How many?

@amanda08 (647)
United States
July 10, 2009 3:39am CST
How many bananas should you eat a week? Anyone know?
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6 responses
• United States
15 Jul 09
A banana is pretty high in potassium...but potatoes are actually higher, especially if they are cooked in a healthy manner (for example, NOT fried) AND you eat some of the skin. Potassium is actually a very easy mineral to get. It is in a lot of foods so even if you don't try to get it you most likely will never be too low. BUT, bananas also have other good vitamins and minerals, and if it keeps you from eating cholesterol and fat happy foods, such as eggs or any meat for breakfast, as an example, eat seven a week! :)
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
17 Jul 09
the only bad thing about me and potatoes is I never tend to eat them healthy... although every now and again I will have some plains ones roasted in olive oil, or mix some in soups.. but sadly I usually eat them fried or baked and drenched in fake butter... thanks for the info though... I thought they were high in potassium as well but could not remember .... thansk again for the info
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
27 Jul 09
mm roasted potatoes in olive oil sound good my boyfriend likes those too.
• United States
17 Jul 09
You're welcome! That's the only problem with potatoes...people usually think, "french fries!" It doesn't work as much. :) Potatoes in olive oil with parsley are delicious. But if you think you will have to fry the potatoes, stick with the bananas! :)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
I have no idea.I eat bananas everyday.I love putting bananas in my pancakes and oatmeal.I eat bananas as dessert.I lost count of how many bananas I eat everyday,but I don't really's yummy!
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
2 Nov 09
THey are definetly good..... I had never thought about putting them in my pancakes before.... thats a good idea!
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
15 Jul 09
I try to eat between 4 and 5 a week. I like them alot especially with my cereal. I will also have banana splits during the summer and eat them more during the summer months. They are also very good for you.
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
17 Jul 09
mmm with the cereal sounds good... I will have to try that... I have had berries with cereal before but never bananas.... thanks!
@candy2306 (576)
• India
10 Jul 09
I don't know how many exactly, but I eat one banana a day. I prefer to have after my lunch or dinner. It's good for digestion and too much banana is not good for health. As banana has high in potassium!
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
13 Jul 09
thanks so much... eyah thats why I was asking abotu how many you should have... I realize that they have lots of potassium thanks again!!! :)
@Nygellz (12)
• United States
17 Jul 09
one a day is fine its a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and manganese.
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
27 Jul 09
wow thanks for the info happy mylotting
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
11 Sep 10
Well i eat two bananas per day. And am lean person, so i take green bananas and it really helps in adding weight.