All I done was put the rubbish out and now I have to make a police statement!
By ellie333
@ellie333 (21016)
June 10, 2009 4:29pm CST
The bin men collect on a Thursday really early so I was putting the rubbish out ready tonight and witnessed a girl getting beaten by three others, her father is in hospital with a broken back after falling off a ladder and the mother was up visiting, she is 16 (just) and was terrified and managed to run indoors. When the police arrived I was the only witness and not too impressed as my young son had witnessed all the vulgar obsenities that had also came with the attack. I made sure she knew she could come to me if needed until her mother arrived home. The police did in fact stay until then but because I needed to settle my son said they would come back at the weekend to get a statement from me. Then about half an hour later they came back in a gang and tried kicking in her door she was terrified and run to me bless. Now because I have helped her I am being targeted and and my sons trampoline has been peed on sick people that they are. I live in an area were the worst crime is usually someone stealing something from a local store and now this. I will still make my statement as I will not be intimited by these people but what would you guys do in this situation? Huggles Ellie :D
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26 responses
@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
10 Jun 09
You are doing the right thing to give a statement but it must not end there. This is a neighbourhood thing. If the worst crimes used to be petty and now these gang fights, the community has to step in before things get worse. This will not be an isolated incident. There will be revenge attacks and before you know it you have a gangster neighbourhood.
Get as many people as possible to take note of this in the area and talk about what can be done. Is the attackers from this area or from another area. What caused the attack, etc. These are things that you must find out and do something about it before it is too late.
May you be blessed for your unselfish behaviour, and I hope your son is ok.
@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Beertjie, The police now have a name of one of them and they come froman estate up the road and I have a camera ready now so if they come back I will catch them on camera so they will know who the others are. Myson if fine thank you, he was excited to see a police car bless as he only five and fascinated with all emergency vehicles. The girl though is pretty shaken up. I will let other neighbours know what has happened too so that they can keep an extra eye out and discuss the issue with them. Thank you for your response, appreciated. Couldn't reply immediately as had connectivity problems last night. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
11 Jun 09
I am so glad your son is fine and also that they have a name of one of the culprits. My prayer is that the girl get help so she does not suffer further emotional damage.
May your neighbourhood be a place of peace where your kids can grow up in a safe and stable environment.
Many blessings
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
10 Jun 09
I would still make my statement. They try to make you step back with your statement.
There is so much they can do and much more they can mot. I would add to my statement what happened when police left, to make sure police knows about.
after all, it takes all people from neighborhood to prevent crime...
Take care,
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Polachicago, The police have now got the name of one of them and I have a camera at the ready so I will take a pic of them all if they do come back. I feel for the young girl who was attacked bless and I will be making a stand and making my statement. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
10 Jun 09
Good for you Ellie. You did the right thing. I would have done the same thing as you. The poor girl needed help and having a bunch of hoodlums gang up on her with no where to turn is not a good thing.
It's a good thing that you were there to see it and that she has you to turn to. Bless you and your family for what you are willing to go through for this young girl.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
11 Jun 09
That's a really good idea taking pictures. The the police will have their mugs to be able to say which ones it is and to name them.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Moondancer, The police already have the name of one of them and I have my camera ready now so if they come back I will take a picture of them all so they will know who they all are. The girl was really shaken up bless but yes at least she knows she can come here especially as her mother is spending so uch time at the hospital at present as the father will be in for a long time recovering. Huggles. Ellie :D

@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
11 Jun 09
Bullies always try to find the "weakest" person to attack. Here she is already upset about her dad, and they can make her react by hurting her, thinking that her dad, who might've retaliated is unable to help her.
I'm so glad you have stepped up to the plate and have become her defender.
You are a HERO!
