What would you have done?

@tyc415 (5706)
United States
July 7, 2009 10:08am CST
My son in law was working in Washington State and when his job was finished my daughter flew to Oregon to meet up with him and head back to Texas but taking vacation on the way back. They spent time in Oregon along the coast, went to Redwood Forest, Grand Canyon, Tombstone to mention a few. We did get post cards from their stay in Arizona. They have been home for over a week now and yesterday I got mail from a different town here in Texas that is over 100 miles from me and inside the envelope was a post card that my daughter had sent to us from Grand Canyon and it somehow got sent to the wrong place even though the address and all was correct on the post card and not even close to where it ended up. I was so surprised to find that the person who ended up getting it put it in an envelope and mailed it on to me. I did write them a thank you and put it in the mail today. How many of you would have done the same as this kind person did? I told my husband that I think most people would have just put it in the trash or put it in the mail with a "wrong address" or "not at this address" written on it. I don't think it would have even crossed my mind to put it in an envelope and send it to who it was meant to go to.
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17 responses
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
7 Jul 09
I, too, would have forwarded it onto the proper address. Something so personal as a postcard deserves to be sent on to the rightful owner. I would want someone to do this for me also. It was very nice of the other person in Texas to send it to you. And you are right, not everyone would take the time or spend the money on a stamp to make sure it was sent to the right place.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I never would have thought to put it in an envelope to send on to the person it was intended to go to. Thank you for responding and have a good week.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
8 Jul 09
Hope you have a good week too.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
Thank you very much.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
7 Jul 09
What a nice thing to do. I think most of us would not have done that.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
7 Jul 09
I agree with you. Not everyone would have done what that person did, well not many at all would have done it I am sure. Have a great day.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
7 Jul 09
Wow, that was really nice. I don't think too many people would have done something like that. Too be honest I probably wouldn't have done that. I consider myself a nice person, but I have 3 kids under 7 and I'm always running around feeling like I'm losing my mind. I don't know that I would have felt like taking the time to put it in an envelope and send it on it's way. Unless it was something I felt was really important and needed to go to the right place. That is weird how it ended up so far away. It must have got stuck to something else.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
7 Jul 09
You said it might have got stuck with other mail, that is the same thing my daughter said when I called her and told her about it. I also consider myself a nice person and I never would have thought to put it in an envelope to send on. The Zip code was not even close to ours either so we can't blame it on that and also my daughter has very neat handwriting. Have a great day.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
7 Jul 09
Actually in honesty I probably would have wrote Does Not Live Here on it and sent it back...however, you've made me realize that in some cases it might be nicer to send it on in an envelope. Not for every magazine or collection bill but postcards, cards and letters. Thanks for the eye opener. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
7 Jul 09
I am sure I would have done the same as you. I don't recall ever getting any letters or post cards sent to me meant for others but if that time does ever come I will do the same this person did. Have a great day.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
7 Jul 09
That was very nice of them! I think it would depend on how easy it was to tell that they'd delivered to the wrong place what I would do. I wouldn't just throw it away if there was a way to get it to the right person. But, I'd have to see the address to know if it could be remailed that way or not. I hope they had a great drive down from Oregon.
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
7 Jul 09
Oh they had a wonderful drive back. Well until they got back into Texas that is. His truck broke down about 5 miles out of Lamesa, Texas and they got towed in on a friday afternoon late. They were even towed to a motel so they could unload their things. They ended up just buying a new truck there on Saturday and headed home on that Sunday. It is good that he does have a new truck now since he does travel so much. He is leaving this friday for Illinois to work. This postcard could have been sent as is from the wrong address but they just decided to put it in an envelope and I liked it that way since it showed me that some people do care. Have a good day.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
7 Jul 09
you did the right thing by sending a thank you not back to the person that re-sent your post card. it is good to know that their are still good people like that out their. you are so right most people would have thrown it in the trash. i think that i would have just handed it back to the mail man explaining the sitituation of what have happened.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
7 Jul 09
Thank you for the kind words. That is the first thing I thought of after the shock wore off, was to send them a note letting them know how much I appreciated their "act of kindness". I also would have put it in the mail box along with a note explaining to the postman that it was not only the wrong address but the wrong city or would have taken it to the post office and explained it to them. Have a good day.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
8 Jul 09
That was really nice of that person to do that. I probably would have just given it back to the mail person or put it back in the mailbox to be redelivered. I will remember this if something like that happens to me. I will send it on to the person.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Thanks so much for BR.
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I would have done the same as you would have. As we all know I don't start discussions much at all but when this happened I just knew I had to start one on this subject if for no other reason as to maybe lets others see there is still kindness from strangers and give a little tip on what to do if it ever happens to us.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Jul 09
awwwwwwwww that was so nice of that person. yup I would have put on it this isnt the right address to deliver this card!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Jul 09
yup arent most people amazing!
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I agree with you about it being nice what the person did. It is the small things in life that can make people so happy. It can also open up our eyes to see what small acts of kindness can do for others and it didn't cost much at all, just the price of a postage stamp and the envelope.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
8 Jul 09
That is pretty cool. I don't know that I would have thought of putting it in an envelope either - although I know that it would get there twice as fast as a postcard by itself.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I should know that because when I did Tupperware I never mailed the invites unless they were in an envelope. It would take a good week longer to mail them by themselves.
