How is life going for you all???? My life is not going so good.

@cream97 (29085)
United States
June 17, 2009 10:12pm CST
Hi! I know that I have been away for a while. But, I will be back to join you all as soon as I can. I congratulate you all that have been posting loyally and in such a dedicated way. Right now I am experiencing some economic hardships at this time. And no, the city and state that I live in cannot assist me at this time. They have no funds to help me with a place to live. So, I am praying to God for a miracle so that I can have a place to live by this month. It is very rough right now for my family and I. Very rough... But God will eventually get me out of this situation that is a test of my faith. I am not able to get on the Internet like I would want to at this time. But, I always think about you all here at myLot. I appreciate any messages that you send me. I will read them and respond back as soon as I can. I am really stressed out and very worried for my family. My natural family that raised me know about my living situation, but none of them has offered to help us. They know that I had to stay in a motel just to live. I can't believe that none of them will open up their hearts just to assist me in this hard time in my life. They all have nice homes, and I know that if they all pull together, I could at least get them to give me $1,000 for my first month rent and deposit. My husband is really looking for a job, he really is. He will be up all morning long, losing sleep looking for a job. People have contacted him back. We will just wait and see what available opportunity comes. I am waiting. I am tired of living in motel to motel. It is very hard for us to save up, being that we have to pay on the room every night. Tonight we are not sleeping in a motel. So, that will save us a little money. I need help! I feel like I just want to die! My heart is broken because I am unhappy that I can't provide for my family like a mother should. I wished that God would please bless us and not have us in this situation.
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20 responses
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Oh honey, you break my heart. I hate that you are in this situation. I wish so much that I could help you. I'm barely scrapping by myself and some places just have to wait for the money. They can not get what I do not have. We are, well many of us these days are having a rough go of it. You and your family are in my prayers. This will make you stronger. Just hang in there. I know it's hard. I've been in your shoes before. My children and I had to sleep in our car. Have you asked any churches for help? They will help if they can...even if it's to get your husband some work for a day or two. Anything would help.
3 people like this
• United States
18 Jun 09
Citychic has a good idea. I had not though about joining the military. But she is right. He can also join the reserves and that would be some money. Also the military helps it's on and they would help you all. The shriners might help too. Or the masons lodge. If and when he does have a job again. Get in touch with the Habitat for humanity, they will put you on a might be a year or so but they will build you a house and you pay the minimal payments according to what he makes each month and you will own the house. But he has to have a job for a year. They consider he has had the same job if he does the same type of job that he has done before. They just add the time together. I might be some time before you get your house but it will be yours and you will get one, later is better than none.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Hi, moondancer. Yes, our church has helped us so many of times. And they still are. They have helped us with the motel fare room on numerous occasions. Our pastor told my husband a couple of weeks ago that he will have to help us so that we can get ourselves out of this situation. We just need the money to help us move. And once we get that, we will have some relief. I have had to sleep in our car several times too. Trust me, I know what it is like to have to go through... And it is no fun either.. I would like to ask some other churches for help.. But, they may think that I am crazy, being that I am not a member of their church. There was a church that I had in mind about asking though.. I am just afraid to.... But, I do want help.. And work on his end is very slow with his business. He is working hard in trying to find employment that is going to pay him a salary based check. That is a great amount..
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Yes, that sounds good. But with the Habitat for Humanity, don't you have to help them build the house that you will be staying in? I heard that they will have to stay there for a certain amount of time until they can actually move out. The homes are very beautiful. There are many built where we are living at. I knew this woman that lived in one. It was nice. We do want our own home. I know that my husband was considering getting the Omni Group to build us a brick home in the Meadowcroft subdivision. This was an area that he have been dreaming of for many years.. Besides we both are getting to the place of owning and not dealing with renting anymore.. But as far as the present is concerned, we will rent for now..
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
18 Jun 09
How is life going for you all? Hello friend, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. We all have our share of them, believe you me. As far as my life is concerned it could be better but I try not to complain. At least I have a roof over my head. It was storming here last night really bad and I was feeling kind of scared so I just prayed and also thanked God that I didn't have to be out there in that kind of weather. Anyhow, you might want to talk with your hubby about joining the military. If he join up at least you guys could get into housing and could save some money on the side until you could afford to buy your own house. If he don't want to join then you could always join up and get him to watch over your children and he could be the stay at home dad. I really do feel for your situation and I hope this will be a good option for you. Take care and continue to pray......Wishing you all the best!happy mylot.