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi ElicBxn, The police now have the name of one of them and they come from another estate further up the road but I have a camera ready now so if they come a gain I will take a picture as definite proof of who they are. It is the young girl I feel for as if they are not going through enough with the father in hospital. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
11 Jun 09
How terrible, I hope the girl is going to be okay. As for you, I don't recommend taking on this gang by yourself, but I would not let them push me around, I would kick them where it counts. It sounds like a bunch of frickin cowards. Make your statement and stand tall that you did the right thing.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Gitfiddleplayer, Oh I will make the statement and the police have now got them name of one of them which is good and I also have camera at the ready so if they come back I will take a pic so they will know who they all are. I won't be bullied. The girl is very shaken but fine. huggles. Ellie :D
@adpras79 (12)
• Indonesia
11 Jun 09
Hi ellie,
I'm sorry to hear what has happened to you and your son. You are so brave that you stood up for that girl. Not many would do what you did that night, most people would rather go in and pretend like if there were nothing happened for safety reasons. I guess as for now you should be more careful for people like those guys will not stop terrorizing you and your family especially your son until you are no longer considered as a threat for them. You should report to local police for what they did to you and ask them for protection as you are a witness to a crime. You may also want to ask your neighbors to join on a neighborhood watch. I think that is the best shot that you can take and let the police do their job and hopefully a good one.
Cheers and may God help you on your problem.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Adpres, Abig warm welcome to myLot. Thank you for responding, the police do now have a name fo one of them so hopefully this will be resolved quite quickly. A neighhood watch does sound like a good idea and I will look into what it entails as this is a lovely area usually and these kids have cvome in from another estate to cause trouble. Huggles. Ellie :D
@Mickie30 (2626)
11 Jun 09
I am sorry to hear this it is not fair on you, but rest assured you are doing the right thing. It is a brave thing for you to do when you didn't ask to be put in that situation. Stand firm and justice will be done in the end. It cannot be easy for you and I don't know how strong I would be in this situation, but you are a brave person.
@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Mickie30, Thank you, I will stand firm as these people shouldn't be allowed to intimidate in anyway. The police now have the name of one of them so hopefully it will be sorted quickly. I really felt for this young girl though bless she was really shaken up. I have even got my camera ready so if they come back I will be taking a picture of the lot of them. Huggles. Ellie :D
@joyceshookery (2057)
• United States
13 Jun 09
That's really a tough spot to be in. Since you can't realistically hide yourself in bubble wrap, you're vulnerable to some scary and dangerous situations just being there. I think I'd do what you did, Ellie. Hopefully the gang will move on and not be a threat to you and your son.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 09
I believe my reaction will be to help when I can, I am not sure if what exactly will be my reaction, I tend to keep so much to myself I am unaware of what's going on my street.
I am hoping the very best of lucks for you and am sorry this bad incident happen because of a good deed.
You are in my thoughts and prayers, please take care of you and your family.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
11 Jun 09
Hey ellie~ This is a very frightening story! Now you are being
targeted too! This is just awful! I don't know what to say!
Why were these teens bothering this girl to begin with? Did
she do something to lead them on, not that this would be a
reason for them to beat her, but still now you are a target
and have to worry about them coming after you and damaging
your propery as they already have! Now you have to make a
statement and I am worried about you and my boy! I don't want
anything to happen to the two of you! I don't know what to
say to all of this! I do hope the police will provide protection
for all of you now!
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Opal, Don't worry of me and your little man, we will be fine. The girl didn't even answer them back or anything, think they were drunk but the fact she ran into her house they then knew where she lived which is why they came back with mor people. Sad situation but I will not be intimidated and will make my statement. I even have my camera to hand so if they come again I will take a picture of all of them. The police now have the name of one of them so that is a start. Litle man just thought it was an adventure as there were police cars bless. Huggles. Ellie :D
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
11 Jun 09
I am so sorry to hear about your problems and your neighbors problems. Gangs are terrible these days. I hope you stay strong and that you will be able to help put those hoodlums in jail!
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
11 Jun 09
I would do exactly the same thing. Bless you for stepping in and helping that poor child. It doesn't matter what caused the problem, violence is never acceptable as a solution. I have to ask...where are the rest of the neighbors when all this is going on? Are they standing behind their curtains and watching? Or, do they tend to be on the violent side themselves? If you know this child's parents, perhaps she can stay with you while the folks aren't home, at least until this blows over or is otherwise settled.
