... I think all of this contribute to push some people to do bombing ... I don't say they are right by doing so ... but I think we have to solve their problem before blaming them ... what do you think ???
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
3 Jun 09
orabi, I agree with a lot of what you say. Our President is in your country today, visiting your King Abdullah in hope of working out some of the differences between the Arab Nations and our country. You have to realize that we have a new President who was elected by our people to help put an end to the conflict that exists in this world, including the Palestinian and Israelie conflict.
@tbmorris1 (158)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I don't hate you for being Arab. You didn't ask to be Arabian and I didn't ask to be American. It is what it is. As for the message that is being put out there by the channels, movies, etc...you are forgetting about the other millions or billions(however many it may be) of people in American who are not involved in the output of that information. We don't control what movie producers, newspaper or tv producers choose to put into their programs. Just know that there are going to be Americans who are hesitant to accept you as an Arab. You should also know that there are Americans who could careless of what nationality you are as long as you are a good person! Yes, there may be a lot of negative Americans and a lot of negative information aimed at other nationalities, but there are so many other Americans out in the world that will accept you for simply being friendly and accepting toward us!!
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@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
2 Jun 09
thank you dear for your nice words ... all people in the world came from the same origin ADAM AND EVE ... so I don't find any reason to hate each other !!! I respect USA and like its people ... I hope I will be able to visit your country in future ...
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• India
2 Jun 09
What a silly question. There is no reason for hating you for just you are Arab. Those who do this are really psychs and they don't respect human lives. I just love Arabs. Don't feel bad, dude. You people are so important for the rest of the world. Without your petrol, nothing is possible in the rest of the world. Transport, business, defense, ... Nothing! Nothing is possible! In fact, many latest technologies would have become impossible. Br proud of your origin!
• India
2 Jun 09
I'm from India, dear!
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@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
2 Jun 09
thank you dear ... am proud of you too ... where are you from dear ???
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@med889 (5940)
2 Jun 09
I like and respect you for what you are and I believe this is what everyone should be doing however there are sone people still who thinks that some other poeple should not receive respect from them! Humanity is the greatest religion in this world. If you respect someone then that person will respect you so don't think of what others think about you but as far as you know who you are and you are proud of that then you become open minded.
• Morocco
3 Jun 09
you did well my friend med889, me too i totally agree with the idea of having to respect others whtever they are and from anywhere they are, because people are not measured by their color ( if they are black or white .. ) and are not measured by their nationnality or identity ( if they are arabian or american, etc ) . so i think we should respect each other for living in peace and calm ... about your sentence "Humanity is the greatest religion in this world", i think it's a false idea because the greatest religion is ISLAM, and it's the religion which was revealed from ALLAH to our prophet Mohammed prayer and peace be upon him thank you... have a good day to you
@med889 (5940)
4 Jun 09
Hello, I will prefer to maintain my sentence by saying that "Humanity is the greatest religion" If you were not told by your parents that you should be following Islam then what? Will you still believe in that? I am not judging anyone here but only expressing my opinion and I think like others I also have a right to say what I think. I respect others and believe in them because everyone whether american, british or Arad are equal. Everyone is unique. If we have to stand for peace then I know we would never be bothering about religion But about the togetherness.
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@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
2 Jun 09
you said very well ... thank you for each single word you typed ... really you are amazing ... the sentence which I liked most is :- Humanity is the greatest religion in this world ...
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• Philippines
2 Jun 09
We don't hate arabian as long as they have good friendship and attitude
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@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
2 Jun 09
so why your channels , movies ... etc intended to send us this message that you hate us and consider us retarded people ... like a child who can't walk alone and always needs someone to guide him ...
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Arabs are ok, we have a lot of Stores in the Black Neighborhood, and most the the Abrabs own them, some of them are very nice.
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• United States
3 Jun 09
I have beeing in america for over 22 years, i found a good life, i have seeing a lot off descrimination over here, they over understimate if you are not a north american, i have seeing a lot of dommy american also, i dont't hate becouse off that,and i dont't hate anyone becouse of there backgraund.and i dont hate arabians!!! just the attitude off some arabians make us thinks about, if we can trust on than...
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• United States
2 Jun 09
I don't know why everyone blames all the Arabs for things that only a few Arabs did. Just because some Arabs are terrorists doesn't mean all of them are. It's not really right making generalizations.
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@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
I think why other people hate the Arabs because of association of the terrorist to them. Not all Arabs are like that. I don't hate them as long as they don't cause no harm to us and they are friendly I will consider them as a friend. I know that Arabs had a bad image on movies but don't take it seriously. There is still discrimation everytime you go to other countries because of your nationalities or your race.
