OMG He swatted a fly!
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
23 responses
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Actually I think the socialization of our nation's banks and banking institutions is the proof in the pudding... By the way, before jesting or naysaying--have you ever actually read the Communist Manifesto? All ten planks are in place. Research the Reece Committee report (1950's) and then, of course, there's Kennedy's "President and the Press." Moving forward in time--young Barry Soetoros/Barack Hussein, whoever this clown really is, hung out with very well known communist activists... there's (admittingly vague) connections with Bill and Hillary in the Soviet Union as well. But this communism, business? It's to distract you, an apparent supporter, and people like myself (outspoken detractors) --except I know better than most. The real things to look at, are people like his main advisor Brzezinski, a zionist from the bygone era who wrote "The Grand Chessboard" in the 1980's--that pretty much spells out what we've got going on in the middle east and asia now. There's the many dual-American-Israeli citizens holding the highest offices. There's the communist connection with the ACLU--it's founders, of course, being card-carrying party members. Okay, you don't want to research that and get a tad worried? How about the fact, that every single one of Bush's evil policies are still being carried through by this clown? How about the fact that all Clintons, Bushs, and this evil jerk, amongst other world leaders have called for a "New World Order"--how do you suppose they'll get that, by being "nice"? I could go on, but people tend to see only what they want to see until it's too late. Maybe Barack is or isn't a communist (although today's "liberalism" is almost entirely socialism and that's only a step away from communism)--who cares, what matters is he's a liar and a deciever, and he's carrying out (just as he voted in favor for, when he was in congress) every one of Bush's policies, and then adding his own totalitarian (the lefty twist) twist on things. Poor fly. (By the way, I'm not some myopian right-winger--I can also show you how prominent nazis made their way into the so-called "right" as well. But, any student of history and politics who takes a moment to remove the leftist or right-leaning bias, can see that policy has been going in the same direction regardless of party in the white house or congress. Case in point: Gatt (Bush sr.)-Nafta (Clinton)-CAFTA/SPP(Bush Sr.)-full support of SPP (this clown).
Example 2: Open Borders/Amnesty both called for by Bush jr and this clown. Everything else--war on terror and our loss of civil liberties--the last jerk and this one.
Have a nice one, please take no offense, I only hope you research this stuff to realize how dangerous the situation truly is.
David A. Reedy...

@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Uhm... it was its unfortunate time to go? Weirdly enough, I'd really "shoosh" a fly than splat it. But, no, I'm not claiming humanitarianism here, because any mosquito spotted is fair game, as is any spider on me or descending from somewhere above me.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
18 Jun 09
dude, it was a joke, it was supposed to make everyone chuckle, it doesn't matter what "side" you are on, you still need a chuckle

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Darn! You beat me to this story! But, you didn't get PETA's reaction to it...that's right, PETA put out a statement about this world-shattering event:
According to TMZ, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals had this to say about the whole thing: "He isn't the Buddha, he's a human being and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act."
Ha-ha, I scooped you!
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
18 Jun 09
that story is the thing that makes PETA make animal lovers and activists from animal rights just try to cover their heads, because PETA is a animal rights group they still take it to a whole nutty level and gives all animal rights fighters a bad name 
....i read somewhere else that they gave him a "humane bug trapper", people should know by now that I am an animal lover, but cmon a HUMANE bug trapper????????? I shake my head at that in disbelief

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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I almost made a PETA related comment, but I stopped myself. I didn't know that they had actually made a statement.
I guess we're even on the scooping now. lol
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@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
17 Jun 09
More of a Fascist, I guess. Violently swatting flies like that! A communist would have gotten a group together to do it. A true capitalist would have paid someone to do it. A theologist would have prayed to God/Allah to do it.
Hitler swatted flies, right?
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Thank you for clearing that up. I always get those confused. ;-)
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
17 Jun 09
Some of the media were actually comparing it to how well Pres. Bush dodged the shoes in Iraq which is just total nonsense. Anyone can swat a fly; I've even caught them. The media just can't help making anything their chosen one does into to a big wow how about that type of thing.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
17 Jun 09
Yep, the shoe doging was WAY more cool! lol
It is amazing what they choose to cover sometimes.
@Citizen_Stuart (2016)
18 Jun 09
I saw this on Channel 5 News in Britain earlier this evening. Clearly an event of world importance. I can only assume that Iran has calmed down, all the wars in the world have stopped and all the criminals have taken the day off. Personally, I must have mercilessly slaughtered thousands of flies in my lifetime, when will I get my face on the news?
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
18 Jun 09
It is interesting to know that they think this is "world" news even.
Thanks for your reply.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I missed a fly swat!?!
That's what I get for being busy.
But, how do you know it wasn't a communist attack fly?
Or a spy fly? 

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Maybe it was an NSA robotic spy fly. I'm sure they get tired of intercepting email from time to time and they do have cool toys over there. If it was I guess they should work on it's evasive maneuvers. 

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Jun 09
Proof that the incompetent press doens't know a real news story from a puff piece. ;~D
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
17 Jun 09
lol When I saw the story my thought was "must be a slow news day". geez.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Maybe he worked at Burger King. There was always bazillions of flies I had to swat when I worked there.
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Maybe I should go down the hill and buy him a
Pennsylvania dutch special, "Shoofly pie"???
note to self :never ASK to be the fly on Prez. Obama's wall....
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I seen that! I thought the was the stupidest thing to report. The next thing you know they will be telling us when he uses the bathroom.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Shows that he is fast. Know how hard it is to swat a fly?
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
18 Jun 09
PETA has responded by sending Obama a Humane Bug Catcher so that the next time, he can catch the poor little fly and set him free outdoors. PETA is deeply troubled by this display of thoughtlessness towards tiny creatures:
"PETA is sending President Barack Obama a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher, a device that allows users to trap a house fly and then release it outside.
"We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals," PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said Wednesday. "We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals."
Actually, swatting the fly is the first thing Obama's done that I admire.
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Well sure he's a communist, he'll do anything to keep a fly out of his ointment.
If President Bush had done this PITA would be marching on Washington...