Where I live, we have what is called 'Neighborhood Crime Watch'. It's a loose neighboorhood organization, sanctioned by the local police. We've cleaned up our small piece of the world by joining hands with our neighbors and letting the shadier people know that they are not welcome here. Talk to your local police to see if something similar could be done.
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Catdla, The other neighbours probably weren't even aware as I only realised when I went to put the rubbish out and we live in a lovely area and these girls had come in from an estate up the road. I will speak to the other neighbours and ask them to watch out and meanwhile I have my camera ready to see if I get get a picture of them all if they do come back. The police now have the name of one of them so hopefully it should be resolved quite quickly, this poor girl was so shaken up though bless especially as her mother wasn't home. I will look into neighbourhood watch as there are some already set up in our area. It is a shame that the few spoil it all for the majority eh! Hugles. Ellie :D
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
11 Jun 09
This is awful I would be so scared. You are brave to go through with this as the attackers may come after you or your son. You are wonderful to assist he young girl as she must have been petrified by the attack. God help her. It does sound like an area where everyone needs to speak up and cooperate witht he police but not everyone would have your bravery. Well done Ellie. You are a wondeful person to stand up against these animals.
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 Jun 09
Hi Cynthiann, I was waiting until the police came for the statement and for more information before responding but believe it or not they never bothered showing but on a good note the gang haven't either so the fact that the police were called and came may have been enough to frighten them off, hopefully anyway. Huggles. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Flzmlady, Congratulations on reaching a hundred and getting your first star :). I will speak to other neighbours and make them aware but the police now have the name of one of them so hopefully it will be nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand. Huggles. Ellie :D
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
11 Jun 09
Oh wow. I suppose asking for a police car to survey the area several times a night by doing a drive by is too much to ask? They really should start patrolling the area if things like that are happening. I would make the statement of course. Some people think by not reporting these things it makes them safer from retribution, but all it does is allow the violence to continue. So I think you're brave for cooperating. Do you have a video camera you could mount somewhere to catch them in the act if they come back and did anything to your property?
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@littleowl (7157)
19 Jun 09
Hi Ellie, that is awful, it is lovely the girl knew she could come to you but how frightening for her bless she must be really traumatised by it is Jacob? but it is really scary that they are targeting you now, being honest the first thing I would do is call the cops out again if they did that or anything to my house, where are they going to stop? I do hope the police have or do arrest them etc,,,,Huggles LoLo xxx
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
11 Jun 09
You absolutely did the right thing. As far as these girls know, you could have already made your statement. Besides, even if it scared your Son, he will know that you stood up and did the right thing and he will be proud of you. You taught him a great lesson. I'm proud of you and I would have done the same thing. Hugsss
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@ellie333 (21016)
11 Jun 09
Hi Leenie, My son was more excited about seeing police cars bless rather than realising what was going on but yes people do need to make a stand against this and the police do now have a name for one of them so hopefully it will be dealt with soon. Huggles. Ellie :D
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
11 Jun 09
Hi Ellie. Gee…I don’t what I can advise you. You have certainly done the right thing by helping and it is a shame the attackers are now targeting you! Have you asked the Police for protection? Do you have adequate security on your home? Having asked the latter it hardly seems fair to have to go out and spend a fortune on a security alarm just because this gang is out to get you! The Police is your best option, I would think…Sorry…I don’t have more practical advice. I will we send little prayers out for you and I hope you will feel safe soon and good on you for helping another in need!

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@doggyhouz (548)
• United States
11 Jun 09
You saved someones life. Being a hero isn't about rewards or gains. It is knowing you did the right thing. Your on someone's good list. I hope the guys stop bothering you and your family. Best of wishes.
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@ellie333 (21016)
13 Jun 09
Hi Doggyhouz, The crazy thing is the police were supposed to be coming this morning to take my statement as I was working during the week and they took my mobile as well as my home from and I haven't heard a word. The good thing is that I haven't hadanything happen here either nor has the young girl. Huggles. Ellie :D