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• United States
3 Jun 09
Most people don't hate on either side. Do you believe everything what you see on Television? Is it possible what you are allowed to see is designed to promote such an idea in your part of the world. I teach students with profound disabilities so took umbrage at your reference to "retarded". Some incredible people who have such challenges. I wonder if your choice of words doesn't indicate a preconceived notion of how the rest of the world feels. I do not have time to hate do you? I am making the world better one person at a time one moment at a time. Want to join me?
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
4 Jun 09
"here in Arabian countries we notice that most of the European and American people Hate us for no reason but just because we are Arab" I'd be curious where you got your information... where did you "notice" that "most" Europeans and Americans "hate" you? From the news media? I don't know what country you're in, but in many Arab countries the government controls the media, so the news reflects whatever opinions the government has toward the West. "we feel that you consider us as retarded people and can't be except your slaves" If you really believe that kind of thing, I suggest you read some news sources from outside your country, if you can. Saying that all Americans or all Europeans believe a certain way is just as misguided as saying that all Arabs believe the same thing... do Egyptians believe the same things as Saudis, Syrians, Lebanese, etc.? I don't think so.
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
5 Jun 09
From what I've heard Jordan is one of the better Arab countries in terms of openness, etc. Sure, there are people in the West who don't like or don't trust Arabs or Muslims, just as there are folks in the Middle East or elsewhere who don't like Americans or Westerners. But I think your original post said "most" Americans/Europeans don't like Arabs, which isn't correct. Even if a lot of people did say that in a poll or survey, you have to take into account that such people may be uninformed or ignorant.
@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
4 Jun 09
I live in Jordan ... and I think my government can't prevent me from watching tv or movies or exploring electronic news papers !!! which are my sources from which I inspired my thoughts ... plus you can't ignore or deny that many American and European people hate are because of some extreme people who did bad things to you such as what happened in 11-9 ... am talking about generalization of hate ...
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I do not hate or even dislike you. I don't know anything about you as a person to come to either of these conclusions. If you are a mean and nasty person, or do a lot of bad things then I may not like you that much. But I would not hate you. I would pray that you found what you needed to be happy then you might not be so mean...if you were mean that is. As for the programs on tv here that is all they are programs, movies that portray people in many different lights, from good to extremely bad. That includes all races not just people from Arabian countries or European, or Asia, or here, or anywhere else for that matter. Movies you can not take seriously, because they are that...just movies. We do not know you for us to say that you are retarded or such thing. In this country just as in yours there are many people therefore there are many different thoughts about everything. The ones that are down on any given people, Asian, Indian (even Native American Indian), blacks, Yankees, or hillbillies) I think you get the point...most people do not think bad of a sect of people...it's always just a very, very small portion of the people that are down on, or hate, or dislike, or think badly of any sect of people. Blessings to you and your family.
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• United States
4 Jun 09
Thank you. You honor me with the sweetest compliment. I just speak from my heart and also from my mind. Sometimes I feel that I'm speaking in riddles or going in circles. I'm in Hillsboro, Tennessee (USA), I am 52 years young, I have long brown hair and blue eyes. I have 3 children that are all grown and out on their own with their own families to love and care for. You may add me to your friend list if you think we have enough to common to do so and if that is your desire to do so. Have a wonderful week.
@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
3 Jun 09
thank you for passing and drop this nice comment ... your words are amazing ... I really liked you ... where are you from and how old are you ??? God bless you too ...
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
I guess just because some of the sensational global happenings which involve Arabian citizens, most of the countries tend to generalize and to assume all Arabians must not be liked. My take on this is that, we all are humans, and just like any citizen or people belonging a certain religion, there will always be a good and bad side on every group or nationality. Thus, it's wrong to be prejudice.
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@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
4 Jun 09
you said well ... thank you dear
@darksorrow (4666)
• Bangladesh
2 Jun 09
I don't think you would be hated here. Because people here are very friendly. But from some people you may not find good behavior. That's natural right?
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@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
2 Jun 09
you are very honest and realistic this is truly right ...
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@benhilo (871)
• Tripoli, Libya
4 Jun 09
I do not where you get your information about what Europeans and American think about Arab people. You may be right about the Europeans but I think you are wrong about Americans. We have many Arabs living among us in the US. Some are from Yemen, Kuwait, Egypt, Iraq and other countries from throughout the Arab world. They are good members of the community. They work hard, care very much about family and their religion. I personally lived in Jeddah for a year. I found the people to be great host, even greater sense of humor, very devoted and a deep sense of loyalty.
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@benhilo (871)
• Tripoli, Libya
4 Jun 09
Sometimes government do what the people do not want them to do. But the same can be said about the Arabs, why did they do 9/11? We can keep pointing fingers at each other but they does not solve the problem. However it does sound like no matter what is said you seem to have a lot of hate. I do not speak for my country but I speak for myself and those around me and stand by what I said earlier.
@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
4 Jun 09
then why did your county attack iraq and killed many many children and women there ??? and why did the soldiers treat the prisoners in this bad way in abu ghraib prison ???