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
18 Jun 09
BTW, I wouldn't waste my time or breath trying to wait around on family to come through for you because people nowadays aren't the same as they were back a long time ago when family members used to look out for one another. It's really sad that they don't bother to come through anymore. But then again I just hope that the ones with the nice homes don't ever have no trouble because I believe that what goes around comes around. Believe me I feel you in this situation so strongly, that I"m going to definitely send up a prayer for you tonight. Continue to hold on because you never know what miracles God is about to perform........ Peace out.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Hi, Citychic. I appreciate your response. That offer for the military was brought up a couple of weeks ago by a great friend of mines. And that option would have been perfect for us many years ago. My husband has a rod in his back from a Scolosis condition. And he had surgery on his spine when he was a teenager. As for me, I have an Hernaited Disc in my back. I am on my SSI appeal as of now. So, waiting for a hearing date is very long. So, the military would not be a option for us. I wished that it would!!!! If me or him had to get hurt while we was in the military with our conditions then that mean more money for the both us! I wished everyday that God will release us from this financial strain. We have been going through this for two years now... It is very hard to adapt to being in a situation like this..
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Hell friend, sorry to hear that the military isn't a good option for you. Well keep the faith because you just never know how God may release you from your financial burden. With God all things are possible. I had a very painful leg injury that lasted for over seven years, I would pray and pray and it seemed like nothing was happening, the pain would linger on. There was nothing that doctors could do.Finally it seems to be subsiding. At times I thought to myself, does God not hear? Does God not care to heal me? But I was wrong, God does care for each one of us. We are all very special to him and he will heal each one of us in his own time and way. That is why regardless of what we are going through we should still give God the praise and be mindful to worship him just like Job did in the bible. Whatever you decide to do, don't give up. Things could always get better and thank God for your SSI.. Will keep you in prayer.Peace out!
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
18 Jun 09
I am sorry to hear your problem. Life is such hard journey. i am not also having good time.I am released from a project in office. I need new one. Its more than a month my Resource deployment manger is not able to find one.So i am tensed and sad.
3 people like this
• United States
18 Jun 09
Im so sorry to hear that you are in that position and me and my family have been in the exact same one, my family and I were homeless for months and once my dad did get a job, we lived in a motel for a few months because no apartment would let us rent there because there was no renting or house history for almost a year, my grandmother and my aunt (they lived together)let only me stay with her for a couple of months but wouldnt let my parents stay (so they were homeless while i was with her) so I know how you feel about family not helping, they wanted to keep me away from my family even though all they did was feed me all day and have me watch t.v ( i was being homeschooled and so with the care of my grandmother I learned nothing for 2 or 3 months),,,to this day my parents do not talk to my grandmother because she refused to help ALL of us out, she wouldn't even wire give my mom money so they could take all of the buses to come see me on mother's day (my grandmother was my dads mom but still) ,,but when i was reunited with my parents, especially my mother, I felt like me again,.....the reason I'm telling you all of this is that don't feel guilty because I KNOW that the biggest part of being a family is having love, I know how scary it all is, I know how hard it is, but have hope because my dad found work in a small town so I have faith that you and your husband will suceed in your goals,,,,but please don't feel so horrible on yourself, I would NEVER trade my mother for anyone because I know no matter what, she was the best mother she could be,,,and it sounds like you are the same
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@qiao522 (449)
• China
18 Jun 09
It's not good for me either. opps,,, I had a lot of thoughts in my mind before but none of them comes true now. You know when you had plans but things just didn't go exactly like what you have in your mind, you were upset and even went mad.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Tell me about it.. I feel as I am in a taste of hell as of now..
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@mayka123 (16847)
• India
18 Jun 09
Sorry to know that you are in a situation where even your close people are not ready to help. I hope you get out of this situation soon. We from afar can only console you and pray for you in this hour of need. Surely a miracle will happen one day and all this will only be a dream. Till then God Bless!!!
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Anyhow I said all of that just to let Cream know that she's not alone. Unfortunately things usually have to get worst before they can get better. Hopefully it won't get much worst in either of our cases. God bless you all. I'm going to go and fix me a cup of hot chocolate and I'm just going to forget about it all for a while. Cream you should try to do something to relax and try not to think too much about it. God is still in control and he hold the whole world right in the palm of his hand.
