what age do babies start walking?

United States
June 5, 2009 2:21am CST
it is so wierd my daughter is almost 5 months and she wants nothing to do with trying to crawl or being on her tummy at all as soon as i lay her on her tummy she screams bloody murder. it is probably do to her severe acid reflux. but she knows how to walk to get what she wants she will walk all around the house chasing the animals( well with me helping support the weight of her upper body of course) she seems so close to walking at such a young age but she cant even sit up yet whats the youngest a baby can really start walking because she does so well and all i do is hold her hands to give her a little support. how can i get her to like being on her tummy more?
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18 responses
@saw2207 (1359)
• United States
5 Jun 09
peachmom .. let her progress at her own rate. You will see when it comes to raising children no 2 are alike and some get things faster than others. Why do you want her on her tummy more. Better she be up and around especially if she has acid reflux? My comment sense is screaming to say . if you let her walk around you will let the natural force of gravity work that acid reflux right out of her! On a personal note . .my daughter took her first real steps the day after her first birthday! happy day to you
• United States
5 Jun 09
i am not trying to push her into anything but she will never learn to even roll over if she never spends time on her tummy.
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• India
5 Jun 09
I think it is 4 to 5 mth.
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• United States
5 Jun 09
4 or 5 months what baby has ever walked by itself at 4 months that must be some miracle child
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@ruby1459 (2600)
• United States
6 Jun 09
There is no right and wrong for this subject. I am a mother of 15 months old girl, I also have taken care of many babies while I was doing babysit so I know this is right. I also have many mom friends,too. It depends on each kid. Some started to walk when he/she was 10 months old. Some started around 18 months. As long as there's no serious development problems, your baby will walk when she's ready. My daughter has started to walk when she was 14 months old. She hasn't crawled until she was 10 months old also. She simple didn't like to crawl before then. Some mother told me that her baby has never crawled and suddenly started to walk. Maybe your daughter is like my daughter, she doesn't like to put her tummy on the floor which is not unusual thing for some babies. Also I heard longer baby crawls it's better for their back and reg
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@zeusdhi (63)
• Philippines
6 Jun 09
You got a very active baby there :D. But i m not sure if what is the youngest because i saw a babies here and they start to crawl at around 5 months but not yet walking though. Maybe your baby is early walker :D But it is okay i guess just support your baby. And try to ask your doctor if it is okay. But i am sure your baby is so happy that you are always there to support and love her.
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@check23 (448)
• Philippines
6 Jun 09
Babies start to walk by the age of 8months. It's normal when your baby seems to walk. Just let your baby explore the floor, let her roll over by herself but of course with you on standby. You can also play games or chat with her while both of you on your tummy, that way, maybe she'll prefer to be on her tummy. Btw, my baby start to walk without support by 10months. =D
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• United States
6 Jun 09
All children progress at different rates, so it's hard to predict exactly when your baby will start walking. My oldest daughter didn't walk until she was about 11 months old. My youngest was around 9 months when she began to walk. Don't get discouraged, she will learn at her own pace. If she doesn't like being on her tummy, place her in a walker.
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@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
5 Jun 09
my oldest started walking at 10 mos...and my other 2 were around 11/12 mos. my friends daughter didn't walk til 16 mos....so it's whenever they r ready. but i've heard of babies walking as soon as 7 mos.
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@patialvi (715)
• India
6 Jun 09
its different for every baby. i have got 2 child. My first child started walking at the age of 11 months. She was little bit slow in this and my 2nd child is 9 months of age and he just crawls but started to standup on his own. It varies to child and child that how fast they get on their foot..i don't think they start before 8-9 months.
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@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
6 Jun 09
my oldest was 13 months and I know she could of walked earlier if my cousin wouldn't have been watching her at that time and holding her all the time. My youngest started walking when she was 10 months. She does everything earlier. Maybe learning from her sister.
@glesil_00 (1142)
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
In my experience when i am babysitting my niece and nephew they started to walk few steps alone at 8 months. When they reach 9 months they can walk alone but they need adults guide for them to walk alone for longer distances. At 10 months they can already walk alone without support but they can still fall. It maybe that the physical development is early. My current 11 months old nephew when he was 5 to six months, if you laid him on his tummy that what he want because he started to crawl and he love playing whatever he see.