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I never thought of it getting there faster in an envelope but that does make sense. My luck if it did happen that I had to resend one and didn't put it in an envelope it would come back to me again. hahaha
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
8 Jul 09
Well, the people that deliver the mail now aren't doing too bad a job, but about 15-18 years ago, we had an absolute MORON sorting the mail and another delivering it. We were getting all KINDS of stuff for the lady a block over that the ONLY thing right was the street number. After multipul complaints it was finally dealt with, but I think someone was fired over it. Now it only happens occasionally. And now its the UPS that we have some problems with, because the lady down a block on the same street stuff ends up at our house because its easier to get to, I guess. I once, after calling UPS to come pick it up and they never showed, kept it, and I think it was meds. I noticed they started doing better after that. Still happens tho. I've never gotten a post card, but on the outside of letters we write - "Try again" and point at the address. Might not have room to do that on a post card. Those people were very sweet. My former roommate once lost her phone book at Newark Air Port and a lady found it and mailed it home. I was then able to mail it on to her since she was there for 3 weeks and had a real address I could send it to, she was staying with friends. I also sent flowers to the lady at Newark. I hope she got them.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I have had them not knock or ring the bell and find huge packages out on the step. Happily they have trouble blocking the door since it opens to the inside and I don't have a screen door - mores the pity, because they kept breaking so I quit having them.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I know they have done the same here, not ring the door bell or knock because I stay in the living room area until bed time and I would have heard it and if not me then my dog would have and he would have either come and stared at the front door waiting on either my son or husband to come in or he would have barked. I normally heard their truck and never hear the knock or door bell so I just figure it is a neighbor getting a package.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
That was also very kind of the person to send the address book and really nice what you did in return. Now as for UPS, yes, they seem to have slacked off big time. I remember when they had to knock on the door and wait for you to answer and get your package and if not home they would take the package to a neighbor and leave you a note letting you know where the package is. Now they just leave it anywhere and sometimes they don't even knock on the door. They have put boxes at my front screen door and had me blocked in, couldn't budge the door to open it to get the packages. Thank you for your response and have a great week.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
12 Jul 09
Wow! That was wonderful that they took the time, energy and the postage to make sure you got it! I probably would be the one guilty of putting on "not at this address"....alot of times though I just put them back through the mailbox and it must get to the right place as I don't get them back again.....I have however when it's been close to my neighborhood hand delivered it!
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I thought the same thing about the person who sent it to me. I am not sure either if it was a male who sent it on to me or a woman who just used her husband's name in the return address. I know a lot of men print since so many don't write too well, no offense to men, but this was printed out also. We have also hand delivered when it is a neighbor or even on the next street over. I hope your weekend is going well.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Jul 09
That's really sweet. I don't know if it would have crossed my mind to do that or not. Now I would after reading this. That was nice of you to send a thank you note.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
12 Jul 09
I also would not have thought to put it in an envelope to send on, I would have just put it in the box with a note letting the postman know it was wrong. But when I got it the first thing that come to my mind after I got over the shock was to write and thank them. Have a great weekend.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Jul 09
oh that was so thoughtful of them. if i knew the address of the people i would of course do the same. i dont understand how the mail gets so messed up some times. well, i guess no one is perfect.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
10 Jul 09
A few years ago I got a letter from my aunt who lives 500 miles away from me and as I was reading it I couldn't understand why she was telling me all the things we had talked about on the phone weeks before UNTIL I looked at the date she wrote it. She wrote it and mailed it and then one day I called her and we talked but I didn't even get the letter until a few months later. The letter was in really good shape, had not been written on or anything like that. I guess it was just stuck away somewhere in the post office. Because of the way the mail is today is why I do most of my bill paying online to make sure they get it. Have a great weekend.
@Bandeed (82)
• Australia
8 Jul 09
I would have done what you did and writ them a thank you letter because its very nice of them to take the time to actually send it back to you most people actually would of put it in the trash or throw in the trash this has happened to me before someones letters were in my mailbox and I sent it back to them
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
We get so much junk mail in the mail box now days and hardly ever get mail for others but when we do I will put it back in the mail box letting the postman know it is sent to the wrong address. Even with a note on it it has ended up in my mail box again and when that happens I will write a note to the postman or take it to the post office, I have even heard the post man coming before and gone out to the mailbox and waiting to let them know it is for someone else. Hoppe you enjoy mylot and welcome.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I would have probably taken it to the post office and had them re deliver it properly.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I have had many pieces of mail sent here that belonged somewhere else in town but not out of town. I have put them in the mail box before along with a note for the postman so I don't have to write all over the envelope. Have a great week.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I too am surprised to know that there are people who would go out of their way to actually send to the right "addressee" any parcel, this one postcard. I think the best I'll do is mark it as incorrect address, and return it to the mailman. Whoever he is, his gesture tells how great a person he is, and how he really cares about people in general.
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• New Zealand
8 Jul 09
I'd like to say that I would on send the card, but in all honesty it would probably end up in my bin I'm sorry to say. I like to think however thatif I was in your position I would have done the same thing in sending a thank-you.
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I would hope that I would send it on also so it could get to the right party it was intended on. Not sure if I would get to it right away but I would hope I would. I just felt I had to send the note along to let them know it did get to me and how much I appreciated what they did to make me feel that there are still good people out there who care about others. I know it was just a picture post card from my daughter but it still felt as if it was a million dollar check. :) Welcome to mylot and I hope you enjoy it.