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• India
18 Jun 09
Hold on to your faith…we are going thru a similar time and just this morning, I told my husband the same words…there is always tomorrow and bad times do change to good times. Its really really sad when we see our husbands all worried up from lack of proper job and to see how stressed out the are (mentally and physically) just looking for the right job. Its been the same for my husband for the past few months and today he is at the verge of breakdown…I consoled him as best as I could. Yes, family can be mean and that’s just like adding salt to injury… Whenever you feel really really down and out…remember there are others like you going thru similar phases…it’s a collective struggle for all of us…you are not alone but good days will definitely come…just hold fast.
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• United States
18 Jun 09
Economic Struggle - This image shows how people can live hard times of an economic struggle.
It's really a tough situation where you're at. I'm not much more of a religious person, but I can say I hope God can guide you in your path. I hope that God can help you endure through your tough times. I'm in no place to even say I'm better than you and at times I can say I'm not worthy of what I have. If I had a home of my own, worked hard, made good earnings, I would have opened up a home for you, a place for you to stay just to get your feet back where it needed to be. I do hope you can find a job soon and your husband. There's a verse I remember in the book of James that said: Consider it pure joy my brothers when you face trials of many kinds because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Therefore, perseverance must finish its task so that you may be mature, complete and not lacking anything. And then he said: Blessed are those who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. Life right now may not seem pleasant, but I hope you can endure through your tough times. May God guide you the right path. Take care
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Thanks darkanagel079 for your words of encouragement! I needed to hear this. It is very hard for us as of now.. I have called to some churches today asking them if they could assist me and my family. But they all said that they are at 0 and they have no funds. They usually donate whatever money and goods to United Ministries. But this charity will only help me if I have an Eviction Notice. Which I don't. I remember one time I had went to them, and I had an Eviction Notice. And they could only help me with $200.00. My rent was past due of over $1300. So, from that, I could not get any help with them. $200.00 was not enough to help me. So, I eventually had to be evicted from my trailer. What help there is, ends up not being enough of help.
18 Jun 09
Hi coffee97, Where you sleeping if not the motel? I pray for you to get help soon, its no life for you living like that but all you can do is keep the family together, that is most important and maybe you will get a break through, I am praying for you good luck my friend and hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel for, god bless. Tamara
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Yes, I am so looking forward to that special light at the end of the tunnel. I hope to see it really soon!
@batigirl (15)
• China
19 Jun 09
I am sorry to hear about that you are in so difficult situation ,and what i'd like to tell you is don't give up,hope is always exist in your need to believe tomorrow will be better. Don't just complain,think about what God has given you,your husband,your children,what everything you own. Life is hard road. but i believe you can get through if only you exert yourself.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Hi, batgirl... I am not complaining. I am just tired of feeling empty and hopeless. I can't wait for God to bless me and my family.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a tough time. I hate even more that your family isn't helping you out..that's such a shame. I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts and be praying for you to have that miracle. Take care cream...I know it's hard but try to keep your head up.
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• India
16 Jul 09
Hello my friend cream97 Ji, Hard time never remains. The whole world is changing every moment. After Night, Day is always broken. Have patience. Person like you, a staunch believer of Almighty will have smooth sailing very soon. I wish and Pray Almighty to become normal and easy very soon. These are testing time in our life. It comes with everyone. There is nothing new nor exceptions. Only, we have to bear and keep ourselves . May God bless You and have a great time.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Thank you. I will continue to pray and put my trust in God at all times!
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
1 Aug 09
Thank you for your advice.
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• India
1 Aug 09
Hello my friend cream97 Ji, Ultimately, He is our great savour. May god bless You and have a great time.
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@Ruby722 (796)
• China
18 Jun 09
Hi Cream Sorry to hear that.i know there is no wrods can make you cheer up.Cause we can't help you in virtual .I am sorry about this too. Read your story have some tears into my eyes.In this world have so many unluck people.without house and money.but you need to belive life all this stuff will have to more stronger.Even thought we all know it's hard.i hope god bless you and your family.Good luck to you..