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• India
6 Jun 09
The first thing i would like to suggest you is that please don't be in such a hurry. Normally all babies start walking when they turn a year or year and half, for sure. My cousins daughter is 1 year now and she still crawls;If given support she can walk. But she can easily speak mom, dad, grandpa; But in Malayalam, as our mother tongue is Malayalam. On the other hand there is my mom's friends son, he is of the same age i.e. 1 year but he can walk without support. But he can't that clear like her. It depends upon babies. So there is no need to worry about. She crawls right that means she will walk soon in coming months. Take care.
• India
6 Jun 09
And one important thing I forgot to say. Don't make your baby a habit of always carrying her all the time. Keep them on ground too. Or else she will always cry for her mother, even if she is gone for just 1 minute.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
6 Jun 09
My little girl was diagnosed with severe acid reflux and gastritis when she was born, and she too, hated to be on here tummy. She hated tummy time but I'd learned from my last baby to try to give them as much as possible because with my son, who was an early walker, no crawler, he's having issues with his shoulder gridle, which has caused issues with him writing in school. She started walking at 9 months but we did get her to crawl around some because we wanted to try to prevent her the same problems that our son is tackling now. Not all children have these problems but some do, and it can all be prevented by having the child crawl to build up those muscles. At 5 months, most babies can stand and know the functions of walking when your holding them on your lap or in front of you, but they can't walk very well if at all on their own at this age. Their little heads are still to heavy for them to do so. On way I helped my little one be on her tummy more, though I knew she hated it was for me to lay on the floor with her, either beside her, or lay her on my chest for a while. I don't know if you've seen these but they make little wedges for you to lay behind them in the crib so they don't roll over to the tummy in the sleep at too young of an age, but i would put that under my little girls chest and she finally started to come around to being on the tummy and actually enjoyed it, which made her want to start to crawl around, so you might try that.
@mye_drew (182)
• Israel
6 Jun 09
i dont have idea coz i dnt have yet kids,.but i guess at the age of 3..right???
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
6 Jun 09
Start walking of the baby depends on her development. Whether fast or slow. Some babys can walk early by own others are not it also depends of the nutrients of what they eat.I know some baby can walk right away that months other late because it is used to carry by their parents or mommies. But if you teach what she might to do then she will be aerly for that.
• United States
6 Jun 09
uh oh ! I know this may sound CRAXY but my oldest son was the same way , there is an old wives take that if a baby delevops at a faster rate like walkeing and such ( my some was fully walking @7 months ) they are just getting out of the way for the NEXT one and yep sure enuf when my oldest was 6 moths old and doin the "cruising" thing i got pregnamt with my 2nd son and i knew with in a few weeks cause it sure wasnt flue season and my oldest was waslkig pretty well at that point lOl so took a test and iy lit up like a christmas tree! but thankfully tho my 2nd took his time lol i didnt have my 3rd for another 2 yrs ( a lil girl FINALLY, but i was really funny taking the boys to the store and everyone asking if they were twins! so my advice to you is just go with the flow of your lil one and keep track of your days you never know you may already be blessed with another :) best wishes! ~M~
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
6 Jun 09
wow, each baby is on his own schedule I think. my 3 all progressed at different rates, anyhow. Usually they begin "cruising" around furniture for support at 7-9 months - walking independently is generally 10-11 months... it is considered early at 9 months - one of mine did not walk independently until 15 months (girl). mine did not like being on their belly either... and if they were on their belly they would lift up against their arms on the floor like a seal so they can see what is going on around them. 2 of mine did not crawl until they were just about walking. I think 5 months is too young to expect crawling - even army crawling... they are just perfecting rolling over and not yet ready to sit up on their own without support. Give her time - cherish these days and these milestone moments - imprint them upon your memory, they go so very quickly.
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
6 Jun 09
like many earlier have mentioned, each and every baby start to walk when they're ready. but personally i feel that 4-5 mths is a little too early. be careful because if you try to hold them and try and let them walk, there's a high chance that they might walk with their legs bent inwards or something. i don't really know how to explain, just means that walking too early can affect their legs and the way of walking i think. in my case, my older son started walking properly only around 18 mths. of course, before that, he could stand, hold on to something and walk about but not on his own. my young daughter who's only 15 months now can walk already. but she started walking when she turned 1. she was much faster than my son. so every children has their own time. let them go about it at their own pace. of course, if they want to try walking and all, you might help them out too. it'll be much easier on them too.
@HelloMickey (1655)
• Hong Kong
6 Jun 09
My mum told me I started walking when I was 7 months, and my cousin started walking around 11 months. And even a baby started walking until her 2 year-old. I think some babies like to take challenge more than others. Some babies need to know more before they take their first steps. My mum told me some babies love to watch people walking and learnt it, until they feel comfortable and think they can walk, they will walk.