• China
4 Jun 09
Hi, my friend. Don't worry about whether people love you or hate you. You should believe you must be popular and respectable as long as you're honest, upright and full of love. Yes, we must admit there are always some discrimination all over the world. I am a Chinese and I've seen or heard some incident about discriminating my compatriots in some countries. And I also can feel a little discrimination in some Foreign movies. But even so, I still believe most of people are very kind and respect everyone wherever he/she is from and what color his/her skin is.
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@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
4 Jun 09
you have nice lovely confident spirit ... thank you for your comment ... it's really amazing ... I will rate you positive ...
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• Philippines
3 Jun 09
hi my friend why i am hate u? i am not hate you i like friend in other country. like your country in arabia because my husband is working there in your place. then we dont have any reason why im hate you as arabian?then the man is hate the one people in dont have in any reason is we called crazy. right ???,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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• Philippines
6 Jun 09
hi hello my friend im not hate u as arabian girl i want u to be my friend okey?????????
• Philippines
6 Jun 09
hello sorry i forgot my place to tell you ,well im from cebu phils.
@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
3 Jun 09
yes if course ... thank you a lot dear for your comment ... I hope your husband will come back soon with a lot of money :) tell me where are you from ???
• United States
2 Jun 09
I'm sorry that you feel that American's and European's don't like Arabic's, and to an extent it may be true. Its not fair that people automatically associate anyone with brown skin from a Middle Eastern country with terrorists. Its wrong and I'm sorry that you have to endure such ignorance.
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@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
2 Jun 09
ohhh thank you for your empathy ... I really like all countries and all people but don't know why some people hate me and consider me terrorist just because am Egalitarian or Arab ... maybe the are psychologically sick ... what do you think ???
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
7 Jun 09
I could care less what you are in skin color, or where you came from. As long as you respect me as a human being, I will respect you in the same manner. I don't know if it's stated in the Bible, but treat people as you would want to be treated. Don't know if you have noticed, but everyone in America is looked down on. You think your considered retarded people, come to the Southern parts of America. We can have the best education, a extremely high paying job, but we will always be considered dumb, uneducated, white trash. Believe me, there are tons of movies showing us "Southerners" as what I just typed. So, I believe people will judge one whole group of people just based on one person or a few. This is never going to change. I just ignore the negative comments. I believe that's something you should do as well.
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• Denmark
12 Jun 09
Hate you? What for? Should I hate all Arabs just because some idiots. No I don't hate you, I don't hate anyone of you because I don't know you and you have not given me any reason to hate you. I have had to see my share of injustices just because I'm from a country that no one has never heard about and everyone thinks I'm Russian, which is not true. I guess to answer to your question, the many there are people in this world that many different opinions also.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
4 Jun 09
People who treat any group of people without respect simply because they are born into a particular culture or ethnicity are sad examples of humanity. I was born and raised in the US and was taught through example that NO ONE deserves to be demeaned simply because they are of a different background, ethnicity or economic status. Everyone is equal unless they as individuals prove otherwise. It's sad that people enter your part of the world and treat you and yours as though they are better (they're not). I hope you would understand that they do NOT represent the rest of us in any way. While I do understand people's apprehensions after certain tragic and violent events in the world, they are failing to realize that it is choices, not bloodlines, that make things happen in the world. I hope you don't become soured on an entire group of people because of the acts of a few poor representatives.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
3 Jun 09
Hi , Welcome to mylot , I dont hate anyone based on their religion or race. But why do you think that they all hate you? have they given any reason for you to think so? Sometimes , we may think so because our culture is different and communicative modes are different. The media also comes out with their own hate campaigns and most peole blindly believe everything that is written in the newspapers and magazines. I personally feel that there is more awareness among people these days and no one judges another individual blindly because of what someone else belonging to her/his religion or race may have done, I think you need to be confident of yourself and be natural and if people tend to be judgemental even after that it is their problem - have a great day and happy mylotting
@3orabi (529)
• Jordan
3 Jun 09
no no am not judging anybody it was just a question ... i my thinking came from the media as I told you ... I watched movies very much ... and almost always the arab actors in the movies are terrorists or low class bad people ... I think you notice that ... don't you ?
@kryzell (921)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
I have worked in the middle east and never had issues with arabians. I think hating you just because you are one is stereotyping. Besides, I've gained quiet a lot of arabian friends, and just like any race, some can be nasty...and there are a lot of really good ones. It's really not about where you're from, it's how you are raised as a person that's more important.
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@CHORES (229)
• China
14 Jun 09
My answer is NO.I don't hate you, because all the tragical things can't be just result to you.It is a progress of all human beings should take over. We hate ,we love ,we learn from,and finally we make a better world. No one will particularly balme you.We are all children of God's. Happy today!
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