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@bingchen (1119)
• China
19 Jun 09
sometimes i often ask me what's the real life? i have work for a long time now,leaving my parents,i depend on myself to living. i remember that i feel sad when i lose job and mean that i must save up little money to pay my rent and my living, i feel that situation is very hard,i always worry about how i come through tomorrow,i am perplexed about my life,i complained why i must make a living depending on myself. nobody can help me get off this situation, because their life are not so good,so i have cried in my room alone,i remember one thing happened at night in the winter,it is cool and there is no eletrict,the room is dark,i light a candle and make my hands fell warmer.sometimes i remember this living i still have feel sad,i always ask me what is value with my life. and the time and time again, although my live would not change anything,i still give me confidence to face bad situation,nobody can help me,the only one i can do well every day,buzy working let me forget difficulty,tell me in my heart i can do very well tomorrow,forgetting the suffering ,it is temperary,i believe that something would be over
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• United States
19 Jun 09
Trust me, we all know how you feel right now. This economy has really been bad for everyone. My boyfriend and I wanted to have extra money for Anime Expo this year. We already have our tickets so we have to go, but we cannot stay at a hotel like we wanted to, and we cannot buy the things we wanted. One of our friends (who isn't a friend anymore) got angry at us for not being able to stay with them in the hotel room he booked, but he doesn't live in a little place called reality. Our extra money had to go towards bills, car repair, and you name it. My boyfriend has been trying to find another job and he has been selling things on ebay, but times are hard. See, we live with our parents, so things are not quite that bad, but we were on our own right now, we would be hurting. It really sucks not having money. Whatever you do though, don't lose hope. You have people who need you, and you have to believe that things will get better somehow.
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@jaisundar (215)
18 Jun 09
According to me we should never feel bore the way life goes. Whatever we face is due to our own actions.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Jaisundar, I thought the same thing until I had to reevaluate the past years that has went by. My husband has done everything that he can to take care of his family. It is not his fault or mines, why our life is so jammed up as of now. He is a faithful and loyal husband to me. And as well as a father to his children. Just as suzzy said, if a job decided to lay you off or terminate you for whatever reason, it is never your fault. Things happen. We have some greedy and dishonest people in this world. They will talk about you before they ever lend a helping hand to help out. They will look out for others whom they care about and withhold information from the ones that really need assistance. Our actions has not caused us to be in this terrible situation, it is the actions of people that were supposed to be looking out for us that has caused our life to be shattered. If you knew my story, and once I finished telling you all of it, then you will learn that it is not our fault why our life is out of balance. Life is not fair to us all. I think that once you go through hell in your life, then let us all see if this was all your fault...
@suzzy3 (8341)
18 Jun 09
Not always is it your fault ,If your place of work shuts and you have no money comeing in it is never your fault.we get caught up in other peoples mistakes and find outselves in terrible situation through no fault of our own.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Cream, My heart goes out to you. My hubby and I are in the same boat. Right now we still have our home but not for long. Like you, I have a family that hasn't offered any help except for my twin. She helped once with the utilities and other little things but if and when we get kicked out of our house, I'm afraid not one of my 6 brothers or 2 sisters will offer help. My husband has also been looking for a job without fail. He lost his job 2 years ago this month. I had to quit my job 2 years ago last March due to health reasons. Hubby's unemployment runs out then a few months later they extend it. My disability check pays for the utilities and a few incidentals. Thankfully my Son is grown and lives in California, and hubby's Son is 20 going to college out of town. We can't even help him. Again like you I pray that God will provide. I really understand your pain. I pray for us and I'll pray for you. Keep your Faith even when you don't know why. We will survive. Hugsssss leenie
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
29 Sep 09
Hey, Well my life so far is actually quite good, I mean it isn't the greatest, but it is okay I guess. I don't really have that much money to actually buy the things that I want, but I guess that at least I am alive and have food on my plate. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
@suzzy3 (8341)
18 Jun 09
Don't give yourself such a hard time.There are hundreds of people in your situation at the moment.get your family to take the kids over for a while.Then all you have to do is sort you and your husband out,it will leave you clear to find a job as well.Things will work out for you have faith .I know it is a worrying time but don't blame yourself for what has happened just get the kids sorted then that is one thing you won't have to worry about,take care.Much love.suzzy
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@stafei (98)
• China
19 Jun 09
Looks my life is not good too.Because I am soooo poor.I want to have much money, then I can buy house and car and eat good foods and water and so on.En~~I can have a beautiful girl friend too.hahaha~~~But I have nothing now.I will worry about my breakfast and my lunch and dinner.Have the first one and have no 2nd one.So bad my